
小学英语课件:unit 12 Famous People

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上海419论坛小学英语课件:unit 12 Famous People

  小学英语课件:unit 12 Famous People

小学英语课件:unit 12 Famous People

  摘要: unit 12 Famous People New Words and Expressions 1. record v. 录音 录制 2. hit n. 十分成功之事(尤指电影、歌曲或戏剧) 3. album n. 簿 册;唱片 4. Ulm n. 乌尔姆[德意志联邦共和国南部城市]或译乌耳姆

  unit 12 Famous People

  New Words and Expressions

  1. record v. 录音 录制

上海419论坛  2. hit n. 十分成功之事(尤指电影、歌曲或戏剧)

  3. album n. 簿 册;唱片

  4. Ulm n. 乌尔姆[德意志联邦共和国南部城市](或译乌耳姆)

上海419论坛  5. theory of relativity 相对论

  6. composer n. 作家 作曲家

上海419论坛  7. playwright n. 剧作家 dramatist

  8.Stratford-upon-Avon 埃文河畔斯特拉特福 英国剧作家莎士比亚故乡.

  Warwickshire 沃里克郡

  9. will n. 遗嘱

  10. out of 出于

  11. beloved a./n. 被热爱的(人)

  12. hit the ice 打到了冰球;也是一美国电影名-冰上曲棍球

  e.g. He hit the ice well behind the puck and a little bit too much torque on the stick.他打到了冰球后面的冰上,对球棍承受的扭力有点太大了。

  13. get a real treat 受到款待 难得的享受

上海419论坛  e.g. A day in the country is a real treat for a city person.


上海419论坛  原文来源: 小学英语课件:unit 12 Famous People

上海419论坛  14. failure n. a situation in which something stops working or doesn’t produce衰竭

  15. bring him around to cause him to regain conciousness 使他苏醒

上海419论坛  16. infect v. (疾病)感染 传染

上海419论坛  17. generous checks: Checks bearing amounts of money that are considered more than usual or unexpectedly large. Milton Petrie was a generous man who always showed kindness to people sffering from personal disasters by sending them checks bearing a sum of money that was more than they would exoect to receive.

上海419论坛  18. at rink level behind the glass.

上海419论坛  Reeve sat behind the shatterproof glass(防碎玻璃) in a position that is of the same height as the rink to watch the game. The word rink is used to refer to the arena(场地) for sports like skakting, ice hockey or curling.

上海419论坛  19. incurable a. 无法治愈的 无可救药的'

上海419论坛  20. vain a. 自负的 徒劳地

上海419论坛  in vain ad. 白费力气的 徒劳的

上海419论坛  21. sociology n. 社会学

上海419论坛  22. theology n. 神学 宗教研究

上海419论坛  23. march n. 游 行

  24. protester/or n. 抗议者

上海419论坛  25. mourn v. 感到悲痛 哀悼

  26. assassinate v. 暗杀 行刺

  27. bestseller n. 畅销书 畅销带/CD

  《unit 12 Famous People》由留学编辑整理

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