
小学五下英语Unit 3课件

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小学五下英语Unit 3课件

  下面是小编收集整理的小学五下英语Unit 3课件,希望对您有所帮助!如果你觉得不错的话,欢迎分享!

小学五下英语Unit 3课件


上海419论坛  1、知识目标:

  (1) 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 take, get on ,get off ,walk, street

  (2) 能听懂、会说、会读单词 ask the way,get to,bookshop,next to,ask…for help turn left turn right on your left/right

上海419论坛  (3) 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 Excuse me, how do I get to...? You can get on the metro at... Then, walk togo along



上海419论坛  (1) 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 take, get on ,get off ,walk, street

上海419论坛  (2) 能听懂、会说、会读单词 ask the way, get to, bookshop, next to, ask…for help, turn left ,turn right, on your left/right





上海419论坛  Step 1 Warming up & lead-in

  1. Sing a song

  T: Do you like singing? Let’s sing a song. You can sing very well..

  (学唱“兔子舞”,相机学习单词left right )

上海419论坛  (通过学生熟悉的音乐旋律,“兔子舞”巧妙学习歌词,提前渗透 left turn left on your left ,right turn right, on your right),既能起到课前热身的作用,又为文本的学习做了铺垫。)

上海419论坛  2. Free talk

上海419论坛  T: I am Su Hai, What’s your name? Where do you live? How do you come to school?

  T: Great! Today, I am very happy. Because there is a party in my home. Would you like to come to my party? (Yes.)

  T: Thank you. You should answer my questions. Where do I live? Where is my home? How do you get to my home? (出示2张不同的`地图)Which map is true? You can ask me for help.

  通过师生自由会话简单自然过渡到本单元有关问路及指路的话题,新授短语get to, ask…for help.

  T: (出示人物图片)Now, my friend Yang Ling also wants to know the way to my home. Today, We are going to learn new lesson Unit 3 Asking the way板书课题Unit 3 Asking the way

上海419论坛  (通过参加SuHai的聚会来激起学生寻找路线图的兴趣,课堂中,大家齐心解决疑问,分享成果,一起收获,共同提高。高年级学生不应总是由教师扶着学习,老师可根据教材的难易程度放手让学生自主学习。)

  Step 2 Presentation

  1. Watch the cartoon, then answer:

  How many places are there in the story? Who are in the story?

  2. Listen and tick ,then try to say the phrases: Park Station, bookshop, Moon Street, City Library Station…

上海419论坛  3. Watch the cartoon and fill in the blank.

  教学go along/walk to, traffic lights, get on, get off

  4.Listen and repeat


  Step 3 Practice for reading

  1. Read together

上海419论坛  2. Read in roles

  3. Act out the story


上海419论坛  Step4 Consolidation

  1.Play a guessing game: show some maps ,then try to describe and guess.

  2. Show time : How do you get home from your school? Please draw a map and give directions.


  Step 5Summary

上海419论坛  1. 完成《伴你学》“我交流”的第三项

  2. Writing time: write some words on the paper.

上海419论坛  Step 6 Homework


  A. Listen to the tape and follow it two times.

上海419论坛  B. 完成《伴你学》Story time剩下的题目


上海419论坛  A. Try to recite the story time.试着复述story time 部分。

上海419论坛  B.仿照story time 设计路线图并编写对话,试着与父母交流。

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