

时间:2024-04-17 13:46:25 蔼媚 游戏 我要投稿
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  一次有趣的游戏英语作文 1


上海419论坛  Today, when I was in the picture reading class, the teacher asked us to play a game called "drum beating and flower passing". But we have neither drum nor flower, so we use blackboard eraser to knock on blackboard and use Xue Xinruis bag to make flower.

上海419论坛  老师规定她敲黑板擦的时候,小朋友们传薛馨瑞的包;黑板擦停止敲的时候,包传到谁的手里,谁就给大家表演节目。老师让先从我开始。老师说完,然后背过身去说:“准备——开始!”我就快速地把包传给旁边的小朋友。

  The teacher stipulated that when she knocked on the blackboard eraser, the children would pass on Xue Xinruis bag; when the blackboard eraser stopped knocking, the bag would be put into the hands of everyone who would perform the program. The teacher asked me to start first. The teacher said, then turned his back and said, "prepare to start!" I quickly passed the bag to the children next to me.

上海419论坛  我旁边的小朋友又传给下一个小朋友,这样我们一个接一个地传下去。大家都害怕最后传到自己的手中,气氛紧张而又兴奋。当老师突然停止敲动的`时候,正好传到薛馨润的手中,于是罚他表演节目。薛馨润模仿了一个大猩猩走路。动作夸张,样子非常可爱,把大家都逗笑了。薛馨润表演完以后,老师又继续敲动黑板擦,游戏继续进行!

  The children next to me passed on to the next one, so we passed on one by one. Everyone was afraid that it would finally reach them. The atmosphere was tense and excited. When the teacher suddenly stopped knocking, it just reached Xue Xinruns hands, so he was punished for performing. Xue Xinrun imitated a gorilla walking. The exaggerated action and lovely appearance made everyone laugh. After Xue Xinruns performance, the teacher continued to knock the eraser and the game continued!

  一次有趣的游戏英语作文 2


上海419论坛  Today, we played a game of drawing the nose.


  The teacher drew a doll on the blackboard. He had a pair of bright eyes, but a nose was missing.


上海419论坛  The teacher covered a classmates eyes with two red scarf, and let her turn around for three times. Then she didnt know the southeast, northwest, and began to draw her nose. It took her a long time to finish the painting. Its not bad. Her nose is a little bit worse. The next few students do not know where to draw the nose, some on the eyebrows, some on the top of the head, some outside the head. We all laughed. The last classmate came on the stage, but almost succeeded.


  Im so happy today!

  一次有趣的游戏英语作文 3

上海419论坛  幼儿园教室里怎么会有一个大娃娃,身上全是眼睛呢?原来,老师带着大家在玩贴眼睛游戏。

  How can there be a big baby in the kindergarten classroom with eyes all over it? It turns out that the teacher is playing the game of sticking eyes with everyone.


上海419论坛  The rules of the game are as follows: take an eye in each students hand, and then stick it on the big doll one by one.

上海419论坛  游戏开始了,第八个上场的是我,老师把布,系到我的头上,这时,我心里非常紧张。由于太紧张了,我居然把眼睛贴到了脖子上!同学们笑得前仰后合,有得使劲的拍桌子,有得都要把肚皮笑破了。不一会儿,这个娃娃身上就贴满了许许多多的大眼睛。

上海419论坛  The game started. The eighth player was me. The teacher tied the cloth to my head. At this time, I was very nervous. Because of the tension, I actually put my eyes on my neck! The students laugh back and forth, have to beat the table hard, have to laugh. Soon, the doll was covered with many big eyes.

上海419论坛  那欢快的`笑声,在教室里久久回荡。

  The happy laughter reverberated in the classroom for a long time.

  一次有趣的游戏英语作文 4



  她首先请几个同学上去。把这几张卡片翻到背面,给每个同学发了一张。然后,这些同学不看,把卡片面向大家,他们一个人一个人轮流用英语猜出水果是什么。他们要这样说“Is it a pear?”,其他同学回答“yes”或者“no”。一个人可以猜5次机会,而我们这次学的却有十几个单词。







  一次有趣的游戏英语作文 5


  Today, the teacher played an interesting game with us - stick nose.


  First of all, the teacher drew a doll on the blackboard. This doll has big eyes, red mouth, but no nose. The teacher said to invite smart students to play the game of sticking noses.

上海419论坛  游戏开始了,老师选了贺天艳来贴。老师用帽子蒙住她的眼睛,在让她左右各转三圈,转的她头运眼花,分不清方向了。只见她东摸摸,西摸摸,最后把鼻子贴在了娃娃的下巴上。下面的同学都哈哈大笑。她取下帽子,也不好意思的笑了……

  The game began, the teacher chose he Tianyan to paste. The teacher covered her eyes with a hat and made her turn around three times. Her head was full of eyesight and couldnt distinguish the direction. Only to see her East touch, West touch, finally put her nose on the chin of the doll. The following students all laughed. She took off her hat and smiled awkwardly


上海419论坛  Later, many students are scrambling to play this game. Its very interesting!

  一次有趣的游戏英语作文 6

上海419论坛  我记得我第1次玩游戏的时候我很高兴因为那是第一次玩游戏,那是一个益智游戏叫割绳子,专门动脑子的,意思是让大家想想怎么让小青蛙吃到糖果最后给你一个分数,然后继续下一关。


  I remember the first time I played the game, I was very happy because it was the first time I played the game. It was a puzzle game called cutting rope, which was specially used for thinking. It means that we should think about how to let the little frog eat the candy and give you a score at last, and then continue to the next level.

  Its very interesting.The puzzle game can broaden our thinking, but it also has some disadvantages, such as wasting time and energy At that time, I thought that the game had only advantages and no disadvantages.

  一次有趣的游戏英语作文 7

上海419论坛  下午,老师带着我们去玩老鹰捉小鸡的游戏。

上海419论坛  In the afternoon, the teacher took us to play the game of Eagle catching chicken.

上海419论坛  游戏开始了,小鸡们都纷纷躲在母鸡的身后,老鹰嗷嗷地叫着向一只小鸡猛地扑了过去,母鸡死死地盯着老鹰,不让老鹰靠近小鸡,老鹰想绕过母鸡去捉小鸡,可是,它走到哪儿,母鸡就跟到哪儿,根本没法靠近小鸡。所以,老鹰的第一个阴谋被识破了。这时,老鹰找准机会,又朝另一只小鸡猛扑过去,母鸡奋下顾身地保护着小鸡,正当老鹰准备扑向小鸡时,母鸡突然出现在了老鹰的面前,张开双翅,挡住了它的去路。就这样,老鹰的`第二次进攻又失败了。

上海419论坛  The game begins, the chicks are hiding behind the hen, the Hawk screams to a chicken and pours at it, the hen stares at the Eagle and keeps the Eagle away from the chick. The Eagle wants to bypass the hen to catch the chick. However, wherever it goes, the hen will follow where it goes, which is not reliable Close to chicken. So the first plot of Eagle was discovered. At this time, the Eagle looked for the opportunity and rushed to another chicken. The hen spared no effort to protect the chicken. Just as the Eagle was ready to pounce on the chicken, the hen suddenly appeared in front of the Eagle, spreading her wings and blocking its way. In this way, the second attack of Eagle failed again.


  How happy the students are!

  一次有趣的游戏英语作文 8


上海419论坛  Dad said, "you have to play games and activities after class, you know!"


上海419论坛  After my father said that, I would play with my classmates every time after class. Among them, I like to play "Eagles catch chickens" best The eagle catches the chicken "can not only increase the body sensitivity of wisdom, but also make people enjoy playing.


上海419论坛  Once, I was in the last row when I was a chicken. The eagle tried to catch my poor chicken from behind the chicken mother, but I found it. I dodged nimbly. The eagle jumped into the air and almost fell. "Eagle" to get their "booty" again, the class bell rang. Students are running in the classroom.


  We had a short time between classes, but it was unforgettable.

  一次有趣的游戏英语作文 9

上海419论坛  我喜欢的一种游戏是玩橡皮泥,妈妈给我买一盒橡皮泥,我先拿了一块白色的橡皮泥,我把白色的橡皮泥堆成了一座小小的金字塔,我又拿了一块橡皮泥,把它做成了一朵小花。

  One of my favorite games is to play plasticine. My mother bought me a box of plasticine. I took a piece of white plasticine first. I piled the white plasticine into a small pyramid. I took another piece of plasticine and made it into a small flower.


上海419论坛  I think the plasticine is very interesting, and there are many colors, such as red, yellow, orange, green, green, purple, blue. The color is really colorful! Ah, I made the green plasticine into a little white rabbit. The little white rabbit is very cute. I really like playing with the plasticine!

  一次有趣的游戏英语作文 10

上海419论坛  今天是放假的最后一天了,爸爸带我去人民公园。

  Today is the last day of holiday. Dad took me to the peoples Park.


上海419论坛  我跟着爸爸又去了很多地方,最后我们来到了勇敢者的乐园——攀岩。攀岩的人很多,他们都很勇敢。有个小孩和我年龄差不多,身上只系着一根绳子,就开始在陡峭的`石壁攀爬。他爬到一半的时候,手一松掉了下,来大家一声惊呼,幸好系着安全绳。大家以为他一定不会继续下去可是这个勇敢的小孩最终按响胜利的铃声。爸爸我比他勇敢多了,下次看我的”我自信的说。

  I followed my father to many places, and finally we came to the paradise of the brave - rock climbing. There are many climbers. They are brave. There was a child about my age who started climbing on the steep cliff with only one rope attached to him. Half way through the climb, he let go of his hands and let everyone scream. Fortunately, he was wearing a safety rope. They thought he would not go on, but the brave child finally rang the bell of victory. Dad, Im much braver than him. Next time, Ill see him, "I said confidently.









