

时间:2022-12-01 13:59:58 我要投稿




  下雪了的英语作文 篇1


  I saw the white snow: covered with branches,covered with grass,covered with houses,like cotton quilts on the ground,looking very warm.


  In the evening,on the way back to my hometown,the fields on both sides of the road are full of snow.I watched the white snow and the sky as if the sky and the ground were connected and foggy,like the foggy rainbow.There is ice in the river by the side of the road.I really want to go down and skate!

上海419论坛  我喜欢看雪的颜色,雪白雪白的.外教老师曾经讲过:在国外白色代表和平.妈妈说:白色还代表纯洁.

上海419论坛  I like to see the color of snow.It's white.The foreign teacher once said: white represents peace in foreign countries.Mother said: white also represents purity.

  下雪了的英语作文 篇2


上海419论坛  I started to look through the calendar again and again very early,looking forward to the steps of winter.


上海419论坛  It really snowed today! Looking at it,there is a snow covered road and some dead trees.Big trees and small trees all point out their white arms to space.Those who can stand out from the cold wind must be worthy of our respect.

上海419论坛  窗外,一幢幢楼房,都是白雪盖立.石头上仿佛铺了一层纱巾.

  Outside the window,buildings are covered with snow.The stone seems to be covered with a layer of gauze.

上海419论坛  我感到了冬天的气息.

  I feel the smell of winter.

  下雪了的英语作文 篇3

上海419论坛  雪,大家都觉的很冷,可我不这麽认为,我认为雪是纯洁的象征,它洁白,干净.但是它只经的住严寒的考验,却经不住温暖的熏陶,尽管如此,我还是喜欢它,喜欢大雪纷飞的景象,喜欢雪落在地上的白色,阳光一照,仿佛给大地铺上了一层银色的地毯,美极了,和要好的朋友一起去看雪景,美极了,独自一人看雪花飘落,美极了,总而言之,我就是爱雪,堆好的雪人我觉得他们充满了生机,我这么爱雪,你呢?

上海419论坛  Snow,everyone feels very cold,but I don't think so.I think snow is a symbol of purity.It's white and clean.But it can only stand the cold test,but it can't stand the warm influence

上海419论坛  .Nevertheless,I still like it,like the scene of heavy snow flying,like the white snow falling on the ground,the sun shining,as if to lay a layer of silver carpet on the earth,beautiful,and good friends to see the snow,beautiful,alone to see the snowflake falling,beautiful,all in all I just love snow.I think the snowmen are full of life.I love snow so much.How about you?

  下雪了的英语作文 篇4

上海419论坛  Snow floated down,sprinkled on the earth.Fuzzy throughout the world.What a beautiful little snowflake! As sacred to give people gifts on here on earth.Warm everyone's heart.And like the noble white swan,jitter white wings,landed on earth.Light snow flowers larger,dense,sprinkled on the flowers,trees,issued a "rustling" sound,like a beautiful,beautiful song in the snow.

  Light snow flower more the more thick,like the countless white petals fall down and fly in the earth.Later,under the snow,the greater the light snow flower in the air you pull me pull,you hug me,I hold you tight,how close! The whole world into a white,very beautiful.As snow,gently stroking the earth,glowing through the every corner of the earth,the earth on the silver plating.This charming snowflakes,like white castle danced in the air.And as they have shed the petals,flying.The goose feather snow,warm everyone's winter,warm everyone's heart,make this better world isbecoming more perfect...

  下雪了的英语作文 篇5

  Have you ever seen where the first snow flake folly Is it on the country road,on the branch of an old oak tree,on the wheat fields in the plain,or between the peaks of the mountain range?

  See the snowflakes leaping,dancing like flowers in the whirling wind.The flowers have six angles.Sometimes they are like stars.Sometimes they are only white dots,and they keep on falling gently in silence.

上海419论坛  Without your knowing it,the fields,houses,trees and the whole earth are enwloped in a thin coat of snow.I love snow,because it is saintly pure.

上海419论坛  Winter differsfromthe other seasons in that it is not as warmag spring,neither as hot as summer,nor as sad as autumn.The snowflake has her own grace and inspiration.It seems tender,yet it is amazingly attractive.

  The snowflakes are flying here and there and everywhere.It seems as if they are little stars in the universe moving along their own orbit.Look! What a spotless silvery world,how great,how magnificent!

  Awayfromthe crowds of people,I stroll alone in the snow.Standing in the snow,flakes of snow float over my head,kissing me on the cheecks and falling on my eyebrow.Some make their way into my collar and some tall into my mouth.It tastes sweet.

上海419论坛  Looking at this silver white world,thoughts well up in my mind.I feel as if I hadbecome a part of them

  Some people say snow may bring you joy and happiness.Others think snow can get rid of the dirt in the world.Still others believe snow will purify one’s soul,and there are those who hold the view that snow can melt all the evils in its purity and sincerely......

  Oh,snow,you are as pure and white aa the angel in heaven.You come silently and generously protect everything in the world.You melt quietly and nourish a green spring.

  Oh,snow,I love you.

  下雪了的英语作文 篇6

上海419论坛  The first fall of snow is not only an event but it is a magical event.You go to bed in one kind of world and wake up to find yourself in another quite different,and if this is not enchantment,then where is it to be found?

上海419论坛  The very stealth,the eerie quietness,of the thing makes it more magical.Ifall the snow fell at once in one shattering crash,awakening us in the middle of the night the event would be robbed of its wonder.But it flutters down,soundless,hour after hour while we are asleep.Outside the closed curtains of the bedroom a vast transfbrmation scene is takiag place,just as if a myriad elves and brownies were at work,and we turn and yawn and stretch and know nothing about it.And then,what an extraordinary change it is! It is as if the house continent.Even the inside,which has not been touched,seems different,every room appearing smaller and cosier,just as if some power were trying to turn it into a woodcutter's hut or a snug logcabin.

  Outside,where the garden was yesterday,there is now a white and glistening level,and the village beyond is no longer your own familiar cluster of roofs but a village in an old German fairy-tale.You would not be surprised to learn that all the people there,the speetacled postmistress,the cobbler,the retired school master,and the rest,had suffered a change too and hadbecome queer elvish beings,purveyors of invisible caps and magic shoes.You yourselves do not feel quite the same people you were yesterday.How could you not when so much has been changed? There is a curious stir,a little shiver of excite-ment,troubling the house,not unlike the feeling there is abroad when a journey has to be made.The children,of course,are all excitement but even the adults hang about and talk to one another longer than usual before setting down to the day's work.Nobody can resist the windows.It is like being on board a ship.

  下雪了的英语作文 篇7

上海419论坛  This morning I wake up,I found white outside,it's snowing! I quickly got dressed and went downstairs grandma.

  Came to the front,foot in the white snow "through" the sound.The tree,the roof,the car is covered white snow,snow in the tree,in particular,like pieces of blooming flowers.Covered with white snow vehicle,does not know by which the naughty boy painted all kinds of pictures,very funny.

  When I was watching the snow,my back doesn't know what was hit,I looked back a look,turned out to be a grandma threw a snowball,I rub a good big snowball away in the past,hit on the head of the grandma.In this way,a "snowball fight" began.Finally,we both tired,exhausted,grandma said: "ok,don't play,go home!" "Well,I'm tired too." I replied.

  Upstairs came home,I reluctantly took one look at the beautiful snow,really good beautiful beauty.




上海419论坛  上楼回家的时候,我依依不舍地看了一眼那美丽的雪景,真的好美好美.

  下雪了的英语作文 篇8

上海419论坛  Its snowing,its snowing...The long-awaited snow finally fell.Her arrival brought happiness to our children.

  A vast expanse of whiteness.Mom and Dad took my brother and I downstairs to play with the snow,only to see the snowflakes fluttering downfromthe air.The snowflakes fall on the trees,and the trees seem to wear new white clothes; the snowflakes fall on the roofs,and the roofs seem to wear white hats; the snowflakes fall on the grass,and the grass seems to be covered with a white wool blanket,which is extremely beautiful.

  The childrenall come out to play with the snow,some are having snowfights,some are making snowmen,and some are shaking the snow off the small trees.

  Everywhere is the sound of childrens play and joy,the earth immersed in a joy.

  下雪了的英语作文 篇9

上海419论坛  Now,it’s winter that I like most.In my city,it often snows in winter.Last night,the first snow of this winter came.It was heavy.This morning,when I opened the curtains of my room,my eyes were full filled with white.It was so amazing and I miss this beautiful scenery a lot.

  I put on warm cloth and go to school happily,because it’s play time for me and my classmates.We can play many interesting games with snow.


  下雪了的英语作文 篇10

  "It's snowing!" I shouted in surprise,large tracts of goose feather snow down,ah! Looking good! The tree,on the roof,the car is white.

  Snowfromaluminium leisurely in the sky,like the white butterfly fluttered in the wind.You look! Snow girl footprint has covered throughout the world - pale green lawn snowflakes,froma distance,just like a sea of silver: of wild flowers in the small andexquisite,somesnow coming into a small water droplets,as if in the blossom of each white crystal diamonds,dress up the flowers; Trees covered with silver,dancing in the breeze slowly with a big burly figure,is a winter dance.

  Originally quiet garden,has now been hilarious,lively and lovely children happy frolic on the lawn,some collection white; Is going to make a lovely snowman; Some beautiful snowflakesfromtime to time picked upfromthe ground,rub and make it a light snow ball,to castthe companions: some accidentally fell covered with the snow,in a swaggering winsome snowman,how interesting sight!

上海419论坛  What a big snow,I like snow!





  下雪了的英语作文 篇11

上海419论坛  When I got up at half past six this morning,the sky was covered with dark clouds.Then I heard someone shouting,"It is snowing!It is snowing!"I ran out to the doorway and saw snowflakes falling gently down in the air.I was excited,because I had never seen snow in my hometown in the south.This is the first snow in Beijing this year and also the first snow I have seen in my life.I think the other freshmen at our collegewho comefromthe south must experience the same excitement just as i do.

  After breakfast,the snowbecomes heavier.Large flakes are flying in the air.They seem like countless white bees or small white flowers or weightless white feathers.Soon the worldbecomes a white one.Buildings,trees,the ground,lawns,cars,roads are all covered with white blankets of snow.The snow lends the world a particular kind of beauty.

上海419论坛  We make a giant snowman in the basketball court,singing,dancing,shouting around it for quite a while until it is lunch time.

  We know the snow will benefit the wheat in the fields and do good to people's health,so we hope there will be more snow this winter.

上海419论坛  当我今天早上六点半起床,天空布满了乌云.然后我听到有人大喊:“下雪了!这是下雪!“我跑出门口,看见雪花飘落在空中.我很兴奋,因为我从未见过雪在我的家乡在南方.这是今年的第一场雪在北京,也在我的生活中我所见过的第一场雪.我认为,其他我们学院新生来自韩国必须经历相同的兴奋和我一样.


上海419论坛  我们制造一个巨大的雪人在篮球场,唱歌,跳舞,周围喊了好一阵子,直到午饭时间.


  下雪了的英语作文 篇12


上海419论坛  小城,静静等候,这冬的使者,像似在等远方恋人.雪花在小城的街上,楼上,人工湖里,随风飘舞.把个小城打扮的洁白晶莹,纯洁美丽.小城美美的陶醉了,任雪花抚摸自己的全身,轻吻自己的脸.雪花轻盈在街道上洒下一层厚厚的情,在公园的松树上留下许多美丽的倩影,在小湖边轻闻恋人们的嬉笑,在游嬉广场见证了恋人们双双足迹.小城拥着初雪在夕阳的余辉里,红妆素裹,像恋人似的情深意切,静静相守,白头到老.

上海419论坛  雪花默默地落满我的窗台,像似在等待什么.也许它们知道,我已经等它们一年了,就像等我离去多年的恋人.初雪飘飘,如鹅毛朵朵,煞是好看!它,曾经无数次在我梦中,演绎那段刻骨铭心的爱情.洁白茫茫的雪野,古朴的小屋,清晰的两行脚印,飘扬的红色围巾,在我记忆天空里,如云朵般美丽,每次,思念在雪花飞舞里,会疯长成一棵参天大树,然而,失望却在一次次的等待中,如石子落满心田.注定海枯石烂的誓言,总会被时间风化成尘埃.唯有初雪会如期赶来,一次一次的安慰我受伤的心.雪花飘飘,窈窕多姿,犹如那温柔的恋人,在我周围絮语轻轻,温情脉脉,感化心中郁闷哀伤,留下一个清纯静美的世界.



上海419论坛  初雪轻轻地走了.给大地带来深深的情,给小城带来浓浓的爱,给我带来苦苦的恋.


  Snow,hurriedly drove the wind gently into the embrace of the earth.The autumn winter fades and the horn in the field played,snowflakes flying in the sky,in a hurry to depart,fills the sky,some in autumn can scarcely wait,the curtain call,to float in the air.The harvest of the wilderness,and in West,or humming a happy song,welcome the snow will be temporary.The fertile land had already been exposed chest,to wait a year lover,snowflakes dancing with a beautiful dance,like countless little swan,quietly in the embrace of the earth,pure white snow,affectionate touching,the earth moved to tears,happy tears touched the sky little,woods moved away.People hearing snow came,quickly ran out of the door,singing and dance in the snow,beautiful angels celebrate this long.

  Small town,waiting quietly,the messenger of winter,like waiting for lovers in the distance.The snow in the town street,upstairs,artificial lake,dancing in the wind.A small town dressed white crystal,pure and beautiful.The town beautiful intoxicated,as snow touching his body,kiss my face.Light snow sprinkled a layer of thick love in the streets,leaving many beautiful shadows in the park of the Pine Lake,in the light smell of lovers laughing,in the square to see the lovers play both tracks.The town to hold snow in the afterglow of sunset,clad in white,like a lover like affectionate,quietly spendreach old age together.

  Snowflakes are falling silently on my windowsill,like waiting for something.Maybe they know,I've been waiting for them for a year,just like the lovers I've been away for years.The first snow came,such as feather blossoming,truly beautiful! It had countless times in my dream,and deduces that The imprint is engraved on my heart.love.The vast white snow,quaint cottage,clear two footprints,waving the red scarf,in my memory in the sky,such as cloud like beauty,every time,miss in the snow,will be crazy to grow into a big tree,however,disappointed but in a time of waiting,such as stone was falling tian.Destined to lasting pledge,there will always be time weathered into dust.Only the snow will be rushed to the scene,a comfort my broken heart.Snow durian,thin variety,like the gentle lover,full of tender feelings around me whisper gently,depressed,affect the sorrow,leaving a pure and quiet beauty of the world.

  Every time I was unable to part,quietly standing in the snow,quietly watching the snow melt.They are often full of tears,I know that this world is very short to snow.However,this pure snowflake,in the heart has not let go,like love deep lover,always live in my heart.Snow is love,you see the snow falling in my palm,leaving tears clear,this is not its love for me?

上海419论坛  I want to thank the tenderness,like flowers,warm my love,I want to thank the tenderness,fire,the warmth of my world,I would like to thank the snow,Rouqingsishui,moisten my heart.

  Snow quietly.Bring deep affection to the earth,bring deep love to the small town,bring me bitter love.

  下雪了的英语作文 篇13


上海419论坛  看下雪了,这是20xx年的第一场雪,虽然比起去年的大雪来说要小得多,但同样让我很是欣喜.


上海419论坛  果不其然,早上我准备上学,开门一看外面,把我惊呆了!爸爸真的说对了,外面下了很厚很厚的雪.我看到门前的雪别说是骑车,走路都很困难,我为难了.我在外面大叫起来:“爸爸,下了厚厚的大雪,我怎么上学去呀!”爸爸走出来笑了,他说:“有什么大不了的',爸爸正好要去锻炼身体,今天爸爸陪你一同步行走到你们学校去再回来,爸爸就等于锻炼了,一路还能看雪景呢!”

上海419论坛  我和爸爸走在上学的路上,觉得空气特别的新鲜,晶莹剔透的雪让人顿时觉得像走进了童话世界……我观赏着这雪的美景,心情格外的舒畅,一路上遇到了许多同学.由于下了大雪,他们都是步行上学,大家有说有笑.我们还拿雪球互相打闹,一时间我们忘记了一切,开心地笑着,打闹着!爸爸在一旁催促说:“快走吧!要迟到了!”我这才反应过来,想到是在上学的路上,便加快了脚步.


上海419论坛  白茫茫的雪地,白茫茫的雪树,玩着冰凉的雪球,真是别有一番情趣.


  Winter,pure and beautiful.It is made of snow and covered with the earth with its own white body.At this time,everything is wrapped,a pair of pure.The bare branches covered with pure white "pear",the wind blows,the flowers falling,like a silver white butterfly dancing in the air."Suddenly,such as spring night,the trees of pear blossoms",this poem is not praise the winter?

  Look,it's snowing.It's the first snow in20XX,although it's much smaller than last year's snow,but it makes me happy too.

上海419论坛  When our school day,overcast day,feather like snowflakes flying all over the sky,I pushed my bike out of school.Looking up,I saw my father waiting there and looking around the school gate.My father was afraid that the road would not be good enough to pick me up.The road was slippery,and we were afraid of slipping,and we had to push the car home.Dad said to me on the road,"it looks like it's going to be snowing heavily.If you do this,it's going to be very thick tomorrow morning."!"

  Indeed,I am going to school in the morning,open the door to look outside,I was shocked! Dad said to the outside,the very thick snow.I saw the snow in front of the door.It was difficult to walk.It was difficult for me to walk.I was embarrassed.Outside I yelled: "Dad,under the thick snow,how do I go to school!" my father went out laughing,he said: "what's the big deal,dad just want to exercise today,Dadaccompany you walk you back to sync to the school,my father is to exercise,a road can see snow!"

上海419论坛  My father and I walked on the way to school,and felt that the air was special and fresh,and the glittering and translucent snow made us feel like walking into the fairy tale world......I admire the beauty of the snow,the mood isparticularly comfortable,along the way met a lot of classmates.Because of the heavy snow,they all walked to school,and they talked and laughed.We also take snowball to tackle each other,one time we forget everything,laughing,playing! Father urged aside said: "let's go! To be late!" I just react,think is on the way to school,will speed up the pace.

  The earth like a silvery white,covered with a thick carpet.The trees on the house were all dressed in white dress,waving to us frequently.The cars on the highway are in slow running,the driver will be careful,lest the fast traffic accident.Although the thick snow on the road,let us deep foot shallow foot walk,the weather is particularly cold,but my heart is not tired,do not feel cold.I think this snow makes the world pure and beautiful,without any stains,let me breathe feel the air is so fresh,I want to play for a while! It not to go to school,I won't go so fast! I think,has come to the front of the school gate.I looked at the snow outside,reluctant to say goodbye to them.I turned my head to bid farewell to the father,and the students walked into the school,the school is also covered with a thick layer of white carpet,early to the students have begun to snow,I hurried into the classroom,put the bag,also joined the ranks of the snow.We swept the snow,not tired at all,as if the snow has added strength to us!

  White snow,white snow trees,playing with cold snowballs,really do not have a taste.

  下雪了的英语作文 篇14

  Now,it’s winter that I like most.In my city,it often snows in winter.Last night,the first snow of this winter came.It was heavy.This morning,when I

  opened the curtains of my room,my eyes were full filled with white.It was so amazing and I miss this beautiful scenery a lot.I put on warm cloth and go to

  school happily,because it’s play time for me and my classmates.We can play many interesting games with snow.

  下雪了的英语作文 篇15

上海419论坛  I am particularly happy today,because today it's snowing!

  I get up a mother let me put on more clothes,I hurriedly put clothes ready to go downstairs,as soon as I go downstairs to play up! I pack a lot of snowballs,mom went downstairs to buy food after,I picked up a package of snowballs threw in the past,mother not only don't know is I throw,also back to smile to me.Such as mom go not too far awayfromme,I throw it again,this time mom discovered,I quickly ran away.See mom gas head like a blaze,a good laugh at me! After a while,my Cousins,together we pack a lot of snow,and the two different big snowball into the snowman's head,not a snowman heap was set up in a moment.And then we play the snow battle,each of us take throw snowball teach parents,adults also picked up a snowball throwing to the top of the head to us and feet.We also play with little cousin skating,small cousin almost under a cross fork,fortunately,we helped her to get up.

  It's snowing,we play really happy!

上海419论坛  今天我特别开心,因为今天下雪了!



  下雪了的英语作文 篇16

  I did believe the snow was not a scene but a great wonder.It brought me much more than it had.

上海419论坛  What a big snow I have never seen! What a beautiful snow I have never enjoy.

  When I went out for schoolfromhome,I was doomed to get a wonder.Everything seemed unlucky to me.I left the umbrella at home; I couldnt unlock my bike and a big truck held up the traffic,which took me above 5 minutes to pass the road.At last I met Charlie and we were both late for the maths class.If it happened the day before,we would go to our seats without saying anything.But today we were forced to stand outside in the cold wind because of the head teachers bad mood.I didnt want to say anything.It was useless.So I began to stand with Charlie.

  After a short while,we both felt so cold that we couldnt speak a word.The world seemed very quiet.I suddenly found there was a lot of thin ice droppingfromthe sky.Ice! I shouted to Charlie who soon became excited the same as me.We expected for the snow but nothing happened.

  After class,the head teacher didnt seem to let us in.We had to stand outside for at least one more class.When the bell rang he went to teach in Class 19.

上海419论坛  If you asked me whether I had seen a big snow before that day,I would tell you I couldnt remember.But during that period I got the answer.

上海419论坛  The ice turned white and turned to snow quietly.We were immersed in it without any word.From little to big,the snow changed out of my imagination.With the wind blowing heavily,the snow beat on my face,hair and covered all over my body.We couldnt help shaking in the snow.We opened our mouths to taste the icy snow,stood still in the snow,and enjoyed the wonderful scene ourselves.

  下雪了的英语作文 篇17

  Like snow,enjoy "like night of springbreeze comes suddenly,thousand trees critics,pear flower open" scenery,envy "boat SuoLiWeng,fishing alone like snow" elegant,yearning "Chai Men smell dog,snow night in" life,admire "freeze,you spenda lot of broad mind,like" know that heavy snow night,smell the fold ZhuSheng "of that kind of quiet.Early winter morning,see snow again.

上海419论坛  After dinner in the morning,the sky floating the light snow crystals.Listen to the weather forecast says it's going to snow today,in the heart very much looking forward to,so a quenchless excitement reveal out,"look,it's snowing!" Light snow crystal to play in the body,"" sound,feeling is a wonderful music,along with" snow "flying,there is a lingering feeling.

上海419论坛  Like snow,like her clean as jade,like the way she is voluminous,like her purity of wen wan,like her eyes.

上海419论坛  At noon,the snow,the ground roof into a white,pure white and flawless,like a small elves on earth,brings the Gospel.Although there is no "snow yanshan snowflakes as big as a table",but didn't affect my love for snow.

上海419论坛  Standing in the snow,open mind,in the face of the sky,and close to snow,when the snow melted at the moment of falling face,you'll feel - snow,so beautiful! Leaned forward,open hands,scooped up a handful snowflakes in their hands,want to quietly,quietly,quietly,you will feel happy,so simple!

  下雪了的英语作文 篇18

  The snow white princess prince was rescued after the mad queen,gas.Dressed up as an old woman,into the palace to take Snow White [for Snow White's daughter is very white,so called small peach.

  One day,the queen saw snow white they are not at home,the snow white princess daughter small peach [] to the edge of the well,ready to put Snow White's daughter small peach [],pushed into the well,but Snow White's daughter small peach is very clever,in the queen pushed her,to left run the queen,fell into the well,it was a false alarm over.

  The snow white princess back,the snow white princess daughter small peach [],tell her this matter,the snow white princess told her after careful,small peach told snow white,good.They are one family laughing.

  下雪了的英语作文 篇19

  Recently under a snow,I think human while watch the snow,snow elves are quietly watching the world of human beings!

上海419论坛  Every snow there are myriad elves landed,look! Theyhad come.Snow elves dropped to a classroom,it sees working students returned to his Alma matertightly holding their own teacher,think of it,this probably is the strong emotion between teachers and students! Snow elves and dropped to a room,the room of the young people are able to give their elderly father handed a cup of strong tea,let father son filial piety somewhat moved,think of it,this father and son should be the family! Snow elves and falling into a building,on the stairs it saw a pair of brothers are easily help an old woman carry things.grandma touched I don't know what to say.Think of it,perhaps this is the brotherhood of QinQinDe!

上海419论坛  The weather is fine,the sun is called snow elves home!

  下雪了的英语作文 篇20

上海419论坛  Snow,ah! It's very nice! Winter spring,actually saw the white snow! There are large,some small,flying,really cute!

  The school today,our first class can't go out to play in the snow,urgent we in the classroom was kicking and fighting.Then only lie helplessly on the window to see the high grade students to play in the snow.In class,they put down the snow and ice,have busy ran back to the classroom.I'm looking forward to the class,Ding ding......Last class,we have run out of! Snowball,snowball,also a little snowman! Fat body,big head,a pair of the learned appearance! We returned to the snow man tied a red scarf,especially good-looking!

上海419论坛  The bell rang,we put the little snowman alone in there,I go to school next year,we will make a snowman,snow!

  下雪了的英语作文 篇21

  Today,I see the beautiful snow,snow in the upstairs,I saw the roof covered with a white blanket,I saw the sky floating under the snow white,and I and a few friends tosecond computer outside,snow falling on my face,I feel the face of Bing Bing cool,watched for a while.I feelvery comfortable.

  Listen to Dad,it's a snowfall this winter.Today,this snow has many advantages.It purifies the air,kills bacteria,moistens the earth,and it's so nice to snow.

  下雪了的英语作文 篇22

上海419论坛  It's snowing today! Looking ahead,a few Snow gleams white.road and dense bones of the dead trees,trees and shrubs,all white arms into space.Where can be outstanding in the cold wind,is worthy of our respect.

上海419论坛  Out of the window,a building that is snow krairuek.The stone like laying a layer of gauze.

  I feel the breath of winter.

  下雪了的英语作文 篇23

  Today,I was still sleeping,and I listened to my mother saying it was snowing.I'm so glad to hear that it's snowing.Ha ha...I get up quickly,push the window open and see,wow! What a big snow! On the roof,in the trees,on the car,and on the ground,there was a thick layer of snow.

上海419论坛  I ran down the stairs and played the snow with everyone.We make snowmen snowball fights in the yard to play happy.We do it with a washbasin hat,do it in the nose with carrot,with a ping-pong ball to do it in the mouth,with brightly coloured paper to make it a beautiful dress.We are playing games around small snowmen!

上海419论坛  It's fun and fun to snow! Ha ha...

  下雪了的英语作文 篇24

  Today,we found that the small white translucent snow outside,we happy smile,some people made a snowball fight,and leaves dumplings in the snow,there are people with licking leaves contact snow,we have been playing it back to the class.

  In the afternoon,I suddenly found a thin layer of snow on the roof and the leaves,like a white dress for them.At last,Liu Yeye and I had a pain in the hands.










英语作文:下雪的季节Snow Season08-13