

时间:2021-09-19 14:59:16 五年级英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛  在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是小编为大家收集的五年级英语作文8篇,希望对大家有所帮助。


五年级英语作文 篇1


上海419论坛  他是刚刚转来我们昂立英语班的,个子矮小,但是他的聪明真令人刮目相看。那是他刚来我们班的第一节英语课堂上,他的英语口语真令人赞叹,能用英语和老师进行流利地对话。有些单词和句子我们连听也没听过,更别提用了,可他在与老师的一问一答中显得那么地自如,娴熟,活像一个小洋人似地,满嘴叽里呱啦的,都不知道他们在讲什么,同学们佩服地向他投去了羡慕的目光,还情不自禁的拍起了热烈的掌声,他用英语说了谢谢,我们的掌声更热烈了。老师也用赞赏的目光看着他。


上海419论坛  地说:“请问,这道题的这个单词怎么读?”他说:“ fr ghtened是害怕的意思。”“fr ghtened”我跟他读了两遍,怎么了?那么安静?教室里顿时鸦雀无声,我正奇怪:这是怎么了?原来大家都在听他读英语呢!他是我们班读音最标准的一个,我们都没有读得这么好,有的连不会读。

上海419论坛  他还拿过很多的奖。参加过各种各样的赛事,均获得优异的成绩。在市级英语比赛中,拿过一、二、三等奖简直不计其数。就拿最近的来说吧,今年年初,他到北京参加了全国“倒背如流新概念”大赛中,荣获国家级二等奖的优异成绩,为我们学校挣了光,全校还提倡向他学习呢!

上海419论坛  我校的英语角更是他展示英语水平的平台,他向老外介绍我们柳州的名胜古迹和旅游胜地,就连柳州的小吃——螺蛳粉也让他说得老外馋得直流口水,还连连给他竖起了大拇指。他还会做翻译,把我们要讲的话翻译给老外听,又把老外的意思解释给我们听。我建议如果你要出国,最好带上他,让他来给你当翻译。


五年级英语作文 篇2

  一.以“My day”为题,写一篇短文。

  I get up at 6:50 in the morning. I do morning exercises at 7:00. I go to school at 7:30. I have English class at 10:00. I eat dinner at 6:00 in the evening. I do my homework at 7:00. I go to bed at 9:00. This is my day.

  二.以“My weekend”为题,写一篇短文。

  On Saturday, I usually (often) climb mountains. Sometimes I visit my grandparents and go shopping with my mother. On Sunday, I often play sports and play the piano. Sometimes I take pictures. I like my weekend.

  三.以“My favourite season”为题,从季节,天气,服装,事情等方面写一篇短文。

上海419论坛  My favourite season is spring. The weather is windy and warm. I can wear my sweater. I can fly kites. I can plant trees, too. The trees are green. The flowers are colourful.

  My favourite season is summer. The weather is sunny and hot. I can wear my T-shirt. I can swim in the sea. I can eat ice-cream. The sky is blue. The clouds are white.

上海419论坛  My favourite season is fall. The weather is windy and cool. I can wear my shirt. I can climb mountains. I can go hiking, too. I can eat many fruits.The trees are yellow.

上海419论坛  My favourite season is winter. The weather is windy and cold. I can wear my sweater. I can skate. I can make a snowman, too. I can sleep a long time.


  There are four seasons in a year. I live in Yushan. It’s warm in spring. I can plant trees. It’s hot and sunny in summer. I can swim in the lake. In fall, it’s cool and windy. I can fly kites and go hiking with my friends. In winter, it’s cold. I can wear my coat.


  My birthday is March 12th. It’s in spring. It’s warm. The trees are green. I can plant trees. I can fly kites. I can climb mountains with my friends.


  It’s 7:00 in the evening. Everyone is at home. My father is writing an e-mail. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. My brother is doing homework in the study. My sister is washing the clothes. I am watching TV in the living room. We are happy (busy).

  七.以“At the zoo”为题,写一篇短文。

  Today is Sunday. It’s sunny. I’m at the zoo. Look! The monkey is swinging. The elephants are drinking water. The birds are flying. Oh, no! The lions are fighting. The bear is sleeping.

  八.以“A field trip”为题,写一篇短文。

  Today is Sunday. It’s sunny. We are going on a field trip. The students are in the woods. Look! Sarah is writing a report. Amy and Chenjie are having a picnic. Mike is counting insects. John is collecting leaves. What about ZhangPeng and Wu Yifan? Oh, They’re playing chess. We are happy.


  Today is my birthday. We’re in the zoo. Look! The mother kangaroo is jumping. The baby kangaroo is sleeping. Some pandas are climbing trees. Some pandas are eating bamboos. They’re so cute. Oh, no, The two bears are fighting. The monkeys are swinging in the trees. I’m happy!

  十.以“In the park”为题,写一篇短文。

  Today is Saturday. It’s sunny. We’re in the park. Look! Chen Jie and Amy are reading a book . John is doing an experiment. Mike is catching butterflies. I’m picking up leaves. We’re happy.

五年级英语作文 篇3

  when i was 7 years old, my mother took me to shenzhen in spring festive. there was a beautiful garden near where we lived. in the garden, there were full of green trees, flowers, soften grass, and a little pond with pretty fishes in it. i had a good time in the garden.

上海419论坛  one day, i had a good idea i wanted to catch a fish and bring it to hang zhou. i took a cup and went to the garden and run quickly to the pond. i saw a lot of fishes running freely in the water. i chose a suitable site in shore of the pond, and then bent myself to use the cup to catch fish. i couldn't catch any fish, though i tried many times. after that, i began to lose my patience and i waited till fishes swam and gathered together in somewhere near the shore. i thought it was a good opportunity so that i'm made sure i could catch one of them. i held the cup out in the water quickly, but i found no fish in the cup and suddenly lost my balance. i fell into the pond and was wet through. fortunately the poll was very shallow, so i hadn't injured myself just been frightened a little. eventually i couldn't catch any fish in the pond, but this interesting and memory i had kept all the time never left in my memory.

五年级英语作文 篇4

  The passage of time, day after day, the twinkling of an eye, it is a Sunday. "Slacker wake up, sleepies up..." alarm clock opened it is my big mouth in calling me, mom and dad are out, hey hey you must guess what I want to say, today I take charge of!

  Mom and dad are not at home the dust are starting to arrogance, as if to arrogant said to me: "what shall we do see you." So I invited a "cleaner" from inside to outside the sitting room all clean again, please again "sprinkler sprinkler mop the floor," licentious dust is wiped out by me again.

五年级英语作文 篇5

上海419论坛  今天英语课,TiTi说先检查笔记,然后听写一单元粗体单词和句子,我听了之后眼睛,眉毛,嘴巴都完成月牙形——听写单词!我的最爱!


上海419论坛  这些单词我都超写过的,记得几个,我一直奉信一句话:好记性不如烂笔头。一不做,二不休,现在就开始抄!大家记单词的方法可真多,卢玉玲静静地默记;王铭宇像和尚念经一样,滔滔不绝的背着单词字母;还有跟我一样的“抄人”……相比之下,我依旧认为我的方法好,先把单词读的滚瓜烂熟,再根据音标分成几段,一段一段记,几号了再抄几遍,加深印象,就可以了。

上海419论坛  时间的沙漏悄声无息的流逝,开始听写了!

  我手中的笔都快握不住了,听老师说还要写中文,我晕,不早说,看都没看,还好记得大概。第一个单词play sports,我咬了下笔头,思索片刻,sp发成sb所以这样读,那应该是sp,我迅速写下。go for a walk,听老师读,中间有a,可不能写掉了……



五年级英语作文 篇6

上海419论坛  The Easter we celebrate today is a combination1 of different traditions. Partly, it comes from old festivals2 to celebrate Spring. And partly it comes from the Christian celebration of the rebirth3 of Jesus Christ.Most people agree that the word "Easter" comes from the Anglo-Saxon4 Goddess Eastre, a symbol of Spring. It is easy to see how " Eastre timev" became " Easter time" .As a chief Christian festival, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after

上海419论坛  the first full moon after the 1st day of Spring. It can be as early as March 22, or as late as April 25! Many dates of the Christian5 calendar are dependent on Easter.The celebrations of Easter have many customs and legends that have nothing to do with Christianity6. Of all the symbols associated7 with Easter, the egg, the symbol of richness8 and new life, is the most important. The customs and traditions of using eggs have been associated with Easter for centuries.Originally, Easter eggs were painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring and were used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts. After they were colored and printed with various designs, the eggs were exchanged by lovers and romantic admirers. In the Middle Ages, eggs were traditionally given at Easter to the servants. In Germany, eggs were given to children along with other Easter gifts.

五年级英语作文 篇7

  In grade one, I met a new friend, xiao Ming.

上海419论坛  His hair is not long not short, short. His round face, big eyes, a small nose. Looks not bad!

  The summer holiday, I and xiao Ming go to the park to play. We happily juggle walked. Xiaoming suddenly stopped walking. I don't know what's the matter, asked him. He pointed to the bin said: "look, the earth is full of garbage, let's pick it up!" I reluctantly said: "it's none of your business! Don't you throw". He said: "the teacher told us to protect the environment, you forget?" I have to say: "ok". But we began to pick up I'm tired. I'll go to buy food, for a while go to the toilet, it took a long time I don't go back, I didn't past xiao Ming picked up the trash out. An uncle saw pointing to xiao Ming said: "this child is really good!" Listen to my uncle I know I made a mistake. I think: I must learn from xiao Ming, and he became best friends.

  From then on I and xiao Ming really became best friends.

上海419论坛  一年级的时候,我结识一位新朋友——小明。

上海419论坛  他的头发不长不短,个头不高。他圆圆的脸蛋儿,大大的眼睛,小小的鼻子。长得还不错!

上海419论坛  暑假我和小明去公园玩。我们兴高采烈地边走边聊。走着走着小明突然停下来。我不知道怎么回事,忙问他。他用手指了指垃圾箱说:“看,地上全是垃圾,咱们把它捡起来吧!”我不情愿地说:“这关你什么事!又不是你扔的”。他说:“老师告诉我们要保护环境,你忘了?”我只好说:“好吧”。可是我们一开始捡我就烦了。我一会儿去买吃的,一会儿上厕所,过了好长时间我也不回去,小明把垃圾拾完了我才过去。一位叔叔看见了指着小明说:“这孩子真好!”听了叔叔的话我知道自己做错了。我想:我一定要向小明学习,一定和他成为最好的朋友。


五年级英语作文 篇8

  Hello, every one. I am a boy in Class 4 Grade 5. I like reading very much. A good book is a good friend. I often play with this good friend. Every day, after finishing my homework, I will share my spare time with my book happily. Usually my book will tell me some funny stories. Sometimes it shares some thought with me. I can learn a lot from the book. It makes me happy. It makes me sad. It makes me brave. It makes me independent. I love my friend so much. Do you love your friend? Do you love your books?










