

时间:2021-08-12 09:57:45 五年级英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛  在现实生活或工作学习中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,下面是小编精心整理的五年级英语作文5篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。


五年级英语作文 篇1







五年级英语作文 篇2



上海419论坛  听说“希腊”(403班)的“点蜡烛”好玩又简单,我便和好朋友金宇虹手拉手一起去碰碰运气。一到那儿,一条“长龙”即映入眼帘,看来这个项目很受同学们的欢迎。我们随着人流走进了龙尾行列。慢慢地,我们进入了龙头的行列。我伸头前望,只见一个瘦小的女孩一下子就点燃了三根蜡烛而顺利通关了。“这个游戏的确挺简单的嘛!通关对于我来说应该不成问题。”于是,我信心十足地站在队中,不时向前移动着脚步。就在快轮到我时,一种莫名的担忧涌上心头:万一我动作慢了烧到手怎么办?同学们会不会笑话我呀?“快,轮到你了。”金宇虹对我说。我猛地回过神来,接过火柴,闪亮登场。“哧——”火柴擦着了,我急忙将火柴移向蜡烛。可是这火苗像故意跟我作对似的,东躲西藏,就是不和烛芯亲热。无奈,最后以失败而告终。我定了定神,又擦燃了第二根。这次我吸取教训,放慢了速度。谁知,这“熊熊大火”还没等到我移向蜡烛已经亲吻了我的手指,我只好大叫着将它扔到了地上。此刻,我狼狈极了,但为了尊严故作镇定。我又擦燃了第三根、第四根……时间到了,最终我只点燃了一支蜡烛!看来,不论何时都不能轻信别人的话,只有亲身下河才能知深浅,只有亲口尝梨才能之酸甜呐!

上海419论坛  离开那伤心地,我来到了“西班牙斗牛场”(自己班教室),争取在这里找回点自信。瞧,赛场上那些瘦骨嶙峋的“牛”一下子就被那些膘肥体壮的“牛”撞出圈外,直接淘汰出局。此时,我暗下决心:只能成功,不许失败!

上海419论坛  因为这里排队的人不多,所以很快就轮到我了。看到对手,我不由得松了一口气,因为跟我斗的是503班的一头瘦弱的“小牛”。我们的决斗一开始他就向我发起猛攻。他的腿真硬啊,撞在我的腿上犹如硬石砸落下来。我不甘示弱,双手牢牢地抱着脚,谨慎地周旋着,一旦抓住时机就凶猛地进行反击,非要和他拼个你死我活不可!慢慢地,他支持不住了,只好向我投降。“呜呼,我赢了!”我开心地大叫起来。同时,我也悟出了一个道理:在“战场”上,要智取,不可蛮斗。


上海419论坛  这次的游园活动令我终生难忘,因为我们在玩游戏的同时学到了不少知识,也懂得了不少道理!

五年级英语作文 篇3

  Most people believe that regular hand-washing is the best way to prevent infections. And they’re right: hand-washing does prevent certain infections, but too much washing can actually help some infections along.What’s going on?

  Right now, there are millions of bacteria from hundreds of different species happily residing on your hands, not to mention your teeth, gums, eyes and ears. These bacteria are either transients or residents. Washing your hands helps remove transientbacteria that are just visiting from foreign places like the sink, doorknob and even other people’s hands. Washing shouldn’t remove your hands’ own resident bacteria,though.

  While it’s hard to imagine your hands as a bacterial homeland, these residents are perfectly normal and are important in maintaining your health. They help prevent transientbacteria from settling in, and each resident keeps other residents from overpopulating.

上海419论坛  If you scrub your skin too frequently, especially with anti-bacterial soap, you could upset resident bacteria, leading to the overpopulation of certain species and local skin infections. Scrubbing away residents might also let transients move in and cause disease. Finally, over washing could break down the skin itself. This allows harmless skin residents to go beneath the skin, where they can become dangerous transients.

  So, while a good wash with soap and water is still a great idea, overwashing might lead to some unpleasant symptoms, not to mention inflamed and unsightly hands.

五年级英语作文 篇4

上海419论坛  Today is Sunday, afternoon, I finished my homework, then wrapped around my father and mother want to find some fun? Mom and Dad are busy bored, but also want to music, so their eyes invariably cast me? I see the father My mother's mind, so I came up with a way, I said: "The United States has a April Fool's Day, why not come today 'fool festival'?" Parents agreed?

上海419论坛  Everyone agreed that today's cheated people, not angry, not angry, who was the most deceived, who is the "stupid king"? Finished, I went back to the study reading, my father watching TV, my mother went to dinner?

  For a while, my father called me: "Lu Yuting, you like to see the" two-gun "began!" I heard, apart from anything else, went to the living room, a look, how can there be "double-gun", but advertising? The son of a turn, came up with a yarn approach to look back at him? I hold back laugh, while knocking on the door, while learning the voice of Wang Bobo: "Some people have your letter?" Dad heard, Hurry to come to open the door? He saw me, they know they fooled? At this time, only to hear my mother while washing things, while said: "You two come to eat my good apple!" We eat an apple, Then you catch me rush to the kitchen to the kitchen a look, what is the wash of Apple, is clearly radish Well? I and my father are stupid?

  In the evening, I announced the results: "Mom was cheated twice, my father was cheated twice, I was cheated three times?" Finally, I won the first "fool festival" "fool king" title? Although I was "stupid king "But I am also very happy because we have spent a pleasant day together

五年级英语作文 篇5

  I want to have a lot of fun at Christmas.

上海419论坛  First , I want to buy a lot of presents including a nice Christmas tree .

上海419论坛  Next , I want to put some pretty things on the Christmas tree and put some presents under the tree.

  When Christmas Eve comes, I will put a stocking over my bed and wait for my presents, such as some storybooks, a nice car, and so on.

  On Christmas Day, I want to get up early and open all my presents. In the evening, We will have a big dinner. I want to eat a big turkey and some Christmas pudding.

上海419论坛  I think I will be happy on that day. I like Christmas. What about you? Do you like Christmas?









