

时间:2021-08-08 15:19:43 事件类英语作文 我要投稿






  My hometown Shao Dong, is a land of fish and rice, orange township, there is also a prosperous city. Although Shao Dong is not big, but I love Shao Dong.

  I love the hometown of reservoir. On one occasion, we went to the cave to play, passing a reservoir, the endless blue waves with the water, to break out. Green mountains with clear water. Waterfowl like received an invitation from nature, hurried to the reservoir above the dancing, just like a beautiful landscape painting.

  I love the hometown of the field. The late autumn season, casing of orange trees, small lanterns hung, approached a look, this is where the lantern, was shimmering oranges! In the whole stream, small groups of fish in the play, grass carp as reserved gentleman, easygoing to swim in deep water; Carp like naughty children, the high jump. Rice in the field waves rolling, during the day, people in the field cultivation; In the evening, people with a fishing rod leisurely sitting on the river.

  I love my hometown city. At a young age, the city is full of garbage, sunny day is grey, rainy day is mud, really let a person feel sick. Now, wide cement road convenient; These skyscrapers, can take the lift to the top; Busy pedestrian street in the supermarket and lively, everywhere surging crowd; Center of the park under the big tree, there are rows of the bench to rest to the person, there are many small bench next to fitness equipment; And one small unit of the courtyard, the yard has a garden, pavilions, white wall, the wall covered with ivy and grasses, herbs, or feel more tender in accordance with the people.

  Shao Dong is my beautiful hometown, I love my hometown Shao Dong.

上海419论坛   我的家乡邵东,是鱼米之乡、蜜桔之乡,也有繁华的城市。虽然邵东不大,但我爱邵东。


上海419论坛   我爱家乡的田野。深秋时节,满园的桔树上,挂着一个个小灯笼,走近一看,这哪里是灯笼,明明是闪闪发光的蜜桔呀!在一条条小河里,三五成群的鱼儿在嬉戏,草鱼像矜持的绅士,逍遥自在地在深水里游着;鲤鱼像淘气的孩子,比赛跳高。白天,田野里稻浪滚滚,人们在庄稼地里耕作;傍晚,人们拿着鱼竿坐在河边悠然自得地钓鱼。

上海419论坛   我爱家乡的城市。幼时,城里到处都是垃圾,晴天是灰,雨天是泥,真让人难受。现在,宽阔的水泥路四通八达;一栋栋高楼大厦拔地而起,可以坐电梯到顶层;繁华的步行街和热闹的超市里,到处可见涌动的人群;中心游乐园的大树下,有一排排给人休息的长椅,长椅旁边有许多小巧的健身器材;而一个个小小的单位庭院,院子里都有花坛、亭台、粉墙,墙上爬满了爬山虎和野草闲花,更觉娇嫩依人。



  My hometown is a small town, where beautiful scenery, the green trees and colorful.

上海419论坛   Spring, the branches out the pale green branches, buds lazily opened his eyes, the flowers are in full bloom, red, yellow, purple, colorful. Flowers are an intoxicating fragrance, attracted a large group of butterflies, dancing in the air. Isn't it a beautiful sight!

  Summer arrived, the leaves turned green, flowers are blooming zero stars. We also like to go to the pond to play, see a pond that the trees tall and straight like a warrior. Lotus opened, the ornament is between the green lotus leaves. To meet the rising sun, is really "next day endless blue lotus, video on lotus another red!" Our children love eat lotus. One see fish under the lotus leaf of swimming in droves, as in the classical poetry says so: "lotus leaf tiantian, fish play between the lotus. Lotus plants play east, west. Fish play lotus plants fish play south, the lotus lotus north fish play."

上海419论坛   Autumn, wild geese flying south, while arranged in chevron, for a while in a glyph. Under the blue sky is a piece of golden wind blows only corn is yellow, the leaves are yellow. Pieces of the leaves leave the tree mother's arms, alone to "travel". Farmer uncle is happy and busy in this season because they planted corn with hard work in mature. They are busy to harvest!

  Winter arrived. Pieces of snowflakes swirl down from the sky to the ground, the whole world a piece of white, snow on the outstretched palm, before he could get the eyes look, they just can't wait to melt into each small water droplets.

上海419论坛   My hometown is beautiful, I love my hometown!

上海419论坛   我的家乡是一个小镇,那里风景优美,绿树成阴。


上海419论坛   夏天到了,树叶变成了墨绿色,花儿零星星地绽放着。我们还喜欢去池塘边玩耍,只见池塘边那一棵棵树像一个个挺拔的战士。荷花开了,点缀在那碧绿的荷叶之间。迎着朝阳望去,真是“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红!”我们小孩子最爱采莲蓬吃。只见一条条小鱼在荷叶下的成群结队地游来游去,就像古诗中说得那样:“莲叶何田田,鱼戏莲叶间。鱼戏莲叶东,鱼戏莲叶西。鱼戏莲叶南,鱼戏莲叶北。”

上海419论坛   秋天,大雁南飞,一会儿排成人字形,一会儿排成一字形。湛蓝的天空下是一片金黄色一阵风吹来只见玉米是黄色的、树叶以也是黄色的。一片片树叶离开大树妈妈的怀抱,独自一人去“旅行”。农民伯伯在这个季节既快乐又忙碌因为他们用辛勤的汗水种植的玉米成熟了。他们正忙着收获呢!

上海419论坛   冬天来到了。一片片雪花从天上纷纷扬扬地飘落到地上,整个世界一片洁白,雪花落在伸出的手掌上,还没来得及拿到眼前细看,他们就迫不及待地融化成一颗颗晶莹的小水珠。










a trip初二英语作文带翻译80词11-19
