

时间:2022-03-09 15:13:42 春天 我要投稿




  春天来了英语作文带翻译 篇1


上海419论坛  Spring returns to the earth, everything is renewed. "The grass grows and the warbler flies in February, and the willows are drunk with spring smoke." The annual spring is coming again, with her footprints everywhere.


  Plants in life are full of life. Look, the grass opens its bleary eyes; the flowers bloom with a bright smile; the thick layers of red Begonia flowers, under the sunshine, are like a fountain of flowers; the branches of the willow trees flutter with the wind, which reminds me of the poem "Jasper makeup into a tree height, ten thousand drooping green ribbons".

上海419论坛  春天的动物是自由自在的。小虫子从冬眠中苏醒,懒懒地打了个哈欠,快活地绕着花草树木嬉戏玩耍;那些白的、花的、黑的、黄色的蝴蝶悠闲地从花丛中飞出,在花瓣上翩翩起舞,就像五颜六色的小精灵。

  Animals in spring are free. The insects wake up from hibernation, yawn lazily, and play happily around the flowers and trees; the white, flower, black and yellow butterflies fly out of the flowers and dance on the petals like colorful elves.


  How can people resist the temptation of spring? They went out for spring outings and outings. Every Sunday last weekend, the children follow their parents and family to fly kites on the open grass beside the lake. Each beautiful kite is led by a long silk line and flies to the blue sky with the wind. At this time, if you look at the grass, you will find that many people are doing different things: some are lying on their backs, some are playing chess, some are listening to music with earphones, and some are taking photos with cameras in spring.


上海419论坛  "The plan of a year is spring". Spring is really an interesting season full of vitality, hope and reverie! Spring is with us!

  春天来了英语作文带翻译 篇2

上海419论坛  春天来了,鸟语花香,万紫千红。

  Spring is coming, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant.


上海419论坛  When the spring breeze blows, the jasmine flowers blow the golden trumpet, and the willow twists and dances. The shoots are coming out of the ground! The grass woke up and the wheat in the field was green. Swallows fly back from the south, birds sing beautiful songs in the branches.

上海419论坛  小朋友们换上崭新的春装。有的小朋友还在放风筝,有蝴蝶风筝、美人鱼风筝,还有老鹰风筝……小朋友们玩的可真开心!

  The children put on new spring clothes. Some children are still flying kites, including butterfly kites, mermaid kites, and Eagle kites Children have a good time!

上海419论坛  春天实在是太美了!

上海419论坛  Spring is so beautiful!

  春天来了英语作文带翻译 篇3

  Spring is coming.The sun is shinning.

  The wind is blowing.

  The flowers are blooming.

  The grass and the trees are growing.

上海419论坛  The children are singing and dancing.

上海419论坛  The entire world is reviving

上海419论坛  春天来了,阳光灿烂。





上海419论坛  整个世界正在复苏。

  春天来了英语作文带翻译 篇4

上海419论坛  春天来了,万物复苏了。

上海419论坛  Spring is coming, and everything is reviving.


  The thawed stream is Dingding in winter and the withered grass is turning green. There are many flowers in spring, including jasmine, Magnolia, Rhododendron All the hibernating animals woke up and the geese flew back from the south. The children put on their spring clothes and fly kites together outside.

上海419论坛  春天真美,我喜欢春天!

  Spring is so beautiful. I like spring!

  春天来了英语作文带翻译 篇5


  Spring has come, the grass dressed in green clothes, they gently waving to the blue sky, smile to the sun.


上海419论坛  When spring comes, flowers climbed trees, red red, powder pink, purple, bloom. They are happy to nod to bees, butterflies, color.

上海419论坛  春天来了,河岸上的杨柳树发芽了,那嫩嫩的柳芽,像夜间的萤火虫,又像玛瑙,又像星星,它们在太阳光的照射下发射出璀灿的光芒。

上海419论坛  Spring has come, on the banks of the willow tree buds, tender Liu ya, like fireflies at night, like agate, and like the stars, they emit bright light under the irradiation of sunlight.


  Spring has come, the pond ice melted, dressed in green frog "funky" singing, dressed in black fish take one's ease of play. On the surface, a group of white swan and the ugly duckling and singing and dancing, ballroom dancing.

上海419论坛  春天来了,孩子们脱去了厚厚的棉衣,他们在草地上尽情的奔跑着,有的放风筝,有的捉蝴蝶,有的采蜂蜜;有的躺在草地上欣赏着这鸟语花香的景象。

  Spring is coming, the children took off the thick coat, they on the grass enjoy running, some are flying kites, some catch butterflies, some honey; some are lying on the grass enjoying an idyllic scene.


上海419论坛  The spring wind is soft, spring air is fresh, the spring sunshine is warm, the spring of the world is full of the spring, the children are happy.


  Ah, spring, really beautiful!

  春天来了英语作文带翻译 篇6

上海419论坛  春天,踏着绵绵春雨,来了。

  Spring,following the continuous spring rain,came.

上海419论坛  小草用尽全力,从松松软软的土里冒出嫩嫩的小脑袋,打了个长长的哈欠,摆脱了许久的不见天日,好奇地打量着这世间的一切——

上海419论坛  The grass,with all its strength,came out of the loose soft soil with a small head,yawned a long time,got rid of the long invisible day,and looked at everything in the world curiously——



上海419论坛  他努力地汲取地下的养料,努力地生长着,想要早点长大。

  He tried to absorb the nourishment from the underground,and he tried to grow up. He wanted to grow up earlier.

上海419论坛  终于,他长大了。

上海419论坛  Finally,he grew up.



  春天来了英语作文带翻译 篇7

上海419论坛  Winter has gone,and spring is coming on .

  Watching the ice melting,I know the whole earth is being rejuvenated from the winter. A variety of flowers come out to show their beauty and bring us fragrance .It is a feast for our eyes and souls. The yellow grass suddenly turn green.The young leaves grow on the branches.The swallows fly back home with the greeting of spring .

  Everything is coming to life.Feeling the warm sunshine,enjoying the beautiful scenery,listening to the wonderful music,drinking the new tea,my mood is perfect and I have nothing else to desire. Spring is the most fantastic season in the year .It means so much to the other three seasons.

上海419论坛  冬天去了,春天来了。

上海419论坛  看冰融化,我知道整个地球被新生的冬天。各种各样的鲜花出来展示他们的美丽和给我们带来的芬芳。这是我们的眼睛和灵魂的盛宴。黄色的草突然变绿。年轻的叶子生长在树枝上。燕子飞回来与春天的问候。


  春天来了英语作文带翻译 篇8

  Year after year, the four seasons alternating. In winter the spring will come in the past, everywhere is a vibrant, colorful.Spring girl quietly came to the land, all kinds of flowers, scrambling from green leaves, has welcomed the peach blossom, morning glory... They are looking curiously at the spring girl, and countless bees hum, the butterfly also dance to welcome the spring in the air.Spring girl came to the jujube forest at the foot of the mountain, she took a bath, for the lovely XiaoZaoShu and the jujube is the sucking the dew of spring. Spring girl quietly came to a village, tender tea like one lovely elf, they miss zheng big eyes looking at the spring rain, and beside the azalea is bubbled up from the land, to show off its beautiful petals.Finally, the spring girl came to the field, see the fields of flowers, the grass to say hello, and brought them a spring girl is slightly small wind, blow the flowers, the grass with a smile, the spring girl came to the water, see the fish in the water was practicing water spray gun, the spring breeze and take a walk, see a few children are worried for his kite hanging in a tree, the spring girl saw, gently blows, the kite fall down.The spring breeze feels really good! Let everyone feel cool and refreshing and comfortable feeling.

  一年又一年,四季不断交替着。冬天一过去春天就来了,到处都是生机勃勃,五颜六色。 春风姑娘悄悄来到了这片土地,各种各样的花儿争先恐后地从绿叶间钻出来,有迎桃花、喇叭花……它们都好奇地望着春风姑娘,还有数不清的蜜蜂在嗡嗡地闹,蝴蝶也在空中翩翩起舞地迎接春天。 春雨姑娘来到了山脚的枣树林,她为可爱的小枣树们洗了个澡,而枣树们就尽情的吮吸着春天的甘露。春风姑娘又悄悄来到一座茶山,嫩嫩的茶叶就像一个个可爱的小精灵一样,它们睁大眼睛望着春雨姑娘,而旁边的杜鹃花也从土地里冒了出来,炫耀它自己美丽的花瓣。 最后,春风姑娘来到了田野间,看到田野中的小花、小草正向自己打招呼,而春风姑娘就给他们带来了一阵微微的小风,把小花、小草吹的满脸的笑容,春风姑娘走到了水边,看到水里的鱼儿正在练习喷水枪战,春风又走了走,看到了几个孩子正为自己的风筝挂在树上而发愁,春风姑娘看见了,轻轻一吹,风筝就落下来了。 春风感觉真美呀!让大家都感觉到清凉、舒适的感觉。

  春天来了英语作文带翻译 篇9

上海419论坛  Winter has gone , and spring is coming on .

  Watching the ice melting ,I know the whole earth is being rejuvenated from the winter. A variety of flowers come out to show their beauty and bring us fragrance .It is a feast for our eyes and souls. The yellow grass suddenly turn green . The young leaves grow on the branches . The swallows fly back home with the greeting of spring .

  Everything is coming to life . Feeling the warm sunshine , enjoying the beautiful scenery , listening to the wonderful music , drinking the new tea , my mood is perfect and I have nothing else to desire. Spring is the most fantastic season in the year .It means so much to the other three seasons

上海419论坛  冬天已经过去了,春天来了。


上海419论坛  一切都开始了。感受温暖的阳光,享受美丽的风景,听美妙的音乐,喝新的茶,我的心情是完美的,我没有其他的欲望。春天是一年中最美妙的季节。它对其他三个季节来说意味着这么多。

  春天来了英语作文带翻译 篇10

上海419论坛  Spring is coming! Spring is coming! That beautiful, flowers are blooming in the spring has finally arrived!

  To meet this girl, but the spring was drizzle patches, comfortable spring breeze that leaves 10 million out of a bloom of willows. Too delicate grass, fresh leaves, bright colored flowers, like a country fair like all wanted to come to form a dazzling spring of tears. Swallow is no exception, out of breath flew from the north, for the glory of spring to add a lot of vitality.

上海419论坛  Pairs of swallows through the mountains, across the lake, to the south, already exhausted, but felt so beautiful in the spring, as if eating a lot of chocolate this thing, get active, have the spirit. In the spring of play, flying the green fields, circling in the water and some play tired of the swallows were standing a few poles that mark utility poles. Ah! How like a lovely note, read music at that memorials became still hear the music.

  The campus is rich and colorful spring. Beautiful winter jasmine are welcome too! Avenue, both sides of the trees, the trail on both sides of flower Fan Ye Mao. Spent everywhere on campus, a distance looking like a campus covered with thick snow, the last to see people feel the sky is beautiful snowflakes drifting. Lawn Lvyin Yin, the central set up with a century-old trees, next to the beautiful flowers there are a few bundles decorated the lawn more attractive, more beautiful. Really like a beautiful picture.

  Spring innocent beautiful!

上海419论坛  春天来了!春天来了!那美丽的,花朵盛开的春天终于到来了!

上海419论坛  为了迎接这个女孩,春天是细雨补丁,舒适的春风,留下了1,000万株柳树的盛开。太娇嫩的草,新鲜的叶子,鲜艳的花,像一个国家的集市,都想去形成一个令人眼花缭乱的泪花。燕子也不例外,从北方的气息中飞出,为春天的荣耀增添了许多的活力。

上海419论坛  一对燕子穿过群山,穿过湖,到南方,已经筋疲力尽了,但在春天感觉如此美丽,仿佛吃了很多巧克力这东西,变得活跃,有了精神。在玩耍的春天,飞着绿色的田野,在水里盘旋,一些玩累了的燕子站在几根柱子上,标记电线杆。啊像一张可爱的音符,在那纪念碑上读音乐,成了仍然听到音乐的声音。

上海419论坛  校园是丰富多彩的春天。美丽的冬天也是受欢迎的!林荫道,两旁的树木,两旁开满了叶凡的花。在校园里到处都是,一个看起来像一个校园覆盖着厚厚的雪,最后看到的人觉得天空是美丽的雪花飘。草坪绿荫,中央设置了一棵世纪古树,旁边的美丽的花有几束装饰的草坪更有吸引力,更美丽。真的很像一幅美丽的图画。


  春天来了英语作文带翻译 篇11

  Winter was gone,spring comes.

上海419论坛  I love spring best,because it's very beautiful.In spring,the weather is aways sunny and rainy,it's not cold and not hot,it's warmer and warmer.   The flowers begin to open and the trees begin to turn green.The birds are singing in the sky,they are happy.The animals will go out to play.Many people like to go out and enjoy the sunshine.

  I like wearing my sweater and jeans, I like to fly kites,plant trees and see the beautiful flowers.

上海419论坛  Spring is colorful,I think it's a wonderful season.

  What's your favourite season?Please tell me.




上海419论坛  我喜欢穿我的毛衣和牛仔裤,我喜欢放风筝,种树,看到美丽的花朵。


上海419论坛  你最喜欢的季节是什么?请告诉我。

  春天来了英语作文带翻译 篇12

上海419论坛  Spring returns to the good earth., bright red blossoms and green willows, bid farewell to the cold and cold winter, in the beautiful spring. Spring, willow pan out of the bud, the water in the river. Not gently rippling out ripples. Daming and his friends are playing under a big tree, the birds in the above them take one's ease to fly,without attending to the sun in the sky, white clouds gently floating in the breeze.











