

时间:2022-02-02 12:45:58 人物类英语作文 我要投稿


  In a night, : in the evening, I sit at my window desk alone, double album, sections of the past emerge in the bottom of my heart, in the end, my eyes stay on a photo of a bit too yellow. That is a picture of I and my grandma in the buddhist temple, looking at, the tears will not flow tripped over wet skirt...


  My grandma died in our country during his first year in small. Love me very much, when she had any delicious food, also loathe to give up myself to eat, always leave me to enjoy. She also often go out for a walk with me, tell everyone how obedient he praised me, how clever. Thought of here, my heart is a qualm.

  My grandma is also a master of story telling. On one occasion, she said a "tortoise and the hare" story to me. Tell me no matter what to do, we always uphold the "to win without pride and lose with grace" spirit, even fools, consult with an open mind. Once upon a time, my grandma also said "Wolf" story, told me: a person must be based on "integrity", on the basis of credit, do not deceive people, do a gentleman in the society. Grandma though not read many books, but she said every one word, one sentence, is rich in meaning expression, let I lifetime.

  A plot of land near the house, the planted many vegetables and flowers. Holiday in my spare time, I always like to garden, looking at grandma's back, I can't see sorrow and grief, isn't it? Grandma is always happy to meet in life every one day! I don't have any hesitation, roll up your sleeves and help food to catch insects. Here is my grandma and my heaven! Today, my grandma has gone, how can this don't call me sad?

上海419论坛   I always keep my grandma to endless thoughts into words, written in the book of the small paper, hope that my missing small paper boat will bring in the kingdom of heaven is grandma. Grandma, you also to my dream, accompany my chat, talk!

上海419论坛   在一个夜深人静、月明星稀的晚上,我独自坐在窗前的书桌,翻翻相簿,一段段往事在心底浮现,最后,我的目光停留在一张稍嫌泛黄的照片上。那是我和奶奶在佛堂的合影,看着看着,泪水便不听使唤的流湿了衣襟……


上海419论坛   奶奶也是个说故事高手。有一次,她说了一个「龟兔赛跑」的故事给我听。告诉我不管做什么事,总要秉持着「胜不骄,败不馁」的精神,还要不耻下问,虚心请教。曾经,奶奶也说过「狼来了」的故事,告诫我:作人必须建立在「诚信」的基础上,讲信用、不骗人,做个社会上的君子。奶奶虽说没有读过多少书,但她所说的每ㄧ字、每ㄧ句,都是富含深意的言论,让我终身受用。











