
我的童年英语作文my childhood

时间:2022-06-28 10:46:26 人物类英语作文 我要投稿

上海419论坛我的童年英语作文my childhood(通用23篇)

上海419论坛  在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是小编整理的我的童年英语作文my childhood(通用23篇),欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

我的童年英语作文my childhood(通用23篇)

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇1

  My childhood was unforgettable. When I was five years old, I went to the kindergarten every day. I had a lot of good time with my little friends. My parents took good care of me. I didn’t need to care about food and clothes and any other things.

  I was very happy in those days. But one day, my mother told me that she wouldn't pick me up after school. I was afraid of going home alone, so I started to cry and I was angry with my mother. Although I insisted that she and my father should protect me safely, they still disagreed with me. They thought it was good for me to learn to be independent. The next day after class, I had to take a bus to go back home. I forgot to see the bus route when I got on. Therefore, when the bus was more and more far from my home, I felt anxious.

上海419论坛  Finally, I got the last stop, and then took the same bus back home. When I told my parents my story, they never thought it is a mistake, on the contrary, they thought it is a useful experience. From then on, I don't let them meet me after school any more.




  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇2

上海419论坛  Everyone has a childhood,childhood is like the sand by the sea,although those stupid,stupid thing will cause some kind of ridicule. But in my eyes,it is always so pure,so let a person not forget for a moment.

上海419论坛  Remember when I was about 6 years old,the home has many flowers,flowery and clinking. But I don't like the basin or famous flower. Pink petals,here are green leaves,the east a,a,will be the whole pot full of. As declared in your territory.

  Before I came to spend a day,like left see right to see,but look always think what disadvantages,the along while,ah! Why can't this potted flower fragrance! How to do? This reminds me of my mother usually spray perfume,special taste good. Is for me to spend more "sweet". I picked up my mother's favorite perfume bottle,toward the flower spray spray,a smell of,not sweet! Appears to be less spray,I muster the whole bottle of perfume to go in,very delicious! The house there is a scent,wish this time mom will boast I,looking at his work,I'm a little flattered.

  Mom came back from work at night,the room will smell the house full of fragrance,asked: "baby,you touch my mother's perfume?" "Mom,I just to give the flower fragrance." "What?" "I put the perfume into a flower." Went to the mother looked at the flowers,flowers between has turned black. A few days later I will forget it. The potted flower I was not seen.

上海419论坛  So slowly through the childhood,in the hands of the sand is also slowly passed,but those beautiful memories will be hidden in the heart forever.

上海419论坛  每个人都有一个童年,童年就像那海边的细沙数不胜数,虽然那些傻事、蠢事会引来一番嘲笑。但在我眼中,它总是那么纯真,那么让人念念不忘。





  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇3

  My childhood is like a colorful dream,there happened many interesting things to let me in distress situation,let me tell you a today.

  Remember when I was four years old in kindergarten school,one day,I ate a curved bananas,after eating,I also want to eat,but dad said: "bananas to eat many fire." I don't have to eat.

上海419论坛  At night,I saw the sky there is a yellow and curved "banana",I don't know if it is curved moon,thinking: I can play knife and fork. But I want to again; Bananas are grow on trees,but this evening in the sky,it's strange. But I also the piranhas stretch out his hand to catch up,but catch nothing. Vigorously up to scratch dad saw me curiously ask: "son,what are you scratching?" I said excitedly: "dad,you see,the sky has a big,big banana,you help me to take down let me eat!" Dad heard laughing held one hand to her belly,a hand clap my shoulder and said,"son,it is not a banana,but a crescent moon." "No,it isn't. It's a banana,I want to eat." Dad listened to the patient said to me: "son,the moon is a star,whenever night,it will slowly e out for our lighting,it is our good friend. Is not you want a banana." Listened to dad's explanation,I understand nodded his head.

上海419论坛  Now I was the first graders,never do stupid things like that again. But every time I saw the crescent moon,I can not but laugh at my stupid. Ah,it's very interesting childhood.




上海419论坛  此刻我已经是初一年级小学生了,再也不会做那样的傻事了。可我每当看到那弯弯的月亮时,我就忍不住笑自我傻。哎,童年真是太趣味了。

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇4

  I have to do the housework at the age of eight.. I think hard-working will improve my alone situation.

  It is an old saying that “spare the rod and spoil the child’.We can improve our skill in the child..

上海419论坛  I have to go to school and to cook meal in the childhood. Nowadays,Ican do anything on my own.It is also go at my grow.

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇5

上海419论坛  I live with my parents and my grandmother. My grandmother is a kind elderly people. She likes talking and she always tells me stories of hers, my father’s and mine.

上海419论坛  She is full filled with memories. She told me that I was quiet and docile when I was little.

上海419论坛  My parents went to work all day, and my grandmother took care of me and my cousin. After she fed me, I sat and played myself. She didn’t have to worry much about me.

上海419论坛  I almost made no troubles. But my cousin was not.

  He never sat well or ate his food tactfully. My grandmother had to always keep an eye on him to prevent making troubles.

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇6

上海419论坛  My childhood was happy with my mother’s love .In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy and never got sick. She took me to the primary school and home every day. No matter when it’s rainy or windy.

上海419论坛  But one day, after we got home from school, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn’t know what had happened.

  I sat beside her , my mother said to me , “it doesn’t matter , mum only has a headache . I will be all right after a while.” Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain, at that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.


上海419论坛  但是有一天,我们放学回家后,妈妈走进卧室,躺在床上。我不知道发生了什么事


  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇7

上海419论坛  I grew up in a small village. I am the second child of the family, and my sister is the eldest.

  Our house is on the main street of the village so I always saw a lot of people on the streets There were farmers, fishermen, and a few merchants in the village. My sister and I used to play with the next-door children; their father is an elementary school teacher. Sometimes when we played together in the house we made so much noise that my mother wanted us to play outside, so we went to the seashore to look for crabs and clams, and pretty seashells, too. Also, we enjoyed running on the beach chasing each other. On breezy days we used to enjoy flying kites on the beach. When I look back on my early life in the village, I feel I had a happy childhood.

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇8

  Childhood is a sugar, it is sweet, in childhood we have unlimited fun.

  Childhood, it gives us many, many?

  He is our life's opener, we can enjoy the happiness of childhood was born; He was our ideal of nurturing, during the childhood we think about their own future, to plan his future?

  Now, I was born for 13 years, it is accompanied by in 13 years in a hurry, before he is friendly like a traveler, and I pass by quickly. And junction in adolescence, he took his rebellious and some of his friends come over.

  Childhood like this forever in the past, he will never come back.

  Time in a hurry, he was not alone in the road, because he has taken away my happy childhood, and just gave me the memory of childhood behind, one I stay there waiting for you!


上海419论坛  童年,它给了我们许多许多?





  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇9

  I really had a happy childhood.

  I grew up in a countryside which was really beautiful.Beautiful mountain,trees,flowers and all kinds of plants.

  I often went hiking with my parents and caught insects.My parents taught me how to swim.

  And we often swam in the swimming pool and I could swim very well.My friends and I often played football and hide and seek together.

  I didn't need to worry about my study.

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇10

  My childhood was happy with my mother’s love .In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy and never got sick. She took me to the primary school and home every day. No matter when it’s rainy or windy.

上海419论坛  But one day, after we got home from school, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn’t know what had happened.

上海419论坛  I sat beside her , my mother said to me , “it doesn’t matter , mum only has a headache . I will be all right after a while.” Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain, at that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.

  During my summer holiday in 2003, I found a part-time job as a cleaner in KFC. I did not realize that it was not an easy job before I didit.

上海419论坛  I had to work seven hours a day, which would last three weeks. The job was tiring and boring because I had to get up early and went to bed late. Every day I had to repeat the same work, which nearly made me mad. I almost gave it up, but finally I sticked it out until thenew semester began. The experience taught me a lesson that there is no free lunch.

  I have to work hard to get what I want. So the experience is very meaningful and I know the value of labour.

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇11

  Slowly and quietly,spring is ing towards us.The weather is getting warmer and warmer,branches of trees begin sprouting new leaves,and all kinds of birds fly merrily in the sky.A new year begins.

  Looking at the tender green leaves of the trees out of the window,I can't help thinking of my childhood.When spring is ing,wheat begins to grow after a long winter,and its small and long leaves get greener,shaking with the wind.Rapes bloom with golden flower and give off a heavy scent.How beautiful and romantic the nature is!In this season.I used to carry a small basket in my arm,a small knife in my hand,and invite my little panions to the wheat field to dig edible wild herbs.We sang and laughed and talked and enjoyed ourselves.When we filled our baskets with wild vegetables,we began to play games.We also climbed the willows to break the tender branches and make them into flutes to blow.What a happy and lucky childhhood I had!

上海419论坛  Spring is full of life and power.Spring is a lovely season.In the wind of spring we begin the new year.We ought to study hard and work well in order not to waste the springtime.

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇12

  My childhood is unforgettable. Five years old,I want to go to kindergarten every day. I had a lot of time with my kids. My parents took good care of me,I don't need to worry about food and clothing and other things. I had a good time in those days. But one day my mother told me that she would not go to pick me up after school.

  I was afraid of a person to go home,so I started to cry,very angry with my mother. Although I insisted that she and my father should protect my safety,they still don't agree with me. They think it is good for me to learn to be independent.

上海419论坛  Second days after school,I had to take a bus home. When I got on the train,I forgot to look at the road,so when the car is getting far from my home,I am very anxious. At last,I got to the end of the station,and then I went home by the same way. When I told my parents my story,they don't think it was a mistake,instead,they think it's a useful experience. From that time on,I will not let them pick me up after school.

上海419论坛  我的童年是难忘的。五岁的时候,我每一天都要去幼儿园。我和小朋友们度过了许多完美的时光。我父母把握照顾得很好,我不需要担心吃穿和其他事。那些日子我过得很开心。可是,有一天我妈妈告诉我放学后她不会再去接我了。

上海419论坛  我很害怕一个人回家,所以我开始哭,对妈妈很生气。尽管我坚持认为她和爸爸应当保护我的安全,可是他们仍然不一样意我的观点。他们认为让我学会独立对我有好处。

上海419论坛  第二天放学后,我不得不坐公车回家。我上车的时候忘了看路线,所以当车离我家越来越远的时候,我很着急。最终,我到了终点站,然后坐同一路车回家。当我告诉父母我的故事,他们不认为这是个错误,相反,他们认为这是一次有用的经历。从那时候起,我就不再让他们放学后去接我了。

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇13

上海419论坛  My childhood fun sounds bad, but it's not bad.

  The first interesting thing is, I once in kindergarten just finished eating to play playground, I saw a classmate mouth super big, really do not pay attention to, see, frighten. I put the teacher's balloon in his mouth and squeezed it with my hands. The object was to make it fly, but he broke my balloon and made me cry loudly. Well, funny?

  The second funny thing is that if you eat other people's food, especially the meal, you will feel sick. But I was curious when I heard about it. At noon, I put a lot of meat into his bowl while my classmates were in the bathroom. But who knows, he came back to eat, not only did not feel sick, but eating delicious. I got out of control and laughed out of my face, causing the whole class to look at me and make me shy.

  The third funny thing is, we took part in a competition. I can't remember what it's called, but it's a red scarf with a knot between my feet. The test was to be united, but after school I saw two students together, a little spaced in the middle, and I ran over there and fell down with them.

  The fourth funny thing is, I used to be interested in songs. One day, a classmate's head was big. There was a chopstick and a bowl next to it. I had a sudden whim to grab the classmate's head with chopsticks. While knocking sang: wash wash...... The class looked at me and laughed a few seconds later.

  This is my childhood interesting, how, funny bar!

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇14

上海419论坛  My childhood in a family was not wealthy but did not spend too much difficulty in the environment, so do not know what is the pain does not know what is happiness, life for me is just a hazy dream, regardless of heat or cold, as long as there are three meals to eat, and buddies will to be happy to spend the day reading and playing together.

  At that time, I am very feisty, the number of students can work it out, I can work it out, the students of a page on the characters can be red mold teacher three red circle painting, I will be painted in five, as long as the teacher said about who wrote the words I must write good-looking, he. Within a week, for these, I have every day in the observation of others, to imitate others, but I just lost in my sister's. Every time the exam to get back problems, sister to a bit more than I do, her characters are the red mold, the teacher drew a red circle, she wrote that beautiful and neat, my parents always admired her sister better than me, why do I will lost my sister?

上海419论坛  One day after school, I ran home to sister is jubilant, fell on the table a painting, it was a red crown green tail and colorful big cock, round black eyes, straight neck covered with layers of red hair yellow 11 Fen, two strong long legs covered with gray the scales, my sister said to me:

上海419论坛  "Do you think it's all right?""

上海419论坛  OK, fine, just a little......"

  "No, I haven't finished saying," she put up the brush, dip some white pigment in the cock black eyes, do not know why, the chicken is alive, was flying up. My sister said when she saw me in surprise:

  "It was a little bit short, so the chicken was dead and had no spirit, and with that, his eyes were alive, and he lived.""

上海419论坛  I see! I suddenly understand a truth, I also more than sister because she is a little bit more than I a more subtle observation and understanding of things like me, just blindly memorizing and imitating, so where did the lack of soul.

上海419论坛  When I knew my weakness, I made up my mind to catch up with her in every way. Nevertheless, I am still not willing to let my sister in the eyes of my parents stronger than me. The fifth grade before the summer day, or go home from school, just open the gate, he heard a girl singing clear, although the sound crisp and high pitch, but often out of tune, I know it is a sister in the examination practice song. My sister singing unexpectedly let me find a challenge to her chance, so I ran to my brother and I live in the house, jumped into the pit, a stack of quilts to sister housing apart under the corner, because which has a round flue and sister the walls of the room, I owe my toes hands cling to the mouth, the flue, a round hole alignment, sing the song sister is practicing the "torch in one fell swoop, lit up the darkness before the dawn, you are the helmsman, hold the direction of navigation, the young Chinese Co | production | party, you are the core, you are the direction, we will never follow you, we always follow a certain China liberation......" I have to sing when I opened the door, my sister came in and said to me:

  "You sing very well. Teach me a lesson quickly."! I will not be able to sing the exam again in two days"

上海419论坛  "Do not teach, do not teach" I do so.

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇15

  In my heart, pretend to buy a lot of childhood fun. They are like the stars in the sky, and they are countless. But one of the brightest stars shines in my childhood. Let me take the stars for you!

  It was 8 years ago during the summer vacation when my mother and I went back to the countryside to visit our older grandmother. In my early childhood, I didn't go to visit my grandma, but I went to play with my cousin of the same size.

上海419论坛  One day, grandma and uncle and aunt were going to go to the ground. Mother was afraid that grandma was tired, so she went with them. Now, I play with my cousin at home. But my cousin broke the vase of her grandmother without care. We all knew that the vase was in the hands of grandma, afraid of falling. It was a baby whose mouth was afraid of turning! Grandma placed us first, and the vase was second! But my cousin broke it!

上海419论坛  Cousin stupefied for a while, turn round to say to me: "younger sister, I am usually good to you?"! You must do this' blame 'Oh brother! If the back is good, this pot, I'll buy you some candy. OK?" I have a candy, no matter what I do, not just a scapegoat! My strength is so great that I can do it. In this way, I readily promised the helpless cousin.

上海419论坛  To other things to do, I quickly went to the storage room with a long rope, ran to the kitchen to grandma cooking large blame, tied to the back, ran out. Unfortunately, mother, grandmother, uncle, aunt came back, my mother saw me so hurriedly asked me what happened, I also in detail and mother said the whole thing. This grandma and I have them uproarious, know only one second, don't know what are they laughing. Grandma was lost in laughter as if she had forgotten the vase. This makes the cousin has been unable to lift up.

  This is the brightest star in my heart! I'm sure you have some interesting moments like this!

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇16

上海419论坛  Every time I read "the sea" this article, I will think of my childhood.

  I remember when I was young, I heard my mother say, grow up can be admitted to the University by car when leading. I admire it very much, so I study hard every day.

上海419论坛  One day, I heard the Aunt Wang and her mother say, "Xiao Ming admitted to the University downstairs because he drank too much water from his pen."." "Yes."!" Mother echoed her.

上海419论坛  After listening to me downstairs, I thought, "my chance to go to college is coming.". Then, my father to study to take a bottle of ink, drink up. After drinking I feel stomach overwhelming. I was really sick, call the mother said: "Mom, I just drink water pen, stomach upset now dead, you come." With that, I didn't know anything.

  When I woke up, I found myself in hospital. When I got home from the hospital, the neighbors said I was a silly girl." Oh, really happy ah!

上海419论坛  It's really a stupid thing to do, but now I think it's funny when I look back.

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇17

  There are as many interesting stories in my childhood as the stars at night, but one of them is still fresh in my memory.

  That day, my mother took me to my grandmother's home to play. When I got to my grandma's house and got off the bus, I could hardly wait to run to the open space of my grandmother's house. At this moment, a strange noise was heard in the grass, and a green Mantis was seen in the grass. A thought flashed through my mind: I'm going to grab it. So I found a stick and drove it out of the grass. Then, I waved it to him with a stick, but it was so easy for me to jump over and jump over me, and I fell to the ground without notice. "You can't just give up."!" I silently encouraged myself in the bottom of my heart, and then I got up and threw it again. It was easily escaped again. I once again fall on the ground, the two times of failure, the lesson: not storm, only to outsmart. Back to grandma's house, in the living room, I saw a jar, a stratagem comes to mind. By the way, I can catch the mantis with a jar!

  Say, do, do, I hold the jar, carefully hide behind the pillar, waiting for the opportunity. Waiting for the mantis to relax his vigilance, I threw it at him, but still escaped it. In several rounds of battle, it was captured me. Then, I tied a string on its foot, ha ha, it was my pet. At this time, a man with his pet dog through grandma's house, is imposing. I think I might as well set a precedent for "praying mantis"! But it refused to go with me, but in desperation I had to drag it along and drag it along. When I realized the situation was wrong, I found that it had already broken the rope and escaped.

  It's interesting to catch Mantis this time!

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇18

上海419论坛  When I was a child, I spent most of my time at my grandmother's house, where my grandmother lived in a small village near Xinli lake, Changchun. There are mountains, water, more of my childhood, happy, happy time.

  The village is surrounded by green hills and green trees. In the summer, the water in front of the door flows all night long. It is very pleasant to catch loach and catch tadpoles. Looked up, the dense distant mountains of pine woods, some cattle there leisurely eating grass, a variety of unknown birds flying up and down, singing, and colorful butterfly Bimei, and colorful flowers compete. Coupled with the sun's grandfather shed a little golden between the gaps in the woods, Yamanaka Ma is wonderful! The other side of the mountains of new lake is like a Pearl Spring flowing in the blue sky and the white clouds.

上海419论坛  A few vines with Grandma's house, every summer, the vines merrily climbed up to the eaves, long out of a piece of green and transparent leaves, some vines hanging a string of grapes, purple lingling. Especially in the morning, it was covered with sparkling dewdrops. At this time, I could not help moving a small stool, standing on the top to pick grapes, but the grapes stand so high, how can I pick it? Slobber will flow out from time to time, it really makes people envious! At this time, if grandma saw, she would help me pick, let me eat enough once. So I like Grandma best.

  It was a hot noon, and it was as hot as a fire. The frog crouched under the lotus leaf to cool off. The little fish swam in the cool water, and I had to rest under the grape in a little skirt. Because the weather is too hot, I can't sleep sleep, then shouted grandma to play with me, my grandmother didn't want to take me out on a hot day, I kept grandma beside the trouble, not pull hair, just pull clothes, pulling arm. Grandma had no choice but to take me to the mountains. By the way I picked up at the entrance of the small bamboo basket. In the mountains, it seems that everything is my world. Running for a while, jumping for a while, catching birds again. My grandmother stopped me and told me to stay close to her, but I left her sight for a while.

  Because the front Valley is full of dandelions, yellow flowers are full of valleys. I ran forward and picked one. It was too much to pick one! I picked the flowers into a piece, shout grandma come on, because of the small bamboo basket in her hand. As my grandmother came, I picked the flowers into a small basket, stuffed. Looking at my busy little sample, grandma smiled and I laughed.

  Childhood life is good, every day in grandma's home is happy. I miss my childhood, miss the mountains, miss grandma.

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇19

上海419论坛  A happy childhood is like a rainbow after a rain. It is so colorful and so many interesting things that have been done, just like a few bright stars twinkling in the sky of childhood. Occasionally a self or other person raises a laugh. Let me tell you something that was very interesting when I was young.

  It is just after the five birthday of a summer, my mother gave me a red balloon, with a picture of Sun Wukong clouds. As long as you gently throw it into the sky, it will float gently into the air and then fall, very interesting. I always show off it in front of the child. One day, just after the heavy rain, my yard has many small pool, I saw the rain stopped, went to the courtyard to throw balloons. The balloon was spinning in the air. As I chased it, I shouted, "it's fun!"! How nice!" Suddenly the balloon landed in a small pool. I ran over and picked it up. Unfortunately, it was covered with mud. What shall I do?! I was so smart that I remembered that I had stained my handkerchief last time. My mother took her handkerchief to the fire. Why don't I have a roast with the fire? Roast the muddy water with fire. But my mother bakes her handkerchief. It's winter. What's the big stove in the summer? When I think of my mother's fire, I always use some paper with fire. So I got the paper, too. I took the balloon into the room, got a match, lit the paper, and quickly put the muddy balloon near the fire. Suddenly, a "pop" balloon exploded. I was so frightened that I couldn't help jumping. The beautiful balloon suddenly became a fragment. When I sober up, my tears can not help but flow out......

  Until now, every time I think of it, I have to laugh at.

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇20

  I was born in a small county which is poor. Therefore, there were no beautiful clothes or many toys. Before I went to school at six, I only played with my peers nearby. It was such a wonderful period that I would never forget. We always made our toys independently, which cost no money at all.

  Sometimes, parents would help making toys as well. We could play from morning to night until parents told us to go home for dinner. However, as a rural child, I must help my parents doing farm work in the busy season, such as planting and harvesting.

上海419论坛  Besides, my mother is a teacher. Therefore, she began to teach me to read and count when I was three, so I had to spend some time I study. Now, remembering it, I feel much happy rather than upset.

上海419论坛  我出生在一个贫困的小农村里的,因此不能拥有漂亮的衣服和玩具。在我六岁上学之前,我都是和邻居的同龄小朋友玩,那是一段我无法忘怀的快乐的岁月。我们通常都是自己做玩具,不花一分钱。



  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇21

上海419论坛  In my childhood, filled with a lot of interesting young Fun, will not help laughing sometimes question that all of us should ask.

  One thing that made me worry a new memory. I remember that during the last one year when Sunday morning, I was sitting comfortably on the sofa and watch television with relish. Inadvertently, I saw on television a chicken farm in the chicken, all kinds, colors, yellow, white, a very lovely. Small brain, the eyes turn round Liuliu stop, coupled with the hairy body, especially elicit people like. I felt I needed to have an idea of buying a handful of chick-let.

上海419论坛  Mom in the kitchen cooking, I went to my mother around grinning, and said : "Mother, father to father, I have bought a few chicks! Overtime, it will give you time to buy, ah? "I have a lot of pouting and said :" I really hate! "You know they collapsed on the sofa again, a second time to have passed. Suddenly, I scare up, the refrigerator is not the egg? I think about while talking to himself on, do it! Won two eggs through the refrigerator. "Hen hatching chicks depending on the temperature of the eggs were hatched to, if I were to the hatching, eggs are being squeezed easily broken. Of the usually like my mother always said that his father's body stove, the father's quilt is definitely hot. "I think that the father was an egg carefully into the yard, and patiently wait for the birth of her chicks. Dad back, the storm will soon have to open their eyes, into a bedroom, opened quilts, sleeping only heard the father was not named soon, I immediately went past, and my father was out of paper shining his pants. I Wuzhuozui secretly smiled, and her mother came running over and down the back of the skull. Dad angry and said : "Dzodzo, is not a good thing you do? "I will detail in the dark to tell the parents. We all laughed, and her mother rubbed my small brain : "dumb children, no eggs were hatched chicks! "My eyes what we sway. How interesting to me! It made me understand a profound truth : that people should not blindly do, but after careful thought, and action.

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇22

  I am already 18 years old, but the memory of my childhood is still like an unforgettable sweet dream.

  One day, all my family went to climb a mountain. There father told my elder sister and me that the first one to get to the top of the mountain would be given a toy. Hearing this, we began to run up. At first I kept ahead, but a few minutes later my sister was ahead of me. However, I didn't give up. That toy attracted me to run forward, In the end I reached the top first.

  On the top we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and had a picnic. At dusk, we went down the mountain happily. I was the happiest one, because I not only got a toy train but also knew that one shouldn't give up readily.

  我的童年英语作文my childhood 篇23

上海419论坛  I think childhood is the happiest period in life, because there are few troubles and worries at that time. The only thing we worry about is our study.

上海419论坛  Therefore, it’s a time for fun and enjoyment. In my memory, my childhood was colorful and interesting. I was born in the countryside, and I didn’t have many toys, just like other kids in my hometown. But as a creative group, we could always make a lot of toys by ourselves, which need no money at all. We could get all materials around. Toy-making process is of course very interesting.

  Sometimes, we might quarrel with other kids because of different ideas, but we would get on well soon. Of course, I was to blame by my parents due to my naughtiness. Sometimes they even banned me out. However, when I remember those things now, I often feel happy rather than sad or angry. I will always cherish my childhood in my mind.

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