

时间:2022-03-26 12:59:10 其他类英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛  在平平淡淡的日常中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是小编精心整理的我与故事英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。



  As a child, story is a beautiful existence that we yearn for. We are used to sleeping in the gentle voice of our mother and looking for its shadow in the black and sweet dreams. As a youth, story is a hopeless pursuit, an extraordinary experience and a unique legend. We pursue its existence and suspect its existence. As an old man, story is a memory of the past and a memory of the past Remember, we weep for it and laugh for it.

上海419论坛  从来没有的事

上海419论坛  Never before

上海419论坛  故事是从来没有的事。它用一种近乎虚幻的美好、一种近乎完美的幸福构造了一个又一个人类的美好希冀。

  The story never happened. It uses a kind of almost illusory beauty, a kind of nearly perfect happiness to construct the beautiful hope of human beings one after another.


  We once saw the snake tail woman holding up the sky mending stone, illuminating the vast land with a kind of maternal brilliance in the magnificent of Nuwa's sky mending. We once saw a beautiful bird throwing the stone into the boundless sea, writing a legendary ballad with persistence and perseverance We are intoxicated in the story, we feel in the story. We are immersed in the mysterious beauty of the story, and we feel the treachery and wonder that we have never experienced.


  What the story carries is an interpretation and a description of a nation's national spirit. Our ancestors passed them on from mouth to mouth. Though they have gone through thousands of years, they are still passing on. What is conveyed is not only a story or a thing that never happened, but also a kind of spiritual inspiration. When we are still a ignorant child, the story is an ancient song that enlightens us. It is printed in every child's mind, allowing them to roam in the story on the wings of imagination, completing the relay of a national spirit.


  The story is something that never happened. It conveys the eternal national spirit for thousands of years.

上海419论坛  已故的事

  The late matter


  The story is a dead thing. It stays in the past, in someone's memory, leaving behind a happy smile or tears of regret.

上海419论坛  时光是调皮的孩子,也是一个年迈的老人。当它匆匆向前时构造出了一个个或美好或痛苦的故事,当它缓缓前行时又让人们一次一次地回顾那些已故的事。

  Time is a naughty child and an old man. When it moves forward in a hurry, it constructs a beautiful or painful story. When it moves forward slowly, it makes people review the dead things again and again.


上海419论坛  It may be a story that you have experienced and belongs to you. It's like a significant test, an unforgettable failure, a wonderful party. This one by one story constitutes the life of each of us, let our life as a flowering tree, full and full.


  It may be someone else's scenery, someone else's story. It's Confucius's "it's not pleasant to have friends coming from afar", Li Bai's "three people for shadow", Du Fu's "tears splashed when feeling, birds frightened when hating others, Chairman Mao's" Wumeng walking in the mud, crossing the bridge across the iron rope cold ". We browse these different scenes that we can't participate in, or sigh or cry, or joy or sorrow.


  The dead things, let us know what is "time flies by the wayside", let us learn to cherish, let us learn to tolerate, let us learn to prevent, let us learn a lot.


  A story is a story


  The story is my story, my beauty and my sorrow. Whether it's someone else's or fictional, whether it's one's own or ancestor's, it makes me grow up, makes me feel sad and happy, and it will eventually leave my traces in my life. How many rights and wrongs are there in the story, and how many rights and wrongs are there in the story; whether things in the story are right or not, and whether things in the story are right or not; things in the story may have been true, and things in the story may have never been; in fact, the story is already the story, the story is the story, and the story has become my story










