
送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文

时间:2022-11-03 14:50:50 其他类英语作文 我要投稿

送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文(精选12篇)

  在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的.语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。那么,怎么去写作文呢?下面是小编收集整理的送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文(精选12篇),欢迎阅读与收藏。

送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文(精选12篇)

  送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文 篇1

上海419论坛  One day, Xiao Zhang drove his taxi and sent an American couple to a hotel. When they got there, the couple got out of the taxi, paid the driver and waved goodbye. Later, on the road, Xiao Zhang found a handbag on the back seat of his car. He picked up the bag and opened it, finding some US dollars and a passport in it. He thought it must be the foreign couple's.So he quickly drove back to the hotel and learned from the receptionist that the couple stayed in Room 518. He returned the bag to the couple. They were very thankful and praised him for his honesty.

上海419论坛  One day, Xiao Zhang, a taxi driver, sent an American couple to a hotel. When they arrived, they paid the fare and got out of the car. They waved goodbye to Xiao Zhang. He drove away for a while, suddenly he noticed a handbag on the back seat. He opened the bag and found some dollars and a passport in it. He thought it must belong to the American couple. So he drove back to the hotel as quickly as possible. He explained to the receptionist and got to know where the couple stayed. When the couple got back the bag that they were looking for from Xiao Zhang, they were very thankful. They were moved to tears by his honesty.

  送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文 篇2

  In class, sometimes there are short episodes, which not only bring us unexpected feelings, but also let us understand profound truth.

  One day, in Chinese class, we were reading the text attentively when suddenly a bee came.

  The classroom was like a frying pan, and the students were talking about: "What is this?" "It's a bee! Get down!" "Be careful! I'm flying towards you!" We tried our best to dodge: some students got under the table, some girls jumped onto the chair, and some students were so scared that their faces turned pale and they sat still in their seats.

  Just when the boy in our class "Wang Dare" jumped onto the desk and picked up the book to pat the bees, the Chinese teacher stood up and shouted, "Don't panic, everyone! Don't hit the bees!" Hearing what the teacher said, "Wang Dare" stopped his hand and looked at the teacher in a daze. "Open the window and see off!" The teacher continued to command. The students sitting next to the window hurriedly opened the window and prepared to "see off your guests". But the bees were reluctant to give up and kept circling in the classroom. "Turn on the fan and let the wind take it away!" The teacher frowned and said. The students immediately hurriedly turned on all the fans and turned them to the maximum. The bee finally flew out of the classroom with its wings flapping under the cool wind.

上海419论坛  The classroom was calm again, and the students finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the teacher said earnestly: "Students, no matter what happens in the future, we should calm down and deal with it calmly, so that we can solve the problem." The students nodded.

  送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文 篇3

  My cousin Taiyuan came to Xi'an to play on the second day of the New Year. I have had a good time with my cousin these days. Unfortunately, my cousin will return to Taiyuan today and he will go to work the day after tomorrow.

上海419论坛  In the morning, I got up and went to get out of bed. I went to the next room to find my cousin. I talked to him for a while and talked about the fun of the past few days. Suddenly, my father said that you two would play jump ball for a while. My cousin and I dressed, found a chessboard and sat on the ground. I said, "Shall we play gobang?" My cousin and I played gobang and checkers for a while. Anyway, we had a good time. Time flies. It will be four o'clock in the afternoon. Dad said, "It's raining outside. Let's go downstairs and leave early."

  We walked for a while and went to the Wei's Liangpi. We ordered a Liangpi and a Roujiamo for our cousin. My father and I ate a Liangpi and Roujiamo together. The meat bun is very delicious. The oil in it flows from my hands.

上海419论坛  After we finished eating, we went to the supermarket to buy something for my cousin and got on my father's car. We went to the North Railway Station together. On the way, my cousin and I talked all the time about our interesting things these days. He also invited me to play in Taiyuan during the summer vacation. I accepted the invitation happily. I wished it was summer vacation soon, so I could meet my cousin again.

上海419论坛  The time for chatting really passed too fast. Before we knew it, we arrived at the North Railway Station. We sent our cousin to the waiting room. My cousin and I were sad when we left. We always wanted to spend the summer vacation quickly.

  After seeing my cousin off, I drank some porridge. I had a good time today and had a peaceful sleep at night.

  送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文 篇4

上海419论坛  Thursday is an unusual day. The English teacher who has taught us for nearly two years is leaving. This may be the last day. How we hope that the English teacher will not leave! But the weather is unpredictable, and God is not as good as we want.

上海419论坛  After the first class in the afternoon, our whole class knew that the teacher was leaving.

  After class, some students dragged the teacher into our classroom. As soon as the teacher came in, we spontaneously sang "Whenever I Walk by the Teacher's Window". When the third paragraph came, no one could sing anymore. The girls cried. The teacher said a few words of comfort to us, but no one stopped crying. Instead, they cried even more. The students gave gifts to the teacher one after another: some bought a 5 yuan item, but it was also a token of affection for the teacher, while Ding Ning bought a 22 yuan item. Look at us, we are empty handed, with only one yuan at most, and feel very ashamed.

  The teacher took the gift, and said a few words to us, a few words to say goodbye, the English teacher said, tears are coming down. I finally couldn't help crying. "Lao Wang" cried, "Lao Ren" cried, and all the boys cried

  Surprise the world and cry! "Don't go, teacher!" Wei Yao stood up and threw herself into the teacher's arms. The students and the teacher hugged each other. Finally, the teacher drew a smiling face on the blackboard. The teacher encouraged us to read the pronunciation of the letter i, and then walked out of the classroom with a smile

  This affectionate Thursday, I will never forget, not to mention the respectable and amiable English teacher!

  送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文 篇5

  The love of our parents is always around us, but we can't find it out. Many people do not understand their parents' gratitude, and there must be many people who grow up very filial to repay them. This time I will tell you a story about me and my mother

  When I was in the first grade, when I was still young, I would cry loudly every time I went to the school bus. Once, my mother sent me to the school bus. I didn't care about other people and shouted: "Mom, don't go, I don't want to go to school..." Mom comforted: "It's OK, I will return to my mother after a few days. Remember to study hard in school and eat more!" With that, my mother let go of my hand and got off the bus.

  I was blocked by the teacher outside the door and pushed to my seat. I quickly grabbed my head and looked at my mother through the window. Mother raised her head and shouted, "Pay attention to eating more and study hard!" I nodded and cried again.

  When the school bus started, I ran to the back of the school bus at one go. Fortunately, there was a seat and nobody was there. I lay down behind the school bus again. Whether it was vague or clear, I tried to look at the familiar figure: the woman in red dress and black skirt, with her mouth open, shouted and shook her hands. Gradually, my eyes became blurred and tears flowed. The figure became very small, very small

  That figure I will never forget all my life, my beautiful mother, I love you forever!

  送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文 篇6

  My sister returned from Shenzhen less than a week ago. My father and I took them to the railway station.

  Put a lot of things into the car and start. On the bus, I smiled strongly, tried to hide my regret, and told my sister something interesting.

  When we got to the station, we heard our aunt say, "It doesn't matter. You two can chat on WeChat, QQ, Ease... video chat if you can't see each other." When she saw our boring appearance, she said a few words of comfort to us.

上海419论坛  "Exactly. Why didn't we think? We can also see each other through video chat." I said. "We can also write letters. How many times have you written before?" My sister suggested. We looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. During this period, we honed our circle of friends, played games together, and robbed red envelopes together... We usually didn't want to sleep after eleven o'clock. We wanted to play for a while longer. In the morning, we would dress up and play, make a noise, and fight against adults' words together

  Arriving at the station, we slowly wanted to be together. My sister slowly walked in with her suitcase. After walking for a while, she turned around. I waved on the spot. I didn't get into the car until the three of them were drowned out of sight. After getting into the car, I felt my nose sore and suddenly wanted to cry. I lay in the car and wouldn't let my father see me. As soon as I lay down, tears began to flow down. I tried to keep silent and control my emotions.

  My sister and I will see each other again this time. I don't know when we can meet. It may be the summer vacation this year, or the first month of the next year.

  送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文 篇7

  The spring is bright in March. The sky is filled with white clouds, and the flowers all over the bank are like floating mists. However, on such a beautiful day, the Yellow Crane Tower is filled with the pain of parting. It turned out that Meng Haoran was going down the river to Yangzhou right away.

  At this time, Meng Haoran and Li Bai sat on the mat and were silent. Li Bai took the jug and poured out two full cups and handed one cup to Meng Haoran: "Brother Haoran, how long will you come back after you go out this time? Let's drink again today and do it!" At the end of the conversation, the two men raised their necks and drank it all at once. Meng Haoran's eyes glistened with tears: "Brother Taibai, this wine is still the same as before. I wonder if you can still taste such delicious wine when you come back from this trip?" Li Bai also smiled: "Brother Haoran, I'll keep this wine for you. When you come back, I'll buy you a drink!"

上海419论坛  Li Bai was silent for a long time, and then said, "I remember that we used to have fun traveling around the mountains and rivers, singing poems and painting pictures. But now you and I have to be separated from each other..."

上海419论坛  "There is no feast that never ends..." Meng Haoran walked to the boat and turned around step by step. The boat slowly floated up and down to the east and wanted to go far. Finally, it disappeared at the junction of heaven and water, and a ship became a black spot. Li Bai still stood by the river, with tears in his eyes. Only the endless river water flowed towards the end of the sky. After a long time, Li Bai returned to the Yellow Crane Tower and wrote this famous poem: My old friend said goodbye to the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, and fireworks went to Yangzhou in March. The distant shadow of the lone sail is as clear as the blue sky, and only the Yangtze River flows across the sky.

  送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文 篇8

  The spring scenery is good in March, and the flowers along the river bank are beautiful. Like smoke, like fog. Li Bai learns that his old friend Meng Haoran is going to Guangling, so he asks him to see him off at the Yellow Crane Tower. In the warm spring breeze and bright spring light, Li Bai and Meng Haoran in the Yellow Crane Tower look out over the river and spend the last time together. The river is sparkling, the egrets are flying and falling, and they are whispering together, as if they are seeing Meng Haoran off.

  In the picturesque scenery, they are drinking good wine and eating delicious food together. They talked about their thoughts and their past, and the happy time passed quickly. Unconsciously, the time of departure is drawing near. Li Bai could not help tears in his eyes and said with emotion: "Brother Meng, we left recently. I don't know when we will meet again. Come here and drink this wine!" Then Li Bai drank it all in one gulp. Meng Haoran smiled and said, "The flowers will bloom again. It's no big deal. Come on, let's have another pot." After drinking the last pot of farewell wine, the boat by the river also docked. Li Bai tightly held Meng Haoran's hand and told him, "It's a long way to go, Brother Meng, take care of yourself." Meng Haoran boarded the boat, stood at the bow and said goodbye to Li Bai: "Goodbye, brother Li. If you have time, remember to write often, and see you later."

  The boat gradually went far away, and the shadow of the sail gradually blurred and disappeared, and stayed at the place where water and sky meet. The fog on the river is getting heavier and heavier, and Li Bai's mood cannot be pacified for a long time. Although he is separated from each other, his heart is closely connected.

  送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文 篇9

  Today is a special day. A little guest came to our house. She is my classmate, but she will transfer to Beijing soon. We need to be far apart from each other. I don't know when we will meet again. She is Wu Yanzhao. It's really hard to think of this.

  Wu Yanzhao gave me several parting gifts: a Tibetan backpack, a rabbit toy, a tiger head bag and a huge red pencil. She made me always remember our pure friendship. I'll have a day with her today.

  She and I were led by my mother to take a group photo at the place where we took the big picture. We wore the same braids, made various poses, and took pictures one after another. Each picture and action represented our desire to never be separated. I'm going to give Wu Yanzhao the book "Smart Backpack", because I have one myself. I pasted the big head of our group photo on the book. I want Wu Yanzhao to carry the "backpack of wisdom" to Beijing to study hard, make progress every day, and work together with me to remember our friendship. I also gave her my favorite lucky colored ball, which was made of 24 colors of silk thread and carefully sewn with embroidery needles. It was a colorful hexahedron with yellow tassels on the bottom. It represented good luck, good luck and luck. I miss that this colored ball will bring luck and happiness to my best partner.

上海419论坛  I have a lot of heart to say to Wu Yanzhao, but I can't say a word. Let my gift represent my heart!

  送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文 篇10

上海419论坛  "Outside the Changting Pavilion, beside the ancient road, the green grass stretches into the sky, the evening wind caresses the willows and the flute sound is residual, and the sunset is outside the mountain." Whenever I hear this song, I think of the scene of seeing my friends off in my childhood.

  It was the beginning of school. The sun rose from the east as usual. I came to Kunshan Bus Station to see my good friend Wang Kai off at the dawn of the sun

上海419论坛  I tried hard to make a heavy step, holding a pen and a book. Wang Kai looked around in the hall. He was looking for me early. I waved to him. His car started at 10:30, and now it is 10:25. He and I have only five minutes to say goodbye!

上海419论坛  I thought I would cry, but unexpectedly, he and I smiled face to face. We did not say goodbye with tears, but with laughter. Five minutes passed with laughter, The horn of the reception room sounds: "Please get on the 10:30 bus as soon as possible. The bus is about to start. We stopped laughing. I looked down for a while. I was just about to give him my pen and notebook. I didn't expect Wang Kai had already got on the bus. Suddenly, the sky was overcast with dark clouds. It was just like the feelings of Wang Kai and me. Suddenly, it was raining cats and dogs in the sky, and my clothes were all wet. I watched the car drive quickly to the main road, and I watched The back of the car is getting smaller and smaller. I believe Wang Kai must be watching me in the car.

  When I got home, I thought: We should cherish the beautiful dawn of our childhood, because there is only one life, we must cherish it

  送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文 篇11

  This is the most unforgettable moment for me. At this time, the sky is no longer so bright and lovely. The grassland is no longer so green. The sky was red, as if crying red. The grassland also turned yellow, and the water in the river seemed to be colored by the sky. The white and tender sheep walked slowly; Even the steeds chasing the wind every day bow their heads and sigh; The honest old ox also walked home silently. In this state, people feel lonely.

上海419论坛  The Mongolian people rode horses and we drove to see us off 150 miles away. The girls sang us a farewell song; The boys took our hands and looked at us, saying that they would always remember us; An elderly grandfather said to us affectionately, "Welcome to our next visit, children. The door here is always open for you." I took his hand and said, "Grandpa, I will come again next time. If you are free, you can come to the city to play. There are unexpected things for you." A cadre gave us Hada and milk wine.

  It's getting late. We should go back. The Mongolians stood beside the horses and waved to us. A gust of wind blew, and the willow tree remembered to see us off. We drove slowly and looked back at the Mongolian people in the distance from time to time. How can I bear to part from the deep love between Mongolia and Han? The blue grass in the horizon speaks of the setting sun. Yes, as Wang Bo said: "A bosom friend in the sea is like a neighbor in the world."

  On the Way of Driving

上海419论坛  The author of this poem, Li Bai, is Taibai. His ancestral home is Chengji, Longxi. His ancestors lived in Central Asia at the end of the Sui Dynasty. He was born in Shaye City, Central Asia. When he was five years old, he moved with his father to Qinglian Township, Jiangyou, Sichuan Province. His name was Qinglian Gushi. Li Bai was a representative writer in the poetry circle of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and also a great romantic poet after Qu Yuan in the history of Chinese literature, known as the "Poetry Immortal".

  When the author wandered from Shu to Chu, he saw the bright moon in the water like a mirror, the river was calm, and he couldn't help feeling nostalgic for his hometown, so he wrote this poem.

  In the poem, "The mountain runs away with the plain and the river runs into the wasteland." Two famous sentences are immortal, which is the image embodiment of his youth ideal and broad ambition. The poet wrote his vision and yearning for the world outside of Sichuan through the fresh feeling of entering the Chu world by rowing on the river. Li Bai has many ambitions and dreams. He hopes to go into politics, make achievements and accomplish great things. The poem went on to write: "Under the moon flying mirror, clouds grow and form sea towers. Still pity the hometown water, and send a boat thousands of miles away." The poet's vision shifted from the great plain to the white clouds and bright moon, and suddenly felt that his hometown behind him was more and more far away from him, so he could not help feeling a touch of homesickness.

上海419论坛  When Li Bai was sailing from Shu to Chu, he looked at the beautiful landscapes and the scenery on both sides of the river. With the help of the beautiful landscapes, he expressed his great ambition and his heroic thought of becoming a ranger. Then he said, "I still feel pity for the water of my hometown, and I will send a boat thousands of miles away." At this moment, he misses his hometown immeasurably.

  送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文 篇12

上海419论坛  There is a Hope Primary School in a remote mountain village. There is a young female teacher named Miao Lan who leads more than 40 students to live and study together, like a family.

上海419论坛  Miss Miao takes great care of students in life, just like a big tree with luxuriant branches, which provides shelter and shade for students. Some students fell ill and she took them to the city to see a doctor. Others dropped out of school because their families were poor. Teacher Miao took out his savings to pay tuition fees for him. On weekends, teacher Miao still visited his classmates' homes no matter what the weather was. Teacher Miao came home after class every day and was even more bitter. She lived and ate by herself. Then she corrected homework and prepared lessons for the students under the oil lamp. She was willing to go to bed late at night. These days, the students heard that Miss Miao was leaving the mountain village to live in the county town. They heard about the time when the teacher left: midnight tomorrow. In the middle of the night, Miss Miao wanted to be found by her students and left the village quietly. She had no idea that more than 40 of her students had been waiting at the station to see her off.

上海419论坛  The students all looked sad. Teacher Miao said to the students, "Don't be sad. I will go to the county to get married, and then I will settle down there."

上海419论坛  The monitor shouted, "Let's sing a song for Miss Miao, 'A good man is safe in his life.'" When the teacher got on the bus, the students cried, ran after the train, ran after Miss Miao, and kept singing.

  A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candle's tears dry only when it's burned down to ashes. The students never thought that Miss Miao was not going to get married. A few days ago, she felt unwell and went to the county to have a physical examination. It turned out that Miss Miao was suffering from leukemia. The doctor said that Miss Miao only had half a year to go. In fact, she went to the county town to get together with her family. What an ordinary teacher and what a great teacher Miss Miao is.

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