

时间:2022-03-26 10:20:43 其他类英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛  无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是小编收集整理的蝉发音的秘密英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。


上海419论坛  蝉为么会发音,对我来说一直是个谜。为了揭开这个秘密,我常常躲在树下悄悄地观察。我发现蝉鸣时,总是“挺胸”、“翘尾”。

  Why cicadas can pronounce has always been a mystery to me. In order to uncover the secret, I often hide under the tree and observe it quietly. I found that cicadas always "hold their chests up" and "raise their tails" when they chirp.

上海419论坛  这是为什么呢?一天,我捉到了一只蝉,进行了观察研究。我摘掉了蝉的翅膀,把它放在地上,它在地上扑打着小翅膀,叫着;我又折断了它针状式的嘴,可它仍然叫着。蝉究竟靠什么发音呢?经过反复观察,我发现这声音好像是从胸部发出来的。于是,我把它捉起来看,发现它凹部的'两侧,各有一片鱼鳞似的硬壳,像钳甲一样,里面有一对透明薄膜。蝉呜时,簿膜地回动,我用手轻轻地一扞这个地方,蝉就叫了。我不停地捏,它就不停地叫。我想:这对簿膜就是它发音器吧!我把簿膜刺破,再怎么捏,它也不叫了。后来妈妈告诉我这是蝉的“响板”,是雄蝉特殊发音器。发音膜的肌肉收缩振动,蝉就会发出声音。雌蝉没有“响板”,所以是哑巴。

  Why is that? One day, I caught a cicada and made an observation. I took off the wings of the cicada and put it on the ground. It flapped its little wings on the ground and cried. I broke its needle like mouth again, but it still cried. What pronunciation does cicada depend on? After repeated observation, I found that the sound seemed to come from the chest. So I caught it up and saw that on both sides of its concave, there was a hard shell like a fish scale, like a pair of Tongjia, with a pair of transparent films inside. When the cicada whines, it moves in a thin film. I use my hand to gently shake this place, and the cicada calls. I kept pinching, and it kept barking. I think: this pair of film is its pronunciation device! I pricked the film. No matter how I pinched it, it wouldn't scream. Later, my mother told me that this is the "soundboard" of cicadas, a male cicada special pronunciation device. The muscles of the vocal membrane contract and vibrate, and cicadas make sounds. Female cicadas are mute because they don't have a soundboard.


  At this time, I can understand why cicadas always love "open chest" and "cocked tail". The secret of cicada's pronunciation has been revealed, and I have once again tasted the sweetness of using my brain and learning science.










