

时间:2022-03-26 10:20:42 其他类英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛  无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?下面是小编收集整理的太阳和月亮英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家。



  Both the sun and the moon are objects of celestial bodies, and they all glow. Without the sun and the moon, the world would be black. During the day, we bathe in the sunshine, at night we enjoy the gentle moonlight, day after day, year after year.

上海419论坛  冬天,太阳给了我们无限的温暖;夏夜,月亮带给我们无尽的.凉爽。在太阳与月亮之间,我们没有选择的理由,因为它们各自都为人类带来了福祉和利益。然而,太阳与月亮从不会同时升起与落下,好像早就说定了,太阳管白昼,月亮黑夜。天上同时出现太阳和月亮的机会也有,但那是很短暂的。如在黄昏时,太阳刚落山,太阳的余晖还洒落在大地上,月亮却已经悄悄地挂上半空了。这时的月亮毫无生气,更闪耀不出月亮的光辉,唯有天完全黑暗了,月亮才渐渐地发出亮光,而且随着夜深,月光越加发亮。

  In winter, the sun gives us infinite warmth; in summer, the moon brings us endless cool. There is no reason for us to choose between the sun and the moon, because each of them brings benefits and benefits to mankind. However, the sun and the moon will never rise and set at the same time. It seems that it has been agreed for a long time that the Sun rules the day and the moon the night. There are also opportunities for the sun and the moon to appear in the sky at the same time, but that is very short-lived. For example, at dusk, when the sun just sets, the sun's afterglow still falls on the earth, but the moon has been quietly hanging in the sky. At this time, the moon is lifeless and can't shine the brightness of the moon. Only when the sky is completely dark, can the moon gradually give out light. And as the night goes on, the moonlight becomes brighter and brighter.

上海419论坛  月亮会发光吗?答案是“不会”。那么,月亮的光从哪里来呢?智慧老人告诉我们:月亮的光也来自太阳发出的光亮。当太阳落山后,天上只有月亮,月亮是靠太阳照射后发出的反光,所以,月亮的光再强也强不过太阳。说到这,我们太感谢太阳对我们的恩泽了,即使它落山后,仍然借着月亮,把它的光明传送到人类。太阳啊,我们爱你,就像有首歌唱的那样:“万物生长靠太阳,雨露滋润禾苗壮”,世界上缺少了太阳,那么世间的万物就不能茁壮地成长。

  Will the moon shine? The answer is No. So where does the light of the moon come from? The wise old man tells us that the light of the moon comes from the light of the sun. When the sun sets, there is only the moon in the sky. The moon reflects light from the sun. Therefore, the light of the moon is no stronger than the sun. Speaking of this, we are so grateful to the sun for its kindness. Even after it sets, it still transmits its light to human beings through the moon. Sun, we love you, just like a song: "all things grow by the sun, and the rain and dew nourish the seedlings". Without the sun in the world, all things in the world cannot grow healthily.


上海419论坛  Since then, whenever the night, looking at the high hanging moon in the sky, I will also think of the sun of the land of grace.










