

时间:2024-04-08 10:16:31 金磊 其他类英语作文 我要投稿
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上海419论坛  在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是小编精心整理的跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。


  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 1


上海419论坛  I didnt take part in the rope skipping competition, but I was still very happy. Because Im here to cheer on the students in the rope skipping competition, no vinegar.


上海419论坛  I cheer for Huang Qianjin the most, because we are good friends. I add oil for a while and feel bored. I play with Lu Xinran and Wang Yuhan.


  After participating in the rope skipping competition, Wang Yuhans father took photos for us. Huang Qianjin was the most fun. He put his head between Lu Xinran and me, but he was also photographed.


  Im really happy in this competition, but I must practice skipping well. Next time Ill take part in the competition.

  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 2

上海419论坛  This afternoon, we held a second grade jump rope competition.

上海419论坛  As soon as the whistle sounded, I quickly jumped up the rope and heard the cheering voices of my classmates coming from beside me. It turned out that the cheerleaders were cheering for us! I couldnt help but jump harder. Its time, I stopped and happily returned to the team, feeling extremely excited because I jumped 135 times.

上海419论坛  Todays sports meet has deeply impressed me with the power of teamwork. Today is the most unforgettable day for me this semester! I will firmly remember the cheers everyone gave me, and I will never forget the happy mood brought by working hard to do something!


上海419论坛  今天下午,我们举行了二年级跳绳比赛。


上海419论坛  今天的运动会让我深深体会到团队精神的力量,今天是我这学期以来最难忘的一天!我会牢牢记住大家给我的加油声,更忘不了努力做一件事给我带来的快乐心情!

  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 3

上海419论坛  Yesterday, the teacher told us that there was a jump rope competition in first grade and asked us to go home to practice. After school, my mother took me to buy a rope and started practicing when I got home. I have never jumped the rope. The rope always doesnt listen to me, either my feet jump faster or the rope swings slower. I was so tired that I was sweating profusely, and it wasnt until evening that I could jump four times in a row. I still have to practice tomorrow, hoping to achieve good results.



  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 4

上海419论坛  Today, Teacher Jiang announced to us an important news that a "skipping rope competition" will be held in the afternoon. We hope that everyone will work together to achieve a good result.

上海419论坛  In the afternoon, when it was our turn to play, my heart felt like it was being crushed by a big stone, and I couldnt catch my breath. When the whistle sounded, the whole class jumped up very proficiently in an instant, only hearing the sound of "clanging" the rope. After a minute, our classs rope jumping competition ended easily. Finally, I wish our class that we can enter the top three in this jump rope competition.




  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 5

  On Friday afternoon, our school will have a jump rope competition.

  We lined up first and arrived at the stormy basketball court. Engage in a jump rope competition. With a command from Teacher Li, we picked up the rope and gently swung it, making a whirring sound. We jump in groups one after another like this. Classmates all showed joy on their faces, cheering together!

  Finally, the skipping rope competition came to an end amidst everyones laughter and cheers.



上海419论坛  我们先排好队来到风雨篮球场。进行跳绳比赛。李老师一声令下,我们就拿起绳子,轻巧地甩着,绳子发出“呼呼”的声响。我们就这样一组又一组地跳着。同学们个个面露喜色,一起欢呼起来!


  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 6

上海419论坛  Today we just held our annual jump rope competition, and the results have been announced. We have won!

上海419论坛  I feel very guilty for not being able to participate in this years jump rope competition. I want to participate, but I dont practice regularly. Watching the Sword Saint spin around makes me feel scared. Skipping rope is not a difficult task, its just that I dare not try it myself.

上海419论坛  I should be bold enough to do something, just like the homeroom teacher said: "The potential of children is hidden now, and you only need to slowly explore it, and you can succeed!"



上海419论坛  今年跳绳比赛我没能参加,我感到非常愧疚,我想参加,只是我平时没有练习,看剑圣一圈一圈的'转,我就心里害怕。跳绳不是什么难事,只是我自己不敢尝试。


  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 7

上海419论坛  This afternoon, I watched the 5th skipping rope competition on the school playground with great excitement.

上海419论坛  After I arrived at the venue, many people were very excited and wanted to see this wonderful performance soon.

  The competition started, first it was the second to fourth grade competition. When it was time for us, we all shouted loudly, "Class 52, come on! Class 52, come on!"

  After the competition, I feel that no matter which place our class comes in, its all thanks to our hard work.


上海419论坛  今天下午,我怀着激动无比的`心情在学校的操场上来看了第五届跳绳比赛。




  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 8

  On October 10th, an exciting jump rope competition officially began. Our class selected 10 men and 10 women to participate in the competition. The whole class came to the playground and waited for the teachers command.

上海419论坛  Each class sends 20 students to participate in the competition. The whistle blew and the game began. The children immediately waved the ropes in their hands. The child next to him immediately shouted, "Come on, come on.". The entire playground immediately became lively. After one minute, the children went on to the next stage. Everyone is extremely excited!



上海419论坛  每个班派20个同学参加比赛。哨子一吹,比赛开始了。小朋友们马上挥动手中的绳子。旁边的小朋友马上喊起来:“加油,加油”。整个操场马上热闹起来。一分钟完了,小朋友接着下一个上场。大家兴奋极了!

  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 9

  After dinner today, I took my dad downstairs with a jump rope and started our jump rope competition.

上海419论坛  At the beginning, I started by jumping Dads number. After one minute, I jumped 73 times and took a break. At that moment, my mom and younger brother came down, followed by Dad. Dad jumped 83 times in one minute, and I calculated that Dad jumped 10 more than me. Finally, Mom jumped. Mom jumped 75 times in one minute, and finally, Dad won.

  I told my dad that I would challenge you again next time, and he nodded and agreed. I will work hard to practice skipping rope and strive to jump more than my dad next time.





  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 10

  The sky is clear and cloudless for thousands of miles. I go to school, eat, finish school, and go home as usual. But the difference is that there is an annual jump rope competition today. The playground is bustling with activity, crowded with people. The little girl over there is wearing a red dress, which flutters gracefully. The clothes worn by the young man were polite and seemed very polite. Look at that girl wearing a deep blue dress, with a few small red flowers in the middle to embellish her, like a vast sea of stars. She is a cheerleading girl. Her cheering voice was the most outstanding and loud, "Cheer up, Cheer up!" Her tugging sound faded away with the jump rope competition.


上海419论坛  今天下午,我和邻居白云进行一场跳绳比赛,第一次比赛,我一口气跳了9个,而白云跳了12个。我心里很不服气,我们有进行了第二次比赛,这次我跳了15个,白云跳了17个,两次比赛我都输了。白云发现我不开心,主动陪我练习跳绳,经过一下午的努力,我有了很大的进步,白云能帮助我,我很开心,以后我也要帮助她。

  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 11

上海419论坛  This afternoon, my neighbor Baiyun and I had a jump rope competition. In the first competition, I jumped 9 times in one breath, while Baiyun jumped 12 times. I was very dissatisfied in my heart. We had a second competition, and this time I jumped 15 times and Baiyun jumped 17 times. I lost both competitions. Baiyun noticed that I was unhappy and took the initiative to practice skipping rope with me. After an afternoon of hard work, I made great progress. Baiyun can help me, I am very happy, and I will also help her in the future.



上海419论坛  第二次跳绳比赛,小兔只得了第三名,它很不高兴。山羊公公对小兔说:“你不能骄傲啊!要不然你的成绩只会越来越差!”

上海419论坛  小兔终于明白了骄傲必败的道理。从此它再也不骄傲了,又开始认真地练习了。

  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 12

  The little rabbit won the championship in the jump rope competition. From then on, it became very proud and stopped practicing jump rope. But other small animals are all studying hard and practicing hard.

  In the second jump rope competition, the little rabbit only finished third and was very unhappy. Goat Grandpa said to Little Rabbit, "You cant be proud! Otherwise, your grades will only get worse and worse!"

  The little rabbit finally understood the principle that pride is bound to fail. From then on, it no longer felt proud and began practicing seriously.



上海419论坛  刚开始的时候,姐姐不想跟我玩,她让我倒着跳会三个才和我玩。于是我不断的练习,在多次失败的'情况下终于能倒着跳三个了!

上海419论坛  姐姐表扬了我这种不服输的精神,姐姐还说“世上无难事,只怕有心人”,我觉得姐姐说的太对了!

  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 13

  Today, my sister and I played a game: skipping rope competition.

  At the beginning, my sister didnt want to play with me. She asked me to jump backwards for three times before playing with me. So I kept practicing, and after multiple failures, I finally managed to jump three times upside down!

上海419论坛  My older sister praised me for my indomitable spirit, and she even said, "There is nothing difficult in the world, only those with a heart." I think what my older sister said is too right!


上海419论坛  自从弟弟上了一年级妈妈就给他买了跳绳,说是老师让买的每天都要跳,他每天晚上都要练习跳绳,可是他对跳绳太没天赋了,怎么学都不会,我在一旁干着急帮不上忙。经过这几天在我的指导下弟弟能连续跳二三十下了,加起来一分钟能跳七八十下了,于是我决定和他比赛,看一分钟谁跳的.多,妈妈在一旁拿着手机计数器做裁判。弟弟一分钟四次加起来八十五个,我就厉害了,两次加起来就跳了九十三个,哈哈,哈哈,我赢了。

  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 14

上海419论坛  Since my younger brother started first grade, my mother has bought him jump rope. She said the teacher asked him to jump every day and he practices jump rope every night. However, he has no talent for jump rope and cant learn it no matter how hard he is. I am in a hurry and cant help him. After a few days of guidance from me, my younger brother has been able to jump twenty or thirty times in a row, adding up to seventy or eighty times in one minute. So I decided to compete with him to see who jumps more in one minute, while my mother is holding a mobile phone counter as the referee. My younger brother jumps eighty-five times in a minute, and Im amazing. He jumps ninety-three times in two, haha, haha, I won.




上海419论坛  比赛的`人先准备准备,不比赛的人在一边当啦啦队。


  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 15

上海419论坛  This afternoon, all the children in our class went to the playground to participate in a jump rope competition.

  Some compete, some dont.

上海419论坛  The contestants prepare first, while the non contestants act as cheerleaders on the side.

  After a while, it was my turn and I was very nervous. As soon as I heard the whistle, I focused on jumping with all my strength. After jumping for a while, the whistle sounded again, and then I stopped.

  I looked at my score and it turned out to be 119.




  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 16

上海419论坛  Today, my sister and I played a jump rope competition together. At first, I was full of confidence because skipping rope was my strong suit, so I would definitely beat my sister. Hahaha, sister announced that the competition has officially started.

上海419论坛  I immediately jumped up and started sweating for a long time. It was very hot, my back was sore, and my heart was beating extremely fast. I accidentally tripped over the rope. The result was only 89 jumps. I asked my sister: How many jumps have you made? I only jumped a total of 64 times. After listening, I was particularly happy because I didnt jump as much as I did. I jumped three feet high.

  This jump rope competition is really fun.




上海419论坛  最后,我、楼嘉豪、林则诚和姚涵并列第一,每人都拿到了一张银杏种子。

  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 17

  Today, we have a jump rope competition in our physical education class. The competition rule is to see who jumps for the longest time. The first place can receive two ginkgo seeds, while the second and third places can both receive one ginkgo seed.

上海419论坛  The competition started, and we all exerted our full strength to jump rope, all hoping to win first place.

  Finally, I, Lou Jiahao, Lin Zecheng, and Yao Han tied for first place, each receiving a ginkgo seed.


上海419论坛  今天姐姐到我家里玩.想了半天也不知道玩什么.妈妈给我们出了一个好主意.让我们跳绳比赛.我们开心的答应了.妈妈一声令下我们开始了.很快一分钟结束了我跳了27个.姐姐跳了53个.我不服气就这样我们一轮一轮又一轮到最后也没有.但是我们今天运动的非常开心而我在跳绳这项运动上进步很多.

  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 18

  Today, my sister came to my house to play. After thinking for a while, I didnt know what to play. My mother gave us a good idea. Lets have a jump rope competition. We happily agreed. My mother gave us a command and we started. It quickly ended in one minute. I jumped 27 times, and my sister jumped 53 times. I was not convinced, so we went round and round again until the end. But we had a great time exercising today, and I made a lot of progress in jump rope


上海419论坛  今天下午我们学校二年级的学生比赛跳绳,我们很开心。

上海419论坛  我们班的刘书贺跳了162个。

上海419论坛  我们班有的跳了90个,有的跳了70个,有的`跳了40个。


  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 19

  This afternoon, the second grade students in our school had a jump rope competition, and we were very happy.

上海419论坛  Liu Shuhe in our class jumped 162 times.

  Some of us in our class jumped 90 times, some jumped 70 times, and some jumped 40 times.

  I dont know which place in our class we are in. I think we should be in the top few, not the bottom one.

上海419论坛  100 word English essay with translation for skipping rope competition 19

  This afternoon, our school held a unique skipping rope competition. There are many people on the playground. The competition began, with colorful skipping ropes displayed in front of us. The students were all eager and eager to try, eagerly waiting for the competition with confidence.

  With a command from the teacher, we jumped up quickly, the rope dancing in the air and hitting the ground with a "snap" sound.

上海419论坛  The competition ended, and the students danced happily and returned to the classroom.


上海419论坛  今天下午我们学校举行了一场别开生面的跳绳比赛。操场上有许许多多的`人。比赛开始了,花花绿绿的跳绳展现在我们面前,同学们个个摩拳擦掌、跃跃欲试,充满信心地等待着比赛。

上海419论坛  老师一声令响,我们就飞快地跳起来,绳子在空中飞舞,打在地上发出“啪啪”声。

上海419论坛  比赛结束了,同学们高兴得手舞足蹈,欢快地回到了教室。

  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 20

上海419论坛  Today is November 22nd, which means we are going to hold a jump rope competition. First of all, there will be a first grade mens singles shake. Look! Their firm cheeks and step-by-step footprints seem to be thinking: I must strive for first place, dont let down the hopes of teachers and classmates for me! So I must work hard! Listen! That group of classes are all cheering for their own class! Finally, its our classs turn. Before they even started playing, I heard our class shouting for help. I thought to myself: Even if we dont have the first place, we can unite. Unity is strength! Todays jump rope competition is really pleasing to the eye.


上海419论坛  今天,我们在小桔灯作文班举行了一次别开生面的跳绳比赛,同学们个个兴致勃勃,精神抖擞。

上海419论坛  比赛前,我们拿出自己早已准备好的`跳绳,老师仔细的讲了一下比赛规则,同学们都跃跃欲试,恨不得比赛马上开始。

上海419论坛  同学们拿着跳绳,依次排开,大家都全神贯注,集中精力,等待老师的口令,只听见嘟的一声哨响,比赛开始。

  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 21

  Today, we held a unique skipping rope competition in the Xiaojudeng essay class, and our classmates were all enthusiastic and full of energy.

  Before the competition, we took out the jump rope we had already prepared, and the teacher carefully explained the competition rules. The students were all eager to try, hoping that the competition would start soon.

  The students held jump ropes and lined them up one by one. Everyone was fully focused and focused, waiting for the teachers command. Only a beep of whistle was heard, and the competition began.


  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 22

上海419论坛  Today is Friday, and our school has held an annual competition.

  I have packaged a total of four projects, including interactive rope, single shake, double shake, and figure eight jump. When I was jumping the interactive rope, in the last ten seconds, I used a sprint and then jumped to more than ten. We seem to have finished last in our class, but we wont believe it because we have made a lot of progress compared to the previous year. If we insist on practicing jump rope, we will definitely get the first place position.

  I like this jump rope competition.



  我一共包了四个项目,有交互绳,单摇,双摇和八字跳。我在跳交互绳的`时候,到最后十秒,我使用了冲刺,然后跳到了十几个。把这条我们班好像得到了最后一名,但是我们并不会信,因为比上一年进步了许多。如果既要坚持锻炼的跳绳的话,我们一定会得到第一名的位置的。 我喜欢这次的跳绳比赛。

  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 23

  Today, our third and fourth grades held an unprecedented and unprecedented jump rope competition. Our class selects ten boys and ten girls each to participate in the jump rope competition.

上海419论坛  The competition has started, first for girls, and then for boys. When Ma Wenbo arrived in our class, he started dancing very fast, and his classmates cheered and cheered, making him faster. Finally stopped, he was exhausted and barely breathing.

  This is an interesting jump rope competition.



上海419论坛  比赛开始了,首先是女生比赛,然后是男生比赛。到了我们班马文博,一开始他跳得很快,同学们鬼哭狼嚎般的.加油,让他更快了。终于停了,他累得苟延残喘,奄奄一息。


  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 24

上海419论坛  I am a girl who loves sports very much. A few days ago, the teacher said; The school is going to hold a jump rope competition. I specially bought a skipping rope with a counting function and practiced it diligently at home for a few days. The teacher chose me and I was extremely happy.

上海419论坛  The competition has finally started today, and I am very excited. Its our classs turn to go on stage. I worked very hard to jump, and the classmates below applauded and cheered us on. I jumped more and more vigorously, and only stopped when I couldnt move anymore.

上海419论坛  Although the competition results were not announced at that time, I still hoped that our class could achieve good results. No matter what the result is, I am happy because I have worked hard.


上海419论坛  我是一个特别喜欢运动的女孩。前几天,老师说;“学校要举行跳绳比赛”。我特意买了一个带计数的跳绳在家很用心的练了几天,老师选上了我,我高兴极了。

上海419论坛  今天终于开始比赛了,我非常的激动。轮到我们班上场了,我非常努力的.跳,下面的同学给我们鼓掌加油,我越跳越有劲,实在跳不动啦才停下来。


  跳绳比赛英语作文100字带翻译 25

  In this mornings physical education class, the teacher asked us to participate in a jump rope competition together. Everyone was ready with jump ropes in their hands, and when the teacher shouted to start, the students quickly jumped up. When I was jumping, I saw a female classmate jumping and jumping in a different way. She closed her hands and jumped like a shield. I heard this is a flower weaving dance. After everyone finished dancing, they all went to the physical education teacher and said how many they had chosen. I jumped 75 times, with a maximum of over 100 jumps.

上海419论坛  Todays jump rope competition is really fun!



上海419论坛  今天的跳绳比赛真是太有意思了!










