

时间:2022-02-14 11:50:54 节日类英语作文 我要投稿




  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇1

  The Lantern Festival night, mother and I went to the most prosperous street square is watching lanterns.

  One out of the door, I saw the street crowded, many shop doorway the blazing exuberant. People all around each side by a warm hand, while talking about. The trees on both sides of the road hung a beautiful lights, YiZhanZhan small lights like the stars twinkle, I as if into the world of fairy tales. Each lantern is various, the store has a long, there are round, and automatic rotation. All these form a festive and peaceful yuanxiao nights.

上海419论坛  We went to the square, the square was a sea of people, the north side of the square built a grand palace decorated gateway, decorated gateway variety were pictured on the dragon, there are many spirited rabbit, under the light reflect, they come in all shapes, lifelike. The south of the square is a curtain of blue, so the light "waterfall" waterfall, inlaid with a few red big word: "I wish the original peoples happy life" lights flash, falls as if to flow, I cant help but the superb artistry of gasp in admiration for the designers.

  All of a sudden, listen to "bang" sound, I looked inside, see a beam of light into the sky, and then opened the colorful fireworks. This a fireworks such as call to arms, all of the fireworks lit the sky suddenly turned into another splendid stage, colours, shapes, just look at this one, another rose again, make a person dazzling. Thunder is heard, asing if is hammering in melee, the people cant help expletives, yuanxiao nights to the climax stage!

  Fireworks over, I rubbed his acid trapped neck and mom returned home reluctantly and sick at this how happy Lantern Festival!


上海419论坛  一出门,只见街上人头攒动,许多商店的门口都燃起了熊熊的旺火。人们都围在旺火旁一边暖着手,一边谈论着。马路两旁的树上都挂上一漂亮的彩灯,一盏盏小灯如星星般一闪一闪,我仿佛进入了童话的世界。每家商场的灯笼也是各式各样,有长的,有圆的,还有自动旋转的。这一切都组成了一个喜庆祥和的元宵之夜。



上海419论坛  烟火完了,我揉了揉酸困的脖子和妈妈依依不舍地回到家中,这个元宵节多么快乐啊!

  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇2

  Today is the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, I saw the sky in the evening, the moon is round, like a white plate. Mother said: "the Lantern Festival is the first full moon night of the year, is also one yuan after the beginning, the earth rejuvenation of night, the Lantern Festival is also called the Lantern Festival."

  Early in the evening, we eat the dumplings made of glutinous rice, red bean, ningbo. I also know some knowledge about the dumplings, dumplings, round, sweet, on behalf of our family reunion, sweet life. Tangyuan is also called floating mariko, also called dumpling, also called yuanxiao.

上海419论坛  Ate the night, our family go to the lantern, lantern light. Streets decorated, people mountain people sea, pedestrians, can be said to be the ocean of light, the light of the world. Zhongshan square, there are many tree lights, poem reminds me of a few words: "I close, the star bridge cable lock open. Thousand lamp tree light, bright moon once." Approached the point, the lamp like silver and gold, shine.

上海419论坛  On the night of the Lantern Festival, people was transported with joy. Along the city square to go home, I saw the dragon lantern, carp light, bright red palace lantern, top light, ensemble, such as full of lanterns, the in the mind is very cheerful.

上海419论坛  I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival of, make the prosperous.


上海419论坛  晚上,我们早早的吃了糯米、豆沙制成的宁波汤圆。我还知道一些关于汤圆的知识,汤圆圆圆的,甜甜的,代表我们一家团团圆圆,甜甜蜜蜜的生活。汤圆又叫浮圆子,还叫汤团,也称为元宵。


上海419论坛  元宵节的晚上,民心一片欢腾。沿着市民广场回家,我看见了龙灯、鲤鱼灯、大红宫灯、状元灯、八仙过海等数不胜数的花灯,心里非常欢畅。

上海419论坛  祝大家元宵节闹的开心,闹的红红火火。

  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇3

上海419论坛  元宵节是农历新年的压尾,代表着农历新年即将结束,所以这一天家家户户都聚在一起吃汤圆。过一个团团圆圆的节日,给农历新年画上一个完美的句号。


上海419论坛  元宵节的晚上,你总会听到震耳欲聋的鞭炮声,那是人们人在庆元宵呢!在我家阳台上,我还可以看到了从世纪公园腾空而起的焰火:有的像一朵朵盛开的菊花,有的像划破夜空的流星,有的像倒垂的柳树,有的像满天闪烁的星星……把夜空照得五彩缤纷。

上海419论坛  元宵节真是一个甜蜜、热闹而又美丽的节日!

  Lantern Festival is the end of the Lunar New Year, representing the Lunar New Year is coming to an end, so every day all households are eating glutinous rice balls. After a round of festivals, draw a perfect ending for the Lunar New Year.

  In the morning of the Lantern Festival, I went to bed with my mom to make a glutinous rice dumpling. This is the first time I learned how to cook rice dumplings. I was curious. My mother reminds me, dumpling round to get some round, because the more round the dumpling on behalf of the more reunited families. Rice balls cooked. End up on the table, I put one into the mouth, a bite, sweet sesame stuffed into the mouth, watching the family around the table eating steaming dumpling, my heart is also sweet, that feeling that's nice!

  Lantern Festival night, you will always hear the deafening sound of firecrackers, it is people celebrate Qing Lantern it! On my balcony, I could also see the fireworks that rose from Century Park: some like blossoming chrysanthemums, some like meteors that pierce the night sky, some like willow trees, some like The twinkling stars ... ... the night sky is lit colorful.

  Lantern Festival is really a sweet, lively and beautiful festival!

  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇4

  The fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, every household to eat dumplings on this day.

  Our family is no exception. Look! Mother would have live good glutinous rice noodles, I saw her take a little bit of glutinous rice flour knead dough, then knead the dough plaque flat, then knead after put all kinds of filling in the round, rub into a round shape, yuanxiao is ready.

  The water is boiling, the mother put the dumplings into the boiling water. A little later, yuanxiao was made and the food made my mouth water, mother hurriedly pass me a bowl of dumplings, let me hasten to hot to eat.

上海419论坛  Ah! My is peanuts filling, looks very delicious, I smelled the, a peanut fragrance pubi. Yuanxiao is one yuan coin size, there are yellow, purple, red bean, also have a pure white. Use chopsticks clamp soft, sticky, like the children to eat cotton candy. A lick and sweet. A bite bite, yellow was the smell of peanuts, purple colocasia flavour, red bean color red bean flavor. Also have a taste of pure white, is really delicious and good-looking.

  In this day, we went to the Confucius temple watching lanterns, there people mountain people sea, lively, colorful lanterns, dad took lots of photos to my mother and I. After you come back, on computer, : "oh! My daughter is like a little star, full of beauty!" The mother exclaimed.

上海419论坛  The Lantern Festival my family and I had a really interesting!

上海419论坛  正月十五元宵节,这天家家户户都要吃汤圆。


上海419论坛  水开了,妈妈把元宵放入开水里煮。不一会儿,元宵煮好了,我馋得直流口水,妈妈连忙盛了一碗汤圆递给我,让我赶紧趁热吃。


上海419论坛  这天,我们还去了夫子庙赏灯,那里人山人海,热闹非凡,五彩的花灯比比皆是,爸爸为我和妈妈照了许多照片。回来后,放到电脑上一看,:“哟!我的女儿还真像个小明星,十足的小美女呢!”妈妈惊叫道。


  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇5

上海419论坛  今天是正月十五,也就是元宵节。下午我们全家就出发来到了广场等着晚上的烟火表演!


上海419论坛  夜深了,广场沸腾了,一束束焰火腾空而起,点燃了夜幕,点燃了“黑丝绒”。多美丽呀!红的、绿的、紫的、蓝的,各种色彩融合在一起,组成了各种图案,它的美丽羞得星星闭上了眼睛,羞得月亮躲进了云层。焰火们跳得更高了,飞得更远了,它们代替了月亮的光明,代替了星星的妩媚,吸引了一双双好奇的眼睛,它们自豪地笑着,跳跃着,装点着黑丝绒做的夜幕……


  Today is the fifteenth day of the month, that is, the Lantern Festival. Afternoon, our family came to the square waiting for the night's fireworks show!

上海419论坛  The black velvet night covered the blue sky, the stars blinked in the moonlight, and they seemed to be taking a break from urging those who had been tired for a day, but they were disappointed. Because of the more colorful lights on the ground, look! No matter the street, the fork in the road, in front of the store, next to the stalls, are lit countless lights. There are fiery red lanterns; there are colorful small bulbs; Yingying shiny fluorescent lamp, there are always changing color neon lights. The square at this time became the world of lights, the sea of lights. People here enjoy talking, playing, seems to be under, you will forget the day's fatigue.

  Late at night, the square boiled, a bunch of beam fireworks skyrocketed, lit the night, lit the "black velvet." How beautiful! Red, green, purple, blue, all kinds of colors together, formed a variety of patterns, its beautiful shame stars closed their eyes, shame the moon to hide in the clouds. The fireworks danced higher and farther, replacing the light of the moon instead of the stars, attracting curious eyes, proudly laughing, jumping, and black velvet Night ...

  We are still feeling very much at the end of the fireworks and hopefully we will be better next year!

  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇6

上海419论坛  Open happy heart just after the Spring Festival, is celebrated the Lantern Festival. Today is Friday, our school has carried out a happy celebration of this day's activity.

  In the morning, I was carrying a bag as usual went to the school, at the entrance of the building, he saw a big, red lanterns hanging above. Oh! He reminded us - today school to carry out activities that celebrate yuanxiao, we began to decorate the classroom, with a few big lantern, the back of the classroom also put the tiger stickers, ribbon and decorating, doors with pepper and finally to the activities such as in the beginning, this activity has two contents. We started an activity, that is each team about information on the Lantern Festival, hear teams, I learned a lot of knowledge, and it's interesting, our team play, although I won't go up, but I also cheer for them in my mind, our team finished, start comparison, although our turnout came in third place, I also feel proud for our team. The next activity content is guess riddles, the students are sitting in my position, look at riddles, playing on the projection screen play everyone is scrambling to raise hand vies to answer first, right and prizes! But I always fall on somebody else, I just want to come out, was the other students guess.

  Happy anniversary yuanxiao activity over in laughter.




  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇7

  The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, usually in February or March in the Gregorian calendar. As early as the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25), it had become a festival with great significance.

上海419论坛  我们说的元宵节是在阴历正月的十五,通常在阳历的二月或三月。早在西汉时期(公元前206年至公元25年),它已经成为具有重要意义的节日。

  This day's important activity is watching lanterns. Throughout the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), Buddhism flourished in China. One emperor heard that Buddhist monks would watch sarira, or remains from the cremation of Buddha's body, and light lanterns to worship Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, so he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on this day. Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a grand festival among common people and its influence expanded from the Central Plains to the whole of China.


上海419论坛  Till today, the lantern festival is still held each year around the country. Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets, attracting countless visitors. Children will hold self-made or bought lanterns to stroll with on the streets, extremely excited. "Guessing lantern riddles"is an essential part of the Festival.


  Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer. If they are right, they will get a little gift. The activity emerged during people's enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata.


  People will eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings, on this day, so it is also called the "Yuanxiao Festival."Yuanxiao also has another name, tangyuan. It is small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour with rose petals, sesame, bean paste, jujube paste, walnut meat, dried fruit, sugar and edible oil as filling. Tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed. It tastes sweet and delicious. What’s more, tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with "tuanyuan”, meaning reunion. So people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the family.

上海419论坛  在那一天人们会吃元宵,粽子,因此,被称为“元宵节”。元宵还有另外一个名字,汤圆。那是一种小粽子由糯米粉和玫瑰花瓣,芝麻,豆沙,枣糊,核桃肉,干水果,糖和食用油做成的。汤圆可以煮,炒或蒸。它的味道是甜的,美味的。而且,汤圆在中国与“团圆”的发音相似,含义团聚。因此人们吃汤圆来表联盟,家庭和谐与幸福。

  In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a dragon lantern dance, a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged. On the night, except for magnificent lanterns, fireworks form a beautiful scene. Most families spare some fireworks from the Spring Festival and let them off in the Lantern Festival. Some local governments will even organize a fireworks party. On the night when the first full moon enters the New Year, people become really intoxicated by the imposing fireworks and bright moon in the sky.


  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇8

  The 15-Day Celebration of Chinese New Year

上海419论坛  The first day of the Lunar New Year is the welcoming of the gods of the heavens and earth.Many people abstain from meat on the first day of the new year because it is believed that this will ensure long and happy lives for them.

  On the second day, the Chinese pray to their ancestors as well as to all the gods. They are extra kind to dogs and feed them well as it is believed that the second day is the birthday of all dogs.

  The third and fourth days are for the sons-in-laws to pay respect to their parents-in-law.

  The fifth day is called Po Woo. On that day people stay home to welcome the God of Wealth. No one visits families and friends on the fifth day because it will bring both parties bad luck.

  On the sixth to the 10th day, the Chinese visit their relatives and friends freely. They also visit the temples to pray for good fortune and health.

  The seventh day of the New Year is the day for farmers to display their produce. These farmers make a drink from seven types of vegetables to celebrate the occasion. The seventh day is also considered the birthday of human beings. Noodles are eaten to promote longevity and raw fish for success.

上海419论坛  On the eighth day the Fujian people have another family reunion dinner, and at midnight they pray to Tian Gong, the God of Heaven.

上海419论坛  The ninth day is to make offerings to the Jade Emperor.

上海419论坛  The 10th through the 12th are days that friends and relatives should be invited for dinner. After so much rich food, on the 13th day you should have simple rice congee and mustard greens (choi sum) to cleanse the system.

上海419论坛  The 14th day should be for preparations to celebrate the Lantern Festival which is to be held on the 15th night.

上海419论坛  农历新年的第一天是欢迎神的天堂和地球。许多人放弃肉类在新年的第一天,因为人们相信这将确保漫长而幸福的生活。



上海419论坛  第五天叫做阿宝吸引。在那一天人们呆在家里迎接财神。在第五天没有人拜访家人和朋友,因为它会带来双方坏运气。

上海419论坛  六到十天,自由中国拜访他们的亲戚和朋友。他们也参观寺庙祈祷好运和健康。

上海419论坛  第七天的新年一天农民展示他们的产品。这些农民从七种蔬菜喝庆祝。第七天也被认为是人类的生日。面条是促进长寿和成功的生鱼吃。





  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇9

上海419论坛  明天是正月十五元宵节,在这一天,各地都要举行盛大的游园会,猜灯谜、吃元宵、挂灯、小朋友们打灯笼,可开心了。我查阅了关于元宵节的历史,跟大家一起学习学习。也预祝大家节日快乐!

  Tomorrow is the fifteen Lantern Festival, on this day, all have held a grand festival, lantern riddles, eating lantern, lamp, kids playing lanterns, can be happy. I look up the history of the Lantern Festival and learn from all of you. I wish you a happy holiday!

上海419论坛  元宵节在中国已经有两千多年的历史,也称“元夕节”,又名“灯节”或“灯夕”。按照中国古代的习惯,“元”指月亮正圆,一年之中有所谓“三元”──正月十五称为“上元”,七月十五称为“中元”,十月十五称为“下元”;正月十五日是一年中第一个月圆之夜,也是一元复始,大地回春的夜晚,人们对此加以庆祝,也是庆贺新春的延续,故此元宵节又称为“上元节”。“宵”即夜也,所以元宵亦有一年之中第一个月圆之夜的意思。

  The Lantern Festival has two thousand years of history in Chinese, also known as the "Lantern Festival", also known as the "Lantern Festival" or "Dengxi". According to Chinese ancient custom, "Yuan" means the moon circle, a year in the so-called "three yuan" -- the fifteen known as the "spring" in July fifteen, known as the "ghost", in October fifteen called "Yuan"; the fifteen is the year the first full moon night, is also one yuan the return of the night, Spring returns to the earth, people have to celebrate and celebrate the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, also known as the "spring festival". "The night" is also the night, so the Lantern Festival also has the meaning of the first round night of the year.

  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇10


上海419论坛  Today is the Lantern Festival, I am very happy, morning, crackling firecrackers woke me up, I got up to see, my mother bought me a lantern yesterday? My lantern can be beautiful, and the music, singing a song: good luck, I wish you good luck, good luck, happiness and love, I love you! I also ate a sweet and round lantern. Mother told me: according to the traditional Chinese folk, in the night of the Lantern Festival on this day, people start to spend thousands of lanterns, in order to celebrate. Enjoying the moonlight, like fireworks, flower lantern riddles, yuanxiao, family reunion enjoyable. So my mom and Dad promised me to see the lantern with my brother at night. I'd like to go now.

上海419论坛  我祝老师和同学元宵节快乐!

  I wish teachers and classmates happy Lantern Festival!

  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇11

上海419论坛  每年的正月十五都要闹元宵,去坟、烧火、看湖南卫视一年一度的闹元宵,丰富而开心!

上海419论坛  From January fifteen to the Lantern Festival, go to the grave, fire, Hunan TV once a year the Lantern Festival, rich and happy!

上海419论坛  快到傍晚的时候,我们踏起轻松的脚步,迈起快乐的步伐,去坟给祖先和老婆婆烧纸,插小蜡烛,回去的时候,再看看一大块坟,格外美丽,一片金色的海洋。回家的路上,家家户户的房屋上都挂有红灯笼,家门口还有小蜡烛,像是在装饰自己的城堡一样,格外好看。回家以后我们就开吃饺子了,一家人坐沙发上,看看新闻吃着饺子,心里都很兴奋和幸福。吃过饺子后,舅舅带上我们在房外点火,放炮,格外开心,玩过以后,我们去姥爷家看湖南卫视的闹元宵,因为我们都快开学了,所以妈妈8:30喊我们回家睡觉。正月十五闹元宵在快乐、开心、幸福中就这样过去了。

上海419论坛  Late in the afternoon, we stepped up easy steps, stepped happy pace to the grave to the ancestors and the old woman. The ed small candles, back, look at a large grave, very beautiful, a golden sea. On the way home, all households have red lanterns on their houses, and small candles at the door, like decorating their own castles, especially good - looking. When we go home, we eat dumplings. One family sits on the sofa, and the news eats dumplings. It's very excited and happy. After eating dumplings, uncle took us outside the house to fire and explode. It was very happy. After playing, we went to see the Hunan TV's noisy Lantern Festival at Grandpa's home, because we all started school quickly, so mom called us home at 8:30 and went to bed. The fifteen first month of the Lantern Festival was in the past in happiness, happiness and happiness.

上海419论坛  这一次正月十五闹元宵是我过得最开心的一次了,因为我舅舅这里的闹元宵很热闹,而我老家哪里都是冷清清的,最重要的就是它让我感受到了快乐、开心、幸福!

  This is the happiest time for me to make the Lantern Festival fifteen times in the first month. Because my uncle's bustling Lantern Festival is very busy, and my hometown is all cool and clear. The most important thing is that it makes me feel happy, happy and happy.

  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇12


  Today is the fifteen of the first lunar month, the Chinese traditional festival - the Lantern Festival. On this day, we came to the street to watch the Lantern Festival, not yet, I found the streets have long been the sea of people. We look forward to the East, waiting, looking forward to the happy smile on the people's faces. Waiting for a wonderful show.


上海419论坛  At night, all families are eating reunion dumplings, firecrackers and fireworks, showing a scene of harmony and joy... As if to bring the whole earth to the color of the colorful littoral fireworks, the whole world is proud and unconstrained to release the heavy atmosphere of the festival! The fireworks seems to have resisted for a long time, as one falls, another rises, agglomeration in this festive season all can't wait to show it the most beautiful moments! Let people stop and watch, clap their hands and praise, forget to return, and be happy.

上海419论坛  吃完元宵后,抬头一看,天空中满是绽放的烟花,各式各样,五彩纷呈,有的五颜六色合在一起,有紫色的、红色的、金色的、绿色的等等,有的像星星,有的像太阳,它们一串串飞向天空,散落大地。烟花虽然转瞬即逝,但是它的璀璨却长留人间,带给人愉快。

  After the lantern, looked up, the sky is full of fireworks, every kind of, colorful, some riotous with colour together with purple, red, gold, green and so on, some like some stars, like the sun, they are a bunch of fly to the sky, scattered on the earth. Although the fireworks are fleeting, but its bright but long life, bring people happy.

上海419论坛  晚上,大人们都要回家了,可我们这些小朋友,却还在放烟花。

  In the evening, the adults were going home, but our little friends were still putting out fireworks.


  The people cry, we are unable to part walk home.

  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇13

  Lantern Festival is a China’s traditional festival. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year.

上海419论坛  I,antern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China. Several days before Lantern Festival, people begin to make lanterns. Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many, other things. While making lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns. On the eve of Lantern Festival, all the lanterns are hung up. joozone.com

  On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns. Perhaps you call see some wonderful folk performances,Dragon Dance and Yangko. Everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy. Our life is rich and varied.





  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇14


  In March 5th, although I wanted to go to school, I had a happy Lantern Festival.

  上午,吃完早餐,我走在繁忙的街道上 空气是那么清新 天空是那么明亮,我和同学一起上学放学。

  In the morning, after breakfast, I walk on the busy street and the air is so fresh, the sky is so bright, I go to school with my classmates.

  中午家里来了好多客人 ,有:姐姐 姑妈,哥哥 ,小冉。吃饭的时候,桌子上增加了一道食品,那就——汤圆。我喂了小冉几口饭菜 小冉开心地笑了 她好可爱。

  At noon, there were many guests at home. There were: sister and aunt, brother, Xiao ran. When eating, a food is added to the table, that is, tangyuan. I fed little ran, a few meals, and laughed happily, and she was so cute.

  中途 我们干杯说了祝福话,过的热闹快乐 。晚上我写完作业 和爸爸看了会元宵晚会。晚上我们听到了家家户户传来的鞭炮声 这是我们的传统习俗。

  In the middle of the way we said the blessings and had a happy life. In the evening, I finished my homework with my father and watched the Lantern Festival party. We heard the sound of firecrackers coming from every family at night. It's our traditional custom.


上海419论坛  I think the small ran very cute, white skin, bright eyes, wearing a blue hat. We had a happy Lantern Festival!

  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇15


  Today is the fifteen Lantern Festival on the first moon, and the Lantern Festival is also a day of reunion. After dinner, my sister and my brother, accompanied by an adult, went to the yard to look at the fireworks. As soon as he arrived in the yard, he saw all kinds of beautiful lanterns in his friend's hand. There is a rabbit lamp, a butterfly lamp, a goldfish lamp, and the beautiful goldfish lamp, like a living goldfish, swings its beautiful tail.


上海419论坛  The fireworks of the moment, looked upward, in the sky some fireworks bloom like the golden chrysanthemum; some like fireflies fluttering all over the sky; some like colorful gems; it is a beautiful picture!

上海419论坛  看完烟花,回家后姑妈给我们和哥哥还有姐煮的吃了象征团圆的汤圆。

  After seeing the fireworks, my aunt went home to us and my brother and sister to cook the dumpling.

  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇16

上海419论坛  盼星星、盼月亮,终于盼到了一年一度的元宵节。早上一起床我就对妈妈说:“妈妈,今天是元宵节,下午记得给我买炮。”妈妈说:“好的!”于是,早上我高高兴兴的来到了学校,到了班上就听到张老师说:“今天是元宵节,下午咱们有个猜谜活动,谁猜对了还有奖品呢!”只听下面同学有的说:“下午快来到,下午快来到啊!”还有的说:“活动还有奖品呢!”……同学们都很期待下午的活动。

上海419论坛  Looking forward to the stars and the moon, we have finally been looking forward to the annual Lantern Festival. I said to my mother in the morning, "Mom, it's the Lantern Festival. Remember to buy me a gun in the afternoon." Mother said, "OK!" So, in the morning, I came to school cheerfully, and when I heard the class, I heard Mr. Zhang said, "today is the Lantern Festival. We have a guessing game in the afternoon. Who has guessed it, and the prize?" Just listen to the students and say, "come in the afternoon and come here in the afternoon!" And the other said, "the activity and the prizes!"... The students are all looking forward to the afternoon activities.


  Finally in the afternoon, with He Yuxuan guessing a wonderful story kicked off, many times I have to raise their hands, but every right person is not me, but part of it, I was very happy!

上海419论坛  下午回家后妈妈已经把各式各样的花炮买好了,我欢呼雀跃的看着这些炮想到晚上终于可以放炮了!

  After coming home in the afternoon, my mother had bought all kinds of artillery, and I was glad to see these cannons in the evening at last.

上海419论坛  这就是我丰富多彩的元宵节!

  This is my colorful lantern festival!

  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇17

上海419论坛  “啪啪啪!啪啪!……”一大早,我就被一阵阵噼里啪啦的鞭炮声从梦中惊醒。我连忙起床,和爸爸一起放响了我家的鞭炮。2010年的元宵节拉开了序幕。

  Lovemaking! Clap!......" Early in the morning, I was a burst of crackling firecrackers awakened from a dream. I got up in a hurry and set off my firecrackers with my father. The Lantern Festival began in 2010.


  The Lantern Festival, people from all sides came to play a show, Xindian, to celebrate the festive season. This year is no exception, about eight o'clock, they heard the sound of gongs and drums Street sonorous: "thunk - a choke, choke, choke a boom boom choke choke!......" Time and time, sometimes urgent, and sometimes change the tune. Ah, the show has started!

上海419论坛  我赶紧拉着妈妈往街上跑,309国道上已是人山人海。一辆辆彩车缓缓前进,彩车后面是全区各单位、各乡镇的表演,人们都穿着节日的盛装,有的跳扇子舞,有的敲腰鼓,有的挑花篮,有的打花杆,有的划旱船,有的耍龙,扭秧歌儿……我正看得入迷,不知是谁喊了一声:“快看!骑驴的。”我往西一看,果真骑驴队来了,奇怪的是骑驴的全都是一些打扮的花枝招展的阿姨。她们一跑,那驴就摇头摆尾的,脖子底下的铃铛叮铃铃地响,让人一看就忍不住捧腹大笑。我忍不住拉拉它的尾巴,它竟掉转驴头朝我奔来,吓得我节节后退,乐得大家哈哈大笑。

  I hastened to pull my mother to the street, the 309 National Road is already a sea of people. A car floats slowly forward, floats behind the region of each unit, the township's performance, people dressed in festive costumes, some fan dancing, some knock on the drum, pick some flowers, some flowers and some play, some row, playing the dragon, twisting seedling song...... I was so fascinated that I didn't know who shouted, "look!" The donkey." I went to the west to see if the donkey team arrived, strange is the donkey are all dressed up to the nines aunt. They ran, the donkey yaotoubaiwei, neck under the bells jingling sound, people can not help but see a uproarious. I couldn't help but pull its tail, it actually turned the horse head toward me, scared I recoiled, made everyone laugh.

  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇18


  In the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar of each year is once a year the Lantern Festival, the Lantern Festival is also known as the "spring festival". On the day of the Lantern Festival, the Spring Festival is really over. Every day, people will admire the lanterns, yuanxiao, lantern riddles, lion dance, on Gau. Every year the Lantern Festival, I will eat dumplings, and then the friends guess lantern riddles.


  The food in the Lantern Festival has been a long history in China. This kind of food was called "Yuanxiao", which was later called "Lantern Festival". Because they are round, so it represents one family reunion, and one family with happiness, and like a lantern in the same sweet stuffing. So the people of China are most eager for reunion, and people put this emotion into the food.

上海419论坛  每年元宵节,大街小巷都灯火通明。到处挂着灯笼,那一个个泛着红色光的灯笼,小路上变的五彩斑斓看起来十分热闹。

  Every year the Lantern Festival, streets and alleys are bright light. The lantern hanging around, a glowing red light path become colorful lanterns, looks very lively.

上海419论坛  元宵节融入了中华的传统习俗,与风情。让所有的人都重视起了中华的传统文化,这样才能使中华的传统文化发扬广大,才能使中国一直保留着几千年不变的文化。

上海419论坛  The Lantern Festival is integrated with the traditional Chinese customs and customs. Let all people attach importance to the traditional culture of China, so that we can carry forward the traditional culture of China so that China can keep thousands of years of constant culture.

  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇19

  -lantern festival is a china’s traditional festival. it is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year.

上海419论坛  i,antern festival is one of the biggest holidays in china.

  several days before lantern festival, people begin to make lanterns.

上海419论坛  lanterns are made in the shape of different

上海419论坛  animals, vegetables, fruits and many, other things. while making lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns. on the eve of lantern festival, all the lanterns are hung up.

上海419论坛  on lantern festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns. perhaps you call see some wonderful folk performances,dragon dance and yangko.

上海419论坛  everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy. our life is rich and varied.




  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇20


  The fifteen is the Lantern Festival, my family and I seven came around the entrance of the municipal government, the huge crowds of people, before the stalls have come here early, some people went to the countryside, some children riding on his father's neck, eating ice Tomatoes on sticks at this moment, look around, I heard someone knocking on the drum originally, the lion dance came, and stilt yangko dance, this is the, a lion ran from the ladder to the left, the other lion ran from the right, there is a man with a ball on top of the ladder, saw two lions, are competing to climb up the ladder to grab Hydrangea, very good-looking! I think these uncles must have eaten a lot of bitterness.

  到了晚上七点,我们从家早早的出了门,到西广场的西边看焰火燃放,烟花晚会已经开始了,烟花五颜六色的,形状千奇百怪的,这是,这些“流星”上了天空,又像流星雨一样落下来,有些烟花落下来就像瀑布一样,有的还好像一把把箭从天而降,这时,出来许多图形:一个笑脸、一朵朵花、一个小脚印······最奇怪的是 出现了一只只蝴蝶,它们就像真蝴蝶一样翩翩起舞向人们飞过来。

  At seven o'clock in the evening, we from home early out of the door to the west, the west side of the courtyard to see fireworks, fireworks party has already started, the shape of the fireworks riotous with colour, all sorts of strange things, this is the "meteor" in the sky, like a meteor shower and fall down, some smoke flowers fall down like a waterfall also, some seem to put out at this time, many arrows drop from the clouds, graphics: a smiling face, a flower, a small footprints --- the most strange is the emergence of a butterfly, they really like the butterfly dancing as a flying people.

上海419论坛  今年的元宵之夜真是太美了,我不会忘记我们家乡的节日—元宵节!

  The night of the Lantern Festival is so beautiful this year, I will not forget the festival of our hometown - Lantern Festival!

  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇21


上海419论坛  The Lantern Festival is coming. The trees on both sides of the street are covered with colorful lights. The night suddenly becomes gorgeous.

上海419论坛  柳树上挂的是蓝色的小彩灯,一串一串的,挂了很多,远远看去,像蓝色的星星落到了树上,白天光秃秃的柳树,立马变漂亮了!法桐树上挂的是一条条竖线形的白色小彩灯,彩灯从头依次亮到尾,像一条条闪亮的雨丝,站在树下,像看到了一场流星雨!矮一些的花树上挂的是红色和粉色的花朵形彩灯,彩灯亮起时,像开了满树的桃花和梅花,真是美不胜收!

上海419论坛  On the willow tree, there are small blue lanterns, one after another, hanging a lot. From a distance, it looks like a blue star falling on the tree. In the daytime, the naked willow tree becomes beautiful immediately! On the tree of Fatong, there are small white lanterns with vertical lines. The lanterns light up from the beginning to the end in turn, like a shining raindrop. Standing under the tree, it looks like a meteor shower! Shorter flowers The tree is hung with red and pink flower shaped lights. When the lights are on, they look like peach blossom and plum blossom full of trees. It's really beautiful!


  Walking and looking at it, I came to the square unconsciously. The holly trees in the square are also equipped with color lights. The ordinary looking holly trees, with flat trim and silver color lights, have become a winding and dazzling star river! The osmanthus trees have also changed. Many colorful small color lights have been installed. Besides, there are some basketball sized flower lights hanging among the branches, with snowflake shape Shape, flower shape, and pumpkin lamp, kitten lamp and so on, too much, I can't see it!


  After reading the lights, I came back home and lay on the bed. It seemed that there were still brilliant lights in front of me!

  元宵节的英语作文带翻译 篇22

上海419论坛  "Fifteenth day Lantern Festival, is booming too small to years." The annual Lantern Festival coming 啦!

上海419论坛  This year Mom and Dad took me to the Nanjing Confucius Temple to see the lanterns into the Confucius Temple Wende Bridge, greeted not only by imposing and vigorous figure-wai tiger lanterns, but also snow-white rabbit lamp, auspicious pigeon light, golden yellow Orange light ... ... really all kinds, rich and colorful. The whole night, according to the Nanjing Confucius Temple, as the Lantern Festival the same day.

  Lantern Exhibition Center is more beautiful, dazzling array of lanterns here, people get confused by it all, but come to see. Look at peach light pink background, peach sharp point on the painted red, peach at the end there is a large green leaves really are beautiful and simple. Look at that tiger lamp, after making a good framework, with shiny gold frame with paper to live, so that a life-like tiger immediately displayed before the eyes. Look at that dragon, chasing Sarah writhed up and down the whole body glittering scales, the dragon's tail kept swinging. Watch People can not help but shout: "Long live 啦! Long live 啦!" There are really hard to describe ... ... ah!

上海419论坛  Out of the Confucius Temple, firecrackers exploding in the air, as if the sky ripped a hole in the sky look at the stars from the sky Caesar down. Quick look ah! Colorful fireworks far away from heaven, suddenly lit up outside the city of Nanjing.

  Back to the home is evening Shidianzuoyou, my mother gave us each a bowl of cooked glutinous rice balls. We are a family of three eating glowing of sweet rice balls, a real insight into the round and round affection.

  Ah, the Lantern Festival, really happy!

上海419论坛  “正月十五闹元宵,红红火火过小年”。一年一度的元宵节来临啦!





上海419论坛  啊,元宵节,真快乐!









