
春节英语作文spring festival

时间:2022-02-02 16:15:15 节日类英语作文 我要投稿

上海419论坛春节英语作文spring festival

上海419论坛   The Spring Festival is one of the traditional festival in China.

春节英语作文spring festival

上海419论坛   Around thirty on this day, all have their own customs and habits, we the custom here is also very much. To sweep the house, for example, to stick couplets, set off firecrackers, shou sui. Seniors will give junior New Year's money, but also the steamed rice cakes and dumplings, etc.

  In addition to these interesting customs and habits, are in the back! As you know, on this day, the family will sit together for the family reunion dinner. My family also is such, the family sit together to eat and chat, talk about the New Year.

上海419论坛   Finished eating dinner, the whole family to watch the Spring Festival gala. Party in a variety of programs, there are beautiful moving songs, there are colorful folk dance, and funny lively essay crosstalk!

  New Year's bell, we off the old year, also ushered in the New Year. At this time, people will send blessing, send New Year message, but busy. So every year.



上海419论坛   除了这些有趣的风俗和习惯外,重头戏还在后面呢!大家都知道,这一天,一家人都要围坐在一起吃团圆饭。我家也是如此,全家人坐在一起边吃饭边聊,谈着一年的新鲜事儿。

上海419论坛   吃完了年夜饭,全家人一起看春节联欢晚会。晚会里各种节目应有尽有,有优美动听的歌曲,有多姿多彩的民族舞蹈,还有搞笑热闹的小品相声呢!


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