
spring festival英语作文

时间:2022-02-02 16:15:39 节日类英语作文 我要投稿

spring festival英语作文(精选)


spring festival英语作文(精选)


  People all know, the Spring Festival to set off firecrackers and stick couplets. How do you know this custom? Let me tell you the truth. Legend there is a monster -- years, often in the big start harassing people celebrate the Spring Festival, so the people in the village is to the mountains to get away from the monster - years.

  The second in the Spring Festival, people ran to the mountains to escape. Just at that time, a white-haired old man stopped people ran to the mountains, said: "we don't panic! I know how to hold off years." People don't believe, more quickly jump into the mountains.

  In the evening, the years. Grandpa took out a string of firecrackers, out of the room in the body wearing a piece of red cloth, ran out of the room.

上海419论坛   To the door, rattled off firecrackers bang ring, red cloth fluttering in the wind, was afraid to go forward, turned and ran. People cheering ran down the hill, praised the old man is very clever.

上海419论坛   Oh! Afraid of sound and red. So, people new to set off firecrackers, stick couplets.

上海419论坛   人们都知道,春节要放鞭炮,贴对联。你知道这个习俗是怎么来的吗?让我来告诉你吧。传说中有一个怪兽——年,常常在大年初一来骚扰人们过春节,于是,村里的人们就会到深山去躲避那个怪兽——年。

上海419论坛   第二个春节到了,人们都跑往深山去躲避年。正在这个时候,一位白发苍苍的老爷爷挡住了跑往深山的人们,说道:“大家不要慌!我知道怎么挡住年。”人们不相信,更加快速地跳往深山。


上海419论坛   到了房门口,鞭炮霹雳啪啦地响,红布在风中飘动,年顿时不敢往前走了,转头就跑。人们欢呼着跑下山,称赞老爷爷很聪明。



上海419论坛   When the Spring Festival approaching, every family with a couplet, put up the firecrackers, the street is decorated, very busy. The city seems to become the world of light, the light of the ocean.

  30 in the evening, my mother and I together several plate of dumplings. After package dumplings, I suddenly thought of a problem, it makes me a mystery. So I went to ask a mother: "why every Spring Festival to eat dumplings?" Mother said: "for dumplings as ingots, ate can with a silver spoon in her mouth." I finally understand. Eat dumplings, I watched the Spring Festival gala, a moment is sketch, is acting for a while, a moment is singing and dancing, is rich and colorful!

  When the new moon, my mother and I go to grandpa's grandmother home New Year. As soon as I see two old man's house, I respectfully, said: "grandpa, grandma, I give you a happy New Year, I wish you good health, long life!" Grandpa's grandmother to see me so sensible, smile from ear to ear, hurriedly gave me lucky money.

上海419论坛   Then suddenly to the lunar calendar. This is my favorite day, because so that I can get more money. I got up early, have been called my mother took me to my grandma's early. To grandma's home, my grandmother and gray together at the door to greet me. I hurriedly bowed to grandma, said: "grandma, I'll give you a happy New Year, wish you live as long as the southern mountain, happy forever!" Grandma listened to and held me in her arms, kua I grew up, sensible. Next to the dusty shook his tail, as if to say: "HengYue, you finally come, I wait you most." In the evening, my grandmother cooked many dishes: with meat, fish, green vegetables, turnip... Very delicious. It eat my stomach bulging like a big ball. After my grandmother gave me the money, I'm so happy! Before you go to bed I put the amount of money I get for a few, for more than two thousand pieces, I decided to buy gifts for my grandpa, grandma, grandma, half, half donated to the disaster areas children.

  This year's Spring Festival is really memorable to me!


上海419论坛   三十晚上,我和妈妈一起包了几盘饺子。包完饺子,我突然想到一个问题,这让我百思不得其解。于是我跑去问妈妈说:“为什么每次过春节都要吃饺子呢?”妈妈说:“因为饺子像元宝,吃了就能富贵。”我终于明白了。吃完饺子,我看了《春节联欢晚会》,一会是小品、一会儿是表演的,一会儿是歌舞,真是丰富多彩!


上海419论坛   一转眼就到了初二。这是我最喜欢的一天,因为这样我就能得到更多的压岁钱。我早早地起了床,一直叫妈妈早点带我去外婆家。到了外婆家,外婆和灰灰一起在家门口迎接我。我连忙给外婆鞠了一躬,说:“外婆,我给您拜年了,祝您寿比南山,永远快乐!”外婆听了,一边把我抱在怀里,一边夸我长大了,懂事了。旁边的灰灰摇着尾巴,好像在说:“衡玥,你终于来了,我都等你大半天了。”晚上,外婆煮了许多菜:有肉,有鱼,有青菜、萝卜……可香了。这把我的肚子吃得鼓鼓的,犹如一个大皮球。之后外婆又给我了压岁钱,我开心极了!睡觉前我把我得到的钱数了数,整整有两千多块,我决定一半给爷爷、奶奶、外婆、买礼物,一半捐给灾区的小朋友。


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