
living in a big city英语作文

时间:2023-07-17 10:25:02 毅霖 高二年级英语作文 我要投稿

上海419论坛living in a big city英语作文(精选14篇)

  在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是小编帮大家整理的living in a big city英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

living in a big city英语作文(精选14篇)

  living in a big city英语作文 1

  The quiet life of the country has never appealed to me. City born and city bred. I have always regarded the country as something you look at through a train window, or something you occasional visit during the weekend. Most of my friends live in the city, yet they always go into raptures at the mere mention of the country. Though they extol the virtues of the peaceful life, only one of them has ever gone to live in the country and he was back in town within six months. Even he still lives under the illusion that country life is somehow superior to town life. He is forever talking about the friendly people, the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the gentle pace of living. Nothing can be compared, he maintains, with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures. This idyllic pastoral scene is only part of the picture. My friend fails to mention the long and friendless winter evenings in front of the TV -- virtually the only form of entertainment. He says nothing about the poor selection of goods in the shops, or about those unfortunate people who have to travel from the country to the city every day to get to work. Why people are prepared to tolerate a four-hour journey each day for the dubious privilege of living in the country is beyond me. They could be saved so much misery and expense if they chose to live in the city where they rightly belong.If you can do without the few pastoral pleasures of the country, you will find the city can provide you with the best that life can offer. You never have to travel miles to see your friends. They invariably live nearby and are always available for an informal chat or an evenings entertainment. Some of my acquaintances in the country come up to town once or twice a year to visit the theatre as a special treat. For them this is a major operation which involves considerable planning. As the play draws to its close, they wonder whether they will.

  living in a big city英语作文 2

上海419论坛  I live in a big city which is impresive beauty,and mulit-national culture as well as increasing number of people.I like living in a big city,which makes my life very convenience.For instance.I can buy erverything i like in the supermarket.i can receive a high quality education in school.Hoerve,there is many unforeseen and unpredictable proplem in my city.More and more people go to my city to find a job because of high salary.The increasing people make our city dirty and crowd.

  living in a big city英语作文 3

  A number of people prefer to live in countryside because they consider that living in big cities has many disadvantages.

上海419论坛  许多人喜欢住在农村,因为他们觉得生活在大城市有很多的劣势。

上海419论坛  First of all, the most obvious problem is traffic. In big cities, traffic jam is quite common everywhere, especially in the rush time. And a large number of people have to spend a great deal of time in going to work and coming back from work. In addition, traffic accident is another threat.


  Second, with the increase of cars and buses in big cities, air pollution has become another disadvantage of living in big cities. Besides, a growing number of factory have also accounted for air pollution in big cities. Consequently, many diseases caused by air pollution are emerging in an endless stream.


上海419论坛  Finally, another image of big cities is relative to noise, such as the noise of transportation, the noise of construction and so on.


  In a word, living in big cities has many advantages but also disadvantages. And living in big cities or countryside should depend on our personal preference and needs.


  living in a big city英语作文 4

上海419论坛  Living in a Large Modern City or in the Country?

  "Avoid the rush-hours" must be the slogan of large cities the world over. Wherever you go, especiailat week-ends or on holidays, you' 11 find that the trains are packed, streets crowded,buses queued, restaurant tables shared. MoreOver,the smallest unforeseeh event like a power-cut, an exceptionally heavy snowfall or rainfall can bring about conditions of utter inconvenience and chaos.

  City-dwellers are obliged by their environment to adopt a wholly unnatural way of life. They lose touch with nature and all the simple, good things of life like sunshine and fresh air at a premium. Tall buildings block out the sun. Traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere,The flow of traffic goes on unceasingly and the noise-never stops.

  The funny thing about it all in a large modern city is,that you pay dearly for tht "privilege" of living.The demand for accommodation is so great that it is often impossible for ordinary people to buy a house/flat of their own. Furthermore,the cost of living is very high. Just about everything you buy is likely to be more expensive than it would be in the country.

上海419论坛  In addition, city-dwellers live under constant threat.The crime rate in most cities is very high. Houses are often burgled.Cities breed crime and violence and are full of places you would be afraid to visit at night. If you think about it, they are not really fit to live in at all. Can anyone really doubt that the country is what man was born for and where he truly belongs?

  living in a big city英语作文 5

  The challenges of living in a big city.

上海419论坛  Never in our history has the phenomenon that living in a big city become so common. With cities growing larger and larger, there has been a steady rise in the number of people who flood into those big cities. Obviously, it will give rise to a host of trials to the new citizens.

上海419论坛  First and foremost, people will have to face with the high living expenses. For most people in big cities, they have to rent to live and the cost of daily products may also see a rise.

上海419论坛  Then, the challenge of working under great pressure couldn’t be denied. While having high salaries, people living in big cities will also encounter with intensive working pressure.

  Finally, there may be other difficult tasks like long commute distance, jammed traffic, poor air conditions and etc., dealing with such issues can be really challenging.

  Taking all these into account, there are still great amount of people choose to work and live in big cities, because great challenges always come along with great opportunities.

  living in a big city英语作文 6

  Before students go to college, they need to consider many factors to decide which college they should choose. Many people gave their opinions according to their experience. It has been admitted that studying in the big cities is a good choice and they explained the reasons.


  For those people who have been working for some time, they feel the difference between graduates from small cities and big cities. It is obvious that students from big cities have access to advanced information and when they face the new things, they can get used to them quickly. It is the great advantage to keep pace with the time and know what newest information is.


上海419论坛  What’s more, the big cities attract students from different areas, so in the campus, the students from all countries have the chance to communicate and make friends with each other. They can share the interest and culture, which broadens their vision.


  The stage of college is important. Students learn to deal with all kinds of relationships. Big cities provide the better chance to get newest information and meet more friends, which can be a great help to their future success.


  living in a big city英语作文 7

上海419论坛  Nowadays, the price of house has increasing so fast, which brings great pressure to the young generation. Many young people choose to stay in the big cities to fight for their future. Indeed, big cities means more chances to realize their dreams. Young people are full of passion and they need to be given more chances to find their own places. Whats more, when you are working with the excellent co-workers, you will know what kind of skills you should be equipped with, thus to get improved. While there also comes with the negative sides. The traffic gets congested during the working hours and the air is polluted badly. In addition, the fast pace of lifestyle makes people easy to lose themselves. In all, living in the big cities is still the main choice for young people, even though they face some challenges.

  living in a big city英语作文 8

  The challenges of starting a career after graduation.

  Nowadays there is a growing concern over starting a career after graduation for the newly graduates. For years, the society has witnessed that a growing number of newly graduates remain unemployed after graduation, and the challenges may as follows:

  First, students upon graduation may be overwhelmed by the social reality that their majors are not so correspond to the real work. Especially for the liberal arts graduates, because its challenging to transfer theoretical knowledge into practical use.

  Then, the newly graduates will have to face the challenge that most companies would prefer to hire employees with working experience. It is true that many students graduate with zero experience.

  Besides, the high living expenses after graduation, taking rent as an example, is another great trial that can’t be overlooked.

上海419论坛  There is sufficient evidence to show that starting a career after graduation is certainly challenging. But for the newly graduates, they still need to stay optimistic. The long life path is still at its beginning and the great challenges always come along with great opportunities.

  living in a big city英语作文 9

上海419论坛  Plenty of students decide to stay in big cities after graduation, becoming a member of the fast-paced big city.

上海419论坛  Meanwhile, some students start their career in small towns, enjoying the easy life there. In my opinion, both choices have advantages and disadvantages: in big cities, there are more job opportunities, more fashionable products and more wonderful night-life for us young people, but the fast-paced life and high consumption level can easily make us tired and exhausted; on the contrary, in small town, the easy and slow-paced life there will make people more comfortable, but there are fewer work positions and less entertainment. To me, first of all, a good job is the most important thing when I making my choice, regardless of big city or small town. Secondly, I intend to go back to my hometown Wuhan, which is a big city. Anyway, no matter where you work, you should always work hard on your job, which is the most important thing.

  living in a big city英语作文 10

  Never in our history has the phenomenon that living in a big city become so common. As cities growing larger and larger, there has been a steady rise in the number of people who flood into those big cities. Obviously, it will give rise to a host of challenges to the new citizens.

上海419论坛  First and foremost, people will have to face with the high living expenses. For most people in big cities, they have to rent to live and the cost of daily products may also see a rise.

上海419论坛  Then, the challenge of working under great pressure couldn’t be denied. While having high salaries, people living in big cities will also encounter with intensive working pressure.

  Finally, there may be other challenges like long commute distance, jammed traffic poor air conditions and etc., dealing with such issues can be really challenging.

  Taking all these into account, there are still great amount of people choose to work and live in big cities, because great challenges always come along with great opportunities.

  living in a big city英语作文 11

  In the eyes of many people, city is attractive with all its advantages and conveniences. People can buy almost all kinds of things at supermarkets or shopping malls, dine out in good restaurant, they can have more educational opportunities. However, with the expansion the city, more and more people are flowing into the big city. Now the traffic is heavier and heavier. The pollution problem is getting more and more serious. The living condition is worse and worse. Most people love the advantages of city life, but a big city also has its disadvantages.

上海419论坛  在很多人眼中,城市很有吸引力因为所有优势和便利。人们几乎可以在超市或购物中心买到各种各样的东西,去好的餐厅,且他们可以有更多的教育机会。然而,随着城市的扩大,越来越多的人涌进大城市。现在的交通越来越重。污染问题越来越严重。生活条件越来越差。大多数人喜欢城市生活的.优点,但是大城市也有它的缺点。

  living in a big city英语作文 12

上海419论坛  The challenges of studying abroad Nowadays, with globalization making the world more interconnected, a trend of accepting higher education has been on the rise. There are many students considering studying abroad, and here are some of the challenges they may confront with.

  The first one is being exposed to a totally exotic environment. People who studied abroad will be open to everything new and strange. On social level, they also meet a diverse range of counterparts. Sometimes it is no easy to become the ice-breaker.

上海419论坛  The other challenge may come from their family, or to be specific, the oversea students will be more likely to be homesick, especially for those who are in their first year, and their parents will share that feeling with them.

  Besides, we shall not forget the obstacles of culture and language. It is quite often that even if they can understand every single word, they will still fail to grasp the true meaning.

  Despite all these challenges, there are still great amount of people choose to study abroad, because great challenges always come along with great opportunities.

  living in a big city英语作文 13

  As we can see, more and more university graduates choose to seek their future in big cities. In my opinion,it’s natural and blameless and I approve of the phenomenon firmly.

  As is known to us all, many big companies locate their headquarters in big cities.as a result, the graduates are easier to hunt a wonderful job. For example, in Zhongguancun, Haidian District, there are so many big electronic firms. If we can become a member of any one of them, our future is probably bright.

  Secondly, the living conditions in big cities are superior to other smaller cities. The transportations, catering and living are convenient. Last but not least, graduates will obtain higher promotion and development in the future if they are in big cities.

上海419论坛  There is no denying that there are some disadvantages in big cities. However, it’s the attraction of benefits that drive more and more graduates choose to seek their future in big cities.

  living in a big city英语作文 14

  I prefer to live in the big city. I was a rural child. When I was a little kid, I was curious about kids living in the big cities. Great school, modern equipment, luxurious house, they were one of my dreams in the childhood. But now, I am a college student, and I still want to live in the big city and I don’t want to be a small fish in a big pond. A big city always means more opportunities, more career development and naturally higher salary.


  In addition, my future children are inclined to get an education with a higher quality compared with the counterparts who live in the small city. Furthermore, there are more commodities and services, more available public utility, even more foreign guys to communicate with. You know, as an English major student, it is really essential yardstick.

上海419论坛  另外,同样情况下,与小城市相比,我未来孩子也会想要得到更好的教育。此外,还有更多的商品和服务,提供更多的公共事业,甚至有更多的外国人可以进行交流。你知道,作为一名英语专业的学生,这是真的很重要。

  Every upside has a downside. I have to admit that living in a small city has its own advantages, like less completion pressure, more fresh air and a quieter atmosphere. But personally speaking, to live in a metropolis is never an unwise choice for me.


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