

时间:2021-09-29 10:16:26 初三年级英语作文 我要投稿





  Self discipline, self-discipline, is an essential habit in life. Self discipline is not easy to have, but easy to abandon. If you don't pay attention, you break the invisible line that binds you.

上海419论坛  I used to separate myself from self-discipline because of desire, unable to extricate myself and immerse myself in my own world.

上海419论坛  It was a June morning. I got up in the morning, walked through the corridor, slowly approached my study, turned on my computer, clicked into a familiar Web page, and began to browse hungrily. I haven't read any words in the seven days' warming up vacation, and I spent it in the virtual online world.

  The eighth day, the first day of the exam. I really don't know how I got out of the exam room and how I finished it. I just remember that there are ugly blanks on the exam paper and blank blanks in my mind.

  That night, I wanted to review the Chinese for tomorrow's exam, but when my parents didn't pay attention, I started reading extra-curricular books again

  On the day when I closed school, when I opened the page of my report card with anxiety, I saw scores headed by "7" one after another, and the frustrated feeling immediately took the place of computers and mobile phones in my mind. I really regret that if I had taken a little more time to read the textbook, I would not have ended up today.

上海419论坛  That summer vacation, I was immersed in the ocean of topics, and my computer was removed, replaced by a pile of exercise books and problem sets. I have unspeakable sadness in my heart. If I don't play computer, I won't fail the exam. I don't need to sacrifice my time for practice! Why did it end today? So many homework, perhaps the whole summer vacation in desperately to do homework! Why should we have known this day!

  Now I am not as naive as before. I know that self-discipline is very important to get an ideal score. So I began to try my best to be self-discipline. I get up at 6 o'clock every morning, open the English tape, start reading in the morning, go to school at 7 o'clock, I can't chat with my deskmate in class as before, I have to listen to the class conscientiously; when I come home from school, I can't open the computer to play CS, I have to finish my homework, and then preview the text. I made a list of the plans and began to implement the above contents. At first, I was a little bit out of control. Later, gradually, I was used to the feeling of self-discipline.

  Because of self-discipline, I have made great progress in my study. In the mid-term exam, I got the top 20 in my class. I'm very grateful to me at that time. I woke up from my desire and achieved self-discipline.

  Self discipline is very important. It's not easy to have it, but it's easy to abandon it. If you lose the ability of self-discipline, you will be attracted by the temptation around you, make some unnecessary mistakes, thus losing freedom and even affecting life.

  Self discipline is what we all want to achieve, and it is the priceless treasure in our life. It guides us to walk on the road of life, and further and further.

上海419论坛  自律,乃自我约束,是生活中必不可少的习惯,自律,想要拥有它,是不容易的,想要抛弃它,却轻而易举。一不留神,就崩断了束缚自己的那条无形的线。

上海419论坛  我曾经因为欲望,将自己与自律剥离,无法自拔的沉浸在我自己的世界。



上海419论坛  那一天的晚上,我想复习一下明天考试的语文,可是趁父母不注意,我又看起了课外书……



上海419论坛  如今的我再也不像从前那样幼稚,我知道,要考出一个理想的成绩,自律是很重要的,于是我开始尽力做到自律。每天早上6点钟起床,打开英语磁带,开始晨读,7点钟去上学,上课我不能再像以前一样,和同桌聊天了,我必须认认真真的听课;放学回家,我不能打开电脑玩CS了,我必须做完作业,然后预习课文。我把计划表列了出来,开始实行上面的内容,起初我还有一点管束不住自己,后来渐渐的,我习惯了自我约束的感觉。


上海419论坛  自律是很重要的。拥有它,是不容易的,抛弃它却轻而易举。失去了自我约束的能力,你就会被身边的诱惑所吸引,犯了一些不必要的错误,从而失去了自由,甚至影响到人生。



上海419论坛  Self discipline is self-discipline. From the big side, it is the embodiment of a group's ideological quality; from the small side, it is a test of a person's willpower.

上海419论坛  Plotus said, "the new master of his soul will always be called the conqueror." Browning also said: "once a person started the battle of self conquest, he is worthy of praise." These are self-discipline in the eyes of celebrities.

上海419论坛  Maybe now we haven't fully understood the meaning of self-discipline, but it is always around us and plays an immeasurable role.

  A psychologist in the United States once did such an experiment. He put a group of children in the same room, put candy on them, told them to wait for the staff to come back to eat, and then observed them with a hidden camera, and found that only a small number of children overcome the temptation of candy. Later, the staff followed up and found that most of the children who did not eat sugar worked in their careers as adults It's very successful, and the kids who eat sugar have very little success, and the unemployment rate is very high.

  Students, it can be seen that self-discipline is the cornerstone of success.

  Especially in today's increasingly developed material life, in the face of all kinds of temptations, if we don't pay attention to it, we will fall into the mire and be unable to extricate ourselves. This is especially true for high school students. Before we do things, we are often under considered, indulge ourselves, and eventually make a big mistake, and regret later.

上海419论坛  So, how to learn self-discipline?

  First of all, we should distinguish right from wrong. We should know what is right and what is wrong. We should think about problems from many aspects. Can not be confused by the appearance of things, so as to control their own private thoughts and desires. For example, whether you can control your desire to speak in self-study class, whether you can abandon the idea of jumping in line when you are in line for dinner, and whether you can always keep a serious attitude when you raise the flag, all these need self-discipline.

上海419论坛  Secondly, self-discipline is inseparable from tenacious willpower. Without the support of tenacious willpower, self-discipline is just a piece of paper. Maybe you have the consciousness of self-discipline, but the behavior is not commensurate with the requirements of self-discipline. At this time, we need strong willpower as a booster to turn our inner consciousness into action.

  Again, start small. Since ancient times, "self-discipline" people pay attention to small sections, and they understand the truth of "a thousand miles of bank breaks in the ant nest". If small habits are allowed to develop and not controlled, they will roll bigger and bigger like snowballs, and eventually cause serious consequences.

  Finally, we should always reflect. Only when we constantly reflect on our mistakes can we constantly accumulate experience and be more strict with ourselves.

  Students, self-discipline is a window, open it, you will not only have the scenery outside the window, but also wait for your success.



上海419论坛  也许现在的我们还没有完全懂得自律的涵义,但它却时刻在我们身边,起着不可估量的作用。




上海419论坛  那么,如何学会自律呢?

上海419论坛  首先要明辨是非,要知道什么是对的,什么是错的,要从多方面来思考问题。不能被事物表象所迷惑,从而控制自己的私念和欲望。比如能不能在自习课上控制自己讲话的欲望,能不能在排队打饭时抛弃插队的想法,能不能在升旗时始终保持严肃的态度,这些都需要自律。

上海419论坛  其次,自律行为跟顽强的意志力是分不开的,没有顽强意志力的支撑,自律只是一纸空文,也许你有了自律的意识,但行为表现的却与自律所要求的不相称。这时,就需要顽强的意志力作助推剂,将内心的意识变为行动。

上海419论坛  再次,要从小事做起。自古以来,“律己”的人都是注重小节的,他们明白“千里之堤溃于蚁穴”的道理。如果让小的陋习任其发展,不加以控制,那么它就会像滚雪球一样越滚越大,最终造成严重后果。




  Self discipline is a strange and distant word for me. I often can't do self-discipline, but I also know the right and wrong of a thing, and I also know that I can't restrain my own consequences, but often desire still suppresses self-discipline. I love reading. I can't let go of my favorite books as soon as I get them. I can always see the end and sit all day. If someone interrupts suddenly, I will be very angry first, and then I want to see the following content very much, regardless of the consequences, and try my best to see it.

  Once, I read a very funny comic book, but my mother called me to review, so I had to put down the book and pick up the Chinese Book reluctantly. After reviewing for a while, I can't help but think of the comics that I just haven't finished reading and want to continue reading them. After a while, I heard my mother calling. The chance came! I tiptoed out of the chair, out of the bedroom, into the living room, quietly draw out the cartoon, listen to my mother still on the phone, put oil on the bottom of my feet, and quickly slip away.

上海419论坛  I put the Chinese book cover outside, the comics hidden inside, set up the last page of the Chinese book, let my mother think I am seriously reviewing. I can't read a book well. I'm afraid my ears have to stand up and listen. My hearing ability has been improved several times. Hearing the voice from my mother's room, I put down my new suspension a little. At the end of my mother's conversation, I reminded myself that it was time to put down my books, but there was a small voice in my heart that said, "wait, it will be OK. Let's watch it for a while." I don't know what's going on. I'll wait and see. I'll indulge my desire.

上海419论坛  Footsteps approaching, I quickly closed the comics, put under the Chinese book, continue to review. When the footsteps went far, I took a sigh of relief, took out the book and continued to read. This comic book was finished in fear, crammed into the stack of books, after everything was done, I found that I had been scared out of cold sweat.

  This kind of reading can't make me happy. Instead, I should be very nervous. It's better to review and read openly. In fact, there is no need to steal reading books. You can tell your mother to arrange reading time reasonably. You can also read books at rest time and read in peace of mind.

  Sometimes when I write English, my mother is not at home, and I watch TV secretly. After being criticized by my mother, I began to self-discipline, remind and supervise myself not to watch TV. Slowly, I will not think about TV. First, I will write English carefully, omit the steps of correction, and save time to watch TV.

  Everything is the same, early to do early to play. Hurry up to finish the important things quickly, and the rest is your entertainment time. On the contrary, when you drag and grind things, what you waste is your playing time. It's better to finish it earlier than to have more playing time. Or you can write a time plan for yourself. When you have finished all the work in one day, you can enjoy yourself. Why not?



上海419论坛  我把语文书套在外面,漫画藏在里面,竖起语文书的最后一页,让妈妈以为我在认真复习。看书还不能好好看,提心吊胆的,耳朵也得竖起来倾听,听觉能力提高好几倍。听见妈妈房间里传出的说话声,我悬着的新稍稍放下了一点儿。听到妈妈的谈话快结束时,我心里提醒自己该放下书本了,但心中一直有个小声音在说“在等等,不会有事的,再看一会儿吧!”不知怎么回事儿,一等再等,一看再看,放纵着自己的欲望。




上海419论坛  任何事情都是一样的,早做了早玩。抓紧时间把要事快速完成,剩下的就是自己的娱乐时间。反之,做事拖呀、磨呀,浪费的就是自己玩的时间,不如早点做完,就多出了玩的时间。或者可以给自己写一个时间计划,一天的事情都做完了,就可以尽情地玩了,何乐而不为呢?









