

时间:2022-02-02 19:11:14 初二年级英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛   This day, the sun is shining, the classmates are nervously waiting for the start of the annual sports meeting.


  At eight o 'clock in the morning, the twentieth sporting events held in our school. Is individual competition held in the morning. Ten point three, on a single ended in applause again. Exciting relay race is held in the afternoon.

  In the afternoon, I came to school early and saw a few white line painted on the playground, you know this is a relay circuit.

  There are ten minutes to start, have people mountain people sea, on the playground at this time a small audience around the runway. First appeared in a short time, athletes, preschool children. Small students under the guidance of the teacher. Young athletes all perks, there seems to be a real master won the first prize.

  Very not easy way for our fifth grade students race, we each spirit, all want to win the title "the first". We stood in the fourth lane, is small in the first start.

  1 of "bang", the starting gun. Athletes as pulling-power arrows, try very hard to run forward one by one. To 5 bar, small poem hand slipped, and the bar is not good, we lag behind in fourth place, to the small front, small front don't panic, sat rooted at the foot of the breeze, than the third. It was my turn, I think only two ear ring, with at this moment, I heard the shouts "come on, come on, I have more confidence, use the whole body strength, jump out, but also just ran a third place.

  Games ended in the cheers of the students.

上海419论坛   这一天,阳光明媚,同学们都在紧张地等待着一年一度的校运会开始。



上海419论坛   还有十分钟就开始比赛了,此时的操场上已经人山人海,小观众们把跑道围得严严实实的。不一会儿,运动员出场了,先是学前班的小朋友比赛。小同学在老师的带领下进行比赛。小运动员们个个昂首挺胸,好像有十足的把握夺得第一名。


上海419论坛   “砰”的一声,发令枪响了。运动员犹如离弦的箭,一个个拼命往前跑。传到第五棒时,小诗的手一滑,这一棒没有接好,我们落后到了第四名,传到小锋时,小锋一点也不慌,脚下像生了风似的,终于超过了第三名。轮到我时,我只觉得两耳呼呼地响,此时此刻,我又听到“加油,加油”的喊声,我更有信心,使出全身的力气,扑了出去,但还只是跑了个第三名。

上海419论坛   运动会在同学们的欢呼声中结束了。







the internet英语作文(附翻译)01-20


