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  六年级英语故事带翻译【1】英语故事:悬牛买马Hanging Up Ox but Selling a Horse

  One day, Ling Gong, King of the State of Qi, had a sudden whim. He liked to see women wearing men’s clothes and let all the women in his harem do so.


上海419论坛  Soon afterwards, all the women in the whole country followed the fashion and dressed like men.

上海419论坛  不久,全国的女人赶时髦,都女扮男装。

上海419论坛  Seeing the whole country follow this example. Ling Gong became angry, and gave orders to the officials in all parts of the country:


上海419论坛  “Whenever you see women dressed like men, you are to tear up their clothes  and rip their waistbands.”

上海419论坛  “只要发现女扮男装的'人,就撕破她们的衣服,英语小故事扯断她们的腰带。”

  But this trend among women to dress like men couldn’t be discouraged.


上海419论坛  One day, when the prime minister Yan Zi came to court for an audience with him, Ling Gong asked him:


上海419论坛  “I ordered all the officials to forbid women to wear men’s clothes. Wherever they see them doing so, they are to tear up their clothes and rip their waistbands without exception. But this trend couldn’t be stopped. What exactly is the reason?”


上海419论坛  Yan Zi answered:


  “Your Majesty, you allow the women in your harem to dress like men, but you forbid the common  people to do so. This is like hanging up the head of an ox outside the door, but selling horsemeat inside. How can that be done? If women in your harm are forbidden to wear men’s clothes, then how would the people outside the palace dare to do so any longer?”

上海419论坛  “大王,您让内宫女扮男装,却不让百姓这样做;这就好比门外那里挂的是牛头,而门里面卖的是马肉,这怎么行呢?如果宫内禁止女扮男装,那么宫外的人怎么再敢这样做呢?”

  Ling Gong nodded his head again and again, and said:


  “What you have said is right! What you have said is right!”


  Ling Gong ordered his officials to do according to what Yan Zi had said. Sure enough, in less than one month, the trend of dressing like men among women in the whole country was stopped.

上海419论坛  灵公命令官吏按照晏子的话去办。果然,不到一个月,全国各地女扮男装的风气就刹住了。


  My cooking has always been the target of family jokes.

上海419论坛  我的厨艺一直以来都是全家人取笑的对象。

上海419论坛  One evening, as I prepared dinner a bit too quickly, the kitchen filled with smoke and the smoke detector went off. Although both of my children had received fire-safety training at school, they did not respond to the alarm. Annoyed, I stormed through the house in search of them.

上海419论坛  一天晚上,由于晚餐准备得太快,弄得厨房里全是烟雾,连烟雾探查器也响了起来。虽然我的两个孩子在学校里都接受过防火安全训练,然而他们对警报却毫无反应。我很生气,怒气冲冲地在房间里到处找他们。

  I found them in the bathroom, washing their hands. Over the xiaogushi8.com loud buzzing of the smoke alarm, I asked them to identify the sound.

上海419论坛  我在浴室里找到了正在洗手的他们。我的声音大过了警报声,要求他们辨别那种声音。

  “It’s the smoke detector,” they replied in unison.

上海419论坛  “是烟雾探查器。”他们不约而同地回答。

  “Do you know what that sound means?” I demanded.

上海419论坛  “你们知道那种声音代表什么吗?”我问道。

  “Sure,” my oldest replied. “Dinner’s ready.”


  六年级英语故事带翻译【3】英语故事带翻译:两个猎人Two Hunters

  Two hunters hire a small plane to take them to a remote area of Canada. Upon dropping off the hunters, the pilot tells them,“Remember only one moose, because the plane wouldn’t be able to take off with more weight than that.” The hunters go off.


  A week later when the plane returns to pick them up, the two hunters are standing by the lake with two moose. The pilot fumes, “I told you guys only one moose. and you’ll have to leave one because we won’t be able to take off with that much weight.”“Oh, come on,” beg the two hunters, “Last year the pilot let us take two moose on, you’re just a chicken.”


  Not wanting to be accused of being a coward, the pilot allows the two to bring both moose on xiaogushi8.com the craft. The plane starts across the lake, straining to take off. The pilot tries and tries to no avail and the plane crashes into the trees at the end of the lake. A while later after coming to one of the hunters gets up and looks at all the scattered debris of the wreck and says, “Where are we?” To which the other hunter replies, “Oh, I’d say about a hundred yards farther than last year.”

上海419论坛  飞行员害怕被扣上胆小鬼的帽子,于是就勉强同意了。飞机刚刚越过一个湖,就开始逐渐下沉。飞行员使尽浑身解数也未能逃脱劫难,飞机最终坠落在湖边的一片树林里。过了一会儿,一个猎人站了起来,看着飞机的残骸说:“我们这是在哪里?”另—个猎人回答:“哦,我觉得比去年还远了100码呢。”









