

时间:2022-03-26 12:35:50 追求 我要投稿





上海419论坛  The Populus euphratica stands proudly in the desert, creating a miracle of "three hundred years immortal, three hundred years immortal, three hundred years immortal". They pursue the firmness and indomitability of fighting against the desert, but never yearn for the Jiangnan water town where the breeze blows and the drizzle falls. In the pursuit of unyielding belief, they maintain the most real self and recognize the real value of self.


  So is life. People should pursue something, but not blindly. Only by keeping a clear mind and recognizing oneself can we realize the value of life better.

上海419论坛  伟大的爱国诗人屈原,在人生中能保持最真实的追求。他没有在尔虞我诈的官场中同流合污,而是发出了“举世皆浊而我独清,众人皆醉而我独醒”的感慨;他没有在污浊的官场中“随其流而扬其波,哺其糟而啜其醴”,宁愿投身汨罗,也不愿污其追求。他在人生的追求中,从不忘自我的真正价值,在现实的考验面前,他留给我们的是流芳百世的美名。

  Qu Yuan, the great patriotic poet, can keep the most real pursuit in his life. He did not mingle with others in the treacherous officialdom, but expressed the feeling that "the whole world is turbid and I am only clear, everyone is drunk and I wake up alone"; he did not "follow the current and spread its waves, feed its bad and sip its Li" in the turbid officialdom, preferring to join Miluo rather than contaminate its pursuit. In his pursuit of life, he never forgets the real value of himself. In front of the test of reality, what he left us is the fame of a hundred generations.


  The pursuit of life should be diverse, just as graceful willows yearn for colorful spring and birds yearn for blue sky and white clouds, they should always remember their most authentic identity and recognize their own value, instead of exceeding this limit to do something beyond their own capacity.


上海419论坛  Li Bai, the great romantic poet, left us infinite wealth and wisdom. He didn't forget his value because of his career failure. His free and easy and unrestrained attitude of "being able to crush the brow and bend the waist, making me unhappy" is the true portrayal of his inner quality. Tao Yuanming's "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the Nanshan Mountain" quiet and leisure brings us endless enjoyment. In their pursuit, they find their own life value, not lost in frustration.


上海419论坛  Only by finding a suitable value orientation can we better appreciate the taste of life, instead of blindly pursuing and forgetting our true identity.

上海419论坛  我们在苏轼的“乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪”的豪情当中感受雄浑壮志。在追求中认清自我价值是一种智慧,一种人生的选择。

上海419论坛  We feel vigorous and ambitious in Su Shi's passion of "breaking rocks through the sky, breaking waves on the bank, rolling up thousands of piles of snow". In the pursuit of self-worth is a kind of wisdom, a choice of life.


  People all say that the pursuit of life should not be the same, otherwise, everyone will lose their self and the richness of life.

上海419论坛  人生的漫漫征程需要我们用奋斗去闯荡,在人生的追求当中,清醒地认识自我的价值,才能在人生旅途创造生命的辉煌!

  The long journey of life requires us to make a living with struggle. In the pursuit of life, we should have a clear understanding of our own value, so as to create a brilliant life in the journey of life!










