

时间:2021-09-10 11:24:08 英语演讲稿 我要投稿





  “We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pagesare infinite…”

上海419论坛  I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as areminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take themysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, justas a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.

  We are all in the position of the farmer. If we plant a good seed, we reapa good harvest. If our seed is poor and full of weeds, we reap a useless crop.If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.

上海419论坛  I want the future to be better than the past. I don’t want it contaminatedby the mistakes and errors with which history is filled. We should all beconcerned about the future because that is where we will spend the remainder ofour lives.

上海419论坛  The past is gone and static. Nothing we can do will change it. The futureis before us and dynamic. Everything we do will affect it. Each day brings withit new frontiers, in our homes and in our business, if we only recognize them.We are just at the beginning of the progress in every field of humanendeavor.







  If you could choose what kind of world to live in, what kind of world wouldyou choose? If you could decide what would happen tomorrow, with what kinds ofthings would you fill it?

  If you had the power to decide what types of opportunities would come yourway, what opportunities would you select? If you knew that your experienceswould match your expectations, what would your expectations be?

上海419论坛  In fact, you do have the power to choose your own way. You do have theability to decide what kinds of events, experiences, opportunities andcircumstances come your way.

上海419论坛  The world you experience is the world that your dreams, your thoughts, yourexpectations and your actions most closely resonatex. The world you see and livein is the world you most sincerely expect to see.

  The universe is filled with endless possibilities, and those possibilitieskeep growing with every minute. The way you live determines which of thosepossibilities will come into your life.

  With your thoughts, your actions, your values, your dreams andexpectations, you choose what kind of world you live in. The way you live isclosely mirrored in the world you see.


上海419论坛  倘若你有力量决定自己的机遇,你会怎样选择呢?倘若你知道你的经历会如你所愿,那么你会如何期待呢?


上海419论坛  你体验的这个世界和你的梦想、思维、期待甚至行为产生共鸣。你看到的世界和你时下生活的'这个世界就是你真心期待见到的世界。

上海419论坛  这个宇宙充满了无限的可能,这些可能每一分钟都在增加。你的生活方式决定了何种可能性会来到你的世界。

上海419论坛  你所选择生活的世界取决于你的想法,你的作为,你秉持的价值理念,你的梦想还有对未来的期待。你有什么样的世界观就会有什么样的生活方式。


  People often wonder why historians go to so much trouble to preservemillions of books, documents and records.

  Why do we have libraries? What good are these documents and history books?Why do we record and save the actions of men, the negotiations1 of governmentofficials and the events during wars?

  We do it because, sometimes, the voice of experience can cause us to stop,look and listen. Sometimes, past records, when understood in the right way, canhelp us decide what to do and what not to do. If we are ever to create lastingpeace, we must seek its origins in human experience and in the records of humanhistory.

  From the stories of courage and devotion of men and women, we create theinspirations of youth. History records the suffering, the self-denial2, thedevotion, and the heroic deeds of people in the past. These records can help uswhen we are confused and when we really need peace.

上海419论坛  The main purpose of history is to create a better world. History gives awarning to those who promote war, and inspiration to those who seek peace.

  In short, history helps us learn. Yesterday’s records can keep us fromrepeating yesterday’s mistakes. And from the pieces of mosaic4 assembled5 byhistorians come the great murals6 which represent the progress of mankind.

上海419论坛  人们常常心存疑虑,为什么历史学家要费尽周折地保存数以万计的书籍、文献和记录。




上海419论坛  历史的主要目的是创造一个更加美好的世界。历史对那些力主战争的人给以警告,给予那些寻求和平的人以启示。

上海419论坛  简而言之,历史帮助我们学习。昨日的记载可以使我们避免重蹈覆辙。这些历史学家们创作的像马赛克一样色彩缤纷的历史片断汇聚成了代表人类进步的伟大壁画。


  It is a commonplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness bypursuing it. This is only true if you pursue it unwisely. Gamblers at MonteCarlo are pursuing money, and most of them lose it instead, but there are otherways of pursuing money which often succeed. So it is with happiness. If youpursue it by means of drink, you are forgetting the hang-over. Epicurus pursuedit by living only in congenial society and eating only dry bread, supplementedby a little cheese on feast days. His method proved successful in his case, buthe was a valetudinarian, and most people would need something more vigorous. Formost people, the pursuit of happiness, unless supplemented in various ways, istoo abstract and theoretical to be adequate as a personal rule of life. But Ithink that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, exceptin rare and heroic cases, be incompatible with happiness.

上海419论坛  There are a great many people who have all the material conditions ofhappiness, i.e. health and a sufficient income, and who, nevertheless, areprofoundly unhappy. In such cases it would seem as if the fault must lie with awrong theory as to how to live. In one sense, we may say that any theory as tohow to live is wrong. We imagine ourselves more different from the animals thanwe are. Animals live on impulse, and are happy as long as external conditionsare favorable. If you have a cat it will enjoy life if it has food and warmthand opportunities for an occasional night on the tiles. Your needs are morecomplex than those of your cat, but they still have their basis in instinct. Incivilized societies, especially in English-speaking societies, this is too aptto be forgotten. People propose to themselves some one paramount objective, andrestrain all impulses that do not minister to it. A businessman may be soanxious to grow rich that to this end he sacrifices health and privateaffections. When at last he has become rich, no pleasure remains to him exceptharrying other people by exhortations to imitate his noble example. Many richladies, although nature has not endowed them with any spontaneous pleasure inliterature or art, decide to be thought cultured, and spend boring hourslearning the right thing to say about fashionable new books that are written togive delight, not to afford opportunities for dusty snobbism.

上海419论坛  If you look around at the men and women whom you can call happy, you willsee that they all have certain things in common. The most important of thesethings is an activity which at most gradually builds up something that you areglad to see coming into existence. Women who take an instinctive pleasure intheir children can get this kind of satisfaction out of bringing up a family.Artists and authors and men of science get happiness in this way if their ownwork seems good to them. But there are many humbler forms of the same kind ofpleasure. Many men who spend their working life in the city devote theirweekends to voluntary and unremunerated toil in their gardens, and when thespring comes, they experience all the joys of having created beauty.

上海419论坛  The whole subject of happiness has, in my opinion, been treated toosolemnly. It had been thought that man cannot be happy without a theory of lifeor a religion. Perhaps those who have been rendered unhappy by a bad theory mayneed a better theory to help them to recovery, just as you may need a tonic whenyou have been ill. But when things are normal a man should be healthy without atonic and happy without a theory. It is the simple things that really matter. Ifa man delights in his wife and children, has success in work, and finds pleasurein the alternation of day and night, spring and autumn, he will be happywhatever his philosophy may be. If, on the other hand, he finds his wifefateful, his childrens noise unendurable, and the office a nightmare; if in thedaytime he longs for night, and at night sighs for the light of day, then whathe needs is not a new philosophy but a new regimen----a different diet, or moreexercise, or what not.

  Man is an animal, and his happiness depends on his physiology more than helikes to think. This is a humble conclusion, but I cannot make myself disbelieveit. Unhappy businessmen, I am convinced, would increase their happiness more bywalking six miles every day than by any conceivable change of philosophy.

上海419论坛  道德家们常说:幸福靠追求是得不到的。只有用不明智的方式去追求才是这样。蒙特卡洛城的赌徒们追求金钱,但多数人却把钱输掉了,而另外一些追求金钱的办法却常常成功。追求幸福也是一样。如果你通过畅饮来追求幸福,那你就忘记了酒醉后的不适。埃毕丘鲁斯追求幸福的办法是只和志趣相投的人一起生活,只吃不涂黄油的面包,节日才加一点奶酪。他的办法对他来说是成功的,但他是个体弱多病的人,而多数人需要的是精力充沛。就多数人来说,除非你有别的补充办法,这样追求快乐就过于抽象和脱离实际,不宜作为个人的生活准则。不过,我觉得无论你选择什么样的生活准则,除了那些罕见的和英雄人物的例子外,都应该是和幸福相容的。

上海419论坛  很多人拥有获得幸福的全部物质条件,即健康的身体和丰足的收入,可是他们非常不快乐。就这种情况来说,似乎问题处在生活理论的错误上。从某种意义上讲,我们可以说任何关于生活的理论都是不正确的。我们和动物的区别并没有我们想象的那么大。动物是凭冲动生活的,只要客观条件有利,它们就会快乐。如果你有一只猫,它只要有东西吃,感到暖和,偶尔晚上得到机会去寻欢,它就会很快活。你的需要比你的猫要复杂一些,但还是以本能为基础的。在文明社会中,特别是在讲英语的社会中,这一点很容易被忘却。人们给自己定下一个最高的目标,对一切不利于实现这一目标的冲动都加以克制。生意人可能因为切望发财以致不惜牺牲健康和爱情。等他终于发了财,他除了苦苦劝人效法他的好榜样而搅得别人心烦外,并没有得到快乐。很多有钱的贵妇人,尽管自然并未赋予她们任何欣赏文学或艺术的兴趣,却决意要使别人认为她们是有教养的,于是他们花费很多烦人的时间学习怎样谈论那些流行的新书。这些书写出来是要给人以乐趣的,而不是要给人以附庸风雅的机会的。

上海419论坛  只要你观察一下周围那些你可称之为幸福的男男女女,就会看出他们都有某些共同之处。在这些共同之处中有一点是最重要的:那就是活动本身,它在大多数情况下本身就很有趣,而且可逐渐的使你的愿望得以实现。生性喜爱孩子的妇女,能够从抚养子女中得到这种满足。艺术家、作家和科学家如果对自己的工作感到满意,也能以同样的方式得到快乐。不过,还有很多是较低层次的快乐。许多在城里工作的人到了周末自愿地在自家的庭院里做无偿的劳动,春天来时,他们就可尽情享受自己创造的美景带来的快乐。




  Today is an excellent day for small improvements. Whatever is working foryou, find a way to improve it just a little. There’s no need to make a hugechange, just a small one, something you can do right now.

  If you called just one additional customer each day, over the course of thenext month you would talk to about 20 new people. If you learned just one morenew word each day, in the next year you would increase your vocabulary by morethan 300 words.

上海419论坛  Small improvements can add up over time into big accomplishments. Lookaround you. Consider the work you do each day. Think about how you could do itjust a little bit better.

  In a marathon race, each step the winner takes is just a little bit longerand a little bit faster than each stride taken by the 100th place finisher. Yetover the course of the race, that small difference adds up in a big way.

  Do just a little bit more today, and tomorrow too, and each day after that.Anyone can make just a small improvement, and that can make a big, bigdifference.




上海419论坛  在马拉松比赛中,冠军的每一步都只比第一百名的选手的步伐大一点点、快一点点。英语短文但是在比赛过程中,那些小小的不同积累成了巨大的区别。










