

时间:2021-09-16 11:14:30 英语日记 我要投稿




英语日记作文 篇1

  Today I was a little master of my home.

上海419论坛  At first, I was very happy. I felt very relaxed. After a while, it was lunch time. Family members felt hungry, I went to the market to buy some food. I just can cook spinach. So I tried to find spinaches. I asked and asked. After a while, I bought something green to home but it wasn’t spinach, it was celery. In my family nobody likes celery. Luckily, I had a little money. It was enough to have lunch outside.

  I felt relax when a got home. I decided to have a good rest. But my mother made me do a lot of housework……

  I was crazy about taking a nap after a day work. And I know a lot about my mum now. She is very busy.

上海419论坛  What a busy day!

英语日记作文 篇2

上海419论坛  今天和爸爸一起出去吃饭。吃饭的时候要敬酒。那里没有果汁。我就拿了一瓶啤酒开始到处敬酒。喝(www.kuaidu.com.cn)了一瓶酒后,我的脸红了,但没有醉。我认为啤酒并不难喝,但我还是要少喝酒。因为我还只是一个学生。

  I went out to have dinner with father today. I should make toast during the dinner but there was no juice availabe. So I had a bottle of beer. My face turned red but I was not drunk. I dont think beer tastes bad but I wont like have it too much because I am only a student.

英语日记作文 篇3

  I have a beautiful diary, I like it very much, and its appearance is very beautiful. Now, let me introduce my beautiful diary!

  The picture on the cover of my diary is a little boy and a little girl. There are many countless lotus flowers. The little boy lies on the lotus, and the little girl lies on the lotus leaf. There are two small keys on the side of the diary. Every time I finish writing the diary, I lock the secret I wrote in the diary with the small key. There are also little boys or girls on every page in the diary.

上海419论坛  Now, do you know my diary? Do you have a diary? Is your diary beautiful? You can also write it out to let us know!




英语日记作文 篇4

上海419论坛  下午数学考试,你成绩不好,心情郁闷。晚上几个好朋友邀你去歌厅(KTV)唱歌,你们一晚上唱得很尽兴。你用日记的形式记录下你今天的活动及感受。


上海419论坛  1. 下午的数学考试你的成绩不佳, 心情一直不好。

  2. 晚上同学邀请你去KTV唱歌,这是你第一次去KTV。

上海419论坛  3. 大家唱得很高兴,而你一直当听众,你觉得你的歌唱的不好,不敢唱。

  4. 在大家的鼓励下,你终于拿起麦克风(microphone),唱了一首英文歌曲“I believe I can fly”。

  5. 现在你的心情舒畅了;更重要的是:你找回了自信(self-confidence)。

上海419论坛  6. 你在日记中对自己说了这样一句话:“……”。

  注意:1. 词数:100左右。 2. 日记必须包括所有要点,但可以用不同的句式表达。 3. 日记的开头已写好。

上海419论坛  One possible version:

上海419论坛  Friday May 20, 20xx Sunny

上海419论坛  This evening I went to the KTV with some of my good friends.

  This was the first time that I had been to a KTV and at first I didn’t want to go. I had been in a bad mood the whole afternoon because I didn’t do well in the math exam. At the KTV, everybody sang his favorite songs very happily except me —I as only one of the audience . I dare not have a try because I was afraid that I couldn’t sing well. Encouraged by my classmates, I picked up the microphone and sang an English song entitled “I believe I can fly”.

上海419论坛  I have become cheerful now and above all I’ve regained self-confidence. I believe that the worst enemy in one’s life is oneself. I shouldn’t lose heart just because of one or two failures because I still have chances to try.

英语日记作文 篇5

上海419论坛My Cousin’s Wedding 表姐的婚礼

  Last week, I attended my cousin’s wedding with my mother. Our relationship is very close. She always looked after me, treated me well when I was a wimpy kid. So, seeing she got married, I was very happy for her. When we reached, the first thing I saw from her was her happy smile. She was the most beautiful girl in the world at that time. Wearing wedding white dress made her look more delicate and attractive. I hoped she would be happy forever. I would like to give my best wishes to her, my dearest sister.

上海419论坛  我上周和我妈妈一起去参加了我表姐的婚礼。我们关系很好。在我还是个小屁孩的时候她总是照顾我。所以,看到她结婚了,我真的为她感到高兴。我们到达那儿时,我第一眼看到的是她幸福的笑容。当时她是世界上最漂亮的女孩。穿着白色的.婚纱使她看起来更加地楚楚动人。我觉得她会永远幸福的。我想把最好的祝福给她,我最亲爱的姐姐。

英语日记作文 篇6

  The Lantern Festival or Yuanxiao Jie is a traditional Chinese festival, which is on the 15th of the first month of the Chinese New Year. The festival marks the end of the celebrations of the Chinese New Year.

上海419论坛  Chinese started to celebrate the Lantern Festival from the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 221 AD).

上海419论坛  Like most other Chinese festivals, there is also a story behind the Festival. It is also believed that the festival has Taoist origins.

  This is a festival for people having fun. On the night of the festival, people go on streets with a variety of lanterns under the full moon, watching lions or dragon dancing, playing Chinese riddles and games, and lighting up firecrackers. There is really a lot of fun for the young and the old.

  Yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball) or Tangyuan is the special food for the Lantern Festival. It is believed that Yuanxiao is named after a palace maid, Yuanxiao, of Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dynasty.

上海419论坛  Yuanxiao is a kind of sweet dumpling, which is made with sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffing.

  Yuanxiao is sticky, sweet and round in shape, symbolizing family unity, completeness and happiness.

英语日记作文 篇7

上海419论坛  今天上英语课了,我们又重新分组。我被分到了B组。这次分成的两组实力相当,但我们组更胜一筹。在两组中,优等生的数量基本相同,分基本都能拿到,就看中等生的分数了。


上海419论坛  孟子轩在回答“ing.”这道问题时,也不知道他是紧张的原因,还是真的不会,居然把正确答案的in说成了of,让我们都快发狂了——他们组是气的,我们组是笑的。只见孟子轩被一群人围在中间,在他们组同学的质问下脸涨得通红,作为另一方的我们则为他们组所起的“内讧”而幸灾乐祸的鼓掌……场面一片混乱。



英语日记作文 篇8

上海419论坛  Lantern Festival is a China's traditional festival. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year.

上海419论坛  I,antern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China. Several days before Lantern Festival, people begin to make lanterns. Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many, other things. While making lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns.

  On the eve of Lantern Festival, all the lanterns are hung up.

上海419论坛  On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns. Perhaps you call see some wonderful folk performances,Dragon Dance and Yangko. Everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy.

  Our life is rich and varied.

英语日记作文 篇9

  The Lantern Festival or Yuanxiao Jie is a traditional Chinese festival, which is on the 15th of the first month of the Chinese New Year. The festival marks the end of the celebrations of the Chinese New Year.

上海419论坛  Chinese started to celebrate the Lantern Festival from the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 221 AD).

  Like most other Chinese festivals, there is also a story behind the Festival. It is also believed that the festival has Taoist origins.

上海419论坛  This is a festival for people having fun. On the night of the festival, people go on streets with a variety of lanterns under the full moon, watching lions or dragon dancing, playing Chinese riddles and games, and lighting up firecrackers. There is really a lot of fun for the young and the old.

上海419论坛  Yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball) or Tangyuan is the special food for the Lantern Festival.

  It is believed that Yuanxiao is named after a palace maid, Yuanxiao, of Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dynasty. Yuanxiao is a kind of sweet dumpling, which is made with sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffing.

  Yuanxiao is sticky, sweet and round in shape, symbolizing family unity, completeness and happiness.

英语日记作文 篇10

  1、 日记

上海419论坛  根据中英文提示,与一篇日记,记叙一次(西塞山)郊游。(短文的开头已经给出。)

  要求:1.短文应包括汉语和英语提示内容。 2.语句通顺,意思连贯。

  3.书写工整,卷面整洁,标点符号正确。 4.字数不少于80个英语单词。

  Sunday, May 1st

  I got to school very early. Our class took a special bus to Xisai Mount. We got to

上海419论坛  the foot of the mount at 8:30.We began climbing the mount soon. On our way the air was so fresh and the scenery was so beautiful. Everybody was talking and laughing.We reached the top at about 10:00. The Yangtze River appeared in the north, and over

  the river there was a great bridge. We felt very relaxed. Seeing some birds flying in

  the sky, I suddenly remembered a popular poem of Tang dynasty. " Birds are flying

上海419论坛  in front of Xisai Mount ,". I kept feeling proud of our city.