

时间:2021-10-02 15:37:14 英语日记 我要投稿




  It's sunny on Sunday morning. Wan'er, Qiang Qiang, Liang Liang blows bubbles in the garden downstairs.

上海419论坛  草坪上盛开着一朵朵乳白色的小花,嫩绿的小草在风中轻轻地摇动。婉儿把泡泡水拿出来说“我们来比赛好吗?强强当裁判,我和亮亮比比,看谁吹出的`泡泡大。”“好的。”强强和亮亮齐声赞同。

上海419论坛  The lawn is full of milky white flowers, the green grass gently shakes in the wind. Wan'er took out the bubble water and said, "shall we play? When the referee is strong, I will compare with Liang Liang to see who blows the big bubbles. " "OK." Strong and bright agree.

上海419论坛  一场激烈的比赛开始了,只见婉儿左手将装肥皂水的杯子倾斜拿好,右手拿吹泡器在杯中用力地搅了十多下,然后将吹泡器轻轻地拿出,吹泡器上挂满了肥皂水。婉儿将吹泡器放到嘴边用力一吹,哇,一串美丽的泡泡在空中飞舞起来,泡泡越变越大,在阳光的照耀下,还呈现出彩虹的颜色,美丽极了。亮亮说:“没啥了不起,看我的。”亮亮也将吹泡器使劲地搅了搅,他抬起头,将吹泡器靠近嘴边,用力一吹,一串泡泡又高又飘地飞向了空中,越飞越远。强强说:“真好玩,我也要吹。”他情不自禁也拿出自己的泡泡水吹了起来。花园里到处飞舞着五颜六色的泡泡……

  A fierce competition began. Wan'er tilted the soapy water cup with her left hand, and stirred it with her right hand for more than ten times. Then she gently took out the bubbler, which was covered with soapy water. Wan'er puts the bubbler to her mouth and blows it hard. Wow, a bunch of beautiful bubbles are flying in the air. The bubbles are getting bigger and bigger. Under the sunshine, they also show the color of rainbow. They are very beautiful. Liang Liang said, "it's nothing. Look at me." Bright also stirred the bubbler vigorously. He raised his head, put the bubbler close to his mouth, and with a strong blow, a string of bubbles flew high and floating into the air, flying farther and farther. "It's fun," said Qiang. "I want to play, too." He can't help but take out his own bubble water and blow it. The garden is full of colorful bubbles.


  It was not until noon that they left reluctantly.