

时间:2022-08-09 13:50:36 英语读后感 我要投稿




  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇1

上海419论坛  Impressions after reading Charlotte's Web

  Charlotte's Web is a wonderful and entertaining book, which written by E B.White. It mainly talks about the friendship between a spring pig and a spider.

  A spring pig, just a simple pig wants to see the winter snow. But it should be killed at the Christmas dinner. The pig lived in the farm, where also lived many other kinds of animals, such as horses, cows, geese, a rat and a spider. And who is Charlotte ? It is the spider. At first, when the little pig came into the house, other animals didn’t like him, except a spider. She asked him be quiet so that she could work hard at night, and she would like to make friends with the pig. It made the pig so happy that he had a nice sleep. And then they became good friends. The pig told the spider that his dream, then the spider promised that she would help him to make his dream come true. In the way she made some miracles to make people know the pig cannot be killed. At last, the pig saw the winter snow but the spider died. However, the pig knew the spider was always living nearby him.

  The spider said that she wasn’t the maker of those miracles but the pig was, because of the friendship, the great friendship. It is so moving.

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇2

上海419论坛  Today, I watched Charlotte's Web, I was deeply moved.

  The movie is about a spider who meets his friend Pig in a barn.One day, the pig heard a terrible news. Pigs born in spring are killed before winter, and they rarely see snow. The pig wanted to see the snow, so Charlotte tried to help the pig see the snow.They went through a lot of trouble and thought out a way.Charlotte finally came up with a solution to her again and again on the net to weave word, let pig has caught people's attention, in the end the pig for charlotte's web has attracted people's love is to stay, so break down from constant overwork makes life come to an end, but charlotte piggy puts her 514 children back to the barn, and see the snow in winter.In the spring all the little spiders came out and they made their homes everywhere. Three of them made their homes in the barn.

上海419论坛  After watching this movie, I was deeply moved. Charlotte was for her friends, and her life came to an end. I was so selfish that my classmates wanted me to help him with water, but I didn't help him because I wanted to play.

  I want to learn from Charlotte, her willingness to sacrifice for her friends rather than for selfishness.

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇3

  This morning, after I got up, I went to the bookcase to take some books to read, I took a book I have been very like to read, the book is called "Charlotte's Web".

上海419论坛  This book is mainly about the spring came, a group of pigs is born, to contend for milk, however, there is a pig how also not rob milk to eat, because that not rob the milk to eat pig is more and more thin, weak, so the owner of this farm zuckerman decided to kill this little piggy, at this moment, zuckerman's daughter, she held the pig to go, and,She wanted to adopt the pig and named him Wilbur. She was very kind to him, but one day her mother took him to the barn, where he made many good friends.

  They are Charlotte the spider and Templeton the mouse. But one day, Wilbur learns that he will be made into bacon at Christmas, and he is very afraid. In order to save Wilbur, Charlotte weaveres a lot of webs, and lets Wilbur win the championship of the agricultural fair.

  《夏洛特的网》的`英语读后感 篇4

  This month, I read the book "Charlotte's Web," which tells the story of Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider, and other little animals.

  My favorite is the article "Crickets". Crickets sing the ending song of summer. They sing "Summer is over, it's over...".Avery and Ace heard it and knew it was time for school.The goslings heard it and knew they were not baby geese.Arable heard it and knew to dig up potatoes.Charlotte had woven the word "radiant" into the web and was ready to lay her eggs.With Charlotte's encouragement, Wilbur worked hard to become a lovable pig.

上海419论坛  Crickets were singing in the grass.They sang a sad, monotonous dirge of summer."Summer is gone," they sang, "Gone, gone.Summer is dying, dying."

  Through this story, I know the value of time. Charlotte helped her friends with her short life, which makes me know that time will not wait for us. We should cherish the time with our friends and the time of learning, so that every minute becomes more meaningful.

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇5

  When I was in third grade, I first read Charlotte's Web by E. B. White.

上海419论坛  The main characters of the book are a pig named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte.One day, Mr. Arable tried to kill Wilbur. Fern saved his life and put him in a pigsty under a tree.But Wilbur ate more and more, and Mrs. Arable did not want to keep him any longer, so she sold him.In his new home, Wilbur met a spider named Charlotte, and they soon became good friends.One day the old sheep told Wilbur that it would be made into bacon and ham on Christmas Day. Wilbur immediately began to cry.

  So Charlotte decided to help Wilbur, and he spent the rest of the night knitting the pig and the words "splendid and splendid." Wilbur won the first prize and everyone loved him.Wilbur took care of Charlotte's offspring after her death. Each time the spiders flew away, but two or three stayed.

上海419论坛  After reading this book, I felt the greatness of friendship.Friendship is the most beautiful emotion in the world. Students should unite and help each other.

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇6

  Reading Charlotte's Web, I know a lot.The night before Wilbur (the pig) was to be killed by his master, Charlotte (the spider) was spinning her web at the corner of the door of Wilbur's pigsty.When Wilbur woke up the next day, he found three words in the corner of the door, woven in spiderweb: Amazing.Wilbur's master found it, too, and called a lot of people from the fair to see it.Wilbur's owner also wanted him to go to the fair and not kill him if he won the first prize, but kill him if he didn't.When Charlotte heard the news, she went to the fair with Wilbur, and on the eaves of the pigsty at Wilbur's Fair she wrote in big letters, "Colorful."Then Wilbur won the first prize. His owner didn't kill him.But when Charlotte and Wilbur went to the fair, Charlotte was already pregnant.By the time they returned, Charlotte had delivered the baby.Charlotte was dying and had to ask Wilbur to take her baby spider back to the pigpen.After that, Wilbur thought of Charlotte every day. No one could take her place in Wilbur's heart.

上海419论坛  Charlotte tries everything she can to stop Wilbur's owner from killing him. She goes to the fair with Wilbur when she is pregnant. She helps Wilbur win the first prize, and then sacrifices herself to save Wilbur.I was very touched. I had no idea that there was such a deep bond between animals.So please let us love animals, protect animals!

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇7

上海419论坛  Charlotte's Web is a philosophy book.If you read it, you will gain a lot.Let me tell you something.

上海419论坛  In Zuckerman's barn, Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider form a genuine friendship.They live a happy life.But one day, news came to the barn: Wilbur was going to be a roast pig.The news made Wilbur sad.In his despair, Charlotte resolutely said: I will help you!Charlotte finally gets her wish. She spins the web three times to save Wilbur, but she says goodbye to this world forever.

  After reading this book, my heart for a long time can not be calm, heart like overturned Wuwei bottle, there is an unspeakable taste.This book taught me what friendship is.I remember when I was in grade four, I had a quarrel with my friend Wu Wei because of one thing, which led to serious consequences.Later I just know, friendship is like this, don't cherish when you get, lose time to cherish.I was always fighting with people when I was young.Once, I promised Jingyi to visit her house, but I forgot.He asked me angrily: Why don't you come to my house?Do you despise my house for being smaller than yours?I will never speak to you again!Hum!She never got back together with me.Now that I think about it, maybe I was wrong.

上海419论坛  In a word, this book teaches me a truth: no one can replace a friend!

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇8

上海419论坛  This summer holiday, I read the book "Charlotte's Web".The story inside is very wonderful, of course, there are also moving parts, in order to let us read more understand, there are small illustrations.The main characters are a big, black spider named Charlotte, and a little pig whose mistress has given him the lovely name Wilbur.

上海419论坛  This book is about, I met a spider pig Wilbur, named charlotte and Wilbur is a pig, it is time to kill pig of the season, see this little piggy Wilbur to be killed, the good friend charlotte Wilbur decided to save Wilbur's life, this isn't a laughing matter little thing, charlotte and begin to weave spider silk, the second day early in the morning, on Wilbur,I knitted three words -- ace pig.After you see that it is very strange, a spider is impossible to weave words, we all think that this is providence.So no owner of the pig was killed. Charlotte kept saving Wilbur, kept weaving words, and finally Charlotte died of exhaustion from weaving spider silk. She left five hundred and fourteen little eggs in a beautiful pink pouch, and when Charlotte died, Wilbur the pig took care of them.

  After reading this book, I was very moved.I was very proud of Charlotte's behavior, and I think if I were a pig, I would thank Charlotte very much.A small spider, can save the life of a pig, is really great, I admire Charlotte very much, I also want to like Charlotte, sacrifice to save people.

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇9

  I was very moved after reading Charlotte's Web, which is a book about friendship.Charlotte, a small spider in the book, saved a pig's life with her life!

上海419论坛  Wilbur the pig, whose destiny was to be a feast, was terrified of death when he heard a voice saying, "You're not going to die."The voice came from a little spider on the beam of the pigpen. It was Charlotte who touched my heart.Charlotte did as she said, and in a few days he had a good idea. He made a net over the pigpen and spelled out the words "ace pig."

上海419论坛  Charlotte felt that the word "ace pig" was getting old, and she ended it again. "Great" changed the way people looked at Wilbur Pig forever. He went from being a plate of meat to a race-ready pig.In the end, Charlotte gave "Radiant" to Wilbur the pig, and she won a special prize.To be a different kind of pig.He no longer had to fear being killed!Charlotte succeeded in saving Wilbur the pig's life.Charlotte had problems with her spinnerets and eventually died.Wilbur felt that Charlotte was his best friend, because she was both a good writer and a loyal friend.

上海419论坛  I think friends should be like Charlotte to Wilbur.It uses his love, his honesty and trustworthiness, his precious life in exchange for the happiness of friends.

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇10

  Recently, I read a book by the famous American writer E. B. White -- Charlotte's Web. After reading, my heart can not calm for a long time, because I was completely moved by the friendship in the book. It tells the story of friendship between a spider named Charlotte and a pig named Wilbur. Well, we must get on well with our friends.

  After reading this book, I think people need friendship most. If there is no friendship, people will become cold, cruel; With friendship, life will be colorful, often hear people happy laughter. As a famous saying goes, "Friendship is like wine, the older it gets, the better it will be." Yes, friendship is meant to last forever! In fact, in our side, there are also cherish the friendship of people, such as: one of the four great classical novels of China, "Romance of The Three Kingdoms", Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in the peach garden, their friendship is very deep, known as the "Peach garden three vows".

  There is also a story about friendship around me: a little friend downstairs of my house got a serious disease, he lies in bed every day, very lonely. One of his friends knew, not afraid of infection, went to see him every day, the sick boy day by day cheerful, gradually, his disease miraculously good, even the doctor did not believe. In White's writing, Charlotte weaves a big web of love with spider silk, which saves Wilbur's life and arouses endless love and warmth in our hearts.

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇11

  Today we saw Charlotte's web, also let us know to love animals.

上海419论坛  This movie mainly tells the story of the sow in the little girl's home gave birth to 11 piglets, one of which was about to be killed by others. However, under the insistence of the little girl Fern, Weber escaped from his master. From then on, Fern bathed with it, hugged it to sleep, and even carried it to the school desk... As Weber grows up, Fern sends him to a farm in order to survive. In the farm, Weber makes many friends, such as sheep, cows, geese and mice. He is very happy.

上海419论坛  It also met a spider that charlotte, charlotte saved weber, because all the spring pig was sent to the farm, pass the winter will be slaughtered, webber was afraid, so when the winter comes, the doorframes of charlotte is on a farm with his own network made up of three words "trump card pig", attracted many reporters, Mr Zuckerman very proud. Then Charlotte added "radiant". Finally Mr. Zuckerman asked Webber to enter a contest, and if he won, he would keep him for the rest of his life. Charlotte had eggs of her own by then, but she also went to the fair for the race for Webb, and with the last of her strength she spun a last web, Humble. Webb won, but Charlotte died

  Charlotte was brave and kind. It's very helpful. The spirit of sacrifice for others is worth learning.

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇12

  This winter vacation I read "Charlotte's web", after reading I feel a lot.

  The book is about a group of animals living happily in Zuckerman's barn, among which Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider form a true friendship. However, the silence of the barn was broken by the ugliest news of all: Wilbur's fate was to be made into ham sausage, and Wilbur was to be slaughtered. However, the spider Charlotte weaves a text on the pigpen that is regarded as a miracle by humans and reverses the fate of the pig. But this was the end of Charlotte's life. After reading it, I understand what friendship is. Friendship is simply the friendship between you and your friends. There are friends in the world, big and small. But how many people have the most sincere and pure friendship?

上海419论坛  Charlotte in the book saves Piglet's life because they have a friendship. They trust each other and treat their friends like family. But in life there are many people do not take friends as a matter of business, some people think that friends are put to sell, some people think that friends can not be with you for a lifetime, so they use friends to hurt others. But do you ever think people will feel sorry for you when you're in the same boat as Wilbur the Pig? Do friends sympathize with you? No, because you did something to hurt them. You didn't see them as friends, and they didn't feel sorry for you.

  Therefore, people should treat each other like one another, and take every friend seriously, so that friends will give you a helping hand when you need!

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇13

上海419论坛  Charlotte, with the energy of her life to fulfill a promise for her friend, finally, it succeeded.

  Charlotte made a web for her friend's life. The web, not only made of silk, but also made with heart and love, congealed the friendship between Charlotte and Wilbur, congealed Wilbur's happiness and congealed trust.

  It could be said that Wilbur's final happiness was inseparable from his trust in Charlotte, his trust in her as a true friend, his faith in her promises...

  Take a look at the indispensable character in the story - Fern, she looks ordinary, heart simple, kind. She understood the animals because she loved them, and she talked to them with her heart.

上海419论坛  Charlotte smiled and went away, but she was always Wilbur's friend.

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇14

  In the first month of school, I read Charlotte's Web by American writer White.

上海419论坛  The book is about Wilbur the Pig moving from Fern's house to Mr. Zuckerman's barn. After a big mess in the barn, Wilbur saw Charlotte in his room. After that, they became very good friends. In order to help Wilbur not be killed by humans, Charlotte successfully weaves "online miracles". These online miracles make Wilbur become more and more famous in the state, and also make their feelings become more and more rich and friendly. When it came to the fair, Wilbur had a special prize and a future of peace, but Charlotte's fate was over.

  I think, if a person has a lot of friends around him, then he must be very happy, very happy. This book tells us that friends are the most important thing in life, we should treasure friends and cherish friendship.

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇15

上海419论坛  Charlotte's Web This book is about Wilbur, a pig, and Charlotte, a big gray spider.

  Once upon a time, there was a mother pig who had several little pigs, but one of them was a pig. It was Wilbur, the main character. Girl Fern's father tried to kill the pig, but she saved him. Fern's father sold the pig to Fern's uncle. A few months later, Wilbur was very sad to hear from the little animals that he was going to be killed, and Charlotte the spider had a good idea. She spat silk during the night. She made the words "ace pig," "great," and "humble." What he did saved Wilbur, but he died of exhaustion.

  After reading this book, I know that friends can help you or give you strength when you are in trouble. Therefore, I want to make more friends, learn and grow together with my friends, no matter who meets difficulties, we will actively help him.

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇16

  The book Charlotte's Web tells a story about love.

上海419论坛  The story tells about the friendship between a spider and a little pig. The pig did not want to die, the spider promised to save him, from then on the spider will give the pig weave a strange web, each time will write different words, let the pig saved his life. At last the pig won a special prize in the market contest and became the supreme pig. No one wanted to kill him, but his friend spider's life came to an end. The spider devoted her whole life to this cute little pig.

上海419论坛  After reading this story, I understand a truth: friends should help each other, unite and love each other, when a friend is in trouble, we should try our best to help him.

  "Charlotte's Web" in English after reading chapter 17

  By accident, I found a movie called Charlotte's Web. Just like Charlotte's web.

  There was another aspect of the film that touched my heart. "If I were small and thin, would you kill me with an axe, too?" said the little girl Finn as she saved Wilbur the Pig from her father. This is a little girl how pure a word ah, I see see is a kind heart. In the eyes of the little girl, life is equal, no matter a pig or a plant of grass, they are just like people, they are a life, they need care and love.

  A little girl who knows nothing about the world knows how to look at life equally. Why would an adult who claims to be wise do something to kill a pig? Don't they realize that all lives are equal? Don't they have any compassion? No, all they lack is a good heart.

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇17

上海419论坛  Summer life is colorful and unforgettable. In this summer vacation, I read a very good book, it is "Charlotte's Web".

上海419论坛  The book focuses on the animals that live in Zhu Keman's barn. Among them, a piglet is to be cooked into bacon because of stunted growth. His young master steals Wilbur from her father to prevent it from being cooked into bacon. So Wilbur survived, but he was destined to be cooked into bacon, so a spider named Charlotte saved him by helping him make up words on the web while the animals slept, and his words were twice regarded as miracles by humans. Then Wilbur became a celebrity, but who knows how much Charlotte helped behind that, and she died when Wilbur became a celebrity.

  Friendship is when others are in trouble, you lend a helping hand, I also have such a story; I sick when I was in a rain bai father back home, as soon as I go home I drop water, don't know how many bottles, the second day I have many don't understand, go to class, then Sun Xiaokai know him pour to with me, and I have something don't understand, ask him, he is also very patiently answer to me, with me as a teacher in class, I also don't understand, ask, And he spoke very reasonable, so I patiently put these knowledge in mind, Sun Xiaokai was very happy, because he not only taught me, but also reviewed the content of the last class, in class I answered fluently, the question is also very in place, praised me, this also thank Sun Xiaokai ah! He taught me. He just smiled.

上海419论坛  I definitely recommend reading this book, because there's a lot of stuff that you can't learn in class. But also can learn a lot of life truth.

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇18

  Perhaps we only know that friendship exists between people, but once thought that there is also valuable friendship between animals and animals. "Charlotte's Web" tells us that friendship is supported by keeping promises, but also let me know that true friendship is no matter what you gain or lose.

上海419论坛  Charlotte's web tells the story of such a story: there was a pig named Wilbur, born in spring it is the mother pig gave birth to the little pig, 11 and 11 pigs in the thin one, as the little girl Wayne's dad will the dysplasia of the pig kill only when Wayne saved Wilbur and said to feed and care for it. Then Wilbur was sent to a farm, and Wayne visited him every night. There he made good friends, Charlotte the spider, Templeton the mouse, who ate his slop every day, and other animals. After early spring, Wilbur learned that it might end up in a bacon factory on Christmas Day. His friend charlotte and other animals together three times created the miracle, is to help Wilbur was sent to bacon factory, charlotte made three net write god "pig", "great" and "radiant" attracted the attention of many people, finally for Wilbur wrote before his death "humility", let it alive, to see the winter snow.

上海419论坛  The most touching scene is this: Charlotte gave birth to 514 babies after Wilbur returned from the prize. The dying Charlotte fails to return to the farm, and her children are brought back by Wilbur and Templeton. Another early spring, the spider babies came out, three of them stayed behind, it was a very touching scene.

  If life is more like some animals such pure friendship, the world should become more temperature.

  《夏洛特的网》的英语读后感 篇19

上海419论坛  Charlotte's Web is a gripping, moving and evocative book. Small spider Charlotte used spider silk to weave a big web full of love, told the story of it and pig Wilbur to the public, read a paragraph full of sincere love story. I can't put this book down.

上海419论坛  The story revolves around the fate of Wilbur the Pig. During the spring, summer, fall and winter of that year, the Zuckermans' barn was filled with the joys and sorrows of a group of animals. At first, the ugly Charlotte is difficult for Wilbur to accept. Over time, Charlotte's kind and brave nature brings the warm friendship to Wilbur, and Wilbur and Charlotte establish the most sincere friendship. But the peace of the barn was broken by the ugliest news of all. Wilbur's fate was to become a ham on the table. As Wilbur watched, "I don't want to die, I don't want to die! In the wailing, the seemingly small Charlotte came forward and said firmly, "I can save you!" To friends of the promise, charlotte with his own thread woven out of the "trump card pig" "great" "sunshine" "humble" by a human as a miracle on Internet, thoroughly changed the fate of Wilbur, finally make it in the market competition to obtain special award, Wilbur escaped into the fate of the others table delicious, got a lives out talisman. But, at this time, the spider Charlotte's life has come to an end. After Charlotte's death, Wilbur took care of Charlotte's descendants with gratitude.

上海419论坛  Charlotte's web, not only saved Wilbur's life, but also aroused endless love and warmth in my heart, woven into the hearts of countless readers to call for friendship, cherish friendship web. It moves us, let us use the true encounter pure friendship, let the light of friendship illuminate each other's life road.









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