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  名人传的英语读后感 1

  "Celebrity biography was written by the French writer romain rolland. Written in the book for three famous figures in the world. The first is the German composer, Beethoven; Another is the genius of the Italian sculptor: Michelangelo. The last is a Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy.

  In this book, I most moving is Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven is a music genius, his talent was very early father found, however, his father is not a qualified good father, his father let Beethoven piano everyday, dont care about his feelings, Beethoven and a violin sometimes shut up in a room, this is the day, with violence forced him to practice, Beethovens childhood was very sad.

  Beethovens mother died early, my father is a profligate alcoholic, these, in Beethovens heart, on a break. Beethoven as talent and hard work, however, soon to become famous, but unfortunate thing happened, Beethoven was deaf ears, this for a musician was a great blow.

  But, through their own efforts, Beethoven was a success.

上海419论坛  On the road in life, there are many contingency, Beethoven was able to defeat him, Beethoven with their own efforts to overcome the difficulties, we must also can!

上海419论坛  The celebrity biography has taught me a lot of truth, he taught me Beethovens strong, taught me positive in the face of difficulties, Michelangelo taught me Tolstoys honesty and unyielding spirit.

  "Celebrity biography" the book of people, is our role model! We are going to study all their spirit!

  名人传的英语读后感 2

上海419论坛  This is a classic French writer romain rolland. Very vividly to introduce our way across Europe art as an excellent representative of three areas: musician Beethoven, sculptor Michelangelo and writer Tolstoy.

上海419论坛  Let me feel the deepest is Beethoven, he is a life struggle with the fate of the people. Unfortunately, he is also a lucky, it has a different from ordinary peoples holy heart. In todays society have such heart, less and less people whole life running after fame and profit, and live for money, give up once the ideal, give up the struggle spirit, to give up his confidence in the life stage. And Beethoven, his courage to face the natural set a trap, and face gods injustice, for his efforts to fight for his dream come true. To earn money for the family when he was young and when traveling, maybe we in the warm house was being waited on hand and foot, actually we are the darling of the fate, was born in this age of peace, meals not sorrow, and learn. But some students dont know to cherish, not listening carefully in class, foul-mouthed. Beethoven did not live up to the title.

  I think Roman Roland in writing this book is not just in order to let us to understand those celebrities, more important is to call those unfortunate people, dont complain too much! How good molecules in human life, let us read it to absorb its spiritual nourishment, restore confidence of life, although the life is not as good as we thought, dream, but since they come over, we can also come over.

  And a great man, who are also common, and we different is that they are only the tenacious perseverance. Similarly, we also want to go, fight for the joy of success together!

  名人传的英语读后感 3

  After reading Biography of Celebrities, I have a particularly profound memory of Beethoven.

上海419论坛  This short, stout, lion nosed German musician insisted on creating even though he was deaf in both ears, leaving an immortal movement for mankind and moving and powerful people.

  His great strength comes from his courage like a lion. Feder said, "Success is a brave son." Because of bravery, Beethoven achieved success. There are still many examples like this.

  During the Soviet Patriotic War, without any preparation from the Soviet Union, Hitler launched the "Barbarossa" operation. A few weeks later, Nazi Germany attacked Moscow City, and the Soviet Union soldiers and civilians defended the capital with great courage. After several years of perseverance, they turned to the strategic counter attack until they attacked Berlin.

  Nobel worked day and night on the death line with great courage and finally invented safety explosives.

上海419论坛  Franklin used enough courage to uncover the secrets of lightning and became the founder of electricity.

  But there are some people around us who, when encountering any difficulties or setbacks, complain incessantly and give up easily.

  Courage is the light of adversity. Let us shine brightly in adversity and generate great power!

  名人传的英语读后感 4

  During the winter vacation, I read a book of Romance Roland. The title of the book is Biography of Celebrities. The preface left a deep impression on me: in world biographical literature, there are three heroic hymns composed with passionate words: Beethoven, a deaf musician, a person played by fate, and a hero who trades pain for music; Michelangelo - was a melancholic, a workaholic who gave life to stones, and a hero who had to endure hardship and give up joy; Tolstoy - an elderly person who ran away from home.

  The story inside is very touching. Beethovens life was very difficult, and he never felt the warmth of his family from childhood to adulthood. He has been taking care of his two younger brothers since he was young.

上海419论坛  From this, I thought of our current life. Firstly, we dont worry about food and drink. Secondly, our parents always spoil us. We should study hard before we can repay our parents.

  名人传的英语读后感 5

  In these two weeks, I have read the book "Biography of Celebrities". This book depicts the growth stories of Beethoven, Michelangelo, and Tolstoy. Among them, the most unforgettable one for me is still Michelangelo.

  Michelangelo was a sculptor. When he was a child, he paid respects to a master and once cast a bronze statue called David. Later, Michelangelo graduated and also carved a stone sculpture called David, which is not even his most impressive work. He is not only a sculptor, but also a painter. When he entered middle age, he spent more than ten years in a church, painting a huge painting with hundreds of gods, which almost consumed his entire lifes effort. In his later years, he also left behind many unfinished sculptures and paintings.

  Although no one can compare with Michelangelo, I still need to learn one thing from him, which is to have confidence every moment. I remember not long ago, the English teacher assigned an assignment: reciting the text of Unit3Holidayfun, and reciting it to the teacher on Wednesday. Several classmates and I looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Two bold questions asked the teacher if they could recite them to the team leader, but the answers they received were all negative. The next day, I mustered up my courage and began to recite. Unexpectedly, I fluently memorized the book and received a sentence from the teacher: "I memorized it well, very proficiently." Upon hearing these words, I almost fainted. You know, the first day of the text was copied twice in vain.

上海419论坛  After reading this book, I will definitely regain my confidence and become confident in everything I do.

  名人传的英语读后感 6

上海419论坛  This book is a biographical work created by Romain Rolland. It tells the life experiences of three great people in different fields, Beethoven, Michelangelo and Tolstoy. The story of Beethoven makes me remember deeply.

  Beethovens childhood family was unfortunate, but as a musician, he lost his most precious hearing and suffered two emotional setbacks. This tragic life experience did not make Beethoven give up. He lived strong with the belief of "creating happiness through sorrow", accepted these hardships, and created works such as the "Fifth Symphony" that have been passed down. In Beethovens later years, he wrote Ode to Joy, which shocked the frivolity of Vienna at that time.

上海419论坛  Beethovens life experience tells us not to give up when encountering difficulties and obstacles in life, but to strengthen our beliefs, so that we can grow and ultimately succeed.

  名人传的英语读后感 7

上海419论坛  After reading the book Biography of Celebrities, my admiration for these celebrities has deepened.

  Beethoven, Michelangelo, and Tolstoy spent their lives fighting for truth. They are fearless of difficulties and dangers, breaking free from constraints, and allowing their souls to reach the highest level. They have incorporated their own spirit into their works, lets take a look at how these great men fought tenaciously in a difficult environment!

上海419论坛  In 1789, the French Revolution broke out, and Beethoven saw his aspirations more clearly. However, at this moment, a crisis was approaching Beethoven, and his hearing was deteriorating! This was a very heavy blow for Beethoven, who had just established his lofty aspirations. Whether a persons soul boils or not depends on their fighting spirit. Beethovens spiritual fire undoubtedly extinguished many. However, as long as there is a spark in the soul, it can also ignite the flame in a persons heart, challenging the darkness and fate! Beethoven is such a person who reignited the fire of his soul. Beethoven endured the dual pain of body and spirit and created many excellent works. These works have adorned Beethovens crown of life with shining gemstones one after another. However, the pinnacle of luck is often the beginning of tragedy. Due to excessive fatigue, Beethovens ears were completely deaf. This has caused serious trauma to his body and soul. However, even so, he did not stop his hard work. The pearl like Ode to Joy brought him the final glory. At this time, Beethovens condition deteriorated sharply. Finally, a stranger helped him close his eyes. Beethovens life has come to an end, as brief but magnificent as fireworks, which is precisely the grace that great men should possess!

  Michelangelo and Tolstoy are also on the same journey of ambition, burning a flame of hope for themselves and others time and time again. Why dont we think this is a great rise?

  名人传的英语读后感 8

上海419论坛  The book "Biography of Celebrities" describes artists from different eras and ethnic groups.

  The book describes how three famous figures - Beethoven, Michelangelo, and Tolstoy - survived in that ambitious society. Beethoven was a highly respected person in the field of music, who was not afraid of power. Michelangelo was a famous sculptor who shed countless sweat and created many works for his own work. Tolstoy left behind classic literary works for future generations. Although the three of them have developed in different fields, they share a common characteristic of persisting in their pursuit of ideals in a difficult environment.

上海419论坛  The book "Biography of Celebrities" has made me understand the pain hidden behind the characters scenery that is difficult to understand. I want to learn from these celebrities, and even if I encounter difficulties in my future life and studies, I will not give up my ideals. I will be diligent and eager to learn, and if I dont understand, I will ask questions.

  名人传的英语读后感 9

  I am currently reading the book "Biography of Celebrities", which describes the difficult and bumpy life experiences of musician Beethoven, sculptor Michelangelo, and writer Tolstoy. The most impressive story for me is the story of musician Beethoven.

  This book begins with Beethovens unfortunate childhood, where he never enjoyed the warmth of his family. From childhood on, life has been a tragic and long battle for him. Beethovens life was full of ups and downs, but facing the cruel blow of adversity, he did not bow down and give up. When I saw Beethoven changing his fate through his unremitting efforts and strong will, I couldnt help but be deeply moved. Our current living conditions are so superior, and we need to carry forward the Beethoven spirit, study diligently, not compromise with any difficulties, and do everything solidly.

上海419论坛  The sword edge is sharpened, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. As long as we give, we will definitely reap rewards!

  名人传的英语读后感 10

  This summer, I read "The Biography of Famous People". At first, I opened it in a state of boredom, but when I finished reading this part of "The Biography of Beethoven", I was truly shocked.

  Opening the preface of the book, the words of Professor Fu Lei, the translator, came into my eyes: "Only by seeing the heroic tragedy of overcoming suffering can we help us bear the cruel fate." Beethovens life was precisely the heroic tragedy of overcoming suffering.

上海419论坛  I remember hearing about Beethovens story when I was young. I only remember that he was deaf in both ears, and the widely circulated masterpiece "Ode to Joy". Now after reading his story carefully, I know that the creation background of "Ode to Joy", I cant help but pay tribute to Beethoven. When Beethoven wrote "Ode to Joy", his ears were deaf long ago, and even his dearest nephew could not bring him happiness, I cant imagine what his mood was at that time? I dont know how he created music in such extreme situations. It was like an abyss, but it was in this sorrowful abyss that he chose to face life optimistically and sincerely praise joy. He transformed his enormous pain and suffering into joy and brought the "Ode to Joy" to the world. In elementary school, the teacher taught everyone to sing this "Ode to Joy". At that time, we laughed and played, and now read it again, But I feel pity for Beethovens suffering and admire his strength.

上海419论坛  He has gone through hardships and shed joy on the world. The world has given him endless darkness, but he strives to find light, selflessly creates, dedicates himself, and rejoices in others.

上海419论坛  Shorten our horizons, why dont we have such people around us? Look at the medical worker, treating patients day and night; Look at the soldier, dedicating himself to disaster relief for the people; Look at the rural worker, using his own actions to bring joy to the people. They are also ordinary people who have their own lives, but the pain in life is enjoyable for them. They use their dedication to inspire the world.

上海419论坛  Returning to myself, what are my current difficulties worth? Its just some learning difficulties, just a mole ant on the long road of life

  Closing Biography of Celebrities, I remembered the lyrics I often hummed: If the world had kissed me, I would have loved the gentlest song. Now I truly understand its meaning. Yes, even if the malice in this world is evident, there are still people who can repay the hardships in life with songs, and we should all enjoy them.

  名人传的英语读后感 11

上海419论坛  Having read Romain Rollands "Celebrity Biography", I feel deeply. Romain Rolland is a famous French writer in the 20th century. His works are a strong spiritual pillar for people. The Biography of Celebrities "tells the stories of Beethoven, Michelangelo, and Tolstoy, who endured various hardships but did not yield to fate. They persevered in the last second of their lives and eventually became great men. This also tells us a truth: difficulties and setbacks are the best exercises for fate and life.

上海419论坛  Among these three great men, Beethoven left the deepest impression on me. He has a fiery passion for music and has created many excellent works. His works are profound and magnificent, full of fantasy. But the disaster still mercilessly fell on him, and he realized that his hearing impairment could no longer be cured and would soon worsen. That means he may no longer be able to create. This is a great blow, but he can tenaciously fight against fate. This may be the reason why he was able to write so many immortal works in the later stage. This spirit of never compromising life and destiny is exactly what we should learn. This great and unyielding soul has given light to the dark world and given hope to life.

上海419论坛  Reading Beethovens story reminds me of Helen Keller - a person who also has strong willpower. Her life was also unfortunate, as a childhood illness transformed her into a blind, deaf, and mute little girl. In her world, there is no color, no sound, and no way to express her thoughts. But the injustice of fate did not make her lose hope. She longed to appreciate everything, so she doubled her efforts and ultimately became one of the most influential figures of the 19th century.

  Beethoven and Helen Keller have encountered different hardships in their lives, but they share the same spirit - never giving in to fate - which not only makes me admire but also triggers my deep thinking. As a high school student in the 21st century, the competition in society is becoming more intense. With more and more homework, our learning difficulties also increase. Faced with numerous difficulties and pressures, do we also need this spirit? When facing difficulties and declining academic performance, let us "shine our eyes again with the light of Beethoven" and face setbacks with firm faith, Use tenacious perseverance to achieve your ideals.

  名人传的英语读后感 12

  The Biography of Celebrities was written by Roman Roland. The characters in the book are Beethoven, the musical genius of the 19th century, Michelangelo of Italy in the Renaissance, and Tolstoy, the great writer of Russia in the 19th century.

  What moved me the most was Beethoven. Beethoven was a genius, and his talent was discovered by his father. His father wanted to cultivate him into a prodigy, so he forced him to practice the piano all day long. He even often drank heavily in the middle of the night and dragged him out of his sleep to play the piano. All of this left a deep wound in Beethovens heart.

上海419论坛  Due to his talent and diligence, Beethoven quickly became famous. No one expected that soon enough, an unfortunate thing happened. Beethovens deafness was a great blow to the musician. However, Beethoven succeeded through his own efforts.

  Beethoven overcame difficulties with his own efforts in such an environment, why cant we? When complaining about small things, we should think about this celebritys optimism and calmness when facing difficulties. When encountering difficulties or troubles, the first reaction is not to complain, but to bravely face it!

  This reminds me of a seven day summer camp I attended. During those seven days, what I couldnt forget was the day when the teacher asked us to climb. Standing in the queue, I saw how slowly the classmates in front of us were climbing, and I thought to myself, Is this rock climbing difficult? I felt uneasy and nervous. It was my turn. I walked forward, grabbed my hand and kicked my foot, and easily stepped on the stone, thinking to myself, Actually, it wasnt as difficult as I imagined. Just as I was feeling relaxed, my body suddenly fell back. Fortunately, my reaction was quite sensitive, and my hand quickly grabbed the stone. As a result, I climbed much slower, not as lightly as I initially did. Instead, I thought I must climb up. I can, I must firmly believe that I can, step by step, step by step, and finally reach the top, I looked down and felt happy for holding on. If I didnt think that way during this time, I might not be able to climb up.

  The Biography of Celebrities has taught me Beethovens strength, Michelangelos courage in facing difficulties, Tolstoys honesty and unyielding spirit. Although the three others have different ideals, they share a common characteristic of never giving up on their own ideals. How admirable this is!

上海419论坛  I believe that as long as we have firm beliefs, no difficulty can stop our progress!









