

时间:2022-03-26 12:35:33 小升初英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛  在学习、工作或生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是小编帮大家整理的小升初做到这些,就能大显身手英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。



  "The early days of Xiaosheng", a battle without gunpowder, a tough test of life, a memorable memory. In this way, I have tasted the bitterness and bitterness, felt the so-called happiness and sadness, and deeply realized the meaning of the old saying "happiness exists in bitterness, and only after bitterness is sweet".

上海419论坛  我在一所普普通通的小学学习,自从四年级,妈妈在外面为我报了剑桥英语二级,在整个一个暑假里,我顶着炙热的太阳学完了上、下两册教材,在十月份左右,我天天放学后,背着书包,从西罗园直奔中关村,来上6点至1 0点的考级辅导。在五、六年级,我学得更是五花八门。五年级我学习了剑桥英语三级还报了新世纪语、数、英三科提高班。一年级上学期我又学习了公共英语一级,下学期公共英语一级考出了83分出色成绩,并又参加了奥数网、公共英语二级、新概念二、学校奥数班。有了这些学习,我的成绩也不断提高,这些也为小升初做准备。

上海419论坛  I study in a common primary school. Since the fourth grade, my mother has applied for Cambridge English level 2 for me outside. During the whole summer vacation, I finished two volumes of teaching materials under the hot sun. Around October, after school every day, I went straight to ZhongGuanCun from Xiluoyuan with my schoolbag on my back. I came to the examination guidance from 6:00 to 10:00. In the fifth and sixth grades, I learned a lot. In the fifth grade, I studied Cambridge English Band 3, and I also enrolled in the new century English, mathematics and English improvement class. In the first grade, I studied the first level of Public English in the last semester. Next semester, I got 83 excellent marks in the first level of Public English. I also participated in the Olympic mathematics network, the second level of Public English, the second level of new concept, and the school's Olympic mathematics class. With these studies, my grades are also improving, which are also preparing for the beginning of the junior high school.

上海419论坛  今年的“小升初”政策一变,使我们全家都犯了难。刚开始,爸爸妈妈到处投简历,但是哪都没有音讯。看到此状,我的鼻子总是酸酸的,不时扪心自问:哎!我真的不行吗?但,不管怎样我还是鼓励自己奋勇向前。

上海419论坛  This year's "small promotion" policy changed, which made our family have made difficulties. At first, mom and dad sent resumes everywhere, but there was no news. Seeing this, my nose is always sour. I ask myself from time to time: ah! Can't I really? But anyway, I encourage myself to move forward.

上海419论坛  我经常上奥数网看一看,偶然一次,我发现了登载在奥数网:回民中学5月13日面向全市招生这条信息,使我兴奋不已。那天,我参加了回民中学的面试,首先填了一张表,然后一个一个面试。面试的内容各式各样,有的做操、朗读,有的介绍自己,有的就考几道题。轮到我了,老师让我朗诵一段文章,接着让我用英语介绍自己。然后老师低下头记了一些东西就结束了。

上海419论坛  I often go to the Olympic network to have a look. By chance, I found the information published on the Olympic network: Huimin middle school enrolled students in the city on May 13, which made me excited. That day, I took part in the interview of Huimin middle school. First, I filled out a form, then I interviewed one by one. The interview content is various, some do exercises, read aloud, some introduce themselves, some test several questions. It's my turn. The teacher asked me to recite an article and then let me introduce myself in English. Then the teacher lowered his head and wrote down something.


  At the same time, I was recommended to Caoqiao No.12 Middle School by the school. Our family, like ants on a hot pot, is eagerly looking forward to the notice of Huimin middle school. Day by day, from the school notice time more and more close, my heart stone can not fall. Until one day, Huimin middle school told my father that I had been admitted, I was relieved.


  Next, it's hard to choose? The teaching quality of the two schools is equal, and the Huimin campus is better. Finally, we chose the Huimin middle school decisively.

上海419论坛  我能考入回中,我特别要感谢父母和老师。如果没有父母当初为自己报的班,没有老师对自己含辛茹苦的教育,就不会有现在的我。在此,我深深地向您们鞠上一躬,以表示我对您们的感谢。

  I can be admitted back, I especially want to thank parents and teachers. If there were no parents originally for their own class, no teacher on their own education, there would be no me now. Here, I take a deep bow to you to show my thanks.

上海419论坛  学弟、学妹们,在今后的学习中,奥数是非常重要的,它不仅开拓思路,还为你建起了正确、敏捷的思想,它更是众多重点学校的“敲门砖”。在学习中,你们一定要注重多积累,补漏洞,为自己打下扎实的基础。对于学习,你们一定要端正学习态度,对学习怀有以颗积极向上乐观的心,尤其在考试前千万不能闹情绪。在课堂上认真听讲,面对考试沉着冷静,要多积累课外知识,多多注重劳逸结合。做到这些,到那时你就能大显身手。最后,我祝愿奥数网越办越好!祝愿学弟、学妹们在下一个“小升初”中打一个漂亮仗!加油,成功就在眼前。学而思教育版权所有,未经许可,请勿转载。

  In the future study, the students are very important. It not only develops ideas, but also builds up correct and agile ideas for you. It is also a "stepping stone" for many key schools. In learning, you must pay attention to more accumulation, make up loopholes, and lay a solid foundation for yourself. For learning, you must correct your attitude towards learning and have a positive and optimistic attitude towards learning. Especially before the exam, you must not be in a mood. Listen carefully in class, calm in the face of examinations, accumulate extra-curricular knowledge, and pay more attention to the combination of work and rest. Do that, and then you'll be able to show off. Finally, I wish the Olympic network better and better! I wish my younger brothers and sisters a good fight in the next "junior high school"! Come on, success is at hand. All rights reserved. Please do not reprint without permission.








小升初英语作文:This is me04-23


