

时间:2022-07-21 16:56:04 五年级作文 我要投稿




五年级英语作文 篇1


上海419论坛  记得那天的第一节英语课,老师就打下了预防针。老师把我们全班分了十二个小组。每天上课检查课文和单词的背诵,实际上就是两个人分别各背一遍,谁背得又快又好,就赢了,加分;输了,就扣分。另外每人每天都要教听力条,不交的,扣20分。另外,每学期都要一清分,正分的组,有奖励。负分的组,需挑一人抄课文。老师刚一说完,全班好象炸开了锅,议论纷纷:这课还怎么上啊,这制度简直要人命啊!就是呀,这哪是上课啊!我抗议!不少同学直接提出抗议,结果老师给全班小组都扣了30分,某些同学被罚今晚抄课文,全班同学都傻了。立刻变得鸦雀无声。


上海419论坛  第二天上课上,老师第一件事就是查听力字条。结果,全班不少小组都吃了哑巴亏,扣分像流水似的。之后老师又检查课文背诵,有好几个同学像结巴了一样,支支吾吾了半天,什么也没背出来,结果每人被罚抄课文,又扣了20分,只能悻悻离去。同学们一个个大眼瞪小眼,惊恐的看着老师。



上海419论坛  老师拿起书,敲了几下桌子,郑重地说:这是你们班第一次主动挑战赛,你们不应该忘记!开始!老师一声令下,英语课代表抢先背诵。时间仿佛凝固住了,令人喘不过气来。英语课代表不愧是英语课代表,不一会儿,就背完了,没有丝毫错误,十分流利。同学们不仅鼓起了掌。该老赵背了,他刚开始背,有点语塞,不一会就好了。他虽然背的也很好,但和英语课代表来说,还略逊一筹。全班静了下来,等待老师发话。


上海419论坛  从此,在英语课上,要比赛的人络绎不绝。记得是快期末考试的时候,上级教育主管部门来我们学校抽查各门学科成绩。我们班在全级里是成绩最好的,在口语课上,别的班的同学不少都磕磕绊绊,而我们班同学们大多同色的完成了老师的提问。并且很多同学都对答如流。为什么呢?这都是在课文比拼中,大家都锻练了自己英语灵活运用能力和表达的勇气,培养了同学们的沉着和机智,以及争强好胜向上的心!

上海419论坛  我得感谢我们的老师,是她出奇制胜,想出了这样一个妙招,调动了同学们的学习热情。实现了我们班英语成绩的大幅度提高。英语作为一门语言,只有多练,多学,听说读写四步同时进行才能收到好的学习效果。我相信,老师的良苦用心,我们会在以后的学习中受益无穷。

五年级英语作文 篇2

  My Bedroom

  I have a nice and small bedroom. There is a beautiful bed and two small chair. I also have a big and tall closet because I have many books. There is a big desk next to the window. I always do my homework at the desk. There is a family photo on the wall. I like my bedroom.


五年级英语作文 篇3


上海419论坛  One time, on Sunday, our teacher organized a boys and girls basketball contest.

上海419论坛  我们分为两队,男生叫做猛龙队,女生叫做飞凤队。 比赛开始了,老师一发球,我们对队的得分王,便夺得了篮球直接投了三分球,那个球在空中划过了一条美丽的弧线,最惊险的是另一幕。我们队的中锋正准备传球,谁知被女生抢走了。于是,把球抢回来的重任交给了我。正当那个女生准备传球时,我瞄准一扑,把球拦了下来,并把球投了进去,得了2分。

  We divided into two teams, the boys called raptors, the girls called the Phoenix team. The beginning of the game, the teacher serves, we on the team in scoring, he won the basketball directly into three ball, the ball in the air across a beautiful arc, the most dangerous is another scene. Our team's center is preparing to pass, who knows the girl away. So, getting the ball back with a burden to me. When the girl to pass, I aimed at the ball, stopped, and throw the ball in, got 2 points.


上海419论坛  Since then, I fell in love with the basketball.


上海419论坛  I really miss my childhood!

五年级英语作文 篇4

  A World Without Trees

  Have you ever imagined a world without trees? Try it, and you will see the whole world dry up and look like a broken tortoise shell. At night, the temperature would drop sharply. Living creatures could not run away and it would be as if they lived in hell.

  There are some effective steps we can take now to protect trees. First, strict laws must be enforced. Second, the government should offer subsidies to people who plant trees.

  Most important of all, every citizen must develop an awareness of the importance of trees and remember: no trees means no living things.

五年级英语作文 篇5


  Nowadays, if we go on the street, we can find that fast food is everywhere, the reason why the fast food is so popular lies on that it is convenient. People can finish their meal quickly and spend more time to do work. Fast food indeed saves people a lot of time, but it is not good for our health, we should not eat it often.

上海419论坛  现在,如果我们走在街上,可以发现到处都有快餐,快餐流行的原因在于它方便。人们可以快速吃完他们的餐,花多点时间去工作。快餐确实可以节省人们很多的时间,但是那对我们的健康也不好,我们不应该常吃快餐。

五年级英语作文 篇6


上海419论坛  During the summer vacation, my sister and I had the happiest time together. We swim and chat together. We also went to Zhongshan Park with our parents. There are cinemas, Guishan, Jiuqu bridge The scenery there is beautiful, picturesque and magnificent. And the fish playing freely in the clear water, the blue sky and the fresh air. Make people linger.

五年级英语作文 篇7

上海419论坛  Bitterly cold winter may once come, but now it has gone.

  As my bike has been stolen, I have to run from one teaching building to another every day.

上海419论坛  The bell declares the end of the last lesson and the beginning of a new journey. Tired as I am, at the sight of the bench, I go straight to it. As soon as I get seated, a world of fresh green immediately catches my eyes. Grass sprouts burst through the soil right in the place of the withered grass and turn the dull grey into fresh green. As I look up, I find those tall trees have also put on new clothes. Green, here and there, everywhere!Spring has come, I realize suddenly.

上海419论坛  A breeze stirs, sending over breaths of fragrance. I trace it,surprised to find several lovely small white flowers dotted on a tree. And there are even some singing birds! I am so delighted with all these tiny lives that my fatigue vanishes all of a sudden.

  The sky shows its purest blue. The sun generously gives out its heat and light, shining evenly on the grass, on the trees,on the roofs of houses, on the people passing by, also on me,quietly and tenderly. There come a couple of young people,strolling leisurely. A group of students are sitting in a circle on the grass and discussing something heatedly. Some are reading English but in low voices afraid of breaking the peace of the campus. Others are lying on the lawn, having a nap, or just enjoying the sunshine as I am.

  I feel I am free, free of thinking anything. In such a pleasing environment, doing anything is a great pleasure. I am fully indulged in this tranquility. If only time could stop!

  I turn on the radio to enjoy some light music. Much to my disappointment, however, almost all the programs are about the war in Iraq. It is hard to believe that under the same blue sky,some people are suffering from bleeding and death of war while others are enjoying a happy life.

上海419论坛  The sun is hidden by the clouds. After a few seconds, it shines brightly again.

上海419论坛  Peaceful life seems to have gone, but it will come back one day, I am sure.




上海419论坛  微风过处,送来缕缕清香。我跟踪它,惊讶地发现树上点缀着几朵可爱的白色小花。甚至还有一些唱歌的鸟!我对这些微小的生命感到非常高兴,我的疲劳突然消失了。

上海419论坛  天空显示出最纯净的蓝色。太阳慷慨地散发出它的热和光,均匀地照射在草地上,树上,屋顶上,还有路过的人们身上,静静地,温柔地照耀着我。来了几个年轻人,悠闲地散步。一群学生围坐成一圈在草地上讨论热烈。有些人在读英语,但声音很低,害怕打破校园的宁静。其他人躺在草地上小睡一会儿,或者像我一样享受阳光。

上海419论坛  我觉得我是自由的,自由思考什么。在这样一个令人愉快的环境中,做任何事都是一种极大的乐趣。我完全沉浸在这种宁静中。如果时间能停止!

上海419论坛  我打开收音机,享受一些轻松的音乐。然而,令我失望的是,几乎所有的节目都是关于伊拉克战争的。很难相信在同一片蓝天下,有人在流血和战争中死去,而另一些人却过着幸福的生活。



五年级英语作文 篇8

  A friend is indispensable to life. He will help you when you are in need of help, when you need to understand to understand you; When you need comfort comfort you...

上海419论坛  Sometimes I think a real friend just have trouble with each other to help each other; When you don't have my stationery to lend you a pen, a piece of paper, read a book with you... , in fact not the case. Since the onset of the one thing I didn't know she is my best friend. She long not fat or thin, he is a little tall, she is very cheerful, is a kind of little girl, she is a year to get along with my deskmate -- Du Xueqing.

  Remember once, the math teacher sent us a comprehensive mathematics examination paper, paper hair down, I like a hungry Wolf was feeding quickly "vies to answer first. A problem suddenly stood in my way, I brood, how also can't think, I think both of us are good friends, she will borrow my notes, I will gently move the bench into her move over there, secretly glanced at, she has to write the answer GongGongZhengZheng papers. And I took one look at the math teacher, she is batch job to us! Ha ha, I'm qiao xi. So I used my arm gently touched Du Xueqing, I wrote a note to her again, but she didn't even look at, it threw the note to me, also ruthlessly stare at me, her own answer.

上海419论坛  I was very angry, also gave her a hard stare, literally write an answer to go on to do some of the questions below.

  After school, I strode along, holding her far behind, can sit at the same table trot caught up with me, come to my house for my topic, until I've learned so far.

  Looking at her hurriedly ran home, I was moved to tears. I know she is my true friend!



上海419论坛  记得有一次,数学老师给我们发了一张综合性的数学卷子,卷子发下来了,我像饿狼吃食一样快速“抢答”。突然一道题挡住了我的去路,我苦思冥想,怎么也想不出来,我想我们俩是好朋友,她一定会借我抄的,我就轻轻的把凳子往她那边移了移,偷偷的瞥了一眼,她已经把答案工工整整地写出了卷子上。我又看了一眼数学老师,她正在给我们批作业呢!哈哈,我窍喜。于是,我便用胳膊轻轻的碰了碰杜雪晴,我又写了一个纸条给她,她却连看都不看,就把纸条扔给了我,还狠狠地瞪我一眼,捂住她自己的答案。




五年级英语作文 篇9

上海419论坛  My family have: father, mother, and I.

上海419论坛  My father has three hobbies: one of my favorite hobbies is reading the newspaper. My father always gets a newspaper when he comes back. The second hobby is to watch the news, big to international news, small to ying cheng news. The third hobby is to enjoy watching all kinds of sports, the favorite to watch is football match, while watching and Shouting, I wish to get into the TV and play football. My father loves me and buys me a plum duck every week. What I want is "OK" as long as I ask for my dad.

  My mother loves me, loves me, dresses me, helps me bathe, teaches me to sing, but when I do not listen, my mother beats me. I active love, mother always thought I was too noisy, she wanted me to learn scientific knowledge, so he bought me a computer, I was so attracted by the online world, I not only learned a lot of knowledge on the net, but also made a lot of friends, the computer makes me even more deeply loves the life, let me grow a lot of a lot of knowledge.

上海419论坛  Although my home is small, but my father and mother give me deep love, make me think my home is very big, I am so happy! Oh, I love my sweet home!











五年级英语作文范文Colourful weekend小学英语作文12-10