

时间:2022-03-26 11:38:09 探险 我要投稿


上海419论坛  在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。那么,怎么去写作文呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的太空探险记英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。


上海419论坛  这天我到太空博览会参观回来后,不知不觉地睡了起来。

上海419论坛  That day, I went back to the space Expo and fell asleep unconsciously.

上海419论坛  突然,我来到一个陌生的地方,后面有个人叫了我一声,我回过头来,看着他觉得有点儿面熟。他不就是我的同学吗?我问他:“这里是什么地方?怎么我会到了这里呢?”

上海419论坛  All of a sudden, I came to a strange place, and someone called me back. I looked back and saw that he felt familiar. Isn't he my classmate? I asked him, "what is this place? Why am I here? "

上海419论坛  他呆呆的看着我说:“你是不是失去记忆拉,这里是20xx升空大会,现在为你举行升空宴会,你一会儿就要坐上那飞船代表我们地球去太空探险啊;”说着他指了指我身后的地方,我往他指的方向望过去,有一架飞机型的飞行器停在一种不明液体上。

  He looked at me stupidly and said, "do you lose your memory? This is the 20xx launch conference. Now I'm going to hold a launch party for you. You'll take that spaceship to explore the space on behalf of our earth in a moment." he pointed to the place behind me, and I looked at the place he pointed at. There was an airplane like aircraft parked on an unknown liquid.

上海419论坛  “我可能在发梦吧,怎么来到20xx年了,还有我怎么会坐太空船进入太空探险了呢?”一切来得太突然了,来得太出乎意料了。就在这时有个声音从外面传进来“请我们全球最年轻的太空员出场!”我的同学帮我穿上一件奇怪的衣服,这大概就是20xx年设计的太空服吧!有人在后面推了推我,示意上我从那个门口走出去。

  "I may be dreaming. How come 20xx? And how can I take a spaceship to explore space?" All of a sudden, all of a sudden. Just then a voice came in from outside, "please let's invite the youngest astronaut in the world to come out!" My classmate helped me to put on a strange dress. This is probably the space suit designed in 20xx! Someone pushed me in the back and signaled me to get out of the door.

上海419论坛  我出去门口,吓死我了,我从来没有见过这么大的场面,而且还是为我而开的。我极力地把心平静下来,但是我知道这是很难做到的。看着2边的记者,观众,我心里流露出来一种从没出现过的激动。我慢慢地想走到太空船的门口,然后转向大家,学着平时见的太空员一样,说:“我一定不会让你们失望的,我一定会胜利而归的”然后走向里面,有一个机器人帮我启动飞船。他和我说:“我是你太空上的助手,我以后会用音波在你的脑里跟你联系。”

上海419论坛  I went out the door, scared to death. I've never seen such a big scene before, and it's still for me. I tried to calm my mind, but I knew it was hard to do. Looking at the reporters on both sides, the audience, I felt a kind of excitement that never appeared. I slowly want to walk to the door of the spaceship, then turn to everyone, learn from the astronauts I usually see, and say: "I will not let you down, I will win and return." then I go inside, and a robot helps me start the spaceship. He said to me, "I'm your assistant in space. I'll contact you in your brain with sound waves later."


  The spaceship quickly passed through the atmosphere into the boundless space. A voice suddenly appeared in my mind, "your task is to go to a planet called michelandi, to explore and find out the life body. If you have a chance, shoot the life body with a special delivery gun at your waist, and then return to the spacecraft. There is a translator in your room, which translates the sound wave into a language you can understand. Do you understand? I nodded.


上海419论坛  The spaceship slowly wanted to land on the blue planet. I took my toolbox and went out. I use the life detector to probe around and try to explore. But I haven't found it for a long time. When I want to give up, I think of the people on the earth, eager to see the emergence of life. Thinking of this, I regain my confidence and continue to explore.


上海419论坛  Suddenly a hole appeared in front of me. The detector responded. There was a shadow growing larger and larger. I looked back immediately and found a huge creature. He caught me and quickly went into the cave. I found that there were many passages in the cave and there were many bright things around me. When he came to a large place, the creature called out loudly. The ground began to move, and life gradually appeared around. The life that brought me in said something that I didn't know. I thought of the translator. I pressed the switch and began to understand their words. It was probably their leader who brought me in.

上海419论坛  那头领说:“这可能是小可兰米星球的混进来探路的人,你们说该怎么办?”

上海419论坛  The leader said, "this may be the man who sneaks in to explore the way of little keranmi. What do you say to do?"


  When I heard that, I immediately pressed the button of the translator and said, "I am not a man from little keranmi, I am a man from the earth. I am here to explore life and to study you. I wonder if our two planets can cooperate."


  The leader said to me, "how do you want me to believe you, unless you can help us overthrow the little planet of cranmey." I talked with him for a long time, and he made it clear. It turns out that they are often bullied by little keranmi. The next planet is our earth. They want to dominate the whole universe. I promised them to fight with them to defeat the little koranmi.


  I went back to the spaceship to start the combat system, and there was a large group of aircrafts behind me. I saw the leader of the largest aircrafts led his subordinates forward to the little planet of cranmy. After a while, we came to little keranmi and saw a large number of spaceships flying towards us. The fighting forces in the land of michiland flew forward to fight. I started the stealth system, and the whole ship became transparent. I used ultrasound to interfere with their spacecraft and shot down a lot of them. They don't know who is attacking them, only the leader of the land of michilan. Soon we got into their base, but they had a very strong defense, and we couldn't get in. I scanned his shield with a laser and found a weak spot behind it.

上海419论坛  我联系头领让他们引开所有的军队,我去攻击他们的后方。来到他们的后方,我用导弹炸碎了他们的后方,立即冲进去用导弹把整个基地炸毁,然后拿起特殊传送枪把他们传送到地球的特殊铁笼里,拿去研究。

  I contacted the leader to get them out of the way and I went to attack their rear. When I came to their rear, I broke their rear with missiles, rushed in immediately, blew up the whole base with missiles, and then picked up a special delivery gun to deliver them to the earth's special cage for research.

上海419论坛  作战成功了,我们返回米奇兰地星球,我和他签定了一个协议,和地球永远是合作伙伴,并且把自己的研究成果和对方分享。由于气候的原因我不能久留,所以向他们辞行。他们所有人欢送我,启动飞船,进入返回地球的路线。心里想这次的任务是完全胜利了,还解决了地球的危机,想着回到地球他们怎么欢迎我。就在这个时候,我听到一个熟悉的声音。睁开眼睛一看,我又回到了原来的家。

上海419论坛  The battle was successful. We returned to mitchland. I signed an agreement with him. We will always be partners with earth and share our research results with each other. I can't stay long because of the weather, so I said goodbye to them. All of them send me off, launch the spacecraft and enter the route back to earth. I think this mission is a complete victory, but also to solve the earth's crisis, thinking about how to return to the earth they welcome me. At this time, I heard a familiar voice. When I opened my eyes, I went back to my original home.


  It was a dream. It was so interesting.










