

时间:2023-08-01 15:29:22 事件类英语作文 我要投稿




保护环境英语作文 篇1

  Recently, the problem of environmental pollution is getting more and more serious.

  The air pollution, noise pollution and water pollution are found on the newspaper everywhere.

  It is obvious that we should do something to protect our earth. Because we have only one home.

  We should try our best not to pollute the environment and appeal the people around us make their effort to protect our unique home.



上海419论坛  很明显,我们应该做些什么来保护我们的地球。因为我们只有一个家。

上海419论坛  我们要尽量不污染环境,还要呼吁我们周围的人努力来保护我们唯一的.家园。

保护环境英语作文 篇2

  My hometown is Changle,it's a really interesting city with a very colorful history.我家乡是长乐,它是一个拥有着十分灿烂历史的城市.Long long ago,here is really beautiful,the sky is blue ,the river is clean and the trees are green .很久以前,这里十分秀丽,天空是蓝蓝的,河流清澈,树木苍翠.But now ,becase of the more and more factories ,the natrue was polluted.但是现在,由于越来越多的工厂,自然环境受到了破坏.The sky wasen't blue anymore,the river became dirty and there was fewer and fewer trees.天空不再蓝,河水变的脏了,这里的植物也越来越少.So ,the people in my hometown felt very sad.因此,我家乡的人们感觉十分悲伤.We all want to have a beatiful environment .Includes clean air ,clean river!我们都希望拥有一个美丽的环境.包括干净的空气及水.However,what should we do?然而,我们应该怎么做呢?So ,we must protect the natrue.We shoulden't throw wastes in the river or on the road.所以,我们必须保护大自然.不能往水里或路上扔垃圾.Of couse ,we also shuld ask a part of the so many factories to move to other areas.当然了,我们也必须要求那么多的`其中一部分的工厂搬离到其他地区.After that we should plant more trees,clean the road and the river.在这之后,我们应该种更多的树,疏浚河流还要打扫公路.In my opionion ,as a intellectual,we also should tell other people to protect our hometown!在我看来,作为一个知识分子,我们还学要告诉其他人一起来保护环境.I hope our city could be more and more beautiful!The sky could be blue again,the river cluld be clean again ,the trees could be green again!我希望我们的城市可以变得越来越美!天空可以重新变蓝,河流可以重新变得清澈,树木可以重新变得苍翠欲滴!

保护环境英语作文 篇3

上海419论坛  Dear Jack,

  Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon lifestyle.

  Here is something about it.

上海419论坛  We can do a lot in our daily life to achieve the goal of living low carbon life.

  First, we’d better turn off lights if possible and spend less time watching TV or surfing the Internet.

上海419论坛  Saving water also matters much.

  Besides, we should sort out the rubbish, hoping that we might recycle some, which will surely benefit us a great deal.

上海419论坛  In addition, we suggest using handkerchiefs instead of tissues so that we can prevent more trees from being cut down.

上海419论坛  More importantly, when we go out, walking, riding bikes or taking buses should be our first choice, which contributes to a cleaner world.

保护环境英语作文 篇4

  There are many diseases that are harmful to human health and even threaten human life. Human into the 21st century, the world has occurred in the number of amazing changes. In the people for the rapid development of science and technology, but also experienced a better anxiety and even disaster. In addition to the panic of the development of high-tech, especially biotechnology, war and disease seem to bring mankind directly to the door of hell.

  Water pollution on the human body harm, the body in the process of metabolism, with drinking water and food, the water of various elements through the digestive tract into the various parts of the body. When the lack of water in some of the human life process necessary elements, will affect human health. For example, in some areas of water iodine deficiency, long-term consumption of this water, it will lead to "big neck disease", is the medicine called "endemic goiter." When the water contains harmful substances, the greater harm to the human body. Carcinogenic substances can be consumed by eating contaminated food (food, vegetables, fish, etc.), into the human body, but also through the water into the human body. According to the survey, drinking contaminated water, suffering from liver cancer and gastric cancer and other cancer incidence, than drinking clean water is about 61,5% higher. When the sewage contains mercury, cadmium and other elements into rivers and lakes, the aquatic plants put mercury, cadmium and other elements to absorb and enrich them, fish eat aquatic plants, and in its body to further enrichment, people eat poisonous Fish, mercury, cadmium and other elements in the human body enrichment, so that the human body and death. In this way, from the aquatic plants → aquatic small animals → small fish → big fish → the body, forming a food chain. The body eventually became mercury, cadmium and other elements of the "foothold."

  Water pollution hazards to aquatic organisms Water lives in a variety of aquatic animals and plants. Biological and water, between biological and biological complex material and energy exchange, from the number to maintain a dynamic balance. But under the influence of human activities, this balance has been destroyed. Some of the beneficial aquatic organisms are poisoned when humans release pollutants into the water, and some of the stained aquatic organisms will multiply, consume a lot of oxygen dissolved in the water, so that the beneficial aquatic life is forced to relocate due to hypoxia Or death. In particular, some toxic elements, both difficult to dissolve in water and easy accumulation in the body, causing great harm to humans. Such as mercury in the water content is very low, but the content of aquatic organisms is very high, the content in the fish is also surprisingly high. Assuming that the concentration of mercury in the water body is 1, the concentration of mercury in the aquatic organisms is about 700, and the concentration of mercury in the fish is as high as 860. Thus, when the water is contaminated, on the one hand led to biological and water, biological and biological balance between the damage, on the other hand some of the toxic substances continue to transfer and enrichment, and ultimately endanger human health and life.

保护环境英语作文 篇5

上海419论坛  Today, pollution has become a serious problem to us. It means that the air, seas, rivers and land are polluted by waste or poisonous things. It does harm not only to human beings but also to animals (It does harm to animals, as well as human beings.)。

  We cannot have fresh air because many factories have the poisonous smoke sent into the air. Beautiful parks are made dirty by plastic tins and bags. Fish die from the polluted water. It is said that strange diseases have appeared in some places because of pollution.

上海419论坛  I hope scientists can find ways to solve the serious problem. We are looking forward to seeing the clear sky, clean rivers and beautiful parks again.

保护环境英语作文 篇6


  We should protect the wild animal, love trees...

上海419论坛  今天,我正在里院子和娇娇、苗苗玩吊床,突然,一阵冷风扑面而来,把我们三个冻得直哆嗦,回头一看,一棵新载的'小树苗被风给吹歪了,我跑过去一看,小树苗幸亏没死,这时候苗苗和娇娇过来了,苗苗拽着我的手说:“赶紧玩吊床吧!”娇娇说:“人家正在把小树苗扶起来。”苗苗拽着我的手把我拉到吊床上,娇娇往小树苗这面拽。我就说:“我把小树苗扶起来在玩吊床吧”,大家都同意了。于是我们把小树苗重新栽了起来。

上海419论坛  Today, I was in the yard, Miao Miao and Jiao Jiao play a hammock, suddenly, a gust of wind blowing, the three of us shivered, a look back, a new set of saplings is blown askew, I went over to look, but not dead saplings, while Miao Miao and Jiao Jiao here, Miao Miao grabbed my hand and said: "to play a hammock!" Jiao Jiao said: "people are small trees up." Miao Miao grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hammock, Jiao Jiao to the pull saplings. I said: "I put the young trees in the hammock, play up", you agree. Then we put the young trees to plant.


  After the job, we're happy to play to the hammock. Protect environment, everyone's responsibility.





英语作文 保护环境01-27





