

时间:2023-02-28 17:10:12 事件类英语作文 我要投稿




保护环境英语作文 篇1

上海419论坛  As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse.

  In some places we can't see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Bird there is less and less fresh water in the world.Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. But what can we doHow to protect our environmentFor example, we can go toschool on foot or by bike instead of taking a car. We had better use shopping basketbets instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. We should use both sides of the paper when we write. Do't use paper cups.At our school dinning room, use our own bowls and chopsticks instead of disposable ones.

  We can reuse the water and save the electricity.In a word, ifeveryone pays more attention to our environment, there will be less pollution and our life will be better."There is only one earth", I hope everyone will protect our environmentwell.

保护环境英语作文 篇2

  Good environment can make people feel happy and fit . To improve the environment means to improve our life.

上海419论坛  We should plant more trees and flowers around us . We shouldn’t cut

上海419论坛  them down . We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the

上海419论坛  river and waste gas into the air.

  Whenever we see litter on the

  ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins. Never spit in

  public. Don’t draw on public walls. It’s our duty to protect the


保护环境英语作文 篇3

上海419论坛  Now our earth mother suffering from all kinds of damage, such as the stream of water is turbid, sandstorm happened on the earth, the earth mother has a fever and so on.

上海419论坛  Mother earth fever: the earth mother's fever causes changes in precipitation and dry wet conditions in different parts of the world, leading to changes in the economic structure of the world. The mid-latitudes will be reduced to drought by warming, and now agricultural regions will be reduced to grassland. Warmer temperatures will increase precipitation, and temperate crops will be able to make their homes.

  Dust storms on the ground: dust storms, also known as black storms, are a natural phenomenon in desert regions. Sand in the desert is a source of sandstorms, and spring winds are the strength of sandstorms.

  Over the past century, due to human excessive reclamation, overgrazing, deforestation, the serious destruction of surface vegetation, large areas of land become bare land, accelerating as desertification, dust storms also gradually expanded, the scope of the extent of the sandstorm also gradually increased. In the spring of 20xx, the capital was hit by sandstorms eight times in a row. According to scientists, it would take more than 2,000 years to scrape an 18-centimeter-thick surface on a prairie. For example, it would take only 49 years to turn the grasslands into farmland. If you're naked, it's only 18 years. From the cause and development of the sandstorm, it is the most important cause of sandstorm to destroy the environment and destroy the vegetation. Only by protecting the good vegetation and preventing desertification, can the dust storm be seriously damaged.

上海419论坛  The water is cloudy: minamata town industrial wastewater are due to industrial development, there are a number of puzzling patients, patients at the beginning of the lisp, dull looks, later development as the whole body numb, mental disorders, barking finally died. Years later, scientists found the cause of the disease: mercury poisoning. In the town of minamata, a plant with acetic acid was used as a catalyst for mercury, and then poured a lot of mercury into minamata bay. Mercury toxicity is very big, under the action of microorganisms in the water, into the greater toxicity of methyl mercury, the enrichment of inside the body such as fish, shellfish, people eat these creatures were methyl mercury pollution was terrible minamata disease. Methyl mercury is concentrated in the human brain, damaging the brain's nervous system, so cats and people are crazy.



上海419论坛  大地上发生了沙尘暴:沙尘暴,又称黑风暴,是发生在沙漠地区的'一种自然现象。沙漠地区的大量流沙,是沙尘暴的沙源,春季的大风是沙尘暴的凭借力量。

上海419论坛  近百年来,由于人类过度垦荒,过度放牧,乱砍滥伐,使地表植被遭到严重破坏,大片土地成为裸地,随着荒漠化的不断加快,沙尘暴的范围也逐渐扩大了,沙尘暴的程度也逐渐加重了。20xx年春季,首都北京连续八次遭到沙尘暴的袭击。据科学家计算,在一块草原上,刮走18厘米厚的表土,大约需要20xx多年的时间;如把草原开垦成农田,则只需49年;若是裸地,则只需18年。从沙尘暴的起因与发展来看,人为破坏环境,破坏地表植被是沙尘暴最重要的起因。只有保护好植被,防止土地沙漠化,才能真正减少沙尘暴危害。


保护环境英语作文 篇4

上海419论坛  Man is the product of nature, people rely on natural and survival, it is known. In the process of survival and development, people should live in harmony with nature. But now, due to the expansion of the population, especially the human greed, unchecked for the nature, nature is badly damage, polluted water, reducing the green, gone part of the life, even threatening the survival of mankind itself.

  Man is closely related to nature. The survival is dependent on natural resources. Drinking water. Heating of coal. The burning oil. Cooking gas... Notting have is not directly or indirectly derived from natural sources.

  Earth resources rich again, also have to do. Therefore, the human to the use of natural resources, especially non-renewable resources, must be reasonable exploitation, effective use, to protect natural resources, the parched and fishing, kill the limited horizon, just drink my thirsty, ultimately hurt will be human beings, between human and natural resources, should find a way of sustainable, to protect the natural resources.

  Should be in harmony between human and nature, and has been recognized by more and more people, accept and to practice, why want to harmony, this the truth clearly, intensive land for human beings with nature, nature will revenge on human, it has to be embodied from many natural disasters.

  Since many people praise, drunk and linger in the midst of them, with their spiritual pen, writing a succession of good poems. These, how many people have made amazing! Love nature, into the natural. Close to nature. Natural writing, it will be your best choice.

上海419论坛  人是自然的产物,人依赖自然而生存,这是众人皆知的道理.在生存与发展的过程中,人与自然应和谐相处.可现在,由于人口的膨胀,特别是人类的贪欲,对自然进行无节制的索取,自然已遭到严重的破坏,污染了水,减少了绿,消失了部分的生命,甚至威胁到了人类自身的生存.

上海419论坛  人与自然息息相关.人的生存就依赖于自然资源.饮用的水.取暖的煤.燃烧的油.做饭的气......无一不是直接或间接来源于自然源.

上海419论坛  地球资源再丰富,也有竭尽之时.因此,人类对自然资源的利用,特别是不可再生的.资源,一定要合理开采,有效利用,切实保护自然资源,那种涸译而渔,杀鸡取卵的只顾眼前的做法,无异饮鸠止渴,最终受害的将是人类自身,人与自然资源之间,应走可持续的路子,切实保护好自然资源.


上海419论坛  从古到今多少人为之讴歌,他们沉醉在其中而流连忘返,用他们灵性的笔,书写了经世的佳作诗篇.这些,曾让多少人为之惊叹!热爱自然.走进自然.亲近自然.书写自然吧,这将是你最美好的选择.

保护环境英语作文 篇5

  Earth is our home, we should protect the earth. Now there are areas of debris flow, typhoons, forest fires, river pollution, ozone damage, air pollution ... ... we have been suffering from the punishment of nature.

  How can we protect our homes? We want a variety of trees, do not cut down trees, do not litter, pay attention to health, keep the campus clean. A variety of flowers, save water, protect animals, do not destroy the water ... ... we have to say to do. We want to make life into a rich water, tree-lined, no desert, no natural disasters, more seafloor products, lawn area larger ... ... let our environment change the United States, change the net, green, the environment more beautiful.

上海419论坛  Protect the environment, everyone is responsible! Only one of us is dedicated to their own little bit of environmental protection, will be able to make tomorrow's home more beautiful.

上海419论坛  地球是我们的家园,我们应该保护地球。现在有的地区已经出现了泥石流、台风、森林火灾、小河污染、臭氧层破坏、空气污染……我们已经不断遭受来自大自然的惩罚。




保护环境作文|保护环境 英语作文09-27




保护环境 英语作文07-30




