

时间:2021-10-26 11:33:28 事件类英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛  在生活、工作和学习中,大家都写过作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。写起作文来就毫无头绪?下面是小编精心整理的环境和人类英文作文_小学生作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。



  The beauty of nature is like a magician.To daubon lightgreen,spring to summer with a darkgreen,and,with dazzling aurea teau tumn to winter again put on a white coat;Ding-dong of the spring water gently singing tune,spectacular sea in rhythm,those little the singer with thewind also show up the irin direct voice;Beautiful picture of nature is the blue sky whit eclouds,green hill sand water,flowers,quiet mountains...

上海419论坛  What asight! However,such a view,so beautiful,because human desire is don't have much,everywhere is named"tall buildings"tree;Flow of the river is called"car"of water droplets;Beautiful mountain"has been renamed as"factory";Beautiful blueskywhiteclouds seem edtofitthenobility,clothedinblack. Oh my god~!The beauty of the earth's natural villages?Where is she?Oh,she is still there,just for old face...These,is she the children are making!The human and the nature can't coexist?As long as wear etaking the patho fsustainable development,mother nature will not beill-treatedin human~!Butnow?Human unchecked,makes the natural mother scarred,also spedupthe earth'sresour cestoreduce...

上海419论坛  Stupidhu manah,your eally are in knowing lyah~!Preached that environmental protection,and increase the demand,this is the faceo flove your mother?Action!Action!With the practicalaction to implement environmental protection,for future generation spointf!




上海419论坛  天啊~!那个美丽的地球自然村呢?她到哪里去了?哦,原来她还在,只不过是换成了苍老的容颜……这些,正是她那些儿女们所一手造成的~!人与自然难道就不能和平共处吗?只要我们走可持续发展道路,自然母亲是不会亏待人类的~!可是现在呢?人类无节制的索取,使得自然母亲伤痕累累,也加快了地球资源的`减少……



  For the be havior of human,nature and the earth mother gave us a words:"who done no wrong,and that could change,be not."People seemed to under stand the meaning of this sentence,and began to enjoy the environment of the protection of the environment atthe sametime,hope in harmony with nature.

上海419论坛  Said to the manand nature in harmony,for example,we see at reet oplanta tree,to do every thing in our power to our compen sation fault be fore,treateveryinch,protect animals...

上海419论坛  People began to affor estation and the protection ofanimals,is also a lot of propagand as logansontelevision.Peoplein the desert near to shelter forest,prevent dust storms.Remember the reisa news said:"an old man near their HuangShan Povalue on trees,trees when I was a child,everyday he came to see once,pouring water or weeding,seedlings grown up now,hehastogotootherplacestoplanttrees,hesaid,heisoldandhisson,and his son is oldson's son."Old man planting trees have spent,also.Can such a man,what can't we?Wenxina fter reports,it is more and more people began to plant trees.A lot of naughty children no longer draw outa bird's nest,but long accompanied by building the bird'snestathome.The sethings have become common now.

  I believe in that way,the earth mother will restore the original beauty,manand nature will become more harmoniou stogeta long,is more prosperous,human life more beautiful!Finally remem berawords:"be gentle with the earth_scientificd evelopment,harmonious.

上海419论坛  对于人类的这些行为,自然和地球母亲给我们留下了一句话:“谁无过,而过而能改,善莫大焉。”人们仿佛已经理解了这句话的含义,开始在享受环境的同时保护环境,希望与自然和谐相处。


上海419论坛  人们开始植树造林、保护动物了,电视上也大量宣传环保的口号。人们在沙漠附近再上了防护林,防止沙尘暴。记得有一则新闻上说:“一位老爷爷在他们附近的荒山坡上值树,树苗小的时候,他每天都来看一回,浇浇水或除除草,现在树苗长大了,他还要去其他地方种树,他说,他老了还有他儿子,他儿子老了还有他儿子的儿子。”老人种树也有大半辈子了,也乐此不疲。一位老人都能如此,我们有什么不能?这则兴文报道后,更多的人开始植树。很多调皮的小朋友不再掏鸟窝了,而是在家长的陪同下筑鸟巢。这些事现在已经屡见不鲜了。

上海419论坛  我相信这样下去,地球母亲定能恢复原先的美丽,人与自然会更和谐地相处,是人类更加兴旺,生活更加美好!最后请记住一句话:“善待地球,科学发展,构建和谐。










