

时间:2021-12-25 11:24:30 时间 我要投稿




上海419论坛  Does this sound like an excuse that you use to not workout or eat healthy? Use these tips from Isabel from The Diet Solution to help no longer use this excuse!

  I must get this call and this statement from busy moms, executives, students, all the time “I just don’t have time to eat right and exercise!” No one seems to be able to find the time to lose weight. With all of the responsibilities and events packed into our busy days how are we to keep ourselves healthy and maintain an optimal weight?

上海419论坛  When people think weight loss, they think diet and exercise, both of which already sound time consuming. Well after 10 years of seeing clients I will tell you with 100% certainty that if a client follows their nutrition plan without exercise they always lose weight but if they don’t follow their nutrition plan but are consistent with their workouts, there is no weight loss. Anyone who has ever attempted to lose weight without changing to healthier eating alternatives knows this is true. Trust me, I’ll be the first one to tell you all the reasons why exercise is so important but following a healthy eating regimen must be priority number 1!

  So if nothing else, the following easy adjustments in your nutrition plan will help to take off, at the very least, an initial 5-10 lbsto get you well on your way to your health and weight loss goals:

  1. Only drink water as your beverage (with the occasional unsweetened tea or black coffee). Eliminating all sugar drinks, “diet” drinks and sodas will automatically cause a dramatic weight loss. Studies have shown, when all else is kept constant, people lose up to10lbsjust by giving up diet coke. But it has no calories you say? Equal (Aspartame) and all other artificial sweeteners like Splenda and Sweet and Low are toxins to your body and cause weight gain, even more so than sugar!

  Squeeze fresh lemon in your water or make flavored herbal teas and cool them to make ice tea to make water drinking much easier. Always consume of your body weight in ounces of water per day to experience adequate hydration and weight loss (ex. If you weigh150lbs, you must drink 75 ounces of water each day).

上海419论坛  2. Eliminate the 4 white devils : White Flour, Refined Salt, White Sugar, and Dairy. If you just stay away from these 4 things, you will automatically see a drastic drop in weight and will instantly feel more energetic throughout the day. Most people are well aware of the harmful effects of flour, refined salt and sugar but dairy? Doesn’t it do a body good? Definitely not! Dairy is one of the number 1 reasons people have such a hard time losing weight. It causes inflammation in the body, digestive problems, clogged arteries, and weight gain. Get your calcium from leafy greens and avoid dairy at all costs. When moms bring in their children to see me with weight and health problems one of the first things I do is take them off dairy. The results are miraculous! Chronically sick kids are now automatically better. And those who have had such a hard time losing weight experience automatic weight loss without dairy.

  3. Know exactly where to find the healthy food! It is honestly just as easy to run in to Kings and get a bag of carrots and some almonds than it is to run into Quick Chek and buy some harmful processed food. You can go absolutely anywhere now and find healthy meal options but you must know what you are looking for. Stay away from most packaged foods as the label indicates more of a science experiment than anything that would be close to food. No one needs all of those toxins in their body. Labels should have 2 – 3 items, at most. And the best foods don’t have labels.

  Don’t let time be your excuse. If you stop to eat 2-3 times per day and snack in between it is just as easy to find something healthy as it is to find something harmful. Don’t let your body come to a shrieking halt before you decide to do anything about your weight and your health. You know what will be a huge impediment on your time? If you or a family member becomes ill due to poor nutrition and lifestyle habits. So tackle the problem now before it really does begin to affect your time and your life! You can replace cars, homes and all material items, but you only get one body! Take good care of it.

  Learn “The Top 5 Essential Truths You Must Know Before You Go on Any Diet Ever Again” from Isabel De Los Rios at The Diet Solution Program. Isabel is a nutrition, exercise and lifestyle coach who has helped hundreds of people lose their unwanted weight and take complete control of their health. She is the author of The Diet Solution Program, a complete and comprehensive nutrition program that is helping people all over the world finally reach their ideal weight.

上海419论坛  “我只是没时间去减肥而已”,在你没有保证锻炼及饮食的健康之时,这听上去是不是更像是个借口?现在,只需参照其中提示,伊莎贝尔的《饮食计划》就能帮助你摆脱掉它。



上海419论坛  以下的这些饮食调节都能有助于你减掉体重,在你向健康行进的路上,至少能帮助你减掉5到10镑。




上海419论坛  许多人都知道面粉,精盐,糖的有害影响,但是却唯独不知道奶制品也与它们一样。“它对身体不是有好处吗?”当然不是!人们减肥为什么会那么难?奶制品就是罪魁祸首之一!它会引起发炎、消化不良、动脉阻塞、以及肥胖等问题,所以还是多吃绿色蔬菜来补钙吧!每当有母亲因为孩子体重、健康问题来找我时,我通常所做的第一件事就是告诉他们别再给孩子喝牛奶了。结果?显而易见!慢慢地,这些孩子身体变好。而那些曾经有过痛苦减重经历的人,在拒绝奶制品后体重自动下降!


上海419论坛  另外,别让时间成为你的借口。如果你每天正常饮食是两到三次,期间还要吃点零嘴的话,你会发现吃点健康食品和吃点有害食品都是很容易办到的事。不要让自己到时候大声惊呼然后再决定开始减点体重、保持健康。你知道什么会成为时间的巨大阻碍吗?倘若你或是你的家人身体感觉异样,那都是因为营养缺乏、生活习惯问题所造成的。所以现在就该解决问题,而不是等着让它开始干扰你的时间和生活!你可以购新车,买新房以及其他的所有物品,但是你自己的身体却是没办法替换的,所以好好的照料自己的身体吧!











