

时间:2022-01-27 15:36:55 生日 我要投稿
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上海419论坛  导语:对我们来说,生日是一个值得纪念的日子,是一个难忘的日子。下面是小编收集整理的英语作文生日,供各位阅读和参考。



上海419论坛  Yesterday was my birthday.I am 12 years old now.

  I was very happy,because my mother took me to the zoo. I saw many animals in the zoo,for example,panda,monkey,elephant and tiger.

上海419论坛  She give me 20¥ too.I bought a English book and a beautiful pen.

上海419论坛  I love my mother and I like birthday.


  Yesterday is my six-year-old birthday. It is important to me as I can go to primary school after my birthday. It means that I grow up. I got up very early at that day. My mother just smiled at me and said nothing. I felt a little down. But I recovered with excited soon and then I went out to play. Everything in my eyes is so beautiful. When I got home about five o’clock, my mother gave me a surprise. She prepared a party for me and invited all my friends. She also gave a lovely schoolbag to me as my birthday present. I’m so happy that day.


上海419论坛  My birthday is in July. I am very happy on my birthday, because I can eat my favorite food and get many gifts from my parents and friends. Last year, I had my birthday party as usual. I was very excited in the morning. My father went to buy me a big birthday cake. My mother cleaned all the rooms and cooked delicious food. I invited all my friends to my party. We played funny games, and they sang a birthday song and lighted the candles. I made a wish and blew all the candles. Then we ate the birthday cake together. I opened the gifts from my parents and friends. I had a really wonderful birthday party.


上海419论坛  My birthday is on March 23th,I celebrate it every year with my family and my friends.

  Every year,I hold a little birthday party and invite my friends . We chat and play a lot of games together. The best part of it is that I love the birthday cake and the gifts I get from my parents and my friends. I also get some money on my birthday.I can buy what I want with the money.

  I have great fun on my birthdays,but on the other hand,I also understand that I am one year older after each birthday and that means I should be more responsible for myself and I should also my self-aware. I should understand more things and be less ignorant!

上海419论坛  Fianlly,I should be thankful for my parents,I know they have done their best in raising me up.