

时间:2022-03-26 12:00:02 人生 我要投稿


上海419论坛  在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?下面是小编帮大家整理的书籍·理想·人生英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。


上海419论坛  黎明,晨雾微笑着陪我读书;夜晚,星星眨着眼睛伴我夜读,所以,我从小就与书结下了不解之缘。

  At dawn, the morning mist smiled and accompanied me in reading; at night, the stars blinked and accompanied me in reading at night, so I had an indissoluble bond with books since I was a child.

上海419论坛  读书,让我们增长知识、开阔眼界、丰富人生……书像一个充满智慧的老人,不断启迪我;又像一个真诚的朋友,与我面对面交谈:一本《十万个为什么》让我们知道了无穷无尽的知识;一本《上下五千年》让我知道了人类悠久的历史;一本《安徒生童话》让我懂得了人间的悲欢离合、善恶美丑……在书中,白雪公主与我相见,海的女儿与我相聚。我就像一只小蜜蜂,在书的百花园中飞来飞去。

  Reading, let us increase knowledge, broaden our horizons, enrich our lives The book is like an old man full of wisdom, constantly enlightening me; it is also like a sincere friend, talking with me face to face: one hundred thousand why let us know the endless knowledge; one up and down five thousand years let me know the long history of human beings; one Andersen's fairy tale let me know the joys and sorrows, good and evil, beauty and ugliness of the world In the book, snow white meets me, and the daughter of the sea meets me. I am like a little bee, flying around in the flower garden of books.


  If give me three days of light, a complete and systematic introduction to Helen Keller's rich, vivid, real and great life. Helen Keller, a woman who lives in darkness but brings light to human beings. Seclusion in the blind, deaf and dumb world, she graduated from Harvard University, and overcame all kinds of difficulties. She used all the strength of her life to run around for the disabled and set up many charities. Reading this book, let me know how to overcome adversity, set a new goal for my life.


  The book Lei Feng narrates the touching deeds of Lei Feng, the hero of the people. Lei Feng has done countless good deeds for the common people. He has done good deeds without leaving his name. No matter how hard he is, no matter how tired he is I learned that to be a man, I must be steadfast, contribute all my strength to others, and make a screw that will never rust!

上海419论坛  《钢铁是怎样炼成的`》塑造了共产主义战士保尔的英雄形象。他身残志坚,为人民服务。告诉我们做人就要有坚强的意志,要有崇高的理想……

上海419论坛  How iron and steel was made shapes the heroic image of Paul, the Communist fighter. He has a strong will to serve the people. Tell us that we must have strong will and lofty ideals to be human


上海419论坛  "Soldiers in white" has written a group of heroic songs of soldiers in white. In the spring, a sudden disaster came to the world. In order to fight against the SARS epidemic, Ye Xin, Zhong Nanshan, Jiang Suchun and other medical workers wrote a touching heroic anthem with their lives on the front line of SARS. Let me know the meaning of life


  "Books are the ladder of human progress". With books, we have ideals. With ideals, we have life. Let's read more, read good books, absorb the nutrition in books, set up great ideals and create a better life!


  Here is the kaleidoscope, here is the Grand View Garden, here life is colorful, here knowledge is endless, here the world is colorful, come on! Let's step into the ocean of books together and move towards a better life together!



书籍点亮人生作文 2篇02-15







