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  放花炮英语作文 1

  On the night of the Lantern Festival, our family came to the yard to set off fireworks.

上海419论坛  Dad lit a happy Mickey. With a whoosh, happy Mickey burst into the sky, and with a bang, there was a colorful rainbow

上海419论坛  Dad lit a "beautiful home" fireworks. "Whoosh" sound, "beautiful home" fireworks also rushed to the sky, "bang" explosion, there are beautiful fountains

  Watching one by one fireworks rushing into the sky, I jumped up happily. The younger brother heard the "bang bang" noise and covered his ears with fear. Mother looked at her brothers funny appearance and bent over with a smile.

  Its fun to set off fireworks, but children should pay attention to safety!

  放花炮英语作文 2

  Look at the colors in the sky, the fireworks show last night can be wonderful!

  Came to Tongguan New Year, grandpa bought me a lot of fireworks, has forgotten to put. Last night, grandpa held out fireworks and called me to play.

上海419论坛  First up is the Superman cracker, which Im so afraid is going to explode. A string of orange meteor shower came out of the gun barrel, I think this should be a warm up for us, the fun is still to come? At that moment, dozens of artillery pieces exploded at the same time, the light and shadow were like flames, the sound of the mountains and the earth cracked, as if the earth had been shaken. My little heart!

  Then theres the chariot, and as soon as it comes out, it makes a sound like a fart at the end, and then it ramps up and goes forward, so fast as the wind, and after a while, it seems to turn again and continue, full of momentum.

  Finally, the flying saucer, as soon as it caught fire, rose into the sky, lit the earth, but soon fell out of the night sky. The second ascended into the sky and went straight to the moon. And the third? It hit the roof in an instant. It was pathetic!" This is my favorite!

  Fireworks really let me rejoice let me worry!

  放花炮英语作文 3

  New Years Eve, finally look forward to, I can enjoy the fireworks.

  The night of New Years Eve is really lively, the whole family gathered together, watching the Spring Festival Gala, while eating the New Years Eve dinner. TV programs are so wonderful there are sketches, there are crosstalk, there are songs, there are many forms of magic and so on. The New Years Eve dinner on the table is rich, with fish, meat and dumplings. After dinner, I was in a hurry to go fireworks with my friends. Soon we will hang more than a dozen firecrackers into a large well shape, a variety of fireworks into the square formation, everyone small intention with incense together lit the fireworks, saw a fire dragon ran away from heaven and earth, spectacular and beautiful; One of the pieces of fire shot into the air, accompanied by a loud sound in the air into a blossoming gorgeous flowers.

上海419论坛  More and more people joined the ranks of shooting guns. Everywhere is the deafening sound of firecrackers, everywhere is the beautiful fireworks, everywhere is the laughter of people. Everyone immersed in the sea of joy together, happy New Years Eve! Happy Spring Festival!

  放花炮英语作文 4

  "New Years Day, New Years Day! Mom and Dad took us back to the countryside. My brother is always clamoring to buy fireworks. It is too noisy, my mother bought him two boxes of fireworks, brother happy to jump three feet high!

  After hearing the news, I immediately completed the task my mother gave me today, ran to my mother and asked: "Mom, my homework is finished, can you let me go out to play?" All right!

上海419论坛  I ran to the table and took some cannons, went outside and happily put them away! I let off the cannon for a while, my classmate Liu Jinyu came and said: "Liu Danling, can you play for me?" "Of course, Liu Jinyu." "Thank you so much!"

上海419论坛  Play a little Liu Jinyu to me and my brother said: "Lets have a fireworks battle OK?" Good!

上海419论坛  "Boom, boom, boom." We hit each other. My brother and I are a team, Liu Jinyu a team, playing each others territory, sometimes holding a firecracker; Sometimes with five or six fireworks; Sometimes they use seven or eight fireworks. In less than a minute, a box of fireworks was shot by us!

  We had so much fun that we didnt know the evening was coming.

  放花炮英语作文 5

  Today is the traditional festival of our motherland - the Spring Festival, every family stick couplets, do not underestimate this couplet, it can represent the next years blessing!

  On the evening of New Years Eve, we ate the reunion dinner together and watched the Spring Festival Gala. The program that impressed me the most was "Xiao Cui said something". Which program did you impress the most? The family sat by the TV, enjoying themselves. Every night of the Spring Festival, people in their own yard shooting, those firecrackers crackling sound, lit a hanging, enough to deafen people!

上海419论坛  Fireworks in the night sky is very beautiful, those magical fireworks in the air sketched a lot of beautiful pictures, some like the golden willow in rotation, some like the sky under the meteor shower, some like a blossoming purple chrysanthemum is very beautiful! On the evening of the fifteenth day of the first month, the crowd of people on the square, some people are guessing lantern riddles and some people are standing on the snow slope eagerly waiting for the fireworks in the air finally, the sky appeared colorful fireworks, some like Shenzhou 6 flying in the air, some like red lanterns falling to the earth, some like colorful chrysanthemums, some like Heaven and women scattered flowers, too beautiful! I like the Spring Festival, more like the fifteenth day of the fireworks!

  放花炮英语作文 6

  "When, when, when", with the ringing of the New Year bell, the credit year finally came, I was curious, and mom and dad came to the floor fireworks. Why are you curious? Because its my first time shooting.

  This time mom and dad have already bought a lot of guns, there are lovely "jump monkey", naughty "little rocket", bright "fireworks", chrysanthemum yellow "wild chrysanthemum", huge "big fireworks", and that colorful balls. We came to a vacant lot, I looked up, the original blue sky has long been colorful, colorful, colorful.

  I also cant wait to take out a "wild chrysanthemum", to my father to come to the lighter, I was on the "wild chrysanthemum", the body to the right, did a right lunge, afraid of being burned. I pressed hard, "wild chrysanthemum" was so I lit, I saw it in situ, after less than a minute, it "whoosh" a sound to fly to the sky, the voice is really good, it became a golden chrysanthemum in the air, very beautiful. After that, I set off some other fireworks.

  放花炮英语作文 7

  After the New Year, I can play fireworks again, this is my most looking forward to, the most happy thing!

上海419论坛  On New Years Eve, my father and I took fireworks to the square of the community, where people have been crowded, everywhere is "crackling" sound.

  Dad let me go to the fireworks ignition, I took the lighter carefully close to the cannon, the small heart is about to jump out. Every time he reached for the lead, he shrank back in fear, and went back and forth several times without lighting. I remember walking around like a cat on a hot pot. Dad said: "Young man, be brave!" I clenched my teeth, put the fire point in the cannon, when the cannon came "hiss" sound, I was scared to hold my head scurrously, dad smiled and said: "Look at you that point out!"

  Just then, a blossoming of colorful flowers burst into the night sky. Red, yellow, blue, green... Like a dragon, like a star, like a flower, like a nightmare, it is so beautiful, it eats peoples hearts. The children in the yard were conquered by this gorgeous fireworks, the small red face was full of surprise, the mouth was half open, stared at the night sky, and then cheered, the whole square is unable to stop the impulse and excitement.

  At this time, I was thinking, if the time can be fixed in this moment, that how wonderful!

  放花炮英语作文 8

  I had too much fun with them to go home yesterday, so I stayed at their house for the night.

  The next morning, we got up early to play. "Are you going to buy fireworks?" Yu brother asked me and Xiao Jin, "Xiao Jin, you dont want to go, you are weak and not easy to put." Xiao Jin said: "I want to go, I dare to release." "Well, Lai, will you put it down?" I answer also play. After we discussed, we went to buy fireworks together.

  Yu brother took us to buy two boxes of cannon, a box of seven wolves. I was a little scared at first, afraid it would blow up in my hand. However, after playing for a while, I gradually became bold, and Yu brother played a lot of tricks. He and I were in a little box of guns, which means a lot of guns together. We covered the bowl, then lit a gun into it, crackling, the bowl flew almost 4 meters high! Made us jump up and down.

  The second trick to the bold person to come, I am not, Yu brother can. You hold it in your hand for a long time until it explodes, and then you throw it in the water, and it explodes in the water. We tried it, and the water exploded at once, leaping mischievously on us. The sound of the cannon covered our joyous laughter.

  放花炮英语作文 9

上海419论坛  This evening, I was watching TV at home, suddenly, my friends asked me to go out to set fireworks, I happily agreed to them.

  Outside, I ed a skyrocket into the soil, and then lit the fuse, and the skyrocket exploded into the sky with a beautiful flute. I looked at the fireworks of my friends, and saw Yang Yao holding a lit spray flower, spray flower shining with its colorful fireworks, very beautiful. I also put a fireworks called gourd baby on the ground, and then lit it, it will rotate while flying to the sky, really like the gourd baby jumped out of the gourd scene ah! I lit a spray called the magic wand, I took the magic wand, waiting for five minutes, finally, the magic wand burst out of the colorful light, the light flew into the air, it was blown to pieces, I saw, then loudly called up: "Really fun! It was fun!" My partners and I also point a lot of fireworks, those points have many characteristics, some can fly to the sky, some can drill into the water, and some can run on the ground, it is really colorful.

  The shining light of the fireworks adds gorgeous colors to the calm night sky, just like our colorful life, I love this beautiful night sky!

  放花炮英语作文 10

上海419论坛  "The sound of firecrackers in addition to the old year", the old year silently left us, the New Year quietly came to our side.

  When I was a child, I looked forward to the New Year every day, hoping to set off fireworks. Whenever the New Year is coming, I will ask my father to take me to buy fireworks. On New Years Eve, I leaned over the window, waiting for the fireworks to bloom beautifully in the sky. I often enjoy fireworks, while covering my ears with my hands, while staring at the fireworks with my eyes, I cant help but sigh: "Wow! Its beautiful!" However, the sound of firecrackers is deafening, the debris of fireworks is everywhere, the air is also floating thick smoke, the taste can be pungent. According to my mother, many people are injured every year because of fireworks. When we set off firecrackers, eat the New Years Eve dinner, watch the party, immersed in happiness, cleaning workers are standing on the road to sweep the remnants of fireworks debris. This year, the state stipulated that fireworks can be set off in the specified places, so that the sound of firecrackers is less, the ground cleaning workers have the residual debris of fireworks, the air is no longer floating thick smoke, cleaning workers are no longer as hard as before

  The beautiful fireworks are always printed in my mind, while the blue sky and white clouds are around us.

  放花炮英语作文 11

  This winter vacation, I learned a very interesting thing - fireworks.

  That night, I saw my brother and the boy in the fireworks, curious to walk over. Only brother, first prepare the lighter. Then use the lighter to light the green fuse, and immediately ran to the side. In the blink of an eye, the colorful fireworks rose to the sky, like a flower in full bloom. We cheered with joy!

  I thought it was fun. I wanted to try it. I approached the fireworks nervously, my hands shaking with fear. It is not easy to hit the lighter, touched the fuse, do not know whether it is lit, immediately ran away. However, after a long time also did not see movement, everyone laughed and said I was timid as a mouse, I blushed, the heart is very unconvinced. I approached the firecracker again, strong courage lit the fuse, such as the fuse out of white smoke, issued a "squeak" sound I left. I had not run far, the fireworks rang, the beautiful flowers opened in the air! How beautiful! These are the most beautiful fireworks Ive ever seen!

  I finally learned to set fireworks, I am proud of myself!

  放花炮英语作文 12

上海419论坛  Its the New Year! So happy! Back home picked up fireworks, rushed to the river. Woah! There are so many people! I started playing, too.

上海419论坛  I put torpedoes in the water, they lit the boutique king of the king after a few seconds, and then threw the torpedo into the water, the torpedo first in the water bubble, and then bubble drum more and more, coax a sound explosion! It blew the water five feet above the surface, so high! I learned something and threw it in the water. Is that weird? Why didnt it ring? Is the medicine broken? After thinking about it, I thought that it was lost early, so it did not explode, and then I threw one into the water, and this time it succeeded! With a sound, the water exploded two meters, too bad.

上海419论坛  I played with the thunder King again, holding a lighter in one hand, and taking a firecracker to light it in the right hand. I buried the thunder King in the soil to blow the soil I buried the thunder King lit up and ran away, but the thunder King did not blow up for a long time. I approached a look suddenly exploded, I was blasted a face of mud, like a small mud figure, making everyone laugh, this day I had a very happy.

上海419论坛  How happy I am today! This is my Spring Festival, wonderful. What about yours?

  放花炮英语作文 13

  Setting off fireworks is our Chinese traditional culture. Every festive festival: Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, New Years Day, party, National Day will put up colorful fireworks.

上海419论坛  Listen to me! Firecrackers sound a year away, the spring breeze warm into Tu Su. The New Year is coming! After dinner, we enjoyed the fireworks together! "B --" a sound, a golden ball straight into the sky, trailing a long golden tail behind the golden ball, rose to the highest point, the golden ball "boom --" a loud noise, into a big plum, plum will change color it! At first it was red, then it became gold! Its so beautiful! Look! Villager - or - "the singing a bunch of golden fireworks, flower, rose in the sky, like cheerleaders shook his ball to celebrate the New Year! The fireworks are so beautiful! Lets set off fireworks, too! We took a long fireworks, lit a fire, fireworks put brilliant fireworks! Were swinging it around the street! Also use it to draw a circle! Fireworks in our laughter bloom more proud!

  Fireworks is our Chinese traditional culture, I love fireworks, whenever fireworks, it is the time for us to celebrate the festival.

  放花炮英语作文 14

  Today is the Chinese traditional Spring Festival, my parents and I walk in the busy street. This street is really full of people. People came to this street at the same time, so that this street became the world of people, the sea of light.

  Streets and alleys are full of colorful, multifused lanterns, red like fire, purple like nightshade, white like snow, green like leaves, pink like clouds have to imitate the cartoon smart pleasant sheep, love the red Wolf, beautiful sheep and greedy lazy sheep look forward, the eye is a huge white rabbit lamp, I want to: She must represent the great fortune, the meaning of the year of the rabbit!

上海419论坛  On the busy street, of course, delicious food is indispensable! There are Xinjiang meat skewers, there are Xiamen fish balls! And there are bunnies made of ice cream. I licked the rabbit ice cream with relish, licking not only ice cream, but also the full flavor of the New Year. The shop is also a fiery red, so that people feel happy and happy at a glance.

上海419论坛  About to go home, I looked again at the sea of people, dazzling street. It is still as beautiful and prosperous!

  放花炮英语作文 15

上海419论坛  At 12:00 in the evening, my parents and I went to the yard to set off firecrackers to celebrate the arrival of the New Year. I quarreled to set off the cannon, I looked, we have: firecrackers, fireworks, seven colors UFO, fire pine, thunder top, two kicking, wrestling, blasting scepter

上海419论坛  After lighting firecrackers, I quickly stood far away, hiding from hiding I ran to the door, when I could not look back, both sides are walls, in front of the crackling firecrackers, I was blown up firecrackers hit the eyes of Venus, good pain! Next time firecrackers must look at the escape route, hide well and dont be broken.

上海419论坛  This time, I point seven color UFO, carefully, not lit, the hand back, the second time, not lit, the hand back again, mom and dad looked straight doze off, I really dont have the courage, had to give to dad, dad just lit, quickly turned around, UFO has been sitting on the alien flying in the brilliant night sky, while turning red, while turning yellow, How beautiful!

上海419论坛  Then, I really didnt have the courage to let my father come to some fireworks, I was covering my ears, and standing far away to watch the head. At this time, more and more people set off fireworks, the sky is full of all kinds of beautiful fireworks, very spectacular. His eyes flashed with thousands of giant, colorful chrysanthemums.

上海419论坛  Too late, I had to reluctantly go home to sleep, but I believe: gorgeous and unforgettable fireworks will appear in my mind again.

  放花炮英语作文 16

  On the evening of the New Years Eve, our family and my uncles family went to grandmas house to eat the New Years Eve dinner, soon dinner, my father took a big roll of red carpet firecrackers, went downstairs to put. I looked at my father holding a lighter, playing fire has not been lit he quickly ran, back and forth point several times to light, the sound is simply too loud, crackling a crackle, smoke after the red gun leather.

  Grandpa said: every year before the New Years Eve dinner to put a whip, is a good luck.

上海419论坛  After the New Years Eve dinner, our family came downstairs, because my father bought a gun in the car, my father took down a big dunzi from the car, carefully put it, and then told us that the gun called the opening, first play up is a loud noise and then spread a lot of flowers, to ring seventy-nine it. A few of us hid from the distance, began to cover the ears, with arms to protect the head in the watch, Dad with a lighter to light the fuse, also ran over, looking sideways. Through a sound, followed by the buzz, the sky opened a lot of flowers, followed by a full of stars appeared, just listen to all connected with a few at the same time played out, the sky is simply too beautiful different shapes of flowers appeared together, as if scrambling to give us a New Year, hope we are healthy next year, learning progress, my heart is happy.

  At this time, my father said that the weather quality is not good this year, we should fire less and care for the environment, and we will return home to watch the annual Spring Festival party after the fireworks.

  放花炮英语作文 17

  Its going to be the New Year again, Im so happy that I dont want to sleep, because I have my favorite fireworks to play with, the colorful fireworks, the colorful fireworks, the dazzling fireworks, all make me fascinated, I love to play fireworks.

  In the process of playing fireworks, there are happy times and regret times, happy such as: On the day of the Spring Festival, as soon as I got up in the morning to put on good clothes, after dinner, I couldnt wait to run out, into the game of playing fireworks, many children together, very fun, some play with a scraper, some play called cannon, I play thunder, there is a child lit fireworks into the water a throw, actually killed a small fish, more beautiful is the night of the New Years Eve, Our home put a lot of all kinds of fireworks, rushed to the sky when the fireworks scattered like the sky, and like countless stars in the blinking eyes, the sky dressed up beautiful, the earth shining like the day, I am excited to dance, jumping, I think the children in the sky to see this situation will also want to come to the world, and we play together, Because the world is too busy.

  But let me regret the things then came, one day, I was playing fireworks, accidentally burned my hand, so that my hand is still painful, then I understand adults repeatedly stressed the truth of doing things to be careful, but now I regret it is too late, next time I must learn a lesson to do anything seriously. This winter vacation to play fireworks let me happy, and let me know a lot of truth.

  放花炮英语作文 18

  "Crackling, crackling" "Zidong Dong" waves of "thunder" echoed in my ear, is this thunder? No, actually this is some of our children playing fireworks, come and have a look.

上海419论坛  Tell you, this time we are not patronizing to play, we also held three fireworks contest, hurry up, the first game is about to start.

  The first race was the bunny rush. We first drew a finish line with a piece of chalk, and then drew a starting line, let a few "flying rabbits" on the starting line at the same time lit the start, my brothers "handsome rabbit" has been leading in the front, and then do not know why my cousins "American rabbit" and "handsome rabbit" bump into each other, I naturally benefited and became the first. The second game is called a fierce, we use the flute to fly shelling bottle, who knocked down who will win, we several are hard at the bottle, but do not know why the gun always turn, so my sister simply do not put that, but the result is mistakenly hit by mistake, we both also boast.

上海419论坛  The third game is really fantastic ah, we a color cannon on each foam ball, let the power of the color cannon with the ball forward, the ball runs the farthest will win, my cousin and I have been neck and neck, but the cousin has not gone, just in my happiness, his unexpectedly and suddenly walk, won, my cousin and I opened their mouths wide, Form a big "O".

  This is really a unique competition, do you want to play?

  放花炮英语作文 19

  On New Years Eve, I went to my brothers house to play. After arriving, we had the New Years Eve dinner first. After dinner, we played at home for a while, until twelve o clock, I can go downstairs to shoot.

上海419论坛  Soon it was twelve o clock, and the deafening sound of firecrackers sounded like a battle horn, and even rang it! It will make the car scream! So, my brother and I couldnt wait to carry a lot of guns and two lighters down. I was scared at first because I was afraid of blowing up my hand, so I didnt dare put it. But brother said: you dare not put it then you also take it for what? I think my brother is right: What do I do without it? Just read the instructions? Later, under the guidance of my brother, I put the first gun, hey! It doesnt seem so scary to me anyway. After this gun is fired, its like Im a different person, I dare to fire sea, land and air. The sea, land and air of the sea is very loud, put in the water can blow the water out, once, I put the sea, land and air, throw it into the water, the water is all over me, feel like a cold shower. I not only dare to put the sea, land and air, but also dare to put the thunder king, very water resistant, I put in the fountain are ringing, we also use match guns into a cannon array, lit a, a whole string of rings, too interesting.

上海419论坛  I thought it was fun. Ill do it again.

  放花炮英语作文 20

上海419论坛  The fifteenth day of the first month, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the traditional Chinese Lantern Festival, the Lantern Festival night, the streets decorated with lanterns, relatives and friends go out to enjoy the moon, people point thousands of lanterns, go to the flower market, fireworks.

  After dinner today, my father and I went downstairs to set off fireworks. We arrived at the designated place to set off fireworks, I looked at the front of the people are queuing! They put: fireworks, fireworks have colorful, in the air like a blossoming petals of flowers, and like the sky scattered meteor shower, really beautiful! There are many kinds of fireworks, I have seen dazzling. Because I am still young, so my father bought are our children can put fireworks. Our fireworks are full of gold and jade, it sprayed, suddenly appeared thousands of fire. And then theres the Dopey rabbit, which spins like a spinning, glowing top. There are pleasant sheep, beautiful sheep, gray Wolf, small gray gray, lazy sheep, boiling sheep, they all spray out dazzling sparks, it is dazzling to see. Finally, we also set off a big plate of firecrackers, and when I did not react, the firecrackers crackled and rang, which scared me. I covered my ears and saw the firecrackers exploding everywhere.

上海419论坛  When my father and I returned home, my father told me about the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival story, today I can be really happy!

  放花炮英语作文 21

  The fire, like a ruthless killer, took many peoples lives and burned many houses and money.

  I clearly remember that the fire in our hometown happened on New Years Eve in 2003

上海419论坛  That day, my brother and I were watching TV at home. Suddenly, I heard someone outside Shouting, "Put out the fire! Put out the fire! Put out the fire! ..." Dozens of times. I ran out to see that it was the neighbors house on fire.

上海419论坛  At that time, I was only five years old, and when I saw the fire, I was very scared and cried. My mother heard my cry, came out to see the fire, and hurriedly called my father to take some valuables and quilts out of the neighbors. Put large, heavy items and quilts on the ground.

  My father immediately called the 119 fire alarm phone, and I saw the villagers use basins, buckets and other water to put out the fire. Half an hour passed, the firefighters have not come, fortunately, the fire has been much smaller, we anxiously waiting for the arrival of the firefighters, the villagers with their own hands and fire fighting. After another half hour, the firemen finally arrived (on the wrong side of the road). The fire completely destroyed the neighbors house.

  Later, I learned that the cause of the fire was: a firecracker fell into his woodpile and caught fire.

  Hey! Fireworks, firecrackers are not correctly set off is a scourge, we must be careful in the future.

  放花炮英语作文 22

  "Whoaa! What beautiful flowers!" I just downstairs, can not help but admire.

  I also saw others put flowers, red, yellow, green, purple, blue, coupled color, etc., is really colorful ah! Some flowers in the air "bang" a sound on the explosion, and some firecrackers lit up crackling burst open. Its like a New Years symphony orchestra playing for the people.

  On the evening of the New Years Eve, my parents and I went downstairs to set off firecrackers. I bought a lot of all kinds of flowers, there are flying BMW, Heavenly women scattered flowers and saluting, etc., I put the flying BMW first, I pulled out the twister first, and then lit the twister with a lighter, and finally quickly ran to the distance to prevent being crushed by flowers. After two seconds, I saw the flower running into the air like a BMW, then exploding in the air, blooming like a lily in the air, and finally falling down like a small star, disappearing in the boundless sky, so that people are full of beautiful reverie to the sky.

  "Remember tonight, remember tonight, no matter the ends of the earth..." In this melodious music, in this beautiful song, the Spring Festival gala is finished, my firecrackers are finished, but the passion in my heart will never linger, in the New Year, I wish the motherland prosperity and strength, wish my family can be happy and healthy, but also hope that their learning can be a higher level!

  放花炮英语作文 23

上海419论坛  I cant wait any longer! "I shouted in anticipation of the fireworks.

  On the big flat with a little light, we put a big firecracker and carefully lit the fire, La la! Many little sparks ran out, fell to the ground, and disappeared. Then, the big Mars came out. The fireworks were like fountains. Paaaah! Just hear a few loud bang, out of the inside of the red, green meteor like Mars. Suddenly, the spark that appeared in the sky turned into a ball of fire, which was pleasing to the eye. I took a lot of fireworks to play.

  My friend started his own fireworks. Seeing how happy she was every time, I couldnt bear to have a try. Dad first helped me light a cigarette, I picked up the cigarette, shaking hands slowly close to the fireworks. Lala! Its lit. Look for a happy jump three feet high.

  Im playing with fairy sticks again. La la! A large spark appeared at the sharp end, surrounded by many smaller sparks. Soon, one will soon be extinguished, I was anxious, think: finished, I have not used it to ignite the next one! But it was too late. I looked up, and with those that were not lit, I borrowed all the fire on the fairy sticks that were already lit, which made the fire bigger and more fun.

上海419论坛  Only the beads are left. Dad lit the top, and there was a little smoke, and out of the tube came a colored ball, which became a firework in the air, and then, one, two, each colored ball shot out with a little smoke. If there is no color ball, put it straight on the ground, there may be a few did not shoot out, sleeping in the bucket!

上海419论坛  Fireworks are fun!

  放花炮英语作文 24

  On the evening of the first day of the New Year, our family was eating around the table, and the sound of firecrackers sounded in all directions. I hurried to the door, saw the dark sky appeared an orange, a fiery red, a purple, a green... Suddenly become colorful.

  I also cant wait to take out the fireworks already prepared. I first picked an oval fireworks, lit the fuse with a lighter, saw smoke on the fuse, and quickly threw it out, while throwing it also covered my ears with both hands. One second, two seconds, three seconds... Hey, there are very few wires left, why is there no movement? At this time, dad came, he saw that the fuse did not smoke, picked up the fireworks to look at, look at, studied for a while, and finally, tried to pull the "fuse", which suddenly flew out of many colorful ribbons. Ha ha, big home this just understand, this is not the original explosion of fireworks ah! I shouted, "I want to play too! I want to play too!" I pulled a few fireworks in a row, the body will be hung with ribbons, my sister laughed at me: "just like a Christmas tree."

  Next, I lit another bomb-shaped firework, and lo and behold, it sped around the ground a few times, suddenly split apart like shattered glass, and then exploded with a bang, making us jump. I also lit the triangular fireworks, the top will emit smoke and a lot of sparks, after a while, blooming colorful fire flowers, our faces are reflected into painted faces.

上海419论坛  Fireworks are so beautiful and interesting. I love fireworks!

  放花炮英语作文 25

上海419论坛  Today is the New Years Eve, the people of the stone column in order to welcome the New Year, specially bought a lot of fireworks from the fireworks shop, hope to have a good year next year, see them coming.

上海419论坛  At twelve o clock on New Years Eve, we came to the designated place for the fireworks - the side of the suspension bridge, and saw many layers of thick smoke, covering the people opposite the bridge, the mountain, they are composed of artillery, the dust emitted from the fireworks. Someone had been setting off fireworks here as early as 10 o clock.

  We followed the path of the bridge to the other side. I saw that there were so many people who came to set off fireworks, they were in groups, talking and laughing, very lively, everyone was holding all kinds of fireworks, and constantly making different sounds around. Some fly in the sky, some explode in the water, and some spin on the ground.

上海419论坛  I took the fireworks, used the lighter to light the lead of the magic bullet, "Zi - boom boom!" I saw a streak of fire from the fireworks outlet, which exploded in the air. After a while, I picked up a conical fireworks, put it on the ground, point the lead, saw it spin up, and flew into the sky "boom!" Burst into a colorful fire. After a while, I began to watch other people set off fireworks, I saw some fireworks point on the lead, the muzzle out of a yellow fireworks, swirling in the air, there are thunder, they point the lead, thrown into the air out of the earth-shaking sound, there are fireworks in the sky, colorful fireworks appear in the sky.

上海419论坛  With the sound of rumbling fireworks, I finished the fireworks I bought, and then I crossed the bridge, and I turned to see a picture of welcoming the New Year.

  放花炮英语作文 26

  Fireworks in full bloom, such as a beautiful flower bed; Fireworks fly down the silver wire countless, like a waterfall flying down like a fairy veil; Fireworks shake green waves like ripples in the lake... All this shows that our mood is infinite joy, life is infinite happiness, and hope for a better future.

  On the evening of the fifth day, our family of five went downstairs to shoot guns. You ask me, why did I shoot the fifth day? Ha-ha! You dont know that! The fifth day is the meaning of excluding the afternoon, that is, to remove the sadness in this day.

上海419论坛  I took the whip, put it on the iron stone, held the match, gradually approached, and finally lit. Whip "call" deafening, scared me to run to the grass, after about 1 minute, the whip gradually disappeared, I ran out of the grass, said to dad: "Dad, this is not fun! Bring me a big one." Just said, my father from the pocket out of a about 30 cm wide, 40 cm high of the big, I carefully holding the fireworks on the steps on the ground, tiptoe after the fireworks, I quickly turned a walk down the steps. Only listen to "sasha - bang - wow", I turned my head, fireworks blossomed, looking at the night sky brilliant and beautiful, such as flower beds, picturesque volumes, such as spring fields... I was fascinated by the beautiful scenery. I was so excited that I ran up to my family and said, "This is beautiful, this is spectacular!"

  Fireworks depict the blessings of the New Year on the colorful night sky.

  放花炮英语作文 27

  On New Years Eve, my father took my brother and I, who wore new clothes, to the lower floor for fireworks. Dad bought us a fountain cannon, a wrestling cannon, a match cannon, a smoke bomb...

上海419论坛  At the beginning, I chose the fountain cannon, and my father just lit the fire, and the fountain cannon was sprayed out with a brush. It is sprayed from low to high, silver white and golden sparks layer on layer, spray higher and higher, really like a crystal fountain! No wonder its called a fountain cannon. My brother and I eagerly chose the torch cannon, dad took the gun in his hand, carefully lit the gun twist with a cigarette, suddenly no Mars, my brother and I are in a hurry! Suddenly a burst of colored sparks fell down, lasted for more than ten seconds and then turned into a beam of fire, brilliant. The younger brother also chose his favorite smoke bomb, and put a snake shape, when the smoke is lit, it looks like a colorful snake swimming. I have a pocket full of wrestling guns, while watching the fall, the sound of a crackling sound. Uncle Liu, who lived next door, came over holding a big red square, and my brother and I asked puzzled, "Uncle Liu, what are you taking?" Uncle Liu pretended to be mysterious and said: "You all stay back, there are gifts running out!" Then Uncle Liu lit the big fireworks, and as we cheered, the fireworks released tall and bright colored fireworks, the largest and most colorful fireworks I have ever seen. My brother and I jumped around the big fireworks, very happy.

上海419论坛  Fireworks finished, but my brother and I are still not done, we reluctantly went home, on the way to discuss next year more ready to like fireworks.

  放花炮英语作文 28

上海419论坛  Today is Chinese New Years Eve, the last day of 2022.

  When it was getting dark that day, my big brother and I went upstairs to set off fireworks, we first set off "flares", boom! Its out. Wow! Its too high! It is like a meteor, passing through the sky, illuminating the sky again and again. Our second is to put "doll music", wow, very beautiful! Some are red, some are green... Red and green together are more beautiful, just like flowers open in the sky, red flowers, green leaves; The third is to put the "golden pig baby and lotus fairy" these two are top, golden pig baby turn around and jump up, really like a dancing pig baby; The lotus fairy moves around and around, just like a real lotus, floating around on the water; The light from the baby golden pig was white, and the light from the lotus fairy was blue and green. The fourth we put is "thunder flower cannon", "boom", sent out, the sky has red and green, the second time also sent out, this time with white. We fully put more than 20, blossoming like a beautiful umbrella in the sky; The fifth is put "firecrackers", bang bang bang! Rang up, my brother and I think it is too loud, do not set off firecrackers. After playing for a while, my brother and I were tired and went home to rest.

  Today, my brother and I played very happy! Watching the fireworks explode in the sky feels great!









