

时间:2022-06-26 20:44:33 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




  我的生日英语作文 篇1

上海419论坛  My birthday is on 几月几日。i celebrate it every year with my family and my friends.every year,i hold a little birthday party and invite my friends over.

  we chat and play a lot of games together.the best part of it is that i love the birthday cake and the gifts i get from my parents and my friends.

  i also get some money on my birthday.i can buy what i want with the money.i have great fun on my birthdays.

  but on the other hand, i also understand that i am 1 year older after each birthday.and that means i should be more responsible for myself and i should also my self-aware.

  i should understand more things and be less ignorant!fianlly, i should be thankful for my parents,i know they have done their best in raising me up.

  我的生日英语作文 篇2

  Every time I see my friends holding a birthday party, I wish I could have it, but I dont want to raise my parents income because of the meager income of my family.

上海419论坛  But my parents could still see what was on my mind. Finally, I was in sixth grade. I was under a lot of pressure to face the test. My parents were so lucky to see me. To encourage me, I made an appointment with me. As long as I got 7A in the exam, I would hold a birthday party for me.

上海419论坛  I listened and worked harder to achieve my goals. Since then, I have been picking up the night light every night to get excellent grades. Finally the test day came.

  The examination room was so quiet that a pin dropped. Everyone was in a very nervous mood. After a few days, the little six test was over. I immediately put down the stone in my heart.

  After a month, the results came out. When my mother and I went to get the grades, my heart was like a deer. When I saw my grades, I was happy with my smile, because I got a 7A. My mother laughed too hard to see her teeth.

  After that, my father held a birthday party for me on Sunday. I felt very happy because my wish came true.

  我的生日英语作文 篇3

  My birthday’s in February. It was my birthday last week. I had a big birthday party . Lots of friends came to my home that day. They gave me a lot of birthday presents. We sang and danced at the party. We also ate birthday cake. We had a good time.

上海419论坛  Tomorrow is my birthday, and that day is very near, so I decide to make a plan for it. On that morning, my mother will go shopping with me. We will buy something nice to eat. And then, I will invite my classmates to come to my birthday party. We can sing,dance and play games. I am looking forward to that day.

  我的生日英语作文 篇4

上海419论坛  My birthday was on January 2nd, the day I asked CAI yifei, xiao yutong, ma gu, sun yuli, and ding kaijian. This is my first birthday party, and I will be eating rice at the 2nd floor of the department store.

上海419论坛  The first one to arrive is CAI yifei. I look at her, because she has a beautiful hairstyle, the school looks different in peacetime, how lovely! Then, the other students came on in droves, and yuyuli also brought two younger sisters le le and deng deng.

  After that, we had a drink, and to my surprise, xiao was drinking coffee, and we drank milk tea. When the coffee was served, the waiter returned to xiaos many coffee white sugar. They all went to grab the sugar, and the horse was so sad that he gave his share to the horse. The sweetened beverage was better to drink.

  At dinner, we had beef and cheese in the pasta, but sun was allergic to beef and went to the bathroom to vomit, and the students were busy taking care of her. After dinner, we ate the cake, and then we played the game of chicken. Ding kaijian is an eagle, I am the chicken mother, other people when the chicken, the speed of ding quickly, suddenly the chicken to catch, really is our first grade little athlete! At last we played the game of the sedan chair, and the strength of the horse was too small to lift us, so she was glad that she would only take the palanquin, which was too easy.

  My birthday is the happiest day of my life. I will never forget such a happy day.

  我的生日英语作文 篇5

上海419论坛  This year I received a gift from my uncle who was working in the field. It was a lovely pug dog.

  It has a pair of big eyes, two ears like a big spoon, it in front of the chest have a pink bow with decorative pattern, pink nose like a triangle, very cute! Looking at it, I gave it a good baby. Every day when I go to school, I say goodbye to it, and I quickly run upstairs to see it after school. When I sleep at night, I hold it and enter into the sweet dreamland, its white fur brings me a lot of warmth. Whenever I am happy, I will be happy with it, whenever I have difficulty, I will talk to it, it always squinting its small mouth to listen to me silently.

  I heard that my uncle couldnt return home for the Spring Festival, and I cried a lot in my arms. I wish my uncle would be able to go home.

  Lovely baby is my good companion!

  我的生日英语作文 篇6

上海419论坛  Today, it is my birthday, I made a birthday cake, design, and of course my idol macys jersey.

  In the morning, I took my beloved messi shirt and hung it on the kitchen door for a reference. Then I started preparing the ingredients, eggs, milk, butter, cream, flour, molds...

上海419论坛  First of all, I have three eggs, egg white, egg yolks, and the bowl of egg yolks with butter, milk, flour, and mix. Then whisk the egg whites with the beater, then mix the egg whites with the egg yolks, and then pour into the mold and bake. Of course the whole course was guided by our familys baking masters mother. Im going to do the preparation before Im baking the cake. Whipping cream, out of the refrigerator comes first sent, after been sent into three, I take out the pure imported pigment has no harm to human body, use a toothpick to pick a little blue, into a cream bowl, light blue. In the other bowl, pick a little black, mix both bowls, and put them in the fridge. "Ding" oven, the embryo is baked, take out the backbuckle and then set to the flower! Its so hard to frame the flowers that I can only ask my mother to help me. Mother cut the cake into three pieces of the cool, wipe on cream, every piece in the middle between the mango is my favorite, and then the whole cake with cream, then use the outline of the surface of the toothpick draw the shirt, then I play, I put the different colors of cream into decorating bag, my mother taught me one of the most simple and beautiful way of decorating, drawing method, just to fill the profile extrusion line.

  Wow! My messi uniform cake has been finished. Its been almost a day. Grandpa, grandma and grandpa, grandma and grandpa celebrate my birthday, and eat my homemade cake. Its a very meaningful birthday!

  我的生日英语作文 篇7


上海419论坛  Every year to my birthday, my mother will give me a beautiful toy as a birthday present. So far, I have 8 toys in total, including Barbie dolls, little dolphins, beautiful little blue princess, mud dolls and so on. They are all over my room, just like my good friends, spending a happy childhood with me.

上海419论坛  一天中午,妈妈像往常一样在厨房给我做饭,让我自己先玩儿等着开饭。我就和我的玩具朋友玩过家家的游戏,玩着玩着,我忽然迷迷糊糊就睡着了……

上海419论坛  One day at noon, my mother cooked for me in the kitchen as usual, and let me play first and wait for the meal. I played the game of family with my toy friend, playing, I suddenly fell asleep in a daze

上海419论坛  “小主人,欢迎你来到玩具世界,我们都是你的好朋友。”穿着鲜艳的黄色裙子,一头波浪长发的芭比娃娃眨着黑黝黝的大眼睛对我说。我疑惑地问:“你们是我的玩具吗?”憨头憨脑的泥娃娃抢着说:“对呀,对呀,小主人,我们每天都陪着你,我们大家可羡慕你了。”“羡慕我?为什么呀?”我不解地问。胖乎乎的小海豚不紧不慢地说:“因为你有一个超级爱你的妈妈。每天早上,妈妈早早就把饭给你做好,你一起床,就有热腾腾的饭菜;晚上,等你都睡觉了,妈妈又在给你洗衣服,让你每天干干净净的。”小蓝公主笑眯眯地走过来说:“妈妈每天都给你讲故事,听着你们哈哈大笑的声音,我们也感到可开心了。”腼腆的小兔子悄悄地说:“如果你生病了,妈妈可着急了,一晚上也睡不踏实,一会儿摸摸你,一会儿看看你,喂你喝水吃药,真是很辛苦的。”小熊淘气地说:“你有时犯了错误,妈妈严厉地批评你,她虽然很伤心,但是她希望把你培养成一个聪明、善良的孩子。”

  "Welcome to the toy world, little master. We are all your good friends." Wearing a bright yellow dress, a long wavy haired Barbie blinked big black eyes to me. I asked doubtfully, "are you my toys?" Silly mud doll said: "yes, yes, little master, we are with you every day. We all envy you." "Envy me? Why? " I asked, puzzled. The chubby little dolphin said, "because you have a mother who loves you so much. Every morning, my mother will make the meal for you early. When you are in bed, there will be hot meals. In the evening, when you are asleep, my mother will wash your clothes again to make you clean every day. " Little blue princess smiled and said, "mom tells you stories every day. We are happy to hear your laughter." The shy little rabbit said quietly, "if you are ill, mom is in a hurry. She cant sleep all night. Its really hard to touch you, see you and feed you water and medicine." "You make mistakes sometimes," said little bear naughtily. "My mother criticizes you severely. Although she is very sad, she hopes to train you into a smart and kind-hearted child."

上海419论坛  “你真幸福!”“你的.妈妈好爱你!”“我也想有个这样的妈妈……”大家七嘴八舌地在说,我高兴地说:“我知道了,我知道了!”

上海419论坛  "You are so happy!" "Your mother loves you so much!" "I also want to have a mother like this..." Everyone was talking. I said happily, "I know, I know!"

上海419论坛  “朵朵,该吃饭了。”我睁开眼听到妈妈正在轻声地呼唤我。“妈妈,我爱你!”我迫不及待地扑倒妈妈怀里里,紧紧地搂住了我的妈妈。

上海419论坛  "Its time to eat, Duoduo." I opened my eyes and heard my mother calling me softly. "Mom, I love you!" I cant wait to fall into my mothers arms and hug her tightly.

  我的生日英语作文 篇8

  Today is my birthday, my father took me to the cake room to buy the cake early in the morning. After a while, we arrived at the cake room, which was ordered by dad himself. The cake read "happy birthday to you". Dad took the cake and went home with me happily. When my father and I came home, I saw my mother mysterious, and when she took out a dress from a bag at noon, she said, "son, this dress is for you." My mother took out another watch and gave it to me, and I was so happy. Jingling bell, the door rang, and I saw that it was my aunt, grandmother, granddad and aunt. They all brought gifts. Im so happy to have a cake with everyone.

  This is my happy birthday.

  我的生日英语作文 篇9

上海419论坛  March 5th is my birthday.It's also a special day to memorize a great person -- Lei Feng. This year I celebrated my birthday in a different way. In the morning, I got up early and cooked breakfast for my parents. At school, I helped my desk-mates to repair their broken chairs.

  After school, I took my birthday cake to the home for the aged. The old men were so happy to see me. All o~ them hoped that I would be back again.What a joyful birthday it was!

上海419论坛  标题:我的生日


  我的生日英语作文 篇10

  Last birthday, i had a big party. My birthday in on March 6th 。I invited my best friends, my classmates and my teachers. We were very happy.

上海419论坛  We went to a park and had a barbecue. It was delicious. Then we flew kites on a grassy lawn. After that, we went back home.

  My friends,teachers and my family gave me a lot of presents, such us a toy bear, a notebook and a WII.I was surprised.And we ate a big birthday cake. What a happy day!

  我的生日英语作文 篇11

上海419论坛  My birthday is on May 6. My parents and friends celebrate it to me every year. On that day, we usually hold a small birthday party at home and invite my friends to e for a dinner. We chat, watch TV or play games together that we really enjoy ourselves. When we are playing, my parents prepare a delicious dinner.

  My friends and I like the dishes very much. Of course, I can get some gifts from parents and friends. I am very happy because they always know what I want and need. But, on the other hand, when the birthday es, I am a year older, so that I must be more sensible and independent. Last but not the least, it’s also a time to show my appreciation to my parents. They work hard and do their best to bring me up.

  我的生日英语作文 篇12

  Today is Sunday. It’s cloudy. It’s the second of November. How happy I am!Guess! Why am I so happy?Yes, you’re right. Because it is my birthday. My relatives and good friends e to my new house. They are my aunt, grandpa, grandma, brother, sister and my friends. Each of them gives me a nice present.

上海419论坛  I am wearing a pink skirt. It’s very nice. I like this colour. The skirt is from my mother. Look, there’s a big birthday cake with lots of fruit on the table. I think it’s from my grandparents. At this time my brother is ing. He have seen the big cake. He wants to eat it very much. I stop him. He’s very angry. I let him sing the song ’Happy Birthday to You’ to me. Then I blow out the candles and eat the cake. It’s very delicious. After eating the cake, we play games together. We’re very happy!You should say "Happy Birthday to You" to me.

  我的生日英语作文 篇13

上海419论坛  My name is WangLei . My birthday is on August 11. We have a good birthday party. My mother makes a birthday cake for me. It’s big and tasty. My father gives me a football.

  Because I like playing football. Many friends come to my home .We are very happy. They give me a lot of presents and some birthday cards. We sing and dance. We eat food and fruit. We play games together. We have a good time.


  我的生日英语作文 篇14

  Today is my nine-year-old birthday. I am very happy, because my father buys a big cake for me and my sister just comes to Guangzhou .

上海419论坛  After dinner , my family celebrate my birthday . I make a wish and blow out the candles . Do you want to know my wish ? Let me tell you , I wish I can study harder and harder ,then get the NO.1 in our class. Then I cut the cake and my family share the cake with me .

上海419论坛  How nice today!!!

  我的生日英语作文 篇15

  My birthday is on May 19th. I often celebrate it with my friends. Usually, I have a good party at home with a few close friends. We sit together, singing, chatting, eating snacks, and having drinks. My friends always buy me some nice gifts, make birthday cards, and prepare a big birthday cake for me.

  The happiest moment is absolutely the moment I open the gifts, as I can get a big surprise every time. In the evening, we often have a big meal at a restaurant. We have many delicious dishes. After the meal, we will have the birthday cake. My friends always light the candles on the cake and sing "Happy Birthday" to me. Then I close my eyes, cross my fingers, and make a wish. After I blow out the candle, I cut the cake and share it with my friends. All of us feel joyful on that day. Although I celebrate my birthday in this way every year, I never feel bored, because I enjoy having fun together with my friends so much.


  我的生日英语作文 篇16

  My birthday is on xxxx.i celebrate it every year with my family and my friends.every year,i hold a little birthday party and invite my friends over. we chat and play a lot of games together. the best part of it is that i love the birthday cake and the gifts i get from my parents and my friends.

上海419论坛  i also get some money on my birthday.i can buy what i want with the money. i have great fun on my birthdays. but on the other hand, i also understand that i am 1 year older after each birthday. and that means i should be more responsible for myself and i should also my self-aware. i should understand more things and be less ignorant!fianlly, i should be thankful for my parents,i know they have done their best in raising me up.

  我的生日英语作文 篇17

上海419论坛  I am happy day Yesterday was my birthday, my parents I held a birthday party, I invited my friend to attend. My parents bought me new clothes and books as a birthday gift.

上海419论坛  I wear new clothes feeling good happiness. All my friends that after my mother-in a delicious meal to Levin and holding a big cake. My friends for me to sing "I wish you a happy birthday" song and gave me some gifts. Then we began to eat. This is the happiest day for me.

  我的生日英语作文 篇18

上海419论坛  Today is April 10th ,it is my birthday . My mother held a birthday party for me at home. My friends came to my party and brought me some presents and their best wishes. I felt very happy.

  When the party began. My mother lit the candles on the cake for us. I made a wish and we all blew out the candles together. Then we shared the cake. We sang and danced to the music at the party. I was very excited .

  I did enjoy my birthday today.

  我的生日英语作文 篇19

  On Saturday, today is my birthday, everyone else said it's fun, Me too is fun.

  When I wake up in the morning and think of it as my birthday, I am very happy. I jumped out of bed excited, brushing my teeth as fast as I could, and then I couldn't wait to ask my mom, "mom, when can I buy a present for me?" "Don't be so nasty, wait till noon." "My mother said with a smile. Helplessly, I had to nod. I felt a few hours as slow as a day.

  Eight o 'clock, nine o 'clock, ten o 'clock... Finally, at noon, I couldn't wait to pull my mother's hand to the gift shop. I took a glance at the crystal that would be sung and turned. Just the mother also saw this crystal. Mom just bought it for me.

上海419论坛  In the evening, my mother called uncle, two, little brother... My mother also made my favorite dishes, such as goose, fish, chicken soup and so on. We ate happily. In a joke, it's time to cut the cake. I cut a cake for everyone. There was some cream left on the table, and I thought it would be fun to make a big cat with my brother's face. I could not help laughing at the thought. My brother didn't see my mind. I threw the cream on his face suddenly. Who knows, he seems to know, the body is flexible, the cream "bang" to the mother's face. Hahaha, everyone laughed. My mother smiled and said, "you have a good eye. I am your mother. This is your reward." I mischievously said: "yes, mother you laborious." Everyone laughed again. Haha, I also want to get the cream into my brother's face. I quietly walked to my brother and called him. He turned his face and I quickly put the cream in his face. He saw me get the cream in his face and said angrily to me, "I just finished washing my face." The words did not fall, everyone laughed.

上海419论坛  Happy birthday today.










