

时间:2022-03-08 13:46:44 其他类英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛  在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是小编整理的快乐的英语作文9篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。


快乐的英语作文 篇1

上海419论坛  Today is really a happy day, I can not help but to record this happy day.

  On the first weekend of school, I had a good sleep. I thought I would spend a day in the dormitory today. Because the weather is pretty good today, and I don't know who proposed to go out for a walk. Because H1N1 flu is prevalent recently, so I dare not go out. I think of the mountain behind the school. It's not far away. I haven't been to school for a year. I can't help but regret. So, I, ah four, three or five people started happily. Although it is difficult to go on the way to go, and have to endure the dust of flying everywhere, but we are still happy.

  Finally we came to the top mountain national Forest Park. Walk in, the mood is very good, we walk around and clap, play, enjoy it. See the lawn walk freely around the peacock peacock, see the kids around to see one family of contented and happy, deeply attached to each other to have a picnic, see the boat of the children looked at together barbecue classmates, see all the beautiful scene, we don't feel good in this blend.

上海419论坛  We are playing with those outdoor projects, playing hard, sitting on the swing and talking about the sky. The most happy is that we finally got on the dream together three people while riding a bicycle, singing, laughing and shouting, fully and delightfully writing belongs to our youth! Although riding tired, shouting dumb, but really happy, long time happiness, for a long time not like this. After that, we should go out more and feel that life gives us all the beauty.

上海419论坛  Finally, I and o four also made a meal and then go home, perfect and happy to spend a beautiful day.

上海419论坛  It turns out that happiness can be simple, simple life, simple to find our simple happiness.

快乐的英语作文 篇2

上海419论坛  The bell rang and the class was over. The classroom became noisy. Some students went out of the classroom. I was just chatting with some of my classmates when Li Hong came to me. She smiled and said to me, "What's four minus four? Do you know?" "It's zero. That is easy." answered I.

上海419论坛  But Li Hong shook her head and said "It's wrong. It's eight." "Why? That's impossible!" "You will understand if you cut down four corners of a desk." said Li Hong. "Is that a joke?" "Oh, yes." We all laughed. During the class break, we had a good rest. We often have a pleasant break.

快乐的英语作文 篇3


  Mother is like a lamp, she can bring us light! Mother is like an umbrella. She can protect us from the wind and rain! Mother is like the red sun, she can bring us warmth! Mother is like water, she can water us to grow up!


  Today is the annual mother's day. Mom: I want to wish you a happy mother's Day! You work hard, I love you! Mom, you gave me life. Without you, I would not have come into this world. It's you who make me feel happy and sad in the world.

上海419论坛  从我还是婴儿的时候,您就每时每刻的陪伴着我。特别是我生病的时候,都是您日日夜夜的陪在我身边。一会儿摸摸我的头烫不烫,一会儿给我量量体温,量完了看我发烧,就连忙起身去药店给我买药。记得当时已经半夜11点了,所有的药店都以关门了。妈妈您吓得一夜都没有睡觉,不停地忙碌着。可当我渐渐长大,您却渐渐衰老,脸上也憔悴了许多……

上海419论坛  Since I was a baby, you have been with me all the time. Especially when I was sick, you were with me day and night. Touch my head for a while, take my temperature for a while, and when I have a fever, I will quickly get up and go to the drugstore to buy medicine for me. I remember it was 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, and all the drugstores were closed. Mom, you didn't sleep all night and kept busy. But when I grow up, you grow old, and your face languishes a lot

上海419论坛  母爱是世界上最伟大的爱,因为它不求任何回报。最后,在母亲节这天,我要祝所有的母亲节日快乐!

  Maternal love is the greatest love in the world, because it does not ask for any return. Finally, on Mother's day, I wish all mothers a happy mother's Day!

快乐的英语作文 篇4

上海419论坛  耶!一年一度的国庆节到了,举国同庆,爸爸也回来了,我们全家要一起去万达玩了!

  Yeah! The annual National Day is coming, the whole country is celebrating, and my father is back. My family is going to Wanda to play together!


  We took the No. 5 bus, but when our mother was ready to pay, the driver said, "no money today!" It's a surprise. It used to cost nothing to take the bus on national day.


  On the way, rows of five-star red flags are flying in front of the store. There are many big, small, long and short ones! When we get to the destination, we'll go in and play. Playing in the amusement park is on the rise, and a sister's sweet voice suddenly rings in a nearby painting place, saying that she can paint with food coloring on a sushi like food, and there is a reward after painting! Adults and children swarmed up, which was immediately surrounded by three floors. I can't see it now. I can only play in that paradise. I can't see it at all. Since I can't see it, I can use listening.


上海419论坛  After ten minutes, the voice rang again, "look, this kid wrote 70 here, this kid drew Tian'anmen Gate..." Listen, I want to see it, but I can only stay where I am, how helpless! Soon the activity was over. Watching the winning children leave happily with their prizes, I was happy and lost for them. Fortunately, I could play other games, such as ocean balls and small rooms There's everything here.

上海419论坛  后来,我们玩起了海洋球,累了,就躺在那上面,弟弟妹妹趁我不注意,把我埋了起来,我一睁眼,弟弟妹妹就装作若无其事的样子在那儿玩,我很生气,拿一个球扔去,弟弟妹妹也扔过来……

上海419论坛  Later, we played ocean ball. When we were tired, we lay on it. My brother and sister buried me when I didn't pay attention. As soon as I opened my eyes, my brother and sister pretended to play there as if nothing had happened. I was very angry. I took a ball and threw it. My brother and sister also threw it


  Tired of playing, we also went home. Along the way, mom and dad also talked with us a lot of other happy things. Today is really a good day, both happy and happy, ha ha!

快乐的英语作文 篇5

  There are a lot of things that make people happy in the Spring Festival. What makes me happy is that my brother and I go downstairs and put firecrackers down.

  I remember the evening of the new year thirty, after we finished the reunion dinner, my brother and I ran like a fly, and in the small garden, I thought about how to play more fun. Finally, we came up with a good idea, brother of earth dug with an iron bar, then I will be a lit "mine" thrown in, brother just quickly buried on the soil. Then, we hide behind a tree, and so we have unfinished paternity hide, only to hear "bang behind!" A loud, both my brother and I are mud, we are scared Yizheng first, then look like each other's music ha ha. This time, two times, three times... All the time we had finished the cannons in our hands, and we turned into "mud dolls" and stopped. Then, we put rockets, mouse gun....... What we like most is the mouse gun, and it "squeaks" when it flies out. It's like saying, "I want God!" I want God? Clumsy sand? Hemorrhoids?

上海419论坛  When the bell of new year is going to ring, fireworks begin to smell everywhere in the dark sky. The colorful fireworks are blooming in the night like flowers. My brother and I are all excited to shout.

  The Spring Festival is the day the children play, adults or visiting relatives and friends of the day. My mother took me to the East, the west, and had a lot of good times with my friends and friends.

  The Spring Festival, how unforgettable!

快乐的英语作文 篇6




  Mr. Tang and Mr. Yang


上海419论坛  You work hard!!


上海419论坛  It's been a month since school began,


  Children are also formal


  From a kindergarten kid who doesn't know anything


上海419论坛  Become a real primary school student,


  Progress and change


上海419论坛  Hard work with teachers

上海419论坛  是分不开的,

上海419论坛  It's inseparable,


  I sincerely say to the two teachers,

上海419论坛  谢谢老师了,

上海419论坛  Thank you,


上海419论坛  You work hard!!!


  In the days to come,


上海419论坛  Please take good care of your body,


  take a rest!!


  Children will study hard!!

快乐的英语作文 篇7

  As a child, I feel very happy everyday. I have a happy family. My mother takes care of our chores and she can cook a lot of delicious food. No matter how busy my fatheris, he will spare some time to stay with me. In the weekend, my family will go out to haveactivity. We communicate a lot and laugh out loudly.

上海419论坛  作为一个小孩子,我每天都觉得很开心。我有一个幸福的家庭。妈妈包揽了所有的家务,她会煮很多美味的食物。不管我的爸爸有多忙,他都会出一些时间来陪我。周末的时候,我们家会出去搞些活动,进行交流,放声大笑。

快乐的英语作文 篇8

  Mid-autumn Festival is one of the most important festivals for Chinese people, which even occupies the same position with Spring Festival. It is said that the festival originated from a love story. A man with great strength shot nine suns and left only one, while his wife ate the pills by curious heart. At last, she flied to the moon and had to be separated with her lover. Nowadays, the meaning of Mid-autumn festival is to let the families get together and enjoy the time to appreciate the full moon. My families always prepare for some snacks. When we finish the dinner, all the members will come to the balcony and sit down, appreciating the full moon. We talk and enjoy the chatting hour. I have a good time with my families.

上海419论坛  中秋节是中国最重要的节日之一,它甚至和春节一样重要。据说这个节日起源于一个爱情故事。一个力气很大的男子把天生的九个太阳都射下来,只留下一个,而他的妻子却因好奇的心偷吃了药丸。最后,她飞到月亮上,不得不和爱人分开。如今,中秋节的意义就是让家人聚在一起,享受赏月的时光。吃完晚饭后,家里的所有成员都会来到阳台坐下,欣赏月光,准备好零食。我们一起聊天,享受聊天的时间。我和家人都过得很愉快。

快乐的英语作文 篇9

  Tda we went t visit an rphanage.

  After having breafast hurriedl, I went alng with ther vlunteers. We t N.80 Bus at 9:30 a. When we arrived, we first gave ut se presents t the children, and then sang and danced with the. At nn we had lunch tgether with the children. After that we read the se stries. The children were als ver happ.

上海419论坛  We returned at 4:30 p. When I gt he, I felt ver happ althugh I was rather tired.










