

时间:2022-10-26 16:53:26 其他类英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛  在日复一日的`学习、工作或生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?下面是小编精心整理的高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。


  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇1

上海419论坛  The rain outside the window is ruthless, and the windows are played, and the sound of the drip is issued. I was sitting at the desk, lifting the head, looking at the scene outside the window, cant help but show a bitter laugh. The voice of parents arguing in the distance, hey, when can you share this kind of life. The tip of the feet is going to the door of my parents. I am listening to the quarrel inside. "Can you pass, cant be too far, drag what it means." Mothers harsh voice constantly recalls in my ear, at this moment, My world has completely collapsed. The head is fascinated by the room, lying on the cold bed. Looking at the three-port photo of the bed, the satisfaction of the smile will not appear again. From this time, I am a single familys child. "Mom, where are you going?" Looking at the mother dragged the heavy suitcase, shadow only from the room out of the room. But she didnt go back and disappeared in my sight. I low below, tears gradually slipped from the corners, telling my own sadness. "Yan Yu, come back, live with Dad", "Dads voice floated from the distance, I looked up at the head, looked at Dad, and I walked into the door. At the moment of the door, my heart door was completely blocked.

上海419论坛  Since then, my world has only yourself. Since then, I began to become silent and calm. The friends around me comforted me, I just loved, I didnt dare to believe anyone, the kind of heartbreaking, I dont want to have anything. After school, I walked in the noisy street, looked at the streets of the red wine, and my heart was still cold. Suddenly the ear floating a familiar melody, "Sunshine is always in the wind and rain, please believe that there is a rainbow." In an instant, my heart I didnt know why it was clear. Yes! Without the wind and rain around, how can you see a dazzling sunshine? No matter how violent storms will always stop, the Sunshine will always reappear. Even now I am in front of the difficulties, hesitate, confused. But there is a group of friends who care about my friends, with them, my heart is still warm! In everyones life, difficult heavy changes are the necessary roads in your growth. Maybe in someone else is very unfortunate, but I only understand myself, this is a challenge of fate. Only have a painful pain, will grow better! !

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇2

上海419论坛  Each of us grows slowly from a wow-down baby, and this growth process is slow and hard. At the beginning, we must learn to speak, learn to walk; later we have to learn to brush your teeth, learn to wear clothes; then, we must learn to write, learn to read; then, then, with age, we have to learn something becomes more and more More, know more and more, when you learn to a certain level, you know more, indicating that you are already moving towards a mature road. Since I left my family that day, I went to the school alone to start a host life. I know that I have matured. Because I learned to be separated from protected. I pulled my suitcase in hand, waved my family, bid farewell, and on the way. The sun is extremely slow, as if it is a warm embarrassment in the mountains. Yu Hui took photos on my face, I didn't go back, even if I was not willing.

上海419论坛  Every day, take care of my family, they are accompany me every day, from small to big, give me joy, give me warm, give me touch ... Let me grow healthy and happy. But I am very clear in my heart, even if I don't want to be ignorant, I will leave them later, leave them, leave the harbor, starting my life adventure. Only by personally experience the big wind waves, I will experience the sweetness of growth. I learned to get out of protection, I am mature! Since the scene of the sports meeting, I fell to the ground, and I went to the beginning, I will know that I have matured. Because I learned to be strong and brave. Seeing the last half circle left, and other players have been behind me, I have thought that I am first. I am tired and excited, I am weak, I use my whole body strength. Suddenly, my left foot stagned my right foot, I haven't reflected it yet, I have already four feet. I feel the whole body sore, my knees have a warm current flow out - bleeding. I am immersed in unlimited pain. Suddenly, a gust flew from me, "Worse! More than being used." My heart is secretly complained. "No, I can't fall like this, can't be so easy to be more than others, I want to cheer!" I thought about it. Although I have been weak, I feel that there is a power from my heart to urinate me and inspire me. So, I will turn like this, and I have gone to the end. Although I became the third place, I was defeated. Because I really work hard, I didn't forget my goals when I was most painful, I didn't give up hard because of pain. I know how hard it is, the more strong, I have mature!

  After a year, I took out my old cockroach, I took out all my zero money to give him, I know that I have matured. Because I have learned to help. The old man whipped, the hands and feet, wearing a shabby shirt, sitting on a shabby newspaper, put a shabby bowl in front of him, there are several change in a bowl. Then, that is miserable, that helpless, let me feel extra eye. I instantly got a pity, I would like to help him, and the only thing I can do is given him money. I took a bag, just had money-10. Maybe enough for himA few meals.I walked over and gently put the banknotes into the shabby bowl.I saw the excitement of the old frying 10 yuan, as if it was a big fortune.He looked up at me, the eyes put the golden light, it was grateful, excited.Seeing him so happy, I am happy to laugh.I know helping others, happiness, I am mature!Ripe in growth, growing in maturity.Always grow, have been mature; have been mature, have been growing.

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇3

  Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu has a sentence of thousands of antiques - "Reading to break 10, the pen is like a god." It means that only a large number of reading can get rich knowledge, write a good poetry, Cheng Yushen! Books, especially the extracurricular book, full of infinite charm for me! Books, like a boat, carrying us in the ocean in knowledge; book, like a ladder, lead us to climb the peak of knowledge; The sky is free to fly! When I was young, I didn't like reading. But once, I opened a "small book" inadvertently, I only watched the two pages, I was deeply attracted by the rich and multi-cultivated picture and the twisted plot.

上海419论坛  I think the book is so charming, so magical and wonderful, I seem to be guilty of a wonderful myth world, I can't extricate themselves. Slowly, with the growth of age, my appetite is getting bigger and bigger, the story book, the writing book, the name of the literature, etc. I have nothing to read. In the thousands of worlds in the book, I learned some of the skills; I understand what is really good and false; I also learned about the history of our motherland culture and profoundness. Reading "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" makes people feel angry for the treacherous villain, and a hero's long-awaited discouragement makes people feel proud; reading "the old man and the sea" make people feel "people can be eliminated, but not Beat "This great spirited spirit;" thinking about how steel is refined ", people feel like climbing Xuefeng, feeling the strength of Qingsong in the cold wind, the unyielding of the red plum, more and more, For a while, a snow lotus put into your horizon.

上海419论坛  For a while, a green grass will reflect your grunge, the life on this snow is the concentration of the Paul's spirit, the snow lotus green grass in the cold wind, the unyielding and strong life of life Deeply fix it on the snow, let people really feel the meaning of living, and understand how people 's life should spend. Book, my favorite, my friendly friend, let us stay in life.

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇4

  "Wow!" With a cry, we came to this world. Open your eyes, full of Zhang Xiyi, we waved the little arm, greet this world, we move his head tooth dental language, adapt to this world, we can't fall into this world, based on this world ... Newmily, Just like the shirt of the night, it contains unlimited expectations. The morning sun is beautiful.

上海419论坛  As we have two lovely little scorpions carrying the books on the way to go to school, Tong Zhen, cute. We learned "1 + 1" in the classroom, and the sun is warm in the outside. We were chasing playing in the playground, and the sun nourished with a dew grass.

上海419论坛  We were satisfied with the nutrition lunch. The morning sun shines on the earth, and the child is playing! The sun in the morning is already hot. At this time, we also have our own ideas. Always like the future, always like to secretly talk about the small gossip between the classmates, always like to go home with the sunset slowly after school. Ah! The sun in the morning, your heart has a delusion, that's beautiful, so innocent! We are arrogant,张, rebellious, sensitive, Zhang mad, just like the sun, the sun is so sweat, but there is no way.

上海419论坛  We can don't go home for a day, you can do homework at home one day; we can have no time to travel with classmates, teachers, and parents, can also be in touch with them, there is a laughter ... We never care about others' vision, just Walking to our way. We can do two ribs for friends, you can also study hard for your family ... say that our newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger, not self-strength. In short, we are us, once it turns a character, it is not us! Under the Strike, a group of teenagers have passed the laughter, giving people an indelible impression. Sunlight, will also change, we will grow.

  When we went to China, when we looked back this brilliant experience, I believe that our mouth will definitely appear full of pride and pride! Grow with the sun. New students in the dawn, slowly go when the sunset falls ...

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇5

上海419论坛  When I was a child, I had a beautiful pattern. Although I met the words, I didn't look at the pleasing picture. The beautiful person can always make me feel happy. After coming, the comics is a book with a book, even if I know this is not true.The sweet love story of the green love has always let me want to go. Non-wrong. With the fun of learning the burden, the fun of the comics has been gradually forgets to come into a magazine who throws everywhere. It is when I want it, even if there is an emergencyWhen you don't need it, you will not walk away.

  I don't look at it in my eyes. Now I am a pleasant reason comic's sweet memory, I am awaken comics into a roll of life. I have a broken heart. It is brave when it is a burst.It teaches me to strengthen it has become a part of my life, magical full of fantasy, rich and vital - comics!For comics, we must see, to learn to experience, to remember that many ordinary things can be awakened and take an amazing image when we need it.

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇6

  The turbulents of history, turning out of the sun and moon; rivers and rivers, pitch, is already spring and summer autumn and winter. The circulation of the years, sculpting the descendants of the past, blended the old-shabby industrial zone into today's high-tech production area, and put the simple folk customs accumulated into a unique Tsuki civilization. History, witness the growth of the coast. Binhai, the trend of the times, grasping the economic boiling, with green development as the concept, to improve the quality of life of the people, to draw a harmonious policy, in the era of the rapid development of the motherland, struggle, full display The charm of itself, develops into a new city that will uniformly and harmonious economic construction and environmental protection. The coast in my eyes is a rapid development.

  Listening to Grandma Grandma said that there are only the roads of the coastal in the reform, all of the roads are paved, and the vehicles on the street are not as forms now. Only bicycles or motorcycles are driving, and the building we live is no longer Gaotown in the cloud, only a flat room. The equipment in the room is also different from now that is so novel, only a simple wooden table, wooden bench and wooden bowl and other supplies, and only fire fires when cooking. The TV has only black and white screens. Today, I saw the city's wide road, the highway side of the lush trees, the towering building and the city's building are so new. I saw that people were in an orderly manway in the sidewalk, people came to people, and they were endless. I saw a continuous motorcycle on the cement road, the car, the motor vehicle lane, and the electric car was driving. Standing over a height, you can see: the new villas with different styles are arranged in a square. Bank, hotel, national tax, land tax building, insurance building ...鳞栉. Presenting the children of our 21st century is a blueprint that advances to the times, keeps pace, the sun.

  Mom is always talking to me. Grow up. Every Binhai face blooms like a flower smile, interpreting the joy of material civilization and spiritual civilization synchronization. Every field visitors are amazing, and we convey us the sound of rapid growth in the New Sea New Area. Driven on the wide avenue, see the beautiful residential building, the large factory, business, is so completed in the green green. Harmony builds a beautiful picture here; harmony is in this child into a moving movement; harmony has sprouting here, giving birth to a large tree of life. This tree firmly roots in this deep love land, in the red breath, standing in the hot passion in the Olympics, standing into top-standing postures. The green leaves of the tree are flying in the wind. At this moment, we feel that the coastal new district, listens to the harmonious development of moving poems. Today we grow in the beautiful Hanyu, the proud of the coastal new district. We are happy in this hot soil, growing, tomorrow, our generation will continue to work hard, longDacheng talents, waiting for us to be full, will come back to build a Binhai New Area, add bricks in the development of Binhai New Area, so that the Binhai New Area will be more brilliant, so that the Binhai New District is proud.what!I am proud of myself!

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇7

  We share, we share, we join hands with the book sea, we should shoulder the game, we sent the sunset, we greet hope.In the face of difficulties, we are not afraid. In the face of frustration, we are tenacious, we are the eagle, not afraid of the wind.

上海419论坛  We are calming, not afraid of tiger.To the ideal, we went to the front, all the way to the song, all the way, shouting freedom, running out health, collecting happiness, happiness and vigorous growth.

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇8

上海419论坛  Mother's family background is not good, maybe your mother makes money, maybe your mother can't give you delicious dishes. But she is given to you is the best. That once, I really cried. At that time, I just came to Shilin Primary School. I just changed a school, I was not familiar, so I had a lot of students. When I sent a score, my points were very low, I went home, I cried.

上海419论坛  The mother called me out and asked me. After I was smoking, I thought that my mother would happen, but my mother knows, I didn't blame me, but I said to me: "Is it still not familiar with school, Slowly, it will be adapted. "But I am really uncomfortable, crying can't live." Mom is comfortable to comfort. Maybe your mother is like this, maybe my mother love, the world's most harmonious word. In the 12 years of my growth, my mother love has always been accompanied by me. Maybe your mother is this like this, when you are hard pain, she has been, next to you, never leave you. That time, I don't know what to cry, maybe my mother is comforted to me, let me touch it. In my growth, you have been getting old. Maybe, half of your youth is deprived of me. Your white hair, wrinkles, old scorpions, are born for me. Maybe, like other mother, there is 32 kinds of love for me, but you love my love, I will never forget, and I will always remember the heart. You love my love, I will love you in the future. Mom, 12 spring and autumn, you take care of me for 12 years, but I have never understood your heart, now, my daughter grows up, I also understand your pain. Forgive me, I don't know what I am childhood, I will have trouble. Mom, I love you.

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇9

上海419论坛  When the young eagle is large enough, the female eagle will drive the young eagle out of the hole and make the young eagle understand the flying. On the contrary, if you continue to stay in the cave, then the young eagle will die in the natural ecosystem of weak meat. Animals are still in this way, as a high animal, it should learn to grow in adversity. There is no wind and rain, and how will there be autumn maturity; there is no piercing cold wind, there will be pine cypress tough. In the adversity, don't be a matter of tyranny, how to overcome difficulties.

  The strong is optimistic and positive to greet it, and the weak will only become weak energy in the adversity. Charlotte Bronte's life is hard and magnificent, like the cactus flower in the sand, has experienced a failure, after he accepts a ridden ridden, she finally wrote "Jane Love", sensational literary circles Beethove, deaf, taunt on the black and white keys of the thorn, with the fingers, with the fingers, the door of the sacred "destiny", and wavy a glorious movement against the tenacious and bad. Sima moved in prison, endured the pain of the palace in prison, tolerant, hard, hard to complete the history of history - "Histori". ... My life is not everywhere.

  When I got good grades, I only greeted smile: "This grade should be." Success is slightly. "Although we can't compare with those celebrities, it has honened our will to make us stronger. "People's life, like floods in rushing, do not encounter islands, reefs, difficult to arouse the beautiful waves." The adversity is the cornerstone of success, people's life is wonderful because of setbacks, let us grow in adversity!

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇10

上海419论坛  During the growth process, it is not necessarily smooth, and in this process, you will have all sufferings. However, after all, there must be a bright sunshine waiting for you, you will think of it, all of which is worth it. The poet said that "the road is long and the road is long, I will go up and down", the road is coming out, the hardships only have a line of people.

上海419论坛  And how many philosophies are there on this bumpy life? Why is the road of life? Life is dead, love and hate, love. It is said that it is better to be in front of the light we think. We should grasp themselves, can't let we hit us. He will be our stumbling block to success. But sometimes, in different environments, he may also become our footstone. In life, sometimes it is difficult, that is, you will run a successful station. Successful people, encounter suffering, he will smile. Leave a smile to the pain, the pain will quietly slip away, because, in our hearts, there is no such thing as the corner of the sun, let him stop; leave a smile to evil, you will see evil to shake, because the evil is the most fearful It is your pure smile; leave a smile to be kind, they will carry forward; leave a smile to the weak, he will rise. Smiling, just just the corner of the mouth, maybe it is the domineering of the king.

上海419论坛  In the adversity, you will learn the philosophy of life, the adversity will grind your body, so that you will faster the road that has not been finished, maybe, in this process, you will experience Difficulties, you will experience the wind and rain, but think about the future, think about it, what is these? Adversely, in many people, this is a glare word, how many people will hate him, how many people have suffering! It is precisely because of this, he will make people can't forget him, engrave him into the bones. Growth in adversity, you will know more philosophy. You will take the ground to the tower of success!

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇11

  In the early winter season, I put the white garlic petals in a flower pot full of fertile soil, I hope that the garlic clip grows into garlic. Two days later, the moist soil cracked a shallow trench. I think this is definitely a little loneliness in the soil. I want to explore the little head and enjoy the beautiful natural scenery. I will carefully observe the soil changes on the balcony after school.

上海419论坛  Finally, one day, drilled out a row of rows in the soil, a line, color, tender and tender garlic seedlings, I was excited and happy, I have insisted on watering garlic, fertilizing daily. After another day, my cute garlic seedlings grow tall, he tall the body, the fine bones, wearing a light green shirt, with a pink rain boots standing in the wind, like some Soldiers in camouflage are all in the same time. Winter is coming, the small garlic seedling is like a child of the cotton coat, and the body is growing in the spring breeze. The body is tall, the garlic leaves are long, and some garlic seeds will not stand the waist.

  I thought about it, I originally shaking sentry, how can I grow a shy little girl? I pulled out a garlic. I found that the white garlic is gone, the garlic seedlings are a round small mole, which is much larger than the roots like a beard. Mom said that this is the root of garlic seeds. It is deeply tied in the soil and provides nutrition and moisture for the growth of garlic. In the summer, the garlic seedlings slowly turned yellow, the soil cracked, and it took a garlic.

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇12

上海419论坛  The ancients said: "Square people, books." I like it next to the bookshelf, sniffing the fragrance of the golden round, gently open a page of the book, into the elegant mood; I prefer in the sun Strolling in the morning, the taste given by the taste. In the past, I always quarrelly, I had to tell me the story. After I just learned to recognize words, I can't wait to run to the bookshelf of kindergarten, and I am looking for a less skilled "Black Cat Sheriff" story. Now, I grew up, or the same love reading book - desperately delayed the time before going to bed. On the way long, you need to read every moment. The book is our spiritual food, which can be chemically driven by the spirit of life. Every time I am idle, I am don't release the volume, constantly enrich your own leisure time, because the book is my good friend. The book gave the reader who hoped selfless dedication, which made me entered another joyful country and mysterious ocean. He made me know what is good, evil, justice, evil in the book, let me know the rise and fall of history and peace, and the unity and disaster of the nation. It hits me like a piece of iron stone, I will not release it, I will love it, I am laughing together, tears together, into their world, is my happiest thing ... book, newspapers, make me sit At home, you know the things in the world, and constantly encourage me ...

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇13

  On the way to grow, there is always a few different memories all the way, but it also has bitter tastes, and there is also a trouble, and I have been sad. Growth is varied, but let us remember its name. Perhaps, people have been growing, at the end of their lives, just have died, we have been running forward, there have been moments to stop for the scenery of the road, and have to make us short-term due to trouble Time to stay. Growing is a marathon. Everyone is a natural actor, and we have a bit drop in the growth process, it is an image of a long-distance recall. Last year, I was twelve years old, a unique age, with every child's unique nature; last year, I was a sixth grade primary school student, and there was a sadness of every graduate; last year, I have to leave this stage of learning.

上海419论坛  There are every student to the future; last year, I have to take the corner of this campus without helplessness, and there is every person. We have gone in the sixth year, but we have to go to another new starting point. We are classmates, we are friends, we are teachers and students. Each of us is just a passer in a personal life, we have to accompany them to have gone through a short trail. Because, in their lives, there is more exciting, more unique part, some people have said to me: "Maybe, after many years, you forget someone, but you must remember someone." Yes, we all It is a boat, just like Tian Xiaofi, we are all caught a boat. Although there is roses and green, but who can forget those who have an impact on their own growth? We have never forgotten, just put those past memories, all in the memory of memory, wait until a day, at a certain moment, gently open it, maybe it will be closed, maybe, will let it have been driving......in the graduation ceremony, everyone is not crying. We are laughing, the smile in the sun is the beautiful, think of the angel face, we just look up and look at the sky, hidden the blood of the eye, we left The other party's contact information and blessings, once again, sing together, singing the song that belongs to our graduation, or the familiar face, the familiar expression, but a little inexplicable. "The beginning of the beginning, we are all children, the last final, eager to become angel, songs, hiding a fairy shadow, children's children, what to go ..." After three years, I will still be again again Leaving the campus belonging to my campus, but I never regret, because we have met at least, it is the best fate, we should be happy, we know at least, not a strange man who should shoulder Perhaps, the growth of years will let us return to the intersection that I have walked together.

上海419论坛  Maybe, the growth of years will let us return to the memories that once let us laugh together, maybe, after many years later Growth, will let us return to the original paradise, maybe, how long it will grow, will let us... grow more, growth is a tangible bottle, acidSweet and bitter, never lack, it is because it has too many colors and tastes, it will make life colorful, maybe, today's separation will make you sad, but you have to remember, this is growingOne flavor, learn to taste fine.Wipe dry tears, with a smile to face better tomorrow, tomorrow, and a miracle dance...

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇14

  The birds are happy in the sun, and the flowers are open in the sun, and I also grow up healthily in the sun. Back to the first long growth road, I have never lacking the sun and rain. I grow in the sun because I have a classmate.

  In the campus, we learn together and live together. Once, I forgot to bring the money of the school, and the urgent group turned. This money must be paid on the morning, and I can go home at noon. Just as my heart is burned, the students know my situation and help me find a way. The classmates are stringent, and the change they bring on their body will help me pay for the school! I am very touched.

  Although everyone may have some small friction in the weekdays, never remember, at the critical moment, I always remember that I am a part of this family, I will extend my own assistance. I am happy with this warm classmate. I grow in the sun because I have a teacher. As the saying goes, the day is a teacher, and it is a father. Without the teacher, I will definitely have my achievements today. I remember once, my test score is close to the bottom in the class, I know that I shouldn't, I am sorry, I am also sorry for my parents.

  I lost my confidence and hope for myself. Who knows, the teacher took the initiative to find me and help me analyze the reason and encourage me. I understand that I should not be, I only have to go through a failure. So I learned to put more energy into the study. After that, I didn't let the teacher disappointed. Dear teacher, your red love, how many confused, how much confidence is nurtured, ignite how many youth, and destroy how many sails. Under your education, I grow up happy. I grow in the sun because I have parents. I born, my parents are my first teacher. It is the hardships that I have worked hard and cultivate adults. No matter how much it is, they are all my warmest harbor; no matter what is wrong, they will be carefully educated me. There are them, it is my true home.

  Under your influence, I will grow up. Because I have you, my life is full of sunshine. I am growing in the sun!

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇15

上海419论坛  The long river of the years gradually passed, I have gone through the ten stars in this year. In this year, I made a very small friend. It accompanied me through the wind and rain, and I fell. At the time of my five or six years old, the little book of the exquisite picture, often made me curious, "Mom, what is this little thing?" "Silly children, this is a book." "Book?" Since then, I will gradually fall asleep every night, and the book has gradually entered my life. Slowly, simple picture books have not met my desire to book, then I am nine years old, ten years old, more and more books, let me enrich the knowledge, open the field of view: "Three Kingdoms Romance" I know that the intelligence and courage of the ancients, let me know the ancient Chinese knowledge; "childhood", I will unconsciously and tears for the pain of the Russian people; read "Moon Gem", I will follow things The development surprised, sentimental, the greed of human nature is unsatisfactory; reading the "peas of the window", I also feel happy with the child's innocent.

  Now, the book is not counting for me. He let me pay attention to every little thing in life, every change, every point of discovering; he let me write a post that the article is not hands, but "the pen is like a god"; He made me no longer a short-shallow little sparrow, but the eagle that can be happy. I am willing to grow in the ocean of books, and I will break out of my own world. Standing at the heights, looking back in the past drip, in the long river, who is my good friend, maybe not my friend, maybe there is book to accompany me.

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇16

上海419论坛  Friday, September 23, Qing, I heard that garlic can still grow garlic! I am very curious, I want to prepare some garlic observation to observe how it grows with garlic. After the home, I found out our garlic, then burst the garlic, put them together with the toothpick, then put it in one of us to eat, let them all in the bowl, so as to avoid them . Sleeping time is here, but I don't want to go to sleep, because I worry that the garlic is long when I fall asleep, so I can't see the growth process of garlic seedlings. Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, I got a bed early morning, I can't wait to come to my desk to observe the changes of garlic. I saw some short and white irrigo, but I didn't look at it. I feel so regretted to garlic seedlings, because I have never seen how I have grown. But good in garlic has not grown garlic seedlings.

上海419论坛  If I still have the opportunity to see how garlic seedlings are long, I look forward to it! Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, today I found that the garlics of all the garlic have become smaller, they smoked together, see if it is dead, but the top of the garlic has explored the yellow green small head. About seven millimeters, and the white and thin stones at the bottom are also growing, I am so happy, the garlic finally grows with garlic. On Monday, September 26, I went home, I couldn't wait to go home to see my gaburt seedlings, garlic seeds have become long, it has become green green. It's like a little girl wearing a tender green dress, so cute, I look forward to it will grow up. Tuesday Tuesday, September 2, I found that the garlic next to those next to the garlic seedlings, they were half yellow, very cute, like a banana, still like a little kid. Some of the son of the bottom have become yellow, some have been rotten, they are no longer as white as before, and the skin of garlic is thick, it seems very strong. I am so happy, and I am looking forward to growing up quickly.

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇17

  A bowl of white porridge, it requires salt to look delicious; a cup of coffee, it requires a sugar to accompany the accompanying part to more fragrant; a plate of cuisine, it requires the seasoning of soy sauce to taste delicious. Growth, is its essence not tasteless? We have to live a wonderful, can only be a little flavor like a vegetable, excitation the colorful color. Add salt, not in the dark. Learn, becoming our students' fate. It will sometimes be very boring, just that a transcript, it is like a bowl of white porridge, tasteless. However, people who know how to live do it as a pleasure, because it has a new side at that time, it becomes more and more sweet. Participate in extracurricular activities, read Chinese and foreign names, swearing the science and technology sea, explore historical culture - these are delicious salts. Because of your interest, we have the motivation of learning, because of the motivation, we have the efficiency of learning, the growth of learning, no longer dull. Adding sugar, entertainment, everyone has their own hobbies, growing because this piece is "sugar".

  A week of nervous learning, in exchange for two days of rest. I can't say that it is worry-free, because it is another big exam small entrance examination. But in these two days, why bother yourself too tight, bury his head? Sit down and drink a cup of tea, listen to music, or still ask friends to take a walk, go to the bookstore, look at magazines ... grow because there is such a leisure moment, there is a good memory, because there is such a little relaxation and more powerful Welcome to the next week, such as coffee, a spoonful of sugar, so that growing sweet. Plus bitter melon seeds, first bitter, sweet growth needs to challenge. Of course, it has successful failure, we should dare to add a bit of bitter gourd seeds, slowly taste. Running - hard work, learning - Filling, they are difficult to surpass, because they all "bitter". But we will only let the hardships to win, let's get the sweetness of us in a little bit? The growth needs to be bitter, and then sweet. Just like Hairuan Keller, courage to cross everything, and finally waters. Growth, there is a lot of many, but the most basic, we must know how to add suitable flavoring agents in different times, right?

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇18

  With the same blue sky, you have me, there is also him! There is such a group of people around us, they eat simple, flush, and even some rustic. Some people look down on them, but they still work hard, do those dirty, very tired carefully. It is to give a good life to my parents who are far away from others. There are many children of this group of people around me, they have a common name - the children of migrant workers. There are many such students around me. For the sake of livelihood, their parents go out to work. Without the classmates around you, they naturally didn't rely on their parents, they have to take a lot of housework alone.

上海419论坛  Some even have their own laundry cooking, or helped grandparents to feed pigs, feeding chicken, etc. So, for the same age, they have to have much hard work. A good friend Lili, she is the child of migrant workers. In order to maintain the life inside, her parents, for her and her brother, they went to Guangxi to work in Guangxi, and only grandmother, brother and her. She is very diligent, and I am very sensible. Because you have to do a lot of housework, she will have a lot of time with my friends. She looked very lonely, but when I chatted with her, she said: "In fact, you have your group of friends who will accompany me. And I know that my parents go to work, I can get my brother. I'm going to school.

  I will understand them, and I will study hard, give them a surprise in my grades. "I touched her words, nose acidic acid. On the one hand, I admire her strength and courage. On the other hand, I thought of my parents, and their concern is not much. Although Lili did not say her loneliness, I know from her words, in fact, there is no parent to don't have a good day, she does need teacher, classmates, and help, I should also help her do something, let her Multi-point and small friends have fun as happy as us.

上海419论坛  In recent years, the children of migrant workers have been attached to the high level of leaders, and these leaders have sent them warmth and sent happiness. Recently, our school also held "Caring for migrant workers' children and daily subsidies for three yuan money nutrition meals, which makes my good friend very touched.

  So I think: migrant workers and our lives, they also Should be as happy as us, happy life, although they lack their parents' care, but they have the care of teachers, leaders, and society, can also be very happy. I believe that migrant workers will not be subject to people. Discrimination, they will be like us, happy life, healthy growth, they will fly in this blue sky!

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇19

  Growing is like a colorful flower, accompanied me to walk through the path of childhood. Some is happy, some are distressed, some are sad, some is sad, some are painful, everyone's growth is different.

  Everyone's growth has some unforgettable things. I also had. Just then say it. At that time I was nine years old. I remember that is a Sunday. I and my mother and my brother have a young mother. Dad said to make hot springs, I don't know what is hot? I am very curious, what is the hot spring? I have been thinking about a problem along the way? When I arrived, I realized what the hot spring was, the hot spring added something in hot water, such as: petals, and some leaves, etc. I first saw the hot spring. I first put the feet into the water.

上海419论坛  I feel hot in the foot. I want to be so shallow. I should go down. But I still don't dare to go, I see them all, I will take the courage. I put my feet at a little bit, and I was floating on my body.

  I feel interesting. At that time, I think a person must try it, don't stop the footsteps. Be sure to try, otherwise you have been transferred in place, others can you.

  高中英语作文:拥有痛,才会成长 篇20

上海419论坛  The more I grow old, the more I become lonely.

上海419论坛  When I was a kid , I don’t know what is lonely. I stayed with my parents who arranged everything for me. I needn’t consider anything. My mother was my good company. She could always understand me and comforted me when I was sad. My elder brothers and sisters often took me out to play. And I also had several good friends. We often played games and watched cartoons together with a free heart. At that time, I was very happy.

上海419论坛  However, as I grow old, many things have changed. My brothers and sisters have their work and family. They don’t have time to take me out. And I enter the high school . I leave my home and come to study in a vocational school. Now I have to stay at school and have to separate from my parents .I have to learn how to arrange my life by myself. My former friends also have gone to different schools. We can’t play together now and seldom contact with each other. My present classmates around me are always busy with their own things. In order to go to a good university, we have to study hard . I often feel lonely.

  Now I am accustomed to study alone. In loneliness, I begin to put my heart into my study which increase my knowledge; In loneliness, I have to overcome many difficulties on my own which makes me independent.. In loneliness, I have to get down to think that how I should be responsible for myself and my future and then I learn how to bear responsibility.

  Loneliness is a flower , it can create a colorful life. Loneliness is a sword, it temper a strong personality. Loneliness is a light, it will illuminate every tomorrow.

  In loneliness I become more and more mature.

上海419论坛  So standing here, I will say loudly the more I grow old, the more I feel lonely, and the more I become strong.









