
介绍中国画 Introduction to Chinese painti

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介绍中国画 Introduction to Chinese painting


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Dear David :


上海419论坛  Hows everything going? As your birthday is drawing near, Ive prepared a gift for you. Its a Chinese painting bamboo, which I specially drew for you.


  In Chinese culture, bamboo carries many best wishes and excellent qualities. On one hand, it stands straight and stays green all year round, so its always full of life. I wish you as strong and energetic as a bamboo. On the other hand, its hard outside but hollow inside. If compared to a bamboo, one is usually considered to be strong-willed and modest. All in all, we use bamboo to represent a noble and gentle person.

上海419论坛  在中国文化中,竹子承载着许多美好的祝愿和优良的`品质。一方面,它站得笔直,一年四季都是绿色的,所以它总是充满活力。祝你身体强壮,精力充沛。另一方面,它外表坚硬,内部空洞。如果与竹子相比,人们通常认为它意志坚强,谦虚。总之,我们用竹子来代表一个高贵而温柔的人。

  I hope you like the gift and wish you a happy birthday.

上海419论坛  我希望你喜欢这份礼物并祝你生日快乐。


上海419论坛  你的,

  Li Hua


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