

时间:2022-01-29 20:08:27 其他类英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛  在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是小编整理的一堂英语作文3篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。


一堂英语作文 篇1


上海419论坛  今天,我特意把自己打扮的漂亮一点。来到教室没多久,老师就叫我们收拾东西,去小报告厅上课。于是我们来到了小报告厅,hello c已经在那里等我们了。开始上课,因为后面坐着许多听课老师,我的头皮阵阵发麻,也许是紧张的表现吧?也许这是真的,每次我都知道老师提出问题的答案,但是我的手仿佛有千斤重,怎么也举不起来。终于有一次,我举起了手,老师马上叫了我,尽管5秒钟就能完成回答,但我的.心还是像要从喉咙里跳出了一样!吓死我了。


一堂英语作文 篇2

上海419论坛  今天又要上我最喜欢的英语课了。


上海419论坛  接着,老师教我们认识新单词,大家伙跟着老师认真地读:“香蕉是bɑnɑnɑ,熊是beɑr,小鸟是bird,床是bed……”学习新词后当然少不了做练习,大家拿出练习册,全神贯注地写了起来。此时的我“下笔如有神”,不到一分钟就写完了练习题。老师给我批改,结果全对。老师不仅给我打了100分,还加了三颗闪亮的小星星呢!我开心得快要飞上天!



上海419论坛  不知不觉中就下课了。这堂课有趣吧?真期待下堂英语课的到来啊!

一堂英语作文 篇3

上海419论坛  ive had quite a lot of lessons in my school life. among them the one given by an american young man is the most unforgettable.

上海419论坛  it was on tuesday morning in may. our teacher told us all of a sudden that an american would give us an english lesson. then in came a young man. he greeted us in english and then began his class. it was quite different from those we had before. during the whole class he taught us several

上海419论坛  english songs, played games with us and helped us act out a dialogue. he neither taught us english grammar rules nor asked us to do lots of written eercises. he was not serious at all. he was always smiling at each of us.happy time was always short. before we knew it, the class was over. we took a photo with our american teacher in the classroom.

上海419论坛  i will never forget his smile, his songs and everything he had done in his class.

  ive had many lessons in my school life. among them the one given by an american young man is the most unforgettable.

上海419论坛  in his class, the american teacher neither taught us english grammar rules nor asked us to do lots of written eercises. he just played games with us, taught us several english songs and helped us act out a dialogue.above all, he was not serious at all. he was always smiling at each of us.it was quite different from those we had before. however, it was strange that all of the students grasped what they learned in class.

上海419论坛  i will never forget his smile, his songs and everything he had done in his class.










