

时间:2024-06-19 12:04:56 许清 其他类英语作文 我要投稿






上海419论坛  Suppose the university newspaper is invitingsubmissions from the students for its comingedition ona campus event that has impressed themmost.

上海419论坛  假设大学的报纸邀请学生们为它在校园里给他们留下最深刻印象的活动投稿。


  The campus is overwhelmed with thrill and excitement as students, faculty, and community members gather here to witness one of the most spectacular events of the year. The night is set to be a magical display of talent, creativity, and inspiration, leaving an unforgettable impression on all who attends.

  The event, named "A Night of Enchantment and Inspiration," promises an evening of captivating performances, thought-provoking presentations, and fantastic displays. As the sun dips below the horizon, the campus is transformed into a wonderland of lights, colors, and sounds, setting the stage for a novel and extraordinary experience.

上海419论坛  The event commences with a mesmerizing performance by the universitys dance troupe, whose graceful movements and artistic choreography cast a spell on the audience. Their performance is followed by a series of stirring musical acts, and each one showcases the incredible talents of those musicians.

  The highlight of the evening is a series of thought-provoking presentations by prominent speakers, whose words resonate deeply with the audience. They share their personal stories of triumph over adversity, offer words of wisdom and motivation, and make the crowd feel invigorated and motivated.

  The night culminates in a breathtaking display of fireworks that illuminate the sky and fill the air with a symphony of color and sound. As the last embers of light fades from the night sky, the audience depart with a renewed sense of wonder and inspiration.

上海419论坛  In a nutshell, the event is a testament to the creativity, talent, and spirit of the campus community, leaving a lasting impression on all who are fortunate enough to be in attendance. "A Night of Enchantment and Inspiration" proves to be a shining example of the transformative power of art, music, and the human spirit, and will be remembered for years to come as a highlight of campus life.


上海419论坛  校园里充满了兴奋和激动,学生、教职员工和社区成员聚集在这里,见证一年中最壮观的活动之一。这个晚上注定会是才华、创意和灵感的魔幻展示,给所有参与其中的人留下难忘的印象。


上海419论坛  活动以大学舞蹈团的迷人表演开始,他们优雅的舞姿和艺术的编排给观众带来了魔力。他们的表演后是一系列激动人心的音乐演出,每个演出都展示了音乐家们不可思议的才华。

上海419论坛  晚上的高潮是一系列发人深省的演讲,由杰出的演讲者分享。他们的话语深深地触动了观众,分享了他们在逆境中的胜利故事,传授智慧和激励,激发了听众的活力和动力。


上海419论坛  总而言之,这个活动是对校园社区的创意、才华和精神的见证,给所有有幸参与其中的人留下了深刻的印象。“魔幻灵感之夜”证明了艺术、音乐和人类精神的转化力量,并且将作为校园生活的一个重要亮点,为人们长久地铭记。


  Suppose your university newspaper is inviting submis- sions from students for its coming edition onwhat university impresses them the most.



上海419论坛  Opinions vary greatly when it comes to what in the university impresses you the most. But in my opinion, attending university leaves a lasting impression on students’ growth, and there are several aspects of university that impress me the most.

  First and foremost, the diversity of academic programs at universities is truly impressive. Universities offer a wide range of courses, allowing students to pursue their passions. This diversity encourages students to explore various disciplines, giving them a well-rounded education. Furthermore, it prepares students for future careers by providing specialized knowledge and skills.

上海419论坛  Another aspect that impresses me is the quality of faculty members at universities. Professors are experts in their fields and are passionate about their subjects. They are quite responsible for ensuring that students receive a high-quality education. Their dedication to teaching is truly inspiring.

上海419论坛  Moreover, the vibrant campus life is another remarkable aspect of university. The numerous extracurricular activities, such as clubs, sports teams, and cultural events, create a lively atmosphere. Participating in these activities not only helps students develop their interests but also fosters a sense of belonging.

  In conclusion, the diversity of academic programs, the quality of faculty, and the vibrant campus life are the most impressive aspects of university. Attending university offers a unique opportunity for personal and academic growth. Who can not cherish the opportunity to study in the university!


上海419论坛  在大学中给你最深刻印象的事情,不同人有不同看法。但在我看来,上大学对学生的成长留下了深刻的印象,大学有几个方面给我留下了深刻的印象。

上海419论坛  首先,大学提供的多样化学术课程确实令人印象深刻。大学提供广泛的课程,使学生能够追求他们的热情。这种多样性鼓励学生探索各种学科,为他们提供全面的教育。此外,它通过提供专业知识和技能来为学生未来的职业做准备。



上海419论坛  总之,学术课程的多样性、教师的素质和充满活力的校园生活是大学最令人印象深刻的方面。上大学提供了一个独特的机会,促进个人和学术的成长。谁不会珍惜在大学学习的机会呢!


上海419论坛  Suppose your university newspaper is inviting submissions from students for its coming edition onthe recent development of their hometown.

上海419论坛  假设你的大学报纸正在邀请学生为即将出版的关于他们家乡最近发展的版本投稿。


上海419论坛  In recent years, my hometown has undergone significant developments. Along with the growth of economy and society, more and more remarkable changes are brought to my hometown. Now, I will highlight some of these developments in my hometown.

  One of the most noticeable changes in my hometown is the development of infrastructure. New roads and bridges have been constructed, making traffic more convenient. The expansion of public transportation networks, including subway system, has made commuting more convenient and efficient.

  Moreover, my hometown has witnessed a significant effort to beautify the urban areas. Old buildings have been revitalized and transformed into modern ones. Parks, gardens, and green spaces have been created, promoting a healthier lifestyle. These improvements have not only enhanced the citys appearance but have also created a more pleasant living environment.

上海419论坛  Another notable development in my hometown is the rapid economic growth. New industries and businesses have emerged, creating job opportunities and boosting the local economy. More and more tourists also come to my hometown and visit the local museums and theaters.

上海419论坛  In conclusion, my hometown has undergone remarkable developments in various aspects. These changes have transformed it into a more dynamic city. I am proud to witness this transformation in my hometown.


上海419论坛  最近几年,我的家乡经历了显着发展。随着经济和社会的增长,我的家乡发生了越来越多显着的变化。现在,我将重点介绍一些家乡的发展。

上海419论坛  我家乡最明显的变化之一是基础设施的发展。新的道路和桥梁已经建成,使交通更加便利。公共交通网络的扩大,包括地铁系统,使通勤更加便利和高效。

上海419论坛  此外,我家乡见证了美化城区的重大努力。老建筑已经焕发了新生,变成了现代建筑。公园、花园和绿地已经建成,促进了更健康的生活方式。这些改进不仅提升了城市的外观,也创造了更宜人的生活环境。





上海419论坛  解析:套【议论文模板的话题型+新闻报道型模板】,议论文模板第一段以及第二段的句子,直接可以用来论述社区服务的对个人的帮助和作用,新闻报道模板的第二段和第三段刚好就是到养老院做志愿者的内容,分别为在养老院做了哪些志愿服务,以及这种志愿服务的意义,与题目“社区服务”是一样的。因此,考到卷1这个作文的同学,用我们作文模板上这两个模板结合来写这个主题,完全没有问题。

上海419论坛  卷2:网课的优缺点和改善建议





上海419论坛  Nowadays community service has been placed more importance in our society. As aging society and empty-nest elderly has been proliferating in the entire society, it calls for community service to assist in tending to the elderly and pre-school children.

  To ensure high-quality community service,relevant administrationshould take the lead in putting forward regulations and order to promote a cooperating environment, so that the community staff can better carry out their work, or engage more people to join their cause, for example, organizing voluntary team to help with caring for the elderly residents and pre-school children in the community. In this way, the community as a whole can enjoy a more harmonious and secured rapport, which serves as the basis of any possible development.

  Taking into account what has been mentioned, concerted efforts in the whole society are needed to promote the community’s ability to enhance their service.





  Nowadays community service has been placed more importance in our society. As aging society and empty-nest elderly has been proliferating in the entire society, it calls forcommunity service to assist in tending to the elderly and pre-school children.

  To ensure high-quality community service,relevant administrationshould take the lead inputting forward regulations and order to promote a cooperating environment, so that thecommunity staff can better carry out their work, or engage more people to join their cause, for example, organizing voluntary team to help with caring for the elderly residents and pre-school children in the community. In this way, the community as a whole can enjoy a moreharmonious and secured rapport, which serves as the basis of any possible development.

  Taking into account what has been mentioned, concerted efforts in the whole society are needed to promote the community’s ability to enhance their service.

上海419论坛  如今,社区服务在我们的社会中越来越受到重视。随着老龄化社会和空巢老人在整个社会中激增,它呼吁社区服务来帮助照顾老年人和学龄前儿童。




上海419论坛  Online learning has become an option because it provides flexible learning opportunities. This method has ensured that students do not get left behind on their academic study, however, some problems have also emerged during the course.

  Since online learning lacks interaction compared with face-to-face teaching, it requires more attention and concentration. Sometimes, students find it so demanding to keep concentrated, and finally turn to some irrelevant online resources instead of academic study. To make sure that they stay tuned, some monitoring software can be ordered to download to ensure they are not browsing other websites while taking online courses. The increasing time students spending in digital devices also pose problems to their health. Thus, schools should encourage their students to do regular exercises such as stretches and eye massages during the break, and some guiding handbooks can be a good start.

  The advance of technology should not come with the cost of loosing its original purpose, so does remote study. So we should do our utmost in doing away its possible detriments to the young.





上海419论坛  Having taken online classes for several years thanks to the development in technology, most students must have experienced both their benefits and drawbacks. Here are some pros and cons of online classes from my perspective.

  In terms oftheir advantages, online classes are convenient for not having limits in location, which saves students a lot ofcommutingtime. Also, most online classes offer video reviews for students to learn at their pace after class and thus improve learning effectiveness. Moreover, learning online alone ensures better attention as nochattyclassmates are there todistractyou. On the other hand, disadvantages still exist. Interaction is poorer, though students can still "communicate" by typing or videoconferencing, which, unfortunately, never equals face-to-face discussions. Besides,supervisionis difficult toimplementin online classes so academic progress is hard tomonitor. Finally, homework is often restricted to multiple-choice questions because its tough for teachers to mark questions of other types when online classesaccommodateplenty of students. This inevitablyunderminesin-depth learning.

上海419论坛  In order to avoid the shortcomings of online classes, its vital toapplythem on asmall scalewhile students must have a strong desire to learn and strongself-disciplineto manage their schedules.


上海419论坛  就它们的优势而言,在线课程不受地点限制,非常方便,为学生节省了大量的协作时间。此外,大多数在线课程都提供视频复习,让学生在课后按照自己的节奏学习,从而提高学习效率。此外,单独在线学习可以确保更好的注意力,因为没有仇恨的同学在那里管理你。另一方面,缺点仍然存在。互动较差,尽管学生仍然可以通过打字或视频会议进行“交流”,不幸的是,这永远不等于面对面的讨论。此外,在线课程中很难实施监督,因此学术进步也很难监控。最后,家庭作业通常只限于多项选择题,因为当网课容纳了很多学生时,老师很难标记其他类型的问题。这必然需要深入学习。



  Online learning has become an option because it provides flexible learning opportunities. This method has ensured that students do not get left behind on their academic study, however, some problems have also emerged during the course.

上海419论坛  Since online learning lacks interaction compared with face-to-face teaching, it requires more attention and concentration. Sometimes, students find it so demanding to keep concentrated, and finally turn to some irrelevant online resources instead of academic study. To make sure that they stay tuned, some monitoring software can be ordered to download to ensure they are not browsing other websites while taking online courses. The increasing time students spending in digital devices also pose problems to their health. Thus, schools should encourage their students to do regular exercises such as stretches and eye massages during the break, and some guiding handbooks can be a good start.The advance of technology should not come with the cost of loosing its original purpose, so does remote study. So we should do our utmost in doing away its possible detriments to the young.

  In conclusion, online courses offerflexibility and a wide range of options,but they also lack face-to-faceinteraction.To make the most ofonline learning, it is essential forlearners to be self-motivated,disciplined,and have the necessarytechnological resources.





上海419论坛  Recently, my university is conducting a survey to collect our opinions of online classes. Im going to summarize the students responses about the advantages and disadvantages of online courses, and give suggestions for improvement.Online courses have many obvious advantages. First of all, online courses make our learning more convenient and flexible, allowing us to overcome the limitations of time and space. In addition, through online courses, we have access to many quality educational resources. For example, we can listen to the lectures of teachers from many famous universities at home and abroad through the Internet.

  However, online courses also have some disadvantages. First, students may lack face-to-face communication with teachers and classmates to ask questions and get immediate feedback in class.

  In addition, online courses can be more challenging for some students who may struggle with self-discipline and self-motivation.In terms of improvements, I recommend that universities provide more opportunities for interaction and participation in online courses. In addition, I hope that universities can provide more resources and support for students with online learning difficulties.In conclusion, with some tweaks and improvements, online courses can be an effective tool for learning and education.

  Therefore, online courses are a new trend that we should embrace.



上海419论坛  此外,对于一些可能难以自律和自我激励的学生来说,在线课程可能更具挑战性。在改进方面,我建议大学提供更多的互动和参与在线课程的机会。此外,我希望大学能为有在线学习困难的学生提供更多的资源和支持。总之,经过一些调整和改进,在线课程可以成为一种有效的学习和教育工具。



上海419论坛  Friendship is an indispensable thing in our lives. On our long journey of life, we will encounter various people and make various friends. We should learn how to maintain good friendships with friends or classmates and experience the benefits that friendship brings to us.

上海419论坛  In daily life, we can demonstrate the good character of being helpful when our friends or classmates encounter difficulties, and comfort them when they are feeling down. This is beneficial for maintaining friendship between both parties.

上海419论坛  Having good friendships and getting along well and harmoniously with friends can help us achieve success in our studies. When encountering difficulties in learning, we can not only seek the help of teachers, but also seek the help of friends and classmates. Their answers are also the key to our success in learning. In addition, when encountering difficulties in life that you cannot solve, attentive and enthusiastic friends will also bring warmth to you, which will be something worth remembering for a lifetime.

上海419论坛  In short, friendship is an essential thing in our lives, and with it, our path of life can be smoother.




上海419论坛  简言之,友谊是我们生活中必不可少的东西,有了友谊,我们的生活之路就会更加平坦。


上海419论坛  Maintaining friendly relationships withclassmates is crucial for a positive andenjoyablejacademic experience. Hereare some key strategies to foster andsustain these relationship.

上海419论坛  Firstly, communication is essential.Actively listen to your classmates,showinterest in their thoughts, andengage inemeaningful conversations.Be approachable and open-minded,creating an environment whereeveryone feels comfortable expressingtheir ideas.

  Secondly, collaboration iskey. Participate in group projects andstudy sessions, offering your supportand contributing your skills. Byworking together, you can build strongbonds while achieving shared goals.Thirdly, show kindness and respect.Treat your classmates with empathy,understanding, and consideration.

上海419论坛  Celebrate their achievements and offera helping hand when ne d- smallgestures of support andencouragement go a long way innurturing friendly relationships. Lastly,be inclusive, Include everyone in classactivities, social gatherings, anddiscussions. Embrace diversity andappreciate different perspectives,fostering an inclusive and welcomingenvironment.

  In conclusion, by prioritizing effectivecommunication, collaboration,kindness, and inclusivity, you canmaintain friendly relationships withyour classmates. These connectionswill not only enhance your academicjourney but also create lastingfriendships and a positive learningervironment.

上海419论坛  与同学保持友好的关系对于获得积极和愉快的学习体验至关重要。以下是促进和维持这种关系的一些关键策略。

上海419论坛  首先,沟通是必不可少的。积极倾听同学的意见,对他们的想法表现出兴趣,并进行有意义的对话。平易近人,思想开放,创造一个让每个人都能舒服地表达自己想法的环境。



上海419论坛  总之,通过优先考虑有效的沟通、协作、友善和包容,你可以与同学保持友好关系。这些联系不仅会增强你的学术之旅,还会创造持久的友谊和积极的学习环境。

  英语四级作文 1

  At the picture depicts, a father told his son that he should read deeply rather than merely pursue the quantity of reading materials. It reflects that people tend to browse and scan e-books without stopping to ponder even one question. The way we read is so superficial that it arouses great concern in modern life.

上海419论坛  To be a better reader, we had better do as follows. For one thing, take notes about crucial details as we used to do. Taking notes can avoid the phenomenon that the more we read online or on smart phones, the less we seemed to memorize. For another, classics deserve to be savored by the contemporary people. For example, some classical novels can be read free on Kindle, which makes them popular among youngsters again. Whats more, if we did not make summaries from time to time, nothing that we learnt from e-books would truly be ours.

  In conclusion, when we enjoy digital reading, we should consciously conducts deep reading. Try our best to keep those good habits which are acquired in the process of paper reading, such as intensive reading and deep thinking.




  英语四级作文 2

  Today, it seems that nearly everyone is studying English, especially students. But what do they study English for? A survey made by a teacher at a university gives us some hints.

  The results of the survey suggest that students need English for different purposes. Most students learn English because they need to read English textbooks or journals or attend English lectures, while only a few students use it to talk to Englishspeaking visitors.attend_seminars.and write letters, etc. There are also some differences between economics students and engineering students. Compared with engineering students, economics students need to read English business textbooks and write reports in English.

上海419论坛  Therefore,from the result of the survey,we can see that the purposes students learn English for vary with the academic field students study in. Whatever the purposes are, one thing is certain: Students need English, and English teaching should be strengthened in universities.

上海419论坛  今天,似乎几乎每个人都在学习英语,尤其是学生。但是他们学习英语是为了什么?一位大学老师做的一项调查给了我们一些提示。

上海419论坛  调查结果表明,学生出于不同的目的需要英语。大多数学生学习英语是因为他们需要阅读英语课本或期刊或参加英语讲座,而只有少数学生使用它与讲英语的.访客交谈、出席研讨会、写信等。经济学学生和工程学学生之间也有一些差异。与工科学生相比,经济学学生需要阅读英语商务教材并用英语撰写报告。


  英语四级作文 3

  Nowadays more and more parents are eager to send their children to study abroad before they finish high school by whatever means and at whatever cost.It is quite understandable for parents to send their children to study overseas because they place high expectations on their children. They are encouraged by the success stories of those who have completed their overseas study.

  With the development of economy, companies and institutions at home are giving more and more emphasis on overseas experiences, too. Consequently, pursuing overseas study became a kind of short cut in gaining a better future. Moreover, there is still one underlying reason for this rush-economic reason. The rapid economic progress in the past few years in China has enabled more and more parents to afford the huge cost for their children’s overseas study.As for me, overseas study is surely a helpful way to get both advanced knowledge and necessary experiences, but overseas study at an early age is neither necessary nor benef1cial. The students may be too young to either tend for themselves or think for themselves. I do think that overseas study can contribute to one’s self-improvement, but it’s better to be pursued after one has finished his college study at home, when he is more capable of learning and living on his own.


上海419论坛  随着经济的发展,国内的公司和机构也越来越重视海外经验。因此,出国留学成为获得更好未来的捷径。此外,造成这种匆忙的经济原因还有一个根本原因。过去几年,中国经济的快速发展使越来越多的父母能够负担起孩子出国留学的巨额费用。对我来说,出国留学无疑是一种既有助于获得先进知识又有必要经验的方式,但早年出国留学既没有必要,也没有好处。学生们可能太年轻了,既不能照顾自己,也不能独立思考。我确实认为海外学习有助于一个人的自我提升,但最好是在国内完成大学学习后继续学习,这样他更有能力独立学习和生活。

  英语四级作文 4

  Do high grades imply excellent ability? Opinions vary from person to person. Some agree that high grades reflect high intelligence and are thus indicative of ones ability. Students who do well in exams are therefore always favored in class. Others hold that grades have little to do with ones ability.

  They point out that some students who do not work well in school may also make great achievements. They take Edison for example, saying that Edison was considered not clever by his primary school teacher, but became a very famous inventor later. In my view, grades are important for us students. When people have no other ways to assess our ability, they can decide whether we are qualified for a school place or a position only from our grades. Therefore, we must try to achieve high grades in school, even though they are not the only standard for our abilities.



  英语四级作文 5

上海419论坛  Doctors are often confronted such a choice: to lie or not to lie to their patient. Studies show that they often believe it is reasonable to lie for the patients own sake. Most doctors believe that the seriously ill do not want to know the truth about their condition, and if they tell them the truth, they may lose their hope. Because of such a belief, many doctors may tell “white lies” to their patients. But now facts are proving that these doctors are wrong.

上海419论坛  Actually, an overwhelming majority of patients do want to know the truth. We are also learning that truthful information can help patients deal with their disease if we tell it in a proper way. Lies cannot help the patients. Besides, they invade their autonomy and make them unable to make sound decisions. Lies also do harm to those who tell them, their colleagues and the entire medical profession. Therefore, we need to debate this issue openly and put an end to professional deception.

上海419论坛  医生经常面临这样的选择:对病人撒谎还是不撒谎。研究表明,他们经常认为为了病人自己而撒谎是合理的。大多数医生认为,重病患者不想知道自己病情的真相,如果他们告诉他们真相,他们可能会失去希望。正因为如此,许多医生可能会对病人说“善意的谎言”。但现在事实证明这些医生是错的'。


  英语四级作文 6

上海419论坛  It is reported by the World Luxury Association that by 2012 China will have been expected to be the biggest trade and consumer center of luxury goods. And this provokes a heated discussion.

  There are many factors that have stimulated this great change of consumption value. First of all, the rising of living standard enables people to afford the luxury goods. Secondly, owing to the high quality and famous designer, consumers prefer luxuries as long as the goods meet their needs in terms of aesthetics or collection value. Last but not least, it is vanity that derives more and more people to buy luxury goods. Consumers prefer so much to imitate their idols like pop stars that they just blindly pursue the trend and label themselves as rich.

  As a college student, I am supposed to buy what I can afford. I’ll take the factors like style , quality and design into consideration, regardless of whatever the brand is.


上海419论坛  有许多因素刺激了消费价值的巨大变化。首先,生活水平的提高使人们买得起奢侈品。其次,由于其高品质和着名的设计师,消费者更喜欢奢侈品,只要商品在美学或收藏价值方面满足他们的需求。最后但同样重要的`是,正是虚荣促使越来越多的人购买奢侈品。消费者更喜欢像流行歌星一样模仿偶像,所以他们只是一味地追求潮流,给自己贴上富人的标签。


  英语四级作文 7

上海419论坛  In recent years, second-hand transactions have become quite common. Nowadays there are more and more secondhand goods in the market, such as secondhand books, furniture, appliances, cars, and so on. Why do so many people like to buy secondhand goods? The following reasons can account for this phenomenon. Above all, secondhand goods are cheaper than new ones. This enables those people who have poor financial abilities to buy the things they want.

  Moreover, secondhand goods transactions make it possible for people to make good use of the goods which may be useless in their hands. Besides, Internet provides a more convenient and quicker transaction platform for secondhand goods. However, there are also some problems in secondhand goods transactions. For one thing, the quality of secondhand goods can not be promised and you can not enjoy the good after-sale service. For another, secondhand goods market lacks enough supervision and management, and there exist many dishonest business activities. In a word, I think secondhand goods transaction is a good trading way, but it needs further perfection of the rules.



  英语四级作文 8

  Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness.

上海419论坛  But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can’t be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.

  I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can’t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can’t buy happiness.



上海419论坛  我认为钱对生活至关重要,我们离不开钱。但是,即使金钱是生活所必需的,它也买不到幸福。幸福不是用金钱来衡量的。这是一种心态。一个人可以有很多钱,用这些钱他可以买任何他想买的东西,同时他也不高兴,因为他从来都不满意,或者他被各种各样的问题困扰着。因此,尽管金钱是幸福生活所必需的,但它买不到幸福。

  英语四级作文 9

  When a variety of problems plague the information systems, the critical importance of information security becomes the focus of peoples concern. It does deserve the emphasis. It is widely accepted that information security, to some extent, outweighs other spheres in the field of information. So the related authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations place the high priority on it. Information Security concerns a range of problems- information interception, loss, damage etc.

上海419论坛  Business and military information leakage will have an devastating impact. For the information owners and monitors, they must drive their efforts to enhance the security protection and maintenance. For example, a strict control over the access to the secret data shouldnt be absent. The network and software provider should take a set of tailored protection measures targeting different computer crimes. The security issues should be also considered at the legislative level, so we are clamoring for a law designed to clamp down on various cyber crimes.



  英语四级作文 10

  A recent investigation shows that about 80 percent of pupils have private tutors.Such a popular practice indicates that people are attaching greater importance to education. Many parents, for various reasons, missed the chance of obtaining a good education. When their children meet with difficulties in study, they are helpless. Private tutoring is the only solution. As private tutoring is usually one-to-one, the teacher knows the strong points as well as the weak points of the pupil clearly.

  However, private tutoring has its own disadvantages. For one thing, it takes up so much of the pupils’ time that they can hardly find enough time for rest and entertainment, which are essential for their physical and mental health. For another, some teachers, busy “shuttling” from one family to another, tend to neglect their regular teaching duties. What’s more, some teachers are eager to help pupils do well in the test, offering the so-called tips for test-taking rather than help them acquire what is more meaningful.

  Generally speaking, its disadvantages outweigh its advantages. Greater emphasis should be laid on classroom teaching and practice, on the improvement of teaching quality and on the tapping of pupils’ potentials. Only in this way can a new generation be healthily brought up.

上海419论坛  最近的一项调查显示,大约80%的学生有私人家教。这种普遍的做法表明人们越来越重视教育。许多家长由于各种原因错过了接受良好教育的机会。当他们的孩子在学习上遇到困难时,他们是无助的。私人辅导是唯一的解决方案。由于私人辅导通常是一对一的,老师清楚地知道学生的优点和缺点。


上海419论坛  总的来说,它的缺点大于优点。应更加重视课堂教学和实践,提高教学质量,挖掘学生的潜力。只有这样,新一代才能健康成长。

  英语四级作文 11

  In recent years, accompanied by the widespread expansion of network, Internet fraud has become an increasingly serious problem. As far as I am concerned, the following reasons could account for this problem.

上海419论坛  In the first place, quite a lot of lazy people are seeking wealth but do not want to do anything with their own hands, so they are trying all kinds of ways to defraud money and property on the Internet. Another reason is that those who are likely to be deceived are anxious to get things on the cheap. That makes the frauds possible.

上海419论坛  To avoid being deceived by the frauds, we should not be greedy for small advantages. At the same time, do not click unknown links. As long as we keep ourselves alert, frauds will have no chance.


上海419论坛  首先,很多懒惰的人都在寻求财富,但不想自己动手做任何事情,所以他们在互联网上想尽各种方法骗取金钱和财产。另一个原因是,那些可能上当受骗的'人急于以低廉的价格买到东西。这使得欺诈成为可能。


  英语四级作文 12

上海419论坛  When looking for a job, you will most likely have a job interview first. This seems to be in fashion now. Through the interview the interviewer and the interviewee can talk face to face, which provides a way for them to know each other better.

  On the one hand, the interviewer can introduce the main aspects of the job opening to the interviewee, such as the specific requirements for the job, the working conditions, and the wages and benefits the interviewee will get.

上海419论坛  On the other hand, the interviewee also has a chance to give the employer a good impression. He can talk with confidence and show the interviewer how well he is educated and how good his working ability is. And it will be better if he emphasizes that this is the very job he wants and he3 won’t cast an eye on any other jobs. The interviewer will most probably be moved.

上海419论坛  Through the job interview, people who look for a job will have a better chance of getting a good one and those who need people to do a job will have a better chance of finding someone that is qualified.

上海419论坛  在找工作时,你很可能会先进行面试。这似乎现在很流行。通过面试,面试官和被面试者可以面对面交谈,这为他们更好地了解彼此提供了一种方式。


上海419论坛  另一方面,受访者也有机会给雇主留下好印象。他可以自信地交谈,向面试官展示他受过多好的教育,工作能力有多强。如果他强调这正是他想要的工作,而不会把目光投向任何其他工作,那就更好了。面试官很可能会被打动。

上海419论坛  通过面试,求职者将有更好的.机会找到一份好工作,而那些需要人来做工作的人将更有机会找到合格的人。

  英语四级作文 13

  Probably some years ago, good college students simply meant students good at academic work. They worked very hard just to be top students; they spent most of their campus time in classrooms, reading-rooms or laboratories. They thought about nothing but their studies. But the criteria for good college students are changing now. It is true that god marks continue to be some students dream, yet there is a growing number of students who are concerned much more about things other than academic achievement. They try some other subjects like art and music. They are also involved in such activities as speech contests, argumentation on current problems. Moreover, some students even become businessmen.

上海419论坛  Generally speaking, the changes are not bad. As times are different now, and job market demands personnel with both intelligent and non-intelligent qualities such as creativity, the ability to apply theory to practice. Therefore, students today should be better prepared for changes and competition upon graduation.



  英语四级作文 14

  With the development of technology as well as economy, more and more students begin to use their WAP phones to surf the Internet. Admittedly, WAP phones have broughtconvenience to us –surfing the Internetanytime anywhere. Nevertheless, its bad impact can not be ignored. In the first place, apart from those who can control themselves, most of the students are addicted to playing with WAP phones. They set study, their main tasks, aside and spend much time on their WAP phones. In the second place, since students can surf the Internet with WAP phones anytime anywhere, they are likely to do it all the time. As a result, they will spend much money on the Internet. Thus, those who are financially dependent on their parents will greatly increase the financial burden on their parents.

上海419论坛  Based on the above, it’s safe to come to the conclusion that it’s advisable for the students to use WAP phones in an appropriate way.


上海419论坛  基于以上情况,可以得出这样一个结论:学生以适当的方式使用WAP手机是明智的。

  英语四级作文 15

上海419论坛  There are many forms of life on earth: organisms, animals, plants, and human beings. Life is given to man only once. And there are many natural disasters that will destroy life. Since life is short and preeious, everyone wants to enjoy longevity.

上海419论坛  The mode of life differes from person to person. A person's life may be one of great achievement. He may also lead a quiet life. A career man has a busy life. A self content man has an easy one. Yet everyone is writing his own life story with his actions.

  The intelligent and diligent person makes his life full of vigor and vitality. He works and plays with zest. A lazy man's life is dull and spiritless. While in life he is lifeless.

  As a youth, I choose to live a busy and meaningful life.



上海419论坛  聪明、勤奋的人使自己的生活充满朝气,他热忱地工作和娱乐。懒惰的人一生沉闷,毫无生气,虽生犹死。


  英语四级作文 16

  Its almost the end of April. Summer has come to us in my city. In south, summer always comes earlier than north. It has been hot for about half a month. The highest temperature reached 37 degree. Now, there are much less people in the street. People are not likely to go out during the summer. Its so hot outside. Swimming is the most favorite activity in my city. The pools are always full filled with people. Parents often take their children to swimming pool at night. Personally, I do not like summer, because its too hot and the sunshine is strong. I sweat a lot and that makes me very uncomfortable. Therefore, summer is tough time for me and I always expect winter to come.

上海419论坛  快到了四月末了。我所在城市的夏天已经到来。南方的夏天通常比北方来得早。有一个半月的天气会很热,最高温度高达37度。现在,街上的人更少了。人们夏天都不愿意出门,外面很热。游泳是大家最喜欢的活动。游泳池经常人满。晚上,父母经常带他们的孩子去游泳池。我个人不喜欢夏天,因为天气太热了,阳光也很强烈。我出很多汗,这让我觉得很不舒服。因此,夏天对我来说是一段难熬的时期,我总是期待冬天的到来。

上海419论坛  上述写的是对夏天的`不喜爱,你是否也有着同样的心情呢?将自己的理由也下来吧!

  英语四级作文 17

  Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams,too.

上海419论坛  When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Luogen in future. However, I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal. After graduating from college, I found a job as a teacher.

上海419论坛  Although I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal. I read a lot of books to get more knowledge. I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes, I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published.

  The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very happy.The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway.


上海419论坛  当我还是个小女孩的时候,我梦想着将来成为一个像华洛根一样的科学家。然而,我很清楚,如果不付出艰苦的努力,我是不可能成功的。所以为了达到我的目标,我在中学和大学里努力学习。大学毕业后,我找到了一份教师的工作。

上海419论坛  尽管我忙于教学,但我从未放弃我的目标。我读了很多书来获得更多的`.知识。我做了一些实验来练习和应用我从书中学到的东西。有时,我过于沉迷于研究,以至于忘记了吃饭和时间。现在我已经取得了很大的进步。我的几篇研究论文已经发表了。

上海419论坛  我在论文中提出的方法已被证明对解决一些问题有价值。我很高兴。成为科学家的阶梯仍然很遥远,但无论如何,我已经爬上了第一级。

  英语四级作文 18

  There is an old saying: where there is a will, there is a way. It tells us that a strong will is the most essential quality that anyone who wants to achieve success. It can contribute a lot to one’s success.

上海419论坛  Although “All roads lead to Rome”, none of them is completely smooth. Our life is filled with obstacles which may make us feel so hopeless that we may choose to give up. At the crucial moment, strong will helps a lot. As a matter of fact, the ability to work through difficult situation and unfortunate events with strong will can make one stronger and more capable. In other words, if we want to realize life’s goal, we must keep forging ahead with strong consciousness.

  From what has been discussed above, we can see that the establishment of tough determination is of great importance to everyone. With a strong will, including our knowledge, we will be able to deal with any situation in our life. Whatever we do, as long as we stick to and do not give up easily, we will realize the goal at last.


上海419论坛  尽管“条条大路通罗马”,但没有一条是完全畅通的`。我们的生活充满了障碍,这些障碍可能会让我们感到绝望,以至于我们可能会选择放弃。在关键时刻,坚强的意志帮助很大。事实上,以坚强的意志克服困难和不幸事件的能力可以使人变得更强大、更有能力。换言之,如果我们想实现人生目标,就必须以强烈的意识不断进取。


  英语四级作文 19

  The Impact of the Internet on the Way People Communicate

  Due to the wide use of puters and the development of Internet, more and more people like to chat on the Internet. We tend to pay more attention to electronic munication than to face-to-face contact.

  As electronic munication is not limited by space, we can chat with others where there is Internet with our tools such as puters, mobile phones and pads. However, when we chat with others online, we cannot express our feelings fully. Just as the picture shows, the parents cannot touch or hug their child. We know that body language plays an important role in our munication, but the electronic munication cannot do this. For example, when we are sad, we need more love and warmth, a real hug from our parents or friends can mean much more to us than just words through electronic munication.

  Therefore, though electronic munication brings convenience to our life, I still don?t think the electronic munication can replace face-to-face contact.




  因此,尽管电子通讯给我们的生活带来了便利,但我仍然没有?I don’我不认为电子交流可以取代面对面的交流。

  英语四级作文 20

  Swimming but safety is the most important thing. This is not the first two days in the golden cow lake when 15 - and 6-year-old teenagers died of drowning.

  When swimming should be accompanied by adults around, what should you do before launching exercises, in order to avoid cramps, so children not to swim in deep waters, wearing a life buoy nor safe. If when your side someone should help others, if there is no person around you, dont panic, take a deep breath, hands down by the water, try to let the body floating up, waiting for someone shouted for help. Remember, kids dont touch the light bulb when theyre wet or theyll have unimaginable consequences.

上海419论坛  Traffic safety is the most important, dont run a red light, otherwise you will have a car accident. I find that some children like to play the slingshot, but in fact, it will hurt other children and hurt themselves.

上海419论坛  This is my safety knowledge, hope the children have a happy summer vacation!

上海419论坛  游泳但安全是最重要的。这已经不是头两天在金牛湖,15岁和6岁的青少年死于溺水。

上海419论坛  游泳时应在大人的陪同下进行,在进行锻炼前应做些什么,以避免抽筋,所以孩子们不要在深水中游泳,佩戴救生圈也不安全。如果你身边有人应该帮助别人,如果你身边没有人,不要惊慌,深呼吸,手放在水下,尽量让身体浮起来,等有人喊救命。记住,孩子们在潮湿的时候不要碰灯泡,否则后果不堪设想。



  英语四级作文 21

  Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know I e here, now I wonder what the future holds for me.

上海419论坛  When I e to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to bee a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job.

  Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will bine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future.


上海419论坛  当我来到这所学校时,我告诉自己:这是我不久的将来,一切都从这里开始。接下来,我将学习成为一个男人,一个完整的男人,他有良好的身体,能承担重要任务,有独立的思想,开放的心态,密集的思想,有判断是非的能力,有一份完美的工作。


  英语四级作文 22

  Never think you will never be detected, when you want to tell a lie. The chances are, sooner or later, your lie witt be found out and it will then expose you to shame. Telling a lie is morally wrong. Besides, there are many disadvantages lying in the way of a liar. First, he has to have a good memory, lest he contradicts at one time what he said in another.

  Second, he is always annoyed by his conscience, because he is in constant fear that his falsehood may be found out. Third, a liar is never trusted and respected by others. The result may be that his words, even when he speaks the truth, are not believed. Fourth and the last, once a person has told a lie, he cannot help telling another in order to conceal the first, and then a third and a fourth, until lying becomes ahabit. After that, he may say something untrue even when he wishes to speak the truth. The disadvantages resulting from telling a lie are too many to be listed. The above are just some of the obvious ones.

上海419论坛  If you want to be free from these annoyances, if you want to be a trustworthy person, never tell a lie.




  英语四级作文 23

  Weddings vary from nation to nation, from area to area and from the past to the present. Nevertheless,all people consider weddings as important and happy events.

  People of the Western World go to church for their weddings while some tribes in Africa hold their weddings in the open with a camp-fire and much dancing.

  In China, weddings are different from those abroad. In the past people in our countryside used to carry the bride with a sedan chair from her parents' house to her new home. Now sedan chairs are seldom seen. In-stead,the bridegroom may take the bride to their own new house by bicycle or by tractor. In our cities the bride prefers a taxi decorated with flowers and a Chinese character that means"double-happiness" on the taxi's win-dow. However, both in the countryside and in cities a wedding feast is in-dispensable. Relatives and friends are invited to the feast to eat and drink to the happiness of the bride and bridegroom.

上海419论坛  婚礼因国家而异,因地区而异,从过去到现在也不尽相同。尽管如此,所有人都认为婚礼是重要而快乐的事件。


上海419论坛  在中国,婚礼与国外不同。过去,我们农村的人们常常用花轿把新娘从娘家抬到新家。现在很少见到花轿了。取而代之的是,新郎可以骑自行车或拖拉机带新娘去自己的新房。在我们的城市里,新娘更喜欢一辆装饰着鲜花的.出租车,在出租车上写着“双喜临门”的汉字。然而,无论是在农村还是在城市,婚宴都是可有可无的。亲朋好友应邀参加宴会,为新郎新娘的幸福大快朵颐。

  英语四级作文 24

上海419论坛  Punctuality is of great importance whenever it is andwherever we are. It’s beneficial to us.

  Being punctual is a good way to make a positivepersonal impact. It’s commonly admitted that showing up on time just indicatesyour respect for others. While being late to meetings or missing deadline justhurts your image.

  The story of me is a case in point. As the best tennisplayer in my school, I took it for granted that I would surely be admitted tothe school team, thinking the tryout was nothing that mattered to me. When Iarrived at the tryout spot 20 minutes later than the appointed hour, I was toldthat I had been excluded due to my pride and unpunctuality. How regretful Ifelt!

上海419论坛  As middle school students, we need some good ways tohelp us keep punctual. Apart from making a plan ahead, we are supposed to bemore conscious of the time such as setting down some important appointments inour notebook, wearing a watch to remind us and so on. Most importantly, muchsignificance should be attached to punctuality.

上海419论坛  无论何时何地,守时都非常重要。这对我们有益。



上海419论坛  作为中学生,我们需要一些好方法来帮助我们守时。除了提前制定计划外,我们还应该更加注意时间,比如在笔记本上记下一些重要的约会,戴上手表提醒我们等等。最重要的是,守时应该非常重要。

  英语四级作文 25

  Autumn is the third season of a year. After a long relaxing summer holiday, it quietly comes to us. Autumn is a season of harvest. In the spring we seed, and than water and look after it in summer. So in the autumn we will get the fruits. No pain, no gain. It is suit for the season and also for our lives. Because in autumn, we will level up to a new term, which is a higher one. It is because we pay efforts in the last semesters in spring and summer that we gain the scores and achievements.

上海419论坛  Autumn is also a cool season. We have been suffering from the temprature of summer for a long while, and when autumn comes, it certainly bring us rains and the winds, not like those in summer, start to become cool. When the blust of wind comes, you will find your brain cool and clear. So no doult there is a survey saying autumn is the best season for study.

上海419论坛  Anyway, time always runs so fast. Cherish the time please, or you will suddenly be thrown into the cold silent winter, without any preparation.


上海419论坛  秋天也是凉爽的'季节。我们已经忍受了很长一段时间的夏天的温度,当秋天来临时,它肯定会给我们带来降雨和风,不像夏天那样,开始变得凉爽。当狂风来临时,你会发现你的头脑冷静而清醒。毫无疑问,有一项调查显示秋季是学习的最佳季节。


  英语四级作文 26

  It quite common that we misunderstand each other in our daily life.Misunderstandings can lead to many problems and unecessary trouble,such as damaging friendship and causing misfortune.For instance,a fight can occur when there is a mistanding between two good friends.Parents may beat and scold their children for a mistanding.Therefore ,to avoid misunderstandings is of great importance.

上海419论坛  Actually,many misunderstandings in our life can be advoided.Here are some tips.Firstly,dont use the words that have several meanings.Secondly,were supposed to express our thoughts as exactly as we can.Thirdly,we should speak clearly and focus on the main points.Fourthly,dont be afraid to say no when we dont understand the speaker.We should use “Pardon” to let him or her repeat.Least but not last,we should know that there is a different between the male and the female in a conversation.

  May all misunderstandings disappear.May our life be better.

上海419论坛  我们在日常生活中相互误解是很常见的。误解会导致许多问题和不必要的麻烦,比如破坏友谊和造成不幸。例如,当两个好朋友之间产生误会时,可能会发生争吵。父母可能会因为孩子的误解而打骂孩子。因此,避免误解是非常重要的。












