
初中英语作文:My little puppets_我的小木偶

时间:2021-11-19 16:22:29 其他类英语作文 我要投稿

上海419论坛初中英语作文:My little puppets_我的小木偶

上海419论坛  在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都写过作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是小编整理的初中英语作文:My little puppets_我的.小木偶,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

初中英语作文:My little puppets_我的小木偶

上海419论坛  My little doll is a beautiful girl, she is not sent by others, may not be bought, but my mother and I design together.

上海419论坛  A couple of years ago, he was a buwawa doll, and now I grow up, and I can't play anymore, do I see people who will laugh at me? Yes, change it into a little doll. I cut my head and hands off my mother's dress. Xiaomo began to move freely, and his eyes would still be little bit. You see xiaomuou with the azure nylon cap, a little blue spirit, and two curved eyebrows, a pair of bright eyes, and you put him down, he will close his eyes? Sleep, how interesting, you see her face red, half, with a smile on the mouth, as if to say, you see I can be polite. One more time, the squadron does not have to hate the muouxi, everyone will like this program, for my project, can bring happiness to everyone, how happy?

  How do you all take my cloth to Nantong, take it to his hand and some of the moves you want to drive, he became a brave female soldier, your classmate got it? He will become another look, he can dance, he will play the tiger, and he will comb his hair. I looked at the people who were happy and didn't want to torture, and no life was the man who was manipulating it, giving it life and language that he had feelings, and then I thought that labor and wisdom could be created. No one can bring happiness, if everyone can create beauty for the world, let our world be filled with love.

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