

时间:2021-09-23 15:09:10 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




上海419论坛  今天是祖国母亲70华诞的日子,我恳求妈妈带我去众多将军们的故乡——黄冈去看一看。首先的则是赤壁了。

  Today is the 70th birthday of our motherlands mother. I beg my mother to take me to Huanggang, the hometown of many generals. The first one is Chibi.

上海419论坛  到了赤壁,一入大门映入眼帘的是各种娱乐项目:海盗船,旋转木马……过了桥后,进了第三道门,前方有一尊高约六米的东坡像,像中苏轼手拿书放在身后,头戴东坡巾,脚穿人头靴,像在吟诗,给人一种豪迈,飘逸的情感。

上海419论坛  When we get to Chibi, we can see all kinds of entertainment items as soon as we enter the gate: pirate boats, merry-go-round horses... After crossing the bridge, we entered the third gate. In front of it, there was a statue of Dongpo, about six meters high. It was like Zhongsu Shi holding a book behind him, wearing Dongpo scarf on his head and boots on his feet. It was like singing poems, giving people a heroic and elegant feeling.


  After a while, we came to Poxian Pavilion, in which "Niannujiao - Chibi nostalgia" was written by Su Shi drunk, with strange writing style and recognized as a treasure.

上海419论坛  上了几步楼梯,我们来到了二赋堂,此堂因苏东坡曾在此写下《前赤壁赋》和《后赤壁赋》而得名。

上海419论坛  Up the stairs, we came to Erfu Hall, which was named after Su Dongpo wrote Qian Chibi Fu and Hou Chibi Fu here.

上海419论坛  接着,我们又来到博物馆,管里牌子告诉我:苏东坡被贬黄州生活四年又两月,却作诗两百二十余首,词六十六首,赋三篇共计七百四十多,而且他的'有名诗词都是在此期间所作。他不仅擅长音乐,数学,医药,美学和烹饪,还在农业水利和金石上有所研究。他是公认的学富五车,多才多艺的旷古奇才。看完后,我感慨万千。在如此境况,苏东坡不但没气馁,颓废,相反为我们这些后代留下如此佳作,怎能不令人肃然起敬,学习呢?

  Then we came to the museum and Guanli told me that Su Dongpo had been demoted to Huangzhou for four years and two months, but he wrote more than 220 poems, sixty-six poems and three Fus totaling more than 740, and his famous poems were all written during this period. He is not only good at music, mathematics, medicine, aesthetics and cooking, but also in agricultural water and stone research. He is generally acknowledged to be a versatile scholarly and versatile wizard. After reading it, I am filled with emotion. In such a situation, instead of being discouraged and decadent, Su Dongpo left such a masterpiece for our future generations. How can it not be awesome to learn?


上海419论坛  After coming down from the mountain, we came to the corridor of revolutionary martyrs, including Marshal Lin Biao, General Wang Shusheng, General Wang Jianan, Xu Shiyou and many other generals. According to statistics, there are one marshal, one general and eight general in Hubei Province. I admire them for their contributions to the founding of New China. When the sun set, we reluctantly left the Red Cliff.

上海419论坛  这个特别的国庆节,我特别快乐,因为我学到了很多以前不懂的知识。希望以后能常常到这样的地方游玩

  This special National Day, I am very happy, because I learned a lot of knowledge that I did not know before. I hope I can often visit such places in the future.










