

时间:2023-12-14 08:57:39 炜亮 其他类英语作文 我要投稿


上海419论坛  在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的四级英语作文模板,欢迎阅读与收藏。


  四级英语作文 1

  It has been admitted that mothers love is the greatest, because they give birth to us and never ask anything from us. Some people take this kind of love for granted. They do many things to hurt the one who loves them most. How can we do this? I just want to say that before our mother becomes old, we still can do things to treat them well.

上海419论坛  When we were kids, it was our mother that companied us all the time, and they took care of everything. The common problem for the kids is picky about the food. It is one of the annoyed problems for mothers. According to the news report, a mother who was from America was annoyed by this problem all the time, so she learned to make the food with all kinds of cartoon images. When her child saw them, he was so happy and ate up the food.

  A mother can do everything to make her children be happy. Though my mother couldnt do all kinds of delicious food for me, she tries hard to make me eat more. When I hear some people complain about their parents, I feel sorry for them, because they dont know the meaning of gratitude.

上海419论坛  大家都认为母爱是最伟大的,母亲给了我们生命,却从来不向我们索取任何东西。有些人认为这种爱是理所当然的。做了很多事情伤害这个最爱他们的人。我们怎么可以这样子呢?我只想说在我们的母亲还没老去之前,我们还是可以做一些事情来好好对待她们。

上海419论坛  当我们还是孩子的时候,我们的母亲一直陪伴着我们,照料着一切。孩子们的常见问题是挑食。这也是母亲最烦恼的问题之一。据一则新闻报道,一位美国的母亲受到了这个问题的困扰,她就学着去把食物弄成各种各样的'卡通图片形状。当她的孩子看到这些样式时,高兴极了,就把食物吃光光了。


  四级英语作文 2

上海419论坛  Nowadays, oral English is quite a serious problem among Chinese students. Most of the students have studied English for a long time, but they cant communicate well with other people in English. In addition, there are still many other students who can understand every word of a article, but fail to read them out fluently and correctly.

  Many reasons contribute to this problem. Among these reasons, examination-oriented education system plays a vital role. Whats more, most of the students are too shy and nervous to speak in public.

  I think it is high time that we paid more attention to this Mute English. Above all, students should read after the tape recorder or MP3 to practise the pronunciation. Moreover, they should talk as much as possible with the foreigners and not be afraid of losing face. In addition, students should enrich vocabulary and pay attention to the differences between spoken language and written language. Only through these ways can Chinese students avoid Mute English and speak a fluent English.

  四级英语作文 3

上海419论坛  Charity brings the society power, arouses people’s enthusiasm for life, and help others to overcome difficulties. However, after several scandals, it has become a trend for the public to criticize and doubt charity organizations or inpiduals. A case in point is China Red Cross, whose fame was spoiled by Guo Meimei.

  It is evident that the causes of this phenomenon are perse. In the first place, the disordered charity management is the root cause of criticism. Why? Charity organizations in mounting/ large numbers have not come to realize the problems in their management, budget and raising money. In the second place, the lack of public’s trust constitutes another major cause. Based on a survey on the Internet, because of some negative cases, a majority of people admit that they are unwilling to donate or help others through charitable activities or organizations.

上海419论坛  As a college student, I am firmly convinced that it is exceedingly necessary for the public to be involved in charity. However, we should advocate and encourage organizations to reform charitable activities.




  四级英语作文 4

上海419论坛  Learn to Stand on Your Own Feet

  In every school a "top" crowd sets the pace, while the others follow their lead. Let's say the top crowd decides that it is smart to wear bright red sweaters.Pretty soon everybody is wearing a bright red sweater. There is nothing wrong with that, except the fact that on some people a bright red sweater is extremely unbecoming. The situation can even become dangerous, if the top crowd decides that it is smart to drink or to drive cars at seventy miles an hour.Then the people who follow the lead are endangering their lives. They are like the sheep being led to the butcher.

  Now, chances are that you have come across situations like these more than once in your life; chances are that one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong. You may have excused yourself by saying, "Gee, the crowd does it." Well, let the crowd do it, but don't do it yourself. Learn to say, "No."

  Develop your own standards and your own judgment. If you know the crowd is planning something you disagree with,have the courage to bow out politely. You'll have the satisfaction of standing on your own two feet.


上海419论坛  每所学校中都有一群领头学生做出榜样,其他人蜂拥效仿。比如这些领头学生决定穿鲜红色羊毛衫很时尚,那很快人人都会穿着鲜红色羊毛衫。这件事本身没什么问题,除了有些人极不适合穿鲜红色毛衫这一事实。但如果这些领头学生觉得喝酒或以70英里的时速开车很时尚的.话,情况甚至会变得危险起来。这些盲从的学生在危及自己的生命。他们就像被领到屠夫前的羊群。

上海419论坛  在你生命中,这种情况你可能遇到不止一次;可能你时不时也会做自己知道是不对的事情。你可能会为自己开脱说:“大家都在这么做嘛。”那让大家这么做好了,但你自己不要这样做。要学会说“不。”


  四级英语作文 5

  A guide dog is a dog especially trained to guide a blind person. Dogs chosen for such training must show good disposition, intelligence, physical fitness and sense of responsibility.

上海419论坛  At the age of fourteen months, a guide dog begins an intensive course that lasts three to five months. It becomes accustomed to the leather harness and stiff leather handle it will wear when guiding its blind owner. The dog learns to watch the traffic and to cross the street safely. It also learns to obey such commands as "forward", "left", "right" and "sit" and to disobey any command that might lead its owner into danger.

  The most important part of the training course is a fourweek program in which the dog and its future owner learn to work together.However, many blind people are unsuited by personality to work with dogs. Only a tenth of the blind find a guide dog useful.


上海419论坛  在14个月大的时候,导盲犬就开始接受精良的`训练课程,为期3到5个月。它要逐渐习惯于将来导引盲主人时所戴的皮革脖套具和僵硬的皮缰绳。导盲犬要学习观望交通情况并能安全穿越街道。它还要学习服从“向前”,“向左”,“向右”及“坐下”等命令,同时学习拒绝服从有可能给主人带来危险的任何命令。


  四级英语作文 6

上海419论坛  As we all nw, “n pains, n gains” is an influential prverb stressing the iprtance f hard wring. It tells us that nl b wring hard can we achieve ur gals, and n the cntrar, the ne wh is laz will never gain the things he wants.

上海419论坛  Li undi is a faus pianist in the wrld. Mst f us are aazed at his perfect perfrance, but few f us nw hw uch tie and energ he has spent in practising. He started plaing the pian when he was nl 5 ears ld. He never gave up practising even thugh he et difficulties. When ther children at the sae age were plaing gaes utside r watching TV, he was plaing the pian, ttall absrbed in the beautiful usic. He als t part in an cpetitins t iprve his sills. Finall, he becae wrld-faus when he wn the chapin in Chpin Internatinal Pian Cpetitin, which is ne f the best-nwn pian cpetitins in the wrld. And he is the first Chinese pianist t receive such a great hnur.

上海419论坛  Li undi wuld never bece s successful if he didn’t practise s hard. And we wuldn’t gain what we want if we didn’t wr hard. N pains, n gains.

  四级英语作文 7

  Rush for Postgraduate Study

  According to the table, it is clear that there is sharp increase in number of postgraduate candidates in x Province from 2000 to 2008. In 2000, there were only 1600 candidates participating in the exam. However, 2 years later, the number increased to 5600, and by 2008 it has reached 52000.

  There are many reasons accounting for the great change. Firstly, the tough competition in jthe job market is an important one. The enrollment expansion of universities places a great pressure on the job market, which stimulates many students to turn to further education. Secondly, many students with equivalent education background to college graduates are allowed to apply for postgraduate study. Finally, the society has a greater demand for the postgraduates with the economic development.

  As far as I am concerned, college students should take full account before deciding to fruther their education. For one thing, postgraduate study does not necessarily ensure us a bright future. For another, its a tough process to prepare for the exam for postgraduate study and not everyone can stick it out.

  四级英语作文 8

  When looking for a job, you will most likely have a job interview first. This seems to be in fashion now. Through the interview the interviewer and the interviewee can talk face to face, which provides a way for them to know each other better.

上海419论坛  On the one hand, the interviewer can introduce the main aspects of the job opening to the interviewee, such as the specific requirements for the job, the working conditions, and the wages and benefits the interviewee will get.

  On the other hand, the interviewee also has a chance to give the employer a good impression. He can talk with confidence and show the interviewer how well he is educated and how good his working ability is. And it will be better if he emphasizes that this is the very job he wants and he3 won’t cast an eye on any other jobs. The interviewer will most probably be moved.

  Through the job interview, people who look for a job will have a better chance of getting a good one and those who need people to do a job will have a better chance of finding someone that is qualified.

  四级英语作文 9

  The two-day weekend has brought a lot of benefits to college students. It not only offers us more time to get rid of tiredness and have a good rest, but also gives us more chances to take up some hobbies, such as fishing, reading, or gardening. From these activities we can learn many things outside the classroom, which will add to our knowledge.

  Despite the convenience it brings us, the two-day weekend has also given rise to quite a few problems. The most serious one is that the weekdays are filled with more lesson, sometimes too many. Because our classes are limited to Monday through Friday, we have to take more lessons each day than in the past. This leaves us little time to catch our breath during the weekdays.

  In order to benefit most from the two-day weekend, I have decided to make a good plan for the two-day weekend. Of course I should take this chance to relax. But during the weekend, I will still set aside enough time to study. By doing so ii can have a good time as well as make progress in my studies.

  四级英语作文 10

上海419论坛  Advertisement

上海419论坛  I would like to sell some of the course books I used in college, because I’m going to graduate from college soon. The details of these books are as follows.

  First of all, those books are a set of professional books used by English majors in our school. They are about American literature, including the history of American literature, introduction of American great writers and some excepts from great works like the Old man and the Sea by Hemingway. It was also attached with a CD with some native speakers reading those excepts. What’s more, many graduate schools list this set of books as the reference books, so if you want to apply for a master’s degree, you can use it not only in the class but also for the postgraduate entrance examination. My books are 80% new and are to be sold at half the price of a new set. Don’t miss it!

  If you have any question or want more information, don’t hesitate to contact me. You can call 8654321 or send email to liming@163.com.

  Li Ming

  四级英语作文 11


  What is blood? It is the red liquid which comes out of your finger when you cut it because of not being careful.There are about 13 pints (品脱) of blood in a man's body. He can give a pfnt of blood at a time to a blood bank for the use o other man who may need it. A healthy body makes up the pint of blood quickly.

  What does our blood do for us? It takes food to all parts of our bodies and takes waste away from them. All the parts of our bodies are made up of cells, these cells, which are very small, all need food all the time. The blood is like a stream.The cells take what they need out of the blood stream, as plants and fishes take their food out of water.The blood stream carries food and the oxygen which it has taken up in our lungs to all the cells in the body.

上海419论坛  What makes the blood go on moving round the body in a stream? The heart sends it round. The heart keeps a stream of blood going all around the body and back again to itself. Everywhere the blood stream does two things: supplies the cells with food and oxygen and takes away waste. It is as if the blood kept the little fires in cells burning and took away the ashes.

  四级英语作文 12

上海419论坛  Gambling is actually playing games of chance, such as cards, for money. People regard gambling as wrong, although at first sight it is difficult to show it is wrong. It is true that in a game of chance, one of the parties must Jose money, however, the gain of the other cannot be called robbery since both parties willingly agree to run the risk.

  Perhaps a comparison of gambling with dueling will help us see why gambling is evil. In a duel, as in a game of chance, both parties willingly agree to run a risk. But in civilized coun tries, duelinglis a crime because law and order in the state wil break down if every citizen can take the law into his own hands and avenge an injury himself. Gambling is condemned for the sane reason: the effect of gambling is injurious not only to the individual but also to society.

  The evils of gambling are in fact many. It discourages habits of industry by holding out before men the hope of getting rich quickly without work. Besides this, it often be comes a habit which can throw a man and his family into misery. Moreover, it often ends up in theft and robbery, even in crimes of violence. Therefore, it must be regarded as a social evil.

  四级英语作文 13

  Years of reform and opening up to the outside world have witnessed an increasing popularity of telephones in China. Telephones have entered ordinary households as a daily necessity. In many public places telephone service is available. More people are equipped with cellular phones(手机) and beepers(传呼机).

  Telephones reach out to users for their advantages, Dial-and talk operation makes common folks have access to them. Compared with letter writing, telegraphy and other means of communications (通讯), making phone call is easy and interactive(互动的). In case of emergency, urgent message can be sent out immediately.

  Telephones are indispensable (不可缺少的) to communication (交际,沟通) between people. As a clear path of communications, making phone calls connects people when they are apart. Telephone lines not only convey information but also glue all relationships. With this convenient tool of modern communication, people may be out of sight, but never out of mind.

  四级英语作文 14

  Good afternoon, everyone. May I have your attention, please?

  I’m the chairman of the Students’ Union. As the New Year is around the corner, we are going to hold a New Year party for you, which is intended to enable you to have a better understanding of Chinese culture.

  During the party, not only can you sing a Chinese song, but you will also compete with each other to see how skilled you are at using chopsticks. What’s more, you’ll learn at the party how to make dumplings. It sounds great,doesn’t it? The party is scheduled in Room 101 of the Teaching Building from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. next Friday.

上海419论坛  Please make sure you won’t miss it. Thank you for your attention.

  四级英语作文 15

  I’m glad to hear from you. Welcome to our city in september. I’ve found a suitable house for you. The house is on Fang Cao Street,not far from the Jianxin Chinese School. If you take the No.11 bus,it is just one stop.

上海419论坛  It is a flat on the third floor of a building. It has three rooms,a living-room,a bathroom and a kitchen. You can cook yourself. The mirror,the basin and the bathtub are very convenient for you. In the living-room,there is a bed,a sofa and a desk with chair. The desk is next to the window. It will be good for study.

上海419论坛  The total size is 25 square metres and the rent is 500 yuan a month. Will you be satisfied with this flat,or you want another one?Just let me know. I’ll try my best to help you.

上海419论坛  Yours,Li Hua

  四级英语作文 16

  It has been admitted that girls are allowed to be late for a few minutes when they having

上海419论坛  a date with boys, which is a way to show respect. But if boys are late for the date, they are treated to be rude. This is the rules for being late.

  Girls always have the privilege of being late. But at the meeting, both boys and girls are

  not allowed to be late, or they will be disliked by employers and lose the opportunity to get

上海419论坛  promoted. Obviously, lateness is not welcomed in the date between friends, because they are in the equal situation and no one have the privilege.

上海419论坛  Arriving on time is the basic rule to show respect. While some girls keep the bad behavior of being late all the time, which makes them infamous.

  四级英语作文 17

  What are friends? We often talk about the topic with others. I think friends are those people who can help you when you are in trouble. Don’t forget the saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Friends can tell you your mistakes, though what they say is hard for you to listen to. You can share your happiness, trouble and worry with friends. Someone also says, “You can’t walk any step without a friend.” So I think friends are very important to us. I would like to make as many friends as possible.


  四级英语作文 18

  My home is very big. There is a study, a living room, a balcony, a kitchen, a dining room, two bathrooms and two bedrooms.

  I have a bedroom. It is big and bright. It’s clean too. I can read and sleep in my bedroom. I can play in my bedroom too.

  I love my study very much because I can learn in it. When my friend wants to live in my home, she can sleep in the study. There’s a bed in the study.

上海419论坛  My mother loves the balcony. Because she can plant some plants in the balcony. My mother loves the kitchen too. Because she can cook in it. She likes cooking and she can cook yummy food. I like to eat them.

  Our dining room is big. We can have meals in it. We have two bathrooms. We can take a bath or a shower.

  I love my home very much.

  四级英语作文 19

上海419论坛  Many years ago, cellphone was not allowed to be brought in the classroom, but now cellphone has been part of peoples live and students can use it anytime.

  My mother bought me a cellphone, so I could keep in touch with her, but she was worried about me a lot. Since I had the cellphone, I always wanted to play it, even the time I was having class. Cellphone distracted my attention on study. I realized it changed my life and I must used it in the proper way. So I turned off my cellphone when I was having class, and I also controlled myself not to play it when I was doing homework. Now I get used to the cellphone.

  四级英语作文 20

上海419论坛  how do you study english?

  To learn good English, i used the following ways:

  First to learn English well, you must know your grammar, only when you know how to use grammar, you can improve your English quickly. You can also listen to English tapes or watch Tv programs to improve your listening and also speaking.

  Second, remember not to be shy when you speak to other people, they will not make fun of you, take a deep breath and smile when youre speaking to foreigners.

上海419论坛  Finally, prepare a English notebook to write down all of the English words that you often make mistakes on. Day by day, im sure your English can improve alot!

  四级英语作文 21

上海419论坛  The first fall of snow is not only an event but it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of world and wake up to find yourself in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment, then where is it to be found?

  The very stealth, the eerie quietness, of the thing makes it more magical. Ifall the snow fell at once in one shattering crash, awakening us in the middle of the night the event would be robbed of its wonder.

上海419论坛  The children, of course, are all excitement but even the adults hang about and talk to one another longer than usual before setting down to the days work. Nobody can resist the windows. It is like being on board a ship.

  四级英语作文 22

  as we all know, there are three stages in study--preview, study in class and review, among which review is the most important. from my experience,id like to talk about the importance and steps of review.

  firstly, make a review plan with certain contents of subjects at a certain time. second]y, carry on the review plan regularly. thirdly, examine what has been reviewed and make supplement in time. one thing to remember is to keep notes all the time. i follow my review plan strictly and have made progress in my study.

  it turns out to be good enough. of course, there is more than one way to review. so long as we review regularly we can find more ways to improve our studies.

  四级英语作文 23

上海419论坛  It will sonw in winter, there is bone-chilling winds,snowy everywhere. it is very beautiful. Like accidentally talling snow elves in the world.

  I like winner, because winter bone-chilling winds can always make me hot heart calm down, and the snow of winter can let I forget all the unpleasant.

  Looking at the street had bare tree, the winter for them as they always put on a layer of white coat. Then I will grow new leaves in the spring of next year and feel rejoice. Looking at this desolate scence, I always think of the famous words: "if winner come, can spring be far behind?" Fantasy in your heart for a piece of the awaken of spring is abundant.

上海419论坛  Beautiful winter,how can let people do not like?

  四级英语作文 24

  Everybody will meet all kinds of setbacks during their lives, and the one who goes over them can be a successful man. For students, their biggest problem is to improve their study. Since I go to middle school, there are so many students do better than me, then I feel the pressure, because no one wants to lag behind. Even though I studied hard, I was still not belong to the member of excellent students. But I did make great progress, which made me so happy.

  Thanks to the setbacks, I become a stronger girl and I learn to never give up. I believe that these precious experience will help me to realize my dream.

  四级英语作文 25

上海419论坛  Im so happy that my parents and I have a brother and a dream. Youre happy

  I cant wait to the mood, wow, there is a flower, beautiful, big tree grandpa in ha ha happy call, the bird in the happy dance, the grass is not exceptional also, of course, he is belly dance with flowers, to see how happy ah, I like the princess in the garden, surrounded by grass and trees, I to free dance to sing on the angels in heaven.

上海419论坛  好开心啊今天爸爸妈妈和我还有弟弟,一起去梦幻百花游玩。可开心了啦啦


  四级英语作文 26

  Last summer holiday,my friend xiao ling went to Hangzhou to his aunt’s home. On the first day he went to the qian tang river to watch the tide with his cousin and they had a good time together . They decided to go to the west lake for sightseeing the next day. However,xiao ling had a high fever that night felt very sick. His aunt took him to hospital but he still felt sick.

  Xiao ling suddenly felt homesick although his aunt treated him very well. To relieve his homesickness,his aunt asked him to telephone his parents . After he talked with them for a long time ,xiao ling felt much better both physically and mentally .He stayed in Hangzhou for four days and visited several places of interest.

  四级英语作文 27

  It’s very important for us to keep healthy in our everyday life. Here are some advice for you to follow.

上海419论坛  First you should have a healthy diet. It’s necessary to eat enough fish and vegetables. Because they contain all kinds of vitamin you need ever day. Do not eat too much fat,such as butter or anything too fatty. Too many sweets can do harm to your teeth. So you had better not eat too many sweets or chocolates and keep off coffee.

上海419论坛  Good habits can help you keep fit. Doing regular exercise is certainly a good way to keep healthy. After a day’s work,an eight-hour sleep is needed. And avoid working or studying too hard. Remember smoking can damage your health. So never smoke.

  四级英语作文 28

上海419论坛  Hello,everyone! Today Im very glad to tell you about my family. I have a happy family. There are four people in it. They are my father、my mother、my little brother、and I.My father is working in anther city.He is so busy that he has no time to come back to see us. We miss him very much. My mother is a housewife .Every day,she cooks delicious meals and does a lot of housework.My brother and I are both students.We work very hard.

  In my family ,there are lots of happinesses around me.I love my family!



  四级英语作文 29

上海419论坛  Home is two ordinary words, have a common home environment; Home is a place where full of vitality. Contains my deep love to her.

上海419论坛  I love my hometown path. Went to feel so comfortable, so cordial. The road in the city, although so flat, but very different compared with the way home. On the way home, there are many many stones, they like my friend, roadside flowers as my partner, and busy little bees collect nectar.

  I love the hometown of the sky, it is so blue and so clear. Pieces of white clouds like cotton candy, it is so white.

  I love my hometown. Hometown of different animals and the zoo, they so freely, so carefree.

  Home, gives me infinite pleasure; Bring me endless happiness!

  四级英语作文 30

上海419论坛  English is more important now. But it is difficult for many students to study it. Now I make some suggestion, maybe can help you. First, you should take notes and take them here and there. When you’re free, you can take them out and read it. Next, you should read English loudly.

  Many students know many grammars, but talking with others is hard. So reading is very important. It can make progress in your talking and listening, and it can also make you get excited, let you have a nice day. Then, talk with people in English; it’s interesting and very used. Finally, most importantly, try your best to learn English. No pains, no gains. I hope you can improve your English. Good luck!

  四级英语作文 31

  (Mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.

上海419论坛  While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining

上海419论坛  brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers smile (smiling) at us and heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful).

  When we felt tired, we returned home. We saw Mother (our mother) wait (waiting) for us at the door.

  有一个星期日,我母亲叫我带小弟弟去乡村游历。她吩咐我要好好照料他。 当我们沿着道路行走的时候,太阳灿烂地照耀着,微风轻轻地吹着。我们看见美丽的花儿对我们微笑着,并听见鸟儿在树上唱着悦耳的歌曲,风景实十分美丽。

上海419论坛  当我们感觉到疲倦的`时候,我们就回家了。我们看见母样正在门口等候我们。

  四级英语作文 32

上海419论坛  in haimen there is a park。 it’s a big and beautiful park。 it has two gates。 they are the north gate and the west gate。 many people park their bikes in front of the gates。

  there is a shop at the north gate。 when you go into the park through the north gate, you will find a large square on your right and you will see lots of trees and flowers around you。 in the west of the park, there is a playground。

  sometimes some children fly kites on it and some people sit on the grass and chat。 in the middle of the park, there is a lake。 there are many boats on it。 there is a hill in the east of the park。

  the park is very beautiful。 i love it very much。 will you come to visit it some day?

  四级英语作文 33

  Today is Sunday, mom and dad and I went to a picnic in the park. I was very happy, singing loudly, the mood cheerful and clinking!

  Im going to the park, I saw waves floral blew on the trees, the bird in the branches, singing. Im happy to choose a good location, spread a tablecloth, place on food, ready to eat the delicious dessert.

上海419论坛  "Delicious!!" Mother sighed. "Yeah, picnic feeling really great!" Dad sighs. I eat with relish, which occasion comments ah. Soon, I eat the food will be silenced.

  The picnics nice, can breathe fresh air; Can eat delicious; Can also……

  四级英语作文 34

上海419论坛  Winter is my favourite season.Winters coming also means snow following.

上海419论坛  I believe no one dislike snow ,the white ,beautiful flowers.When it snowing,we will rush out of the warm and comfortable houses,run and play on the ground in snow,enjoying the happiness that belongs to us children.

上海419论坛  I also like to skiI with several boys.So, how can I forget the winter,and the white ,beautiful flowers,and our simple happiness.





  四级英语作文 35

上海419论坛  My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable。 I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays.It is very beautiful there。 there are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals kind people。 i spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there.Iwrote down what happened in my diary every day。

  besides that,I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons.I helped them read english improve their spoken english.Their parents thanked me for this。

上海419论坛  今年的暑假生活非常愉快。我去农村过暑假。那儿非常美丽,有绿色的植物,清澈的小河,可爱的动物和善良的人们。在那里的两周中我帮爷爷干了些农活。每天我在日记中记下所发生的事情。

上海419论坛  除了这些,我还帮助邻居家的.孩子做功课。我帮他们读英语,使他们的口语有所提高。他们的父母为此很感激我。

  四级英语作文 36


  Its getting hotter and hotter. Summer comes to us with a warm smile and a strong step.

上海419论坛  我非常喜欢夏天,因为这样我又能穿上漂亮的裙子了,还能去游泳。到了晚上,我又可以去野外抓萤火虫儿,这时候我就不由自主地笑出声来。

  I like summer very much because I can put on my beautiful skirt and go swimming again. In the evening, I can go to the wild to catch fireflies again. At this time, I cant help laughing.

上海419论坛  可我也讨厌夏天,因为夏天不能出去玩,只能睡觉,还不知道会被蚊子咬成什么样子?这时,我就皱起眉头。

  But I also hate summer, because summer cant go out to play, can only sleep, still dont know what will be bitten by mosquitoes? Then I frown.


  Ah, summer, let me happy let me worry.

  四级英语作文 37

上海419论坛  It is Sunday morning.My mother and i are going to the park .There are a lot of people in the park.Some children are running.A dog is running after them .Four women are sitting there .They are talking 。Two girls are playing with a big ball near them.Three old men are standing under a big tree.

  They are watching the children. there is a river there. Many young people are dancing near it.There is a boat on the river.And an old man is siting in the boat.He is going fishing.


上海419论坛  他们是看孩子。那里有一条河。很多年轻人在旁边跳舞。河上有一条船。一个老男人坐在船上。他是去钓鱼的。










四级英语作文: 就业的挑战03-22
