

时间:2022-03-26 11:54:51 我要投稿




上海419论坛  有人放鸟,有人捉鸟。如此之恶性循环,何时了……?

  Some people release birds, others catch birds. Such a vicious circle, when ?


上海419论坛  -- inscription

上海419论坛  天穹苍茫,映你孤弱身影如汪洋里的一叶孤舟,举你欲起的双翅如断崖间飘荡的一片秋叶。你背负长天飘然万里,整个天空都是你的。你一路东风来去自由,所以一路东风也是你的。想云路遥遥,关山冷落,一茎苇叶下的渡宿,异乡的梦里,可有亲朋的呼唤?远天的云影,误作北上的列车,可怜的孤雁,哪里才是你的栖身之地?

  The sky is vast, reflecting your lonely and weak figure like a boat in the ocean, raising your wings like an autumn leaf floating between cliffs. You carry a long sky, and the whole sky is yours. You are free to come and go along the east wind, so the east wind is yours. Think of the distant Cloud Road, the desolation of Guanshan, the crossing of a reed leaf, the dream of a foreign land, can there be the call of relatives and friends? Where is the place where you live, the distant cloud and shadow, mistakenly the train to the north and the poor lone goose?

上海419论坛  麻雀的旧调,布谷的民歌,斑鸠的土谣。如今这仙乐,又有几人闻?面对儿童一双双质问的眼睛——哪儿能听到夜莺的歌唱?满怀虔诚地跪向苍茫的落日,殷殷渴盼人类的朋友——鸟。人类在不断地扼杀自己的朋友,自然的大手,总有一天伸向我们,如同我们扼杀自己的朋友一样。

  Old tune of sparrow, folk song of cuckoo, folk song of dove. How many people have heard of xianle now? Facing children's questioning eyes - where can I hear Nightingale singing? Kneeling to the setting sun with reverence, he longed for the friend of mankind, the bird. Human beings are killing their friends, and the big hand of nature will reach out to us one day, just as we kill our friends.

上海419论坛  曾几何时,枝头的歌唱已停止。曾几何时,人类的魔爪伸向了你。一个可怜孤弱的生命,就在那一刻停止。小鸟自由歌唱、自由飞翔的权利被剥夺了。不知何时,小鸟搬家了,从枝头搬到了笼子里。笼扼杀了天籁之音,扼杀了自由飞翔的梦。鸟是朋友,我们应该保护朋友。

  Once upon a time, the singing of the branches stopped. Once upon a time, the claws of human beings reached out to you. A poor, lonely and weak life stops at that moment. Birds are deprived of the right to sing and fly freely. I don't know when the bird moved from the branch to the cage. Cage kills the sound of nature and the dream of free flight. Birds are friends. We should protect our friends.


  When I was a child, the chirping under the eaves, the singing on the branches, and the beautiful coat People and birds should establish a relationship of mutual dependence and coexistence. When we see the injured birds, we should take the initiative to bandage them to restore their brightness; when we see the children beating them with slingshot, we should stop them in time, tell them that the birds are our friends, and we should protect them; when we see the artificial nests on the city street, we feel gratified, because we have already acted. Let's join in the love of birds.


  Let's hold the nest of love with our hands, let's dress the wounded birds with our hearts, let's prove everything with our actions. The Olympic Games are coming. I think the "bird's nest" is a witness of your love and mine. The "bird's nest" is not only an Olympic Stadium, but also a kind of care for human friends. Let's build a bird's nest with our hearts.










