

时间:2022-03-26 11:33:39 梦想 我要投稿





  Throughout the ages, human beings have been weaving dreams and hopes from generation to generation. Looking into the sky, the starry sky is flashing with the murmur and devout prayer of the ancestors. The dream is so real and so far away, because it is the eternal pursuit of the heart, the prosperity and fantasy floating in reality.


  The reality of the dove is "to rise and fly, to the side of the spear and the elm"; the reality of the stream is to chant "decadent sound" between the cracks in the stone; the reality of the old horse is "a whiplash shadow floats in front of me, and I just look down at my feet". They have long been trapped in the mire of reality and can not extricate themselves. The numb mind has long given up the right to have a dream and look to the horizon. So the wings of dreams fly away, the shackles of reality are on the neck.

上海419论坛  收回遐想的思绪,我才发现梦想就是天边的星辰,永不熄灭地照亮匆匆的人生;现实就是脚下的土地,踏实而厚重地记录行路的足迹。人,既不能活于华而不实的.梦想里,也不要沉湎于现实的喧嚣中。在人生的道路中,应是左边种植梦想,右边种植真实,随时采撷,收获希望。

上海419论坛  Taking back my reverie, I found that the dream is the stars in the sky, lighting up the hurried life forever; the reality is the land under my feet, recording the footprints of the road steadily and massively. People can neither live in flashy dreams nor indulge in the noise of reality. In the road of life, it should be planting dreams on the left, planting reality on the right, picking and harvesting hope at any time.


  Looking for the way of the ancients, I heard the call of the Ministry of industry of Du Fu that "thousands of buildings will be built in peace, the world's poor people will be happy, the wind and rain will not move and the mountain will be safe". This is the cry of worrying about the country and the people, and it is the biggest dream in Du Fu's heart. Looking back, I heard Mr. Lu Xun's exclamation of looking up at the starry sky: "I would like to send a cold star to Tsuen, but I would recommend Xuanyuan with my blood", "my mind is so vast that I can hear thunder in silence." This is Mr. Wang's dream of "saving the country with a pen". Even though he was disappointed in the reality, he did not despair. The cry in hesitation aroused the Chinese people's efforts.

上海419论坛  追溯着世界的旅途,我看到了麦哲伦环游世界的梦想,他用广阔的胸怀迎接波澜壮阔的波涛,用梦想书写着生命的厚重与责任。纵使行程中的他遭到土着人的屠戮,现实的残酷却没有将他的梦想抹杀削弱。后人沿着他梦想的轨迹,走向世界。收回目光,我看到了马丁·路德金的梦想,丑陋而顽固的现实一次又一次打击着这位“追梦者”,但他的梦想凝集了所有黑人的正义和力量,现实,终于因他的执着而跪拜在这一伟大民族战士的脚下。我又看到了徐本禹朴实无华的笑容,他没有像自己的同学一样追求花前月下香车宝马,更没有因现实的残缺而逃遁,而是倾自己的梦想于偏远支教之中。他们,都是现实中坚强的追梦者!

  Looking back on the journey of the world, I saw Magellan's dream of traveling around the world. He met the magnificent waves with broad mind, and wrote the heaviness and responsibility of life with his dream. Even though he was slaughtered by natives, the cruelty of reality did not weaken his dream. Later generations follow the path of his dream and go to the world. Looking back, I saw Martin Luther King's dream. The ugly and stubborn reality hit this "dreamer" again and again, but his dream agglutinated the justice and power of all black people. The reality finally knelt at the foot of this great national warrior because of his persistence. I saw Xu Benyu's simple smile again. He didn't pursue the car and BMW like his classmates, nor escape because of the imperfection of reality. Instead, he devoted his dream to the remote education. They are all strong dreamers in reality!

上海419论坛  寻着古往今来的道路,我探头仰望天边的星空。梦想与现实交轨在人的生命中,让我们用胸怀天地的壮志凌云拥抱梦想,用虚怀若谷的情怀书写现实中人生华美的篇章吧!

  Looking for the road of the past and the present, I look up at the starry sky. In human life, let's embrace our dreams with the lofty ideals of heaven and earth, and write the glorious chapter of real life with the feelings of emptiness!










