

时间:2022-03-26 11:32:13 美丽 我要投稿





Dear parents:

上海419论坛  你们好!

  How do you do!

上海419论坛  宁静的晴空在瞬间留下一道残阳般鲜红的血丝,那撕心裂肺腑的呼喊划破了四川人民心中的每一个憧憬之梦,就这样,一盏盏生命的灯火在废墟下永久熄灭……

上海419论坛  The tranquil clear sky left a trail of bright red blood like the remnant sun in an instant. The heartbreaking cry broke every dream in Sichuan people's heart. In this way, a lamp of life was permanently extinguished under the ruins


上海419论坛  At 2:28 on May 12, we were playing in laughter. We were bathing in the sea of books in the classroom, holding the sun's luster happily At this time, the fury of the earth under his feet has destroyed everything, not taking a trace of memory, not taking a drop of vision, not taking a meter of brilliance Vanish, sink, extinguish.

上海419论坛  当“执子之手,与子偕老”的承诺化为乌有,当“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”的立志成为泡影,当“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”的祈祷成为余音,当“牵手后必然是永久的别离”时,花落了,叶残了,灯灭了……

上海419论坛  When the promise of "holding the hand of the son, and growing up with the son" turns into nothing, when the ambition of "who says" inch grass heart, get three Chunhui "becomes a bubble, when the prayer of" I hope people will last a long time, a thousand miles share the beauty of the moon "becomes an aftertone, when" hand in hand is bound to be a permanent separation ", the flowers fall, the leaves remain, and the lights go out

上海419论坛  我没有看到他们对世界不公而产生的愤懑之情,我没有听到他们可怜巴巴的乞求声,我没有!他们依旧是光采的化身,他们依旧是执着的尊严,他们依旧是富裕安乐的四川!在这时,我想尽一份我的力量……

上海419论坛  I didn't see their resentment for the injustice of the world. I didn't hear their pitiful begging. I didn't! They are still the embodiment of glory, they are still the dignity of perseverance, they are still the rich and happy Sichuan! At this time, I want to do my best

上海419论坛  爸、妈,我明白家里的状况,我明白门前的墙瓦该修一修,我明白母亲你省吃俭用为了支撑起这个贫困的屋脊。但是现在,有多少人住在没有屋檐的角落里,有多少人捂着残缺的双腿说“不疼”,有多少人望着天空,裸露着自己冰凉的背脊,爸、妈,有人比我们现在更加需要帮助,请伸出我们的援手,送去一份温暖的慰问。

上海419论坛  Mom and Dad, I understand the situation at home. I understand that the walls and tiles in front of the door should be repaired. I understand that mom you are frugal to support this poor roof. But now, how many people live in the corner without eaves, how many people cover their incomplete legs and say "no pain", how many people look at the sky and bare their cold back, mom and Dad, some people need more help than we do now, please extend our help and send a warm sympathy.

上海419论坛  妈,还记得我那只大白猪罐吗?那里面是我从小到大你们为我攒下来的压岁钱,那是你们的血,那是你们的汗,但我请求你们,借借我,借借四川,借借那些孤苦伶仃的人们!我向你们承诺:我一定会好好学习,将自己的成果奉献给你们,回报给你们!也请你们相信,四川会好起来,四川会旺起来,四川人民不会忘记我们的爱!

上海419论坛  Mom, do you remember my big piggy can? That's the new year's money you saved for me from childhood, that's your blood, that's your sweat, but I ask you to borrow it from me, Sichuan, and the lonely people! I promise you: I will study hard, dedicate my achievements to you and return them to you! Please also believe that Sichuan will be better and prosperous, and the people of Sichuan will not forget our love!

上海419论坛  爸,你不是喜欢大熊猫吗?可是它们生活在的四川——那个美丽清秀的熊猫故乡正等待我们的救援。爸,相信我,支持我,请为我而骄傲!

上海419论坛  Dad, don't you like pandas? But they live in Sichuan, the beautiful hometown of panda, waiting for our rescue. Dad, believe me, support me, please be proud of me!


上海419论坛  Mom and Dad, help them, help Sichuan, help China! Those bright smiles in heaven will be more peaceful, those children in the corner will be more longing, more praying for tomorrow, more praying for beauty.










